How often do you want it?

I wouldn’t mind it every day, but realistically every other day is more doable in our case. Together for 20 years.


We don’t base our marriage on sex and never have … blimey what with with everyday life , children etc pressures… work … if we did we’d have been over years ago… we make time and … it’s more special

I’m 28 he is 30… We’ve been together 15 yrs. We have 4 kids. Sometimes it’s twice a week, sometimes it’s once a month. I think we would both love to have sex more often… we are just never ready at the same time at the right time… if that makes sense :rofl: He is an on call diesel Mechanic so there’s times be is only home long enough for a quick nap. And I work full time and can honestly say I enjoy my sleep :rofl: But when we do get time, it’s always amazing :hot_face:

Weve been together almost 13 years and we do it everyday

Been with mine 20yrs and we have sex usually everyday, yes everyday… Only maybe once a month will we be not feeling it… :joy:

Everyday! Sometimes twice a day. I’m 35 (pregnant) he 47 been together for years

Literally all the time :woman_shrugging:t3: can’t stop, won’t stop. Been together for almost 11

I’ve been with my husband for 13 years and 4 kids later I could care less about sex!! If I had to live the rest of my life without it that would be fine with me!!

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13 years together, and hes complaining about and tracking your sex life. Get ready, heve your own money, credit, job, car. Its more than just sex frequency.

Getting old already poor man

Going on 20yrs together (middle school sweethearts). Everyday here :raising_hand_woman:. If I’m not feeling “I’m the mood” or “too tired”, he still gets his :wink:. Hate to have the man walk around with blue balls. I’m thankful that after ALL these years, and two kids he still chooses me!!

We have been together 11 years, married 6 with 3 kids (2 under 2 :see_no_evil:). My man has gone out of his way to make sex enjoyable for ME!! I have a history of abuse, so it has never been enjoyable or something to want not to mention something to need or desire.
I think it should be something that (should) go both ways, but you also have to be met where you are (emotionally, physically, etc.) if he wants it more often, then he should do the work to get you in the mood…
Just my 2 cents

Honestly…idk maybe it’s my birth control or depression but I never want to…and I mean never🥲


Me and My husband are two weeks apart both 29 been together 12 years we have sex about once a month if that :grimacing: he wants it all the time but after my third child I’m just not interested it obviously upsets him it upsets me too I want to give him what he needs i told him I’m just not turned on ever he said " so let me turn you on" I had to explain to him that the thought of anybody touching me in a sexual way was repulsive hes very understanding now and when i do get in a mood I make sure i make it soo good it holds him over a while :joy:

Once a month. If that.


I’d like to hear from the over 50 group :slight_smile:

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Man I’m lucky if I get any like once every couple weeks… he always says it’s because I work too much and he just assumes I’m too tired. But he’ll never initiate. And when I initiate he doesn’t seem interested.

I’ve been married for almost 11yrs and how often I want it varies. If he’s been a jerk that day then he’s not very attractive to me. If he’s had a day where he’s helping out and being really sweet then I’m more likely to be turned on. Just him wanting it isn’t enough.


53 No longer with my ex husband-raising my granddaughter but when I was, as often as possible, never enough🤪…

Iv been with my husband for 12 years married 6 and Currently 30 + weeks with our 7th baby so the need to do it Doesn’t really phase me. It’s one of those if we do we and if we don’t then so what lol. He knows I’m in constant pain and struggle to move so he doesn’t really bother unless I say or start something :joy::woman_shrugging:t3:.

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It depends, sometimes it can be every day, multiple times a day, every other day or every 2 days. I can’t go longer than that. We’ve been together over 17 years

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I’ve been with my husband 18 years since high school we have slot going on honestly so been awhile

Oh my your boyfriend should grt out of the monotiny and.into spontanity…you arelucky…
I am only 70 what can i say… enjoy it whilst you can…

My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we’re lucky if we do it once a month.
Honestly at first I thought something was wrong with us but in the end it’s just not something we care that much about. :woman_shrugging:t3: plus he’s 41 and I’m 28 so he has ED problems which suck but it is what it is. Once in a while I’ll be like dang I’m ready to go and you don’t feel it that sucks, but pretty much it’s nice not to have to do it constantly.

