How old were you when your mom stopped saying I love you?

Wow that’s heartbreaking to me. I call my mom every day and every day she tells me she loves me. I’m 48 years old.

I was 56 years old when my mom stopped saying that she loved me. She passed away in November of 2018. I miss her so much :sob::broken_heart::sob:

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My mom says I love you every time we hang up or when ever I leave her house .


My mom rarely said it but I always knew she loved me. Her actions spoke louder then any words could of.

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My mom tells me everyday, and i tell me kids everyday before they leave the house or before i leave the house and randomly throughout the day. I tell my husband multiple times during the day while he’s at work.

My mom always told me she loved me!! We talked a couple times a day and that was always the last thing we said to each other before we hung up the phone! Thank God I talked to her the night before she passed :sweat: those were our last words to each other. I tell my kids, granddaughter and husband I love them multiple times a day!! We have always been a very close family and have always told each other we love them! I will always tell them until I take my last breath!!

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Haven’t spoke to my mom in 2 yrs but the last thing she said to me was I hate you.


My sons have and will hear it at least once a day everyday for their whole lives. Every chance I get I will tell them.


My mother is 92 and I am 75…we say “I love you” every day. She is my best friend and I am Blessed to have her still in my life. You say it if you mean it, even if your mother does not say it back.

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My mom constantly says I love you! She and my dad still call to sing me Happy Birthday each year on my birthday morning! Why would anyone ever think their children or loved ones are too old to hear I love you?!

Those were my mom’s last words to me a couple of days before she passed away in 2013.

My Mom and Dad never stopped saying it. It ended when both passed. I was very blessed. :heart:

My mom tells me she loves me multiple times a day. I do the same with my adult children.

I’ve never heard it from my mom. I tell my kids every time I talk to them!!

Last night… and will say it this morning! My mom is my best friend, and my rock! And I tell my children I love them every time I see or speak to them!

My mom always tells me she loves me…everyday!. She said her mom never said it to her so she wanted hey children to hear it often.

I do not remember my mom saying the words when I was small. However, I felt it always. She would guard her children against her husband, my abusive dad at her on safety. She made sure we ate and had clothes to wear. As the 3rd of seven we all felt that love. As we grew and she got older we lived father apart. The visits of a few times a year were when she would say i love you at parting. But when someone that has been raised rough and has never had those words spoken, just shown, by her mother it’s understandable. A person can feel love from those who do love them and don’t expect to be told with spoken words often. MY husband and me exchange I love you often.

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I’m almost 50, tell my mom I love her all the time, and she says it to me too.

She never stopped until she died. In my family we never stop giving hugs and kisses, and saying I love you.

My Mom said it every time I saw her or when we talked on the phone.
That was the last thing we said to each other.


My mom has always said I love you. We live 1200 miles apart and we always end our phone conversations or text messages with I love you.
I tell my kids multiple times a day that I love them.

My mom has always told me she loves me I tell my kids I love them and my grandkids and I will until the day I die!

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I’m 59 and whenever we get off the phone she tells me she loves me and I tell her that I love her too… I tell my kids I love them every time we end our phone conversations…

Always told my mother. That was the last thing I said to her before she passed. My kids are 30, 26 and 25. I still hug them and tell them every time I see them.

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My mother still tells me every day as I do with my children ages 20, 16, and 12. Expressions of love verbally and otherwise is a very important aspect for creating a nurturing relationship with anyone you love.

My Children are,44 & 47 this year and I still tell them that I love them every time we talk.

I tell my kids every single day I love them no matter my mood. My mom and dad on a daily basis tell me this. It’s very, very important to let the people you do love let them know. You never know when you will take your last breath. Unfortunately 3 years ago I lost my one and only brother (sibling) and the last thing I said was love you and a nice hug and through the pain I remember it. So it can help you too. Life’s short don’t take it for granted, always say I love you :heartbeat:

I was 30 when my mom passed away and she always told me she loved me.

I’m almost 37. I talk to or text with my mom nearly everyday. We always end conversations telling each other we love each other.

My Momma told me she loved me every day until she died. I tell my kids how much I love them numerous times every day

My mom never stop saying it. I still tell my daughters and grandkids that I love them everytime I see or talk to them,

It was the last thing my Mom ever said to me. Gone 4 years now. Miss her more with each passing day.

My mom is living with me. And my husband. We tell each other every day. I’m almost 35

My daughter is 18 & I tell her everyday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: My mom & I tell each every time we talk which is almost daily. :purple_heart:

I am almost 38 and talk to my mom at least once, if not more times a day. She always tells me she loves me at least once before we hang up and most times it’s more than once.

the last time I heard it from my Mom was 2 days before she passed away!

I always had to ask my mom " do you love me?". But I knew she did especially as we got older. She passed away in 2013 and I miss her everyday

My mother never stopped saying it. I tell my children and husband that I love them everyday many times.

I’m 49 years old and my mother has told me every day of my life. Today, she said it several times. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

my mom said it everytime we talked and the last time was the night she passed agter she gave me her weekly grocery list i was 64

Me and my mom still say it and I’m 41 I also tell my boys every day I love them and they are 21 and 19

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My mom said it one time, after I asked her why? It’s ironic my husband, and I were just having a conversation about this.

I always no matter what tell my kids I love you they are my world and my husband also

My mom has never said it to me and I don’t to her.
My kids, husband and other family and friends I tell them.

My 18th birthday, my mother specially said she didn’t love me… so there’s that lol

My mom said it the day before she passed suddenly which was the last time we talked.

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My mom never stopped. I’m 51. I still tell my kids all the time. I had no idea that stops.

I am 46 years old and my mother has never stop saying I love you. We are extremely close, we talk at least three times a day and we only live 10 min away from each other!

