How old should kids be to bathe alone?

He showers by himself at age 5 but i am still there supervising to make sure he doesn’t forget anything or anywhere on him. He loves doing it himself it makes him feel grown :sob::joy:

Around 5 I let them shower/bath alone. I may ask if they need help after a few mins but usually they don’t.

8 should be completely fine

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I used to nanny for a 9 year old that was perfectly fine taking a bath by herself but she had a little bit of a problem with playing too much and washing too little :sweat_smile:

I still have my just turned 9 year old have me come in to scrub her head when she showers. She doesn’t get soap lathered well and she has “old man head” after she’s done.

Mine…3 and 5. I hang out in the bathroom but the shower is closed and they do their thing. I’ve taught them what to do.

My daughter is about to be five and all I have to do now is double check she got all her hair covered with shampoo and she can do the rest

My daughter was 5 and I was leaving the room but i also stayed in there to make sure water was turned off and I did check on her every few minutes. Now shes 7 and I have to make sure she washes her hair

I stopped staying in there when my kids were 4. I still checked to make sure they were clean & the soap was out of their hair.

My 5 year old and 2.5 year old bathe alone. My 2.5 usually needs help with hair but that’s it. I myself was 3 when I was taking my own showers.


I gave my 7 yo privacy this past year because he asked for it. At first I’d smell his hair, arm and calf to make sure he was using conditioner and soap… had to send him back many times at first to rerinse, or condition, or wash his body but it’s worth it when you’re helping them build their independence :joy::joy: I still stop him occasionally when I don’t think he spent enough time in the shower but he always does a good job now regardless

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about 7 or 8 is when my children bathed themselves

7 or 8 is a good time! At first I would monitor to make sure they know how to wash properly. I know for me I had long curly hair so it took me a while to get the hang of making sure all shampoo and conditioner was out of my hair.

My 5 year old baths alone. I run her water. Wash her hair wash her then shes alone playing. She’s not died yet


My girls are 9 and 5 and they bathe on their own. I just remind em to wash their areas otherwise they’ll try to skip it lol. But it all depends on the kid.

Tell him to wash the stinky parts, that’s what I tell my 6 year old he’s been bathing by himself for about 6 months I tell him wash your hair, I help and he takes the washcloth and washes his armpits, but crack, and feet and anywhere else he remembers a.i usually don’t have to remind him. It’s a learning process and 8 seems a little old but I guess it depends on how capable the child is of doing things on their own, have faith in your son and trust in your parenting. Give yourself credit you have made it this far :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

My daughter is 4 and bathes herself. I still wash her hair. It is super thick, long and curly, so she can’t manage it on her own, yet.


My oldest started around 4.

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My daughter is nearly 5. I let her wash herself I just help her with the bottles because she struggles to open them. I sit on the toilet. She’s behind the curtain and when she needs me I’m there. Soon I will be out of the bathroom altogether

My sister’s all let their’s bathe alone around 3-5

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Stop that… Hes been old enough.


My 4 yesr old baths mostly alone, I’m in and out just to ask if he needs helps or something.

My son switched from baths to showers around 7 and needed a lil help at 1st. He is 9 now and does everything on his own start to finish and does it well.

4/5 with a check in if they need help. My daughter at 5 would give her baby a brother a bath everyday herself. She would wake him up and take him out of his crib to the bath and dress him. Then bring him to me. It depends on the kid but by 8 they should be able to shower or bath on there own.

4/5/years my kids were,

I let my kids bath alone within a ear shot since 2-3 but completely alone no help at 6 . Every kid varies depending on what they are capable of though

4 years old. My youngest is 4 and I sit on my bed while he showers. I have a clear view of him. I just check before he rinses to make sure he got every spot and I help clean his back and butt. I help him in and out of the shower. He dries himself and puts his own clothes on.

Well my nephew told me he would turn the water on and not get in sometimes when he was tired. He would nap on the floor. Hahaha…

My dentist also said he still brushes his kids teeth because they don’t do it correctly still…

At 8 my kids wouldn’t let me in the bathroom with them, let alone bath them.

My older kids 6 & 7 shower by themselves i taught them what to do but I’d never let them be in the tub unsupervised.