I would like to do it daily but usually it’s a few times a week or once a week of we are really busy

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Been together going on 11 years and I want it atleast every other day sometimes everyday and several times a day. Were in our 30s

13 years & still a boyfriend? I wouldn’t want anything from his demanding azz.


Jellybean trick. Before marriage put a jelly in a jar every time you have sex. After marriage take one out for every time. Compare the time frame and how long it takes to empty the jar.

Been together for 20 years this October. Since we were 14. Were now 33 and 35…
Dude life is hard lol it use to be like 4 times a day, now it’s a few times a week if we can fit it in there… but we both work full time and sometimes… we’re both just dead… cuddling is just as good some days anyways :heart:

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I’ve been with my man just over 2 years. I’m nearly 30 and he’s 33. On a good week we have sex at least 3 times. But sometimes to 3 to 4 days in between sessions. It varies. And we both have decently high sex drives. But when 2 adults, nay 2 parents have full lives and busy days who has times or energy for sex every day?? Your guy is asking too much.

I’m 60 and still having sex at least 4 times a week and my beautiful wife is 51

Thats about how much me and my husband are. Been together 10 years. We do it a couple times a week. Occasionally we get to busy or tired - 3 kids under 3 - and only do it about 1 a weeks. But we try at least 2-3 times. Which i believe is a good amount.

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It depends, sometimes it’s 2-3 times a day, sometimes once a day, sometimes we a few days between. He leaves a few weeks at a time for work so that’s the longest. But between kids and their activities it can be rough.

Sex drive differs widely among individuals. His remark that you “should” be turned on because he is is self-centered and ignorant. That’s not how our bodies work.

My question is whether the issue is different sex drives, ignorance of how sex works on his part, a sex addiction, some combination, or something else. Did he grow up in a conservative environment where sex wasn’t discussed? A sex therapist or couples therapist might help here. He needs to hear from an expert that his expectations (you should be turned on because he is) are out of line with human physiology. It sounds like you might need more time to connect also.

Shit I was married to my ex for four years I we did it maybe 3 or 4 times a month if that. Your man needs to stop complaining he is luckily he is getting more that once a week.

16 years in April. All the time and never at the same time. Haha

Been together about 10, and we have two kids and one on the way. Mannnn I’m lucky if we go at it once a week. Not for lack of wanting it on either part, but lack of time and energy.


The joke is that I could be a nun lol.
2-3 times a week is high rate for us.
I’m more of a 4 times a month girl personally.
My husband? 4 times a day :joy:

You’re not his plaything to be “turned on” whenever he wants to use your body lol


13 years and you’re still having that much sex? I consider that a win already.

He sounds selfish, im a guy and a Scorpio and don’t think i could even want it that much :joy: and that’s not how libido or testosterone work lol

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Together since 2008 and married since 2014. My mood was much higher before I had children, but I am still more sexual than most. With that sounds, I bounce up and down pending compliments from my spouse and timing. I am exhausted by the end of the day at 8pm when he is home. Fully attracted and love every sexual encounter but sometimes deep wins haha

Not many could handle our relationship. Been together 12 years. It’s going on 3 years since we have done anything . He’s fine with it an so am I, We know we love one another and don’t want anyone else. There’s been a lot of things that contribute as to why it’s been that long. Health reasons, also We took custody of my great niece when she was 4 months old. We have her 24/7 (5yrs old now) She does not go anywhere or stay with anyone ever, only get a break when she goes to school, then he’s at work. She also sleeps with us. Which is changing real soon. Not just that But just everyday life keeps us from being able to be intimate. But we know we still love one another and there will be a day that it can all happen again. It will be like our first time together lol.


Been together for two years, both on meds and we are anywhere between 2-5 times a week.

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He thinks he’s entitled to more sex? Here’s a thought, buddy. What are you doing to take more off HER plate, in order to make more time for that intimacy? Let’s start there. Then, in 13 years time, what’s all changed? Kids, jobs, attitudes, stress levels, responsibilities, bodies and hormones? Get real, dude. There is more to life than sex. You’d think after 13 years he’d have this figured out by now. Word of advice: quit worrying about how much sex other people are or aren’t having…they’re not you. They’re not your relationship. There is no relationship benchmark for this… Instead, if he wants more, he should be focusing on what HE CAN DO to help make that happen. Not sit and complain and be entitled to it. Hell, after 13 years and he still hasnt proposed or made a committment…what are we doing here. Relationships are meant for growth. Clearly, he missed the bus, taxi, and the train on that.

