How should I handle this situation with my boyfriend?

Leave before you get a STD. Oh wait,he will tell you while he’s crying you must have gotten it from the co-worker who borrowed his his phone😂 but pack up and RUN !!

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Leave girl trust is broken &he won’t stop he’s manipulating you at this point.

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Really? It’s obvious he will never stop doing it.
By you staying it’s showing him he can keep doing it cause you won’t leave anyways. He must be the most dumbest boy to keep doing it knowing you look in his phone.
The next time he’s at work pack up and leave. He’s not the one for you.

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He wants his cake and to eat it too! Leave!

He’s a lying liar who lies!


Leave, you obviously don’t trust him.

He clearly has no respect for you and he’s done it multiple times. Drop the fool like a bag of rocks and run.

:put_litter_in_its_place: Fool me one time, shame on you. Fool me twice, can’t put the blame on you.

Why does he cry so much?


Leave he has promised you numerous times that he would stop and hasn’t.
If you believe those crocodile tears then your in denial :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I’m not sure what you’re looking for here… He showed you who he was and you ignored it and instead chose to get pregnant. He has continued showing you who he is, but you refuse to believe him. Now, you want us to tell you he’s a creep and you should leave, but you should have left after the first time. If you don’t leave you’re choosing all the bs that will come with staying and allowing him to then pass the bs into your child in the future.


a narcissist at its finest, leave girl he’s lying to you.


Leave pack him up throw him out or pack the baby and you up and leave take him to court file for child support cause if the trust isn’t there then it’s it worth it and I would definitely get checked for STDs


Unless you want to live the rest of your life like this and most likely deal with him cheating with random everyday women…LEAVE HIM now and don’t waste any more time bc life is too short.

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Check his credit. He has a spare credit card you don’t know about. Prob taking cash advances.

He is lying; he will never change. Leave.

Even if he is just looking, it is slowly destroying your self-worth and self-confidence.

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If someone actually said this to me, I would say talk all you want even if it was all day and I have to come back day after day. Grief is awful and when you get to share it with someone it is so much better and oh so helpful. Love someone that feels comfortable enough to talk to you about their grief/sadness put your arms around them and hug them tight. Never feel uncomfortable it is only by the GRACE OF GOD this awful sadness has not visited you. :pray:

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Fucking crybaby he is, leave him before he leaves you.

He cannot be trusted . Crying because he knows it works with you. Wont own up to what he is doing. Not a man. Run as fast as you can.

:joy:is this for real? :roll_eyes:

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He’s full of shit. Sorry but he clearly isn’t going to stop looking and will eventually cheat if he hasn’t already

Kick him to the curb,sounds like he is bad to the bone…Do you want a man like that around your son?

Girl, he has already cheated and is lying to you. His crocodile tears are a form of manipulation because he’s not genuinely remorseful and will just continue to cheat if you stay with him. Speak to an attorney about custody and child support, and leave whilst your child is still young enough to be unaware of the fallout. And get tested for STDs.

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Nah get rid of him. It seems as if he’ll never stop so I can honestly say it’ll never stop.

You know he’s gonna cry! It’s his favorite weapon and he loves to use it! How many times has he already?? Dump him!

Ya you need to leave him. The first time you felt the need to look at his phone the relationship was over . No trust no relationship. 12 year with my women and have never once looked at her phone

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People can change…but only if they follow through with their promises. He is not. And you’ve told him how you feel about it, numerous times, and he has yet to change his actions for you. You have a choice to make


Perhaps go to counseling first, perhaps he will accept he has a problem that is more than curious and if he really want this to work, he can get professional help, let a professional guide you, not these amateurs that are commenting. Don’t break up a family if there’s still room for help. If he’s good to you other than this he’s worth trying.


Girl you know those are lies. Too old for fall for the fake tears. Don’t let the postpartum feelings keep you from leaving his sorry butt. Obviously he’s not sorry or he wouldn’t keep doing it

Either tolerate the bull or leave. Period. But figure out which one u are deciding quick.

