How often does your spouse visit his family?

Mine works on the road. But I spend every weekend with his parents and brothers and as much time as possible during the week too. It’s comfortable there to me.

I live 45 minutes away from my parents I have 2 siblings that live in the same town as her as I do not but I am the only one who goes to see them multiple times a week my boyfriend is the one who drives me and he never complains he knows I’m close to my parents my parents are in their early 50’s and yes they need help with things here and there our weeks are full with kids both of us working and him doing side jobs and me visiting my parents but we make time to do it all we don’t ever really get time to our selves but we make the best out of our drives going place to place it works for us and we stay up when we can with each other just so we can get alone time here and there but it’s not often cherish the moment’s you DO get with him because life it’s full of responsibilities including family responsibilities

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Go with him. See what he actually does.

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My father passed in April and I’ve been at my parents house everyday for the past year, helping and doing what I can. Guess where I am? I’m still here to comfort my mother. Once they’re gone, that’s it. Thankfully I have a very supportive man who comes to their home when.he gets off work. He stays until its bedtime and then he goes home. He spends his weekends with his mom doing what she needs and if she needs something during the week, he’s there. She’s fixing to have heart surgery on the first and I’m going to be there when I can but my daughter will be there during the day. I’m grateful daily for having such a wonderful support system. Life is never meant to be easy but to cherish those moments we do have.


My man hasn’t seen his parents in over 20 years as they live in Mexico and he is here and doesn’t have the funds to travel to go back his dad passed 5 years ago but I know if they were close by he would be over there helping any time they needed him he has 5 siblings that live down there with his mom and only 1 helps his mom

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Everyone having a go at her and all she wants is to spend a weekend with her husband for once! I’d speak to him and say what if we have two weekends out of month together and the other two weekends you can spend with your family and I’d like to come too, see what he says maybe he just don’t get it because men can be like that till you spell it out to them :joy:


Can try to make plans on the weekend he shouldn’t ignore those unless an emergency but I see my family very often and I help my family with lots of stuff often as well we are close and have each other’s back I lived with them for 18 years of my life and always have a bed if need be they are my family they are always a priority but my smaller circle comes first if my kids and the dad wants alone time we make plans and unless there is an emergency we just stay together and do something just us he let me know he would like more just us family time so I make that happen more now. Communicate about making more family plans even to just hang out at home but understand that he just loves his family (most likely) and thinks to see them in his free time also but if it’s not enough family time for you or not enough private family time anyways then he should try to make an effort to give you that I don’t see anything wrong with it. He maybe it also brings him happiness to be able to help with her house up keep I enjoy being able to help my dad when I can with whatever I can he’s a great dad but I also always invite my kids dad along and we aren’t even actually together we are just close and care about spending time together as a family especially for our children

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I visit my mom at least once a week ,this week 4 times as she is recovering from heart surgery. We continued through out the pandemic standing outside, building a veranda so we could be more comfortable. I am close with my siblings and all but one( lives out of state) visit as often. I see my husband every day,we have time every night. I realize many people are not close to their parents and I find that sad. Hopefully your children will model your husband when you are old.


I married a mamas boy I knew that when I married him. I didn’t marry him to change him but to love who he is and that is apart of him. :woman_shrugging:


My ex was this way. I wasn’t sure at times if he was married to her or me. She would hear about things before I would-things that affected our finances, etc… When we moved out of state, he would talk to her at least 2-3 times a day. At first I loved his relationship with his mom and eventually I saw how unhealthy it was.


during my 2nd marriage we spent every Sunday with his family. That was the only time the kids saw their grand parents and he saw his parents but it was a family all day visit…got old some times. Now with my 3rd husband, in 9 years we have been to their house 6 times only. FYI both husband’s families are local to us so it isn’t a distance thing. Current hubs has choosen to distance from his family due to issues with his brother who lives at home.

I think there should be a balance, maybe some weekends are for alone time or he spends less time over there on the weekend. You are his wife which makes you one of his main priorities and he needs to treat you like it Just my opinion :laughing:

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I would be furious. Family is important, but he definitely needs to spend more time at home!

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Thata to much of a mommas boy unless she has alot of health issues. However if he has other siblings that can help her out she should be set. Nothing wrong with him tell mommy that he’s gonna ha e a weekend with you. Ever relationship needs private time together. My bf and his mom lives across town and so does my mom. He only sees her maybe usually once a month sometimes more but not every weekend. It just depends on whats going on. However I go with him.

Sounds like you need to have a girls weekend every weekend then … where ya at … let’s go


My fiance is at his moms atleast twice a week… nothing wrong with him wanting to spend some time with his mom, unfortunately they aren’t here forever… We go over pretty much every Sunday.


Mine visits his parents daily. We live by them. Anything they need they know we got them. Same goes for my family.

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I see my sisters and my nan all the time. I couldn’t imagine it any other way. My fiancé is the opposite, doesn’t mind nor would I xx

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Maybe go with him and then leave from there to have your date? I know when I go to my parents alone it’s never a quick run for me, I end up being there for hours lol…i just have a good time there. So maybe if go with him he’ll need to rush and get it done quick. Sometimes my hubby will call it to my attention that I take too long with my parents, but honestly, times flies when I’m with them. Sometimes I’ll take my hubby on purpose to get pressured into leaving earlier lol, funny but true. Don’t see the negative side of things, just try to find a solution to makes things workable. I understand his struggle, but I also understand where you’re coming from.


Why cant you go along with him? Spend time with him there? I love my partners family so much, they are my family too… we see them all the time and I love it. We still have our date nights ect too so we still have our time together. I would tag along with him and then organise separate time alone together x

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He should help his mom when ever possible but he should want to prioritize time with you as well . I would not want to force someone to spend time with me . I would go do fun stuff without him and let him take the kids as well .

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go with him and rearrange her house, when she asks why tell her u’ve seen she needs alot of help around the house since she asks ur husband to help every weekend. im sure she’ll get the point


When my husband’s mom was alive he did everything for her. He also had a single brother that lived at home that couldn’t manage to do anything.

Daily and I am very okay with that. He does their lawn care. Property upkeep and anything they need done. I could only hope my sons will be as wonderful when I no longer can do these things.


You said it Jennifer when his mom was alive! i am a mom my boys come over for dinner and do thing for me thay bring the kids and wife i cook and i clean up won’t let the wife help me because that’s their day to relax i love them all one day mom want be there :pray:

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Is he married to you or his mother?


I spend no time with my family they live too far

Every weekend, hell everyday. He works for his parents. I don’t mind I’d rather someone be close with their family than estranged. I also adore his family so I love going over there as well since my parents are 2 hours away.

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My hubby was the one his mother could depend on too. You acept it.

I want your husband!!!

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Almost every day… We live 5 mins away. When we use to live 2 hours away we would spend the weekend with them. That was definitely too much because of traveling . But now that we live close its much easier and we just visit about every other day for a couple hours. Enjoy them while they are alive

Sounds like he wants to get away from you/his responsibilities. I’d have a serious talk and not let him weasel out of it. There’s no reason the boys can’t take turns helping her.