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We do it occasionally. We have two kids ages two and under, so we’re exhausted


I’ve been with my husband 15 years and we do it almost everyday at a minimum of 3 times a week depending on how wore out we are with work and the kids

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Every OTHER day for about 20-30 minutes each time…

All relationships are different. I want it alot but hubby doesn’t. It is what it is. When I want it and need it and he doesn’t I please myself with myself. He is in his 30’s and I am in my 40’s. Been together for almost 4 years but have known eachother for over 20 years. When I beg him for it, it makes things worse. He wants it when he wants it. And sometimes he doesn’t want it but knows I want it so he pleases me.

I’ve been with my bf 6 yrs, 3 kids one of the way and we do it a few times a week some weeks only once or twice we both work and fall asleep alot and alot of times there’s kids around me house is where all the neighborhood kids come lol :laughing: when your younger it’s alot easier to do it daily I’m 34 he’s 33. But we make it work :heart:

I want it all the time and I homeschool 3 kids work from home running mybown buisssness as well as run his buisness… If there is a will there is a way!!!

2-3x a day. Those orgasms are too hard to pass up.


My husband and I been together 10 years. Married almost 3 years. The past 2 years sex was everyday or every other day. Now we barely have sex but maybe once every 2 months

I’m 24 my husband 29 we’ve been together 4 years and only have sex about once a week. He also works 7/12s but if it was up to him it would be everyday😅

Been together 8 years, have 2 kids I RARELY want it he wants it all the time. Do it once a week since he sleeps during the day and works at night. Weekends are our fun time!

Like 3 to 4 times a week. We have 2 kids and he works a lot so maybe once or twice during the week but forsure 2-3 times on the weekend lool

I want it all the time lmao. Like every time he changes his clothes, or starts fixing things, or he’s just smiling over something funny he read. We don’t get to do it as often as I’d/we’d like because we have a toddler that hates closed doors. We’ve been together 7 years this October, I’m 36, and we both are on meds that can hinder libido.


Been with my husband for 21 years, married 15 years this June, we are lucky to do it 4 times per month. Our kids are 7, 10, and 13 so it gets harder the older the kids get, atleast for us!!

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It doesn’t matter what other people do he sounds selfish and not very concerned about your needs. He needs to change not you.


Girl between kids and work and life right now half the time I don’t because I’m so freaking exhausted. I’ve been with my husband almost 20 years, he travels for work and is only home on the weekends. We then have to pile a whole week worth of family time into two days. It’s exhausting. I love him dearly, and will absolutely participate but have had to talk to him and let him know that I don’t generally (there are times when I do) just get turned on and then be immediately ready to go. I let him know I needed his attention and affection. It really helps! Just talk to him, there are absolutely ways to make it better!!!


I want it all the time… Getting it is a whole other story. With 3 kids under 5 and our small business… It’s a challenge.

How often do I want it? All day er’ day
How often do I actually get it… maybe 4 times a week… with both of our work schedules and school assignments… this is the most we can get it to fit in our busy lives… :woman_shrugging:t4:


Everyday we do it unless one of us isn’t feeling the greatest.

Sex is nice but it not what makes relationship we married 30plus years and we do it when we feel like it

Almost every day and I’m 42, he’s 28


Hell me and my bf only do it every other day and we’ve only been together for 3 years. It really just depends on the relationship but we also have 5 kids in our house between us 2

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Since on birth control, me (24) and him (29) went from every other day to maybe 2-3 times a month… Its a bummer… We have a 5 year old and a 1.5 year old. Most of the time I’m to tired or I hurt from all my health issues. I feel bad but I cant help it.

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2-3 times a week is good

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:rofl::rofl: my hubby must think I hate him lmao we have been together 8 years have 4 kids 2 of which are Irish twins (they’re 1yr old and 2 months) and he’s LUCKY if he gets it once a week! Sometimes more but usually less! :rofl: ain’t nobody got time for it round here :rofl::rofl:


It sounds like its his way of saying he wants to feel desired. Maybe discuss it further with him? He may just want you to come on to him and act like you NEED him, some spontaneous sex maybe.

