How old were you when you got your tubes tied and how did it go?

Why have a major surgery when the male could have a vasectomy instead, a minor outpatient procedure? One would assume if you’re done having children, your partner should be too.

I had mine done at 4 weeks PP last year, in April and I was 33. It was a very simple in and out, you have to look pretty hard inside my belly button for the incision. I haven’t had any issues or changes but I also opted to have them cauterized, not removed.

Also, for those saying that the man should just get a vasectomy, you can argue the same for the woman. We were definitely done having kids but obviously, he was super apprehensive of having surgery down there. After having multiple IUDs and 4 kids, I had no issues being the one to do it and if he was going to drag his feet, I wasn’t taking any chances with our history of fertility.

I had mine tied after I had my second kid at 24. Periods are normally alot shorter but hurt alot more. The healing process was very easy for me. I hung out on the couch for a day with mild abdominal pain and the next I was back up doing my normal routine.

I was 21 when I got mine done. I made them and they tried to make me get the ok from my husband.

Had mine done at never had a hitch to this day and I am in my 60s

I had mine done when I was 23…after the cramping stopped…everything was fine …I’m 62 now

In my late 20s, I am now 72

I was 31. 65 now. First day was uncomfortable. No problems at all after that. I still have all my other parts.

I got my tubes tied at 23. Absolutely no problems since. I am 43 now. My periods stayed they same for the most part, sometimes they are even easier. It took 2 days or so to heal …and was back to work on day 3 after my surgery. Best thing about it, was no more kids :grin:

I was 28 when I had my tubes tied. I had no complications after wards. It made my periods a whole lot heavier. I would go through a box of tampons in 7 days so they did a hysterectomy on me. I would have to get blood transfusions done back in the day. I feel a whole lot better since the hysterectomy.

I had mine done after my last baby’s at the age of 40. Did not have no problems. I am 54 now.