This picture was taken back in 2012! She is my rock!!


I’m 39 and my mom still tells me. Every time we talk she loves me. Just as I tell my kids and husband everyday multiple I love them

My mom has never stopped saying I love you and I’m 49. I tell my son who is 23 “I love you” all the time.

My mom always said it till the day she died. I will tell my kids till the day I die!

I’m 40 and my mom and I say I love you every time we talk to or see each other. My daughter is 19 & in college and I tell her I love her every time I talk to or see her.

can’t remember my mom or dad saying that. Didn’t matter, we knew we were loved.

My son is 50 and I still tell him I love him and am so proud of the man he is. They never get too old to hear it.

My mom never said it till about a year or two before she died over 4 years ago I tell all my kids everyday more than 1 time a day ever since they were born and my kids are 22,19 & 10

My mama always said it. I tell my husband and daughters everyday that I love them. :heart:

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I cant imagine.
I still tell my mom she still tells me. We are 31 and 57. I tell my boys 47383 times a day.

My Mom’s been gone many years now - if she didn’t tell me she showed her love in so many ways!

Every time we speak…which is every day. I’m 31. And I tell my kids I love them several times a day they are 11,6, and 2. I also tell my husband several times a day. I find it extremely sad that you haven’t heard your mother tell you she loves you since you were 7. This is heartbreaking to me. I can’t imagine not letting my kids know I love them.

I was 49. My mom is in Heaven an I still tell her everyday

I’m 37 and I still say I love you to my mom and she back. I’m sure we both have moments were we don’t say it back, but over all ‘I love you’ should just be said more often :heartpulse:

Almost exactly 7 years ago… When i was 29? It was the last thing she ever said to me the last time id ever talk to her. She took her life a few days later.


I’m 47…my mom said it to me yesterday!

She said I love you till the day she died at age 88

My mom has never stopped. She tells me about 4-5 times a day

My mom told me only once. She was on painkillers after surgery. But she always treated me as if she loved me, so it didn’t matter. Actions speak louder than words.

The last conversation I had with my mom before she died…her last words to me was “I Love You Sweetheart”. And with my kids I tell them I love them all the time!!!

My mom said it for 41 years to me until she passed away in January this year. So the last time she said it to me was December.

Always tell my kids…but my mom doesn’t say it very often…but I know she does and sometimes that means more.

My mom tells me every time we talk/see each other. I tell my children everyday even on rough days.

I’m 53 years old and my mom still tells me she loves me every time I talk to her which is at least 3-4 times a week.

I don’t think my Mom ever said it to me. I tell my children all the time.

I’m 51 and my mom still says I love you to me. And with my last breath I’ll let my girls know I love them. We should never stop telling the people we love how much they mean to us.

I’m 27 and my mom still tells me almost every time we get off the phone

I’m a 33yo wife and mother to 13,she still says it to me at least a few times per month. I don’t think mothers should ever stop saying it. “I love you” doesn’t have an age limit.

Both my kids are grown and every night I say goodnight and I love you no matter what or where they are .I always call message text or tell them face to face


My mom told me numerous times a day even after I was out of the house.

My mother said it all the way up till she passed away

This is sad. My mom tells me after every hang up on the phone. Which is every other day I call her.

We say it every day. When we are on the phone or if I am coming home. She is a constant love in our lives. Never ending.


I tell my grown children that every day I text or speak to them never stop the love

We are a very vocally and physically lovey family. Hugs, kisses and I love yous at nausium. Lol. Never leave or go to sleep or get off the phone without I love you.

my mom never stopped and I will never stop with my kiddos there 14 and 13 and I tell them all the time several times a day

I’m almost 30 and my Mom has never stopped telling me she loves me

I’m so sorry. Take this and do right by your own child (or dog, or cat, or plant). Tell them routinely that you love them.

And, I love you! I am sorry your parent is not equipped to handle this emotion. You could always be the one to normalize it and tell her you love her and see if that makes her feel safe enough to say it. We all have baggage. Maybe she didn’t hear it from her momma. :two_hearts:


She told me daily. I was blessed with loving, kind, hard-working, Christian parents. I know others were not. We must all find our worth in Jesus. He loves us all!

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Moms actually do that? My kids are 27 and 29 and I tell them I love them several times a day. They both text me goodnight loves almost every night💖

Me and my kids say it everytime we talk or text or someone is leaving the house… I say it to my kids every day!!! They are 18,19,22,&26… oh and my mom tells me she loves me any time we speak as well…

My mother did not say it when I was young. However, she does now :heart:


Oh man, I don’t know that my parents ever stopped saying it. I was 20 when my dad was killed and 25 when my mom died and I still heard it everyday. My oldest is 20 and my youngest is nine and I say it to all my kids multiple times a day

My mom died when I was 2 years old . I’m sure she told me , just can’t remember…

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My mother has never stopped telling me and I in turn will never not tell my daughter.

My mom says it at the end of every phone call or at the end of the day when we are in the same house

Wow I’m 48 and my Mom still tells me she loves me. I have 2 daughters that are 28 and 26 and I tell them I love them all the time!!!

I’m 52 and my mom and I talk every day and before we hang up it’s a must. I see her every chance I get and we hug when I arrive and when I leave. Nothing like a mother’s love

My mom tells me all of the time…and I am an adult.

My mom says more now then when I was a child. And I’m 44.

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I’m 29 and my mom text me it every morning and when we hang up from our daily video chats, she says “I love you. Bye”

I don’t even remember the last time my mom said luv you r even how u doing 🤦🤦

My mother has never stopped saying it and i am 35 now. I have three girls and i would never stop telling them i love them till the day i die.