Was with my ex for almost 7 years, 2 kids later and honestly I never wanted it by the end of the relationship. As soon as he started feeling entitled to it and trying to guilt me into it I lost all interest!! xx


Everytime I can lol, been married for 8 years together for 17, I would love to even have quickies during the day…satisfy your mans sexual desires, brings intimacy, romance and closeness with eachother also


There’s some horny mother fuckers in here. :rofl:

All the time. :smirk: We are Atleast once a day, sometimes twice!

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My boyfriend is 33 and im 24. My drive is extremely low. We also have a 3 month old qnd a 5 year old. So its whenever we are able to.:sweat_smile: But its definitely worth the wait!!

Daily… lmao just do it, you make time for things you want. I don’t feel like you’re depriving him, he just wants you, appreciate that fact, cause a lot of women don’t have that!!!

Me and my guy been together for 7 years. I hardly ever want to anymore and he makes comments all the time. He wants to everyday. Its annoying to me honestly. We just have so much going on all the time and him and I have different schedules. And when I finally do make sure we have it 2-4 a week it still isn’t enough for him. It’s actually starting to cause problems. I cant help it that my drive has tremendously dropped.


I’ve been with my husband going on 4 years and been married for 2 months. I’m 36 and he is 30. We basically have sex every day except for when it’s that time of the month or if one or both of us isn’t feeling good.

Man, you guys are legit machines. When I was in a relationship you’d be lucky for once a week. We’d go through periods of all the time but overall maybe once a fortnight maybe twice. I just don’t need it, like men do. I’m happy without it.


Everyday would be Greatttt

Every day lol with my ex I started wanting it even more then he did. But ya every dang dang sometimes a couple times a day lol, and he has two kids part time and then I have my four full time

Early 20s here and lucky if we get once a week :joy:

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Every day. You are lucky

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2-3 times a week would be nice. We try to st least once a week. He would ask for it multiple times a day if I would let him. Also, just because he’s horny doesn’t mean you have to be horny, he needs to put in work to get the goods.

Are YOU interested in doing it more frequently than your normal amount? If not tell are not his human sex toy! I’m soooooooo sick of MEN lol

I was with my ex for 7 years and for the 1st 3 years we had sex everyday then we had 3 kids and it went to twice a week if we were lucky . We split up in October because we grew apart

We’ve been together nearly 6yrs, 4 kids under 5 and typically every other day or so.

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I mean, have you seen my husband? I want him every damn day :joy:

How often do I want it, or how often does it happen lol? I’m 28 been married 11 years, and I try my best for 1-2 a week, but honestly sometimes we don’t even do that. We are just in a season of life where that isn’t our top priority. We are raising 3 kids and working full time and we are just tired. We still connect at the end of the day, just in other ways. It’s okay to not have sex every day or even every other day!

My drive is super low. I don’t need it :sweat_smile: nor do I want it…


Like 5-7 times a day :sweat_smile:

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Myself and my fiance have been together going on 6 years now with two boys ages going on 4 years and 2 years old with a baby girl on the way due in April and to be honest my dive is extremely low we often go months without it and it doesn’t bother me and when he wants to then i always fall asleep before he gets into bed lol… I have almost no drive lol

I’m just a year in and 2 times a week is plenty :rofl::rofl::rofl: to tired.

Well hopefully his desire is weaker than your lack there of or more dramatic issues will arise. I suggest compromise. You might even want to talk to your doctors.

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24 here … probably everyday day or every other day . But sometimes we got longer, if we are tired from work and kids :woman_shrugging:t2: doesn’t mean we aren’t attracted to each other just tired lol


I want it everyday I’d go for 2-3 times a day.

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Im 26, have two kids, ive been with my hisband for 4 years now and we have sex maybe 2 times a week. Id say youre doing good

I want it more than my man!


We’ve been together 14 years married 10 and every other day usually. Have 3 kids 8 and under

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Personally I’d be good with once or twice a week. My husband wants it daily. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I’m in my 30s 13 years with my man and you guys sound like rabbits :sweat_smile: I am lucky for 3 times a month