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What she should do is so obvious!!! What will it take? Are you thinking he is innocent as long as you don’t actually catch him having sex with one, or see proof that he hasn’t? You can see with your own eyes that he really wants to have sex with someone else after you gave birth to his baby, and yet you’re basically sitting around waiting for him to actually go through with it. It’s like witnessing an almost crime take place but the perpetrators are still technically innocent because the crime hasn’t actually been committed. Girl bye!

You cannot possibly be that naive. Throw that whole man away.


I would leave he is never going to stop thinking of u and ur baby u don’t need to be upset all the time while raising ur baby

You already have your answers without even asking…I think now you gotta decide what you will do those tears are just a act for you to feel sorry for him …I woulf pack my bags and say see you done with the disrespect…

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Crying is hella manipulative, as is not letting you leave. Maybe he needs counseling, but either way he has continuously broke your trust and (in my opinion) you should leave before any of it gets any worse!

Not LETTING you leave? You can o what you want…do 7 feel threatened if you leave? Please be safe…if u feel threatened have someone help you move out while he is not there…he is lieing to you and putting you ar a huge risk if he is with random people…get out now…

Hes not mature enough to be in a relationship. He’s immature and is gonna end up cheating on you

Why buy the cow when you get the milk free

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Leave. He is manipulating you into staying and he will never stop.

Leave his sorry ass bottom line you have bigger balls them him and wear them proudly on your chest

He’s NOT a cheater… YET. This sounds exhausting. Ask him if he wants to live alone AND pay child support. Tears are your weapon too.

Get out of the relationship!

Pack your shit and leave his ass he is just using u or pack his shit a kick his ass out the door u do not need him u can do bad all by yourself

Get everything together people to help you move , where your gonna stay, etc. then while he’s at work. GO!!! Make sure you take your location off your phone if he has it on his phone. He wants to see baby do it at a police station till you reach some agreement. DO NOT LET HIM KNOW WHERE YOU ARE STAYING OR HELPING YOU. IF YOUR SERIOUS AND YOUR AFRAID GET A NEW JOB TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO SAY NOTHING!

Drop him, it’s no turning back from a sexually transmitted disease, child support, this person is not ready for one on one, he still want to explore, which is not safe. Protect yourself. Move on.

Either wake up or take a nap!

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You never know if has or not but if he has get checked for STD and AIDs and leave his ass

I think you KNOW what you should do…

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He’s immature. Walk away now.

Lady, you do not trust this creep, and you have damned good reason not to. You will do better to pack up your child and WALK, because honey, one of these days he will walk out on you. It is better you have the power and not the pain.

Take your baby and run! You’ll never be able to trust him again!!

Clearly he is not sorry and it is not mere curiosity anymore. He is past being worthy of being given the benefit of the doubt and you need to move on.


Leave. Or stay and keep putting up with the same bs :woman_shrugging:t4: he knows crying and claiming he cares and “was curious” will make you stay. Stop letting him get away with it and save yourself, stop allowing him to act this way by tolerating it. He may not have met up with them YET but it’ll happen eventually. He clearly doesn’t love you enough to knock the shit off and improve the relationship. So let em be alone since he’s so curious​:woman_shrugging:t4:

Find a new place to live and talk to a councilor.

That’s a tough one. Do you love him and want to stay with him? if so you’ll have to choose to believe him…again. It’s tough when there’s children involved and I’m sorry you’re going through this, but things will not change for him. He will continue searching/calling and eventually meeting up with these women. The ball is in your court, what you do now will determine the path of this relationship.

Why were you even on his phone oh yeah and run away with your kid

He keeps doing it cause you’re letting him get away with it. Leave him if you don’t like it. Let him cry and don’t fall for the crocodile tears.

LEAVE HIS SORRY ASS you’re better then him, your baby doesn’t deserve it either. As a new mom aswell, you deserve to be respected by your baby’s father :purple_heart:

He’s manipulative. Stop believing him

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Once the trust was lost the first time, the relationship was lost.

Let him cry all he wants but i would leave him in a minute, i wouldn’t believe a word he says,

I think he is a loser !! And you need to get out while the getting is good file for child support. And move on You can never trust him. And he is a cