How should I go about getting child support?

U sure dont take after your momma lol

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Bless hope your kids get what they deserve :pray:

I will draw a custom yellow cartoon character FAMILY portrait inbox me


You cannot get his va disability check garnished, that’s for him.

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Go to court file for child support… You will not be able to take money from his check… So you will prolly get something like $20 a month if that since va payments do not count towards earned income… Hes basically considered unemployed with o cash income.

Depends on the state. Most wont take it from there check but they will wtill charge them. However you wont get much.

Your entitled to child support period . It makes you a good mom getting what you can. But disabled and or veterans don’t need to be physically disabled to have disability’s . There’s a mental portion of disability’s. I think a father on disability should still pay for the child . But I also know they get bear minimum

They may not be able to garnish it but he should still pay. My child’s father was unemployed when we went to child support court and he was and still is only required to pay $139 a month sadly. And he never, ever pays it. The only thing I’ve received from him in the past 8 years almost was his stimulus check.

Go to the department of human resources apply for assistance with stamps and check they will go after him for child support


You should have gone for child support 4 yrs ago, why did you wait all this time??

So honestly in my opinion you need to consult a lawyer. He is their parent and hence responsible for supporting his kids. Just because he’s a vet doesn’t mean he can shun that responsibility. I understand PTSD is real and all, but that doesn’t mean he can flake out of his legal parent responsibility!
I am frustrated that people respond and try to make it seem it’s ok for the lack of support, because he’s a vet and probably has PTSD blah blah blah. That is such BS. His kids need to be taken care of, that’s on their Mother AND Father… I’m truly thankful for the service and all, but now you need to take the responsibility and be there for your kids! They are always the ones to suffer with any parent being in the military. They always get left behind, and now in this case again, they get forgotten, and left behind…
Go talk to a lawyer and get support from him or wherever. No matter what they deserve the best!

Everyone always thanks a vet for their service… anyone ever thank a child for giving up their parent to the military???

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If you go apply TANIF or cash assistance they’ll automatically go after him for child support


Depends on the state, ca counts it as income.

I would think he’d still be liable for child support not from the va check but he’d still be liable cause it’s his kid they can jail a parent for not paying even if they don’t have a job

Narissa Barnes, yes, the children get thanked. They have special services for them and if he’s receiving VA, he possibly gets paid a little extra for them. They get medical coverage (not the best, but better than nothing) not dental unless their father is 100% disabled.
If he can’t work and gets SS a specific amount gets assigned to each child until they turn 18 then the amount of the child who turned 18 gets split in between the ones that are under 18. Children of military and veterans have many opportunities and benefits. They just gotta have a parent that is willing to look for those benefits.

op is entitled to both CS AND Spousal support (if eligible) from both VA and SSDi benefits. You can force him to provide award letters. He also gets an extra amount per kid in his benefits (VA is like $79/delendant? And SSD pays Aux benefits up to half of what the parent receives - parent receives $1000, kids receive up to $500 equally divided).

I don’t really know anything about this but my dad was 100% disabled veteran. I’m 44 now. But I was told my mom could have applied for compensation for me as he couldn’t work. Maybe off of SS idk. She never did but maybe someone else knows more.

File fornit they can draw off of his va

It dont take from his va they draw a check off of his va

I have a friend who got her exes benefits garnished.

With getting disability through the VA if he’s claiming them as dependents he actually gets paid more disability…

File for an apportionment (VA Form 21-0788). You will need to meet with a county veterans service officer to have the papers filed.

The VA will look at only 2 factors. Is this a valid debt subject to apportionment? (Support of minor children is a valid debt subject to apportionment.) Will this cause a hardship to the veteran?

I think your right I know when it comes to disability pensions you can’t claim child support I only know this from past experience my Aunty couldn’t get child support cause he was on a disability but that was like years ago surely times have changed

Good luck. You sound like an amazing mum and a very fair ex partner, and he should be paying something regardless.

Suggestion take the free consultation from a lawyer. Have all your questions wrote down. Child support can help u but most of the leg work is yours. To me personally, I have orders for child support and my ex’s chose when they wanted to play dad. My boys both see the headache of fighting to get the child support wasn’t worth it. Courthouses have stuff u can file yourself. I know it’s hard mama plenty of us have done. U will make it. :heart::heart::heart::heart:. Just be strong. Also, no u aren’t ruining his life if anything he’s ruining the kiddos lives for not stepping up like a DAD is suppose to.


The way this is worded makes it seem like you feel like you’re wrong for trying to get him to help support children he created. You absolutely deserve support from him even if it is just financially. So why you have to do to support those kids.

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My ex is a disabled veteran and I went to court with the acknowledgement of paternity and even though he didn’t show for any court dates they still got some money for my daughter.

There are certain states that do take child support from VA benefits. I know that Minnesota is one of them for a fact. I would check on your state child support agency website - you should just be able to google it.

As a veteran myself, is he is receiving checks it’s most likely for disability. It doesn’t have to be a physical disability to receive a check, ex: ptsd can get you 100% disability pay. It’s also possible that he is receiving additional money for your children.

Go to social services. They have a child support office. They will help u out. They will get u into court and help u get ur payments. He will have to pay for the paternity tests through child suppprt which is 20 bucks a piece.

The only way they’re not his responsibility is if he gives up his rights. I would petition for child support or ask for him to give up his rights.

Lawyer up! He has a responsibility to take care of them.

AK child support system is savage. So I guess it depends on ur states system!

Why haven’t you gone to your child support office open a case

VA benefits are not considered marital assets. The only way the will garnish is if he receives retirement in lieu of disability benefits.

You’d file for child support through your state health and welfare department; Google how do I file for child support in (your state). The kids would also get medical coverage through the VA (we were told this when looking into my husband filling for disability benefits through the VA).


Your ex is more than likely getting extra disability money for the kids. My husband who is 60 percent disabled got extra for his kids while they were in school. His youngest is 19 and goes to college and he still gets extra for her as long as she goes to school. If you know the percentage of disability he gets you can look on line under VA disability rating and it list how much you get for different percentages and if you are married and/or have kids. Shame on him for not giving you the kids’ portion of his disability. No wonder he does not have a job because he dont need one because he is living high on the hog with all that money. Hope you realize that when your kids go to college they could get a free ride. Both of my husbands kids got free tuition. Go to the prosecuting attorney’s office in your county and should be able to help you or lead you in the right direction. P.s. Just talked to my hubby and he said you cant touch what your ex gets but you can touch what the kids get. He said to find a lawyer that is familiar with military laws. Again, speak to the prosecuting atty or even the division of family court and they should lead you in the right direction. Hope this info helps you out.

VA disability is income, there are no limitations on counting as income for child support. Only thing it’s protected from is being garnished, but he can still be ordered to pay child support with it in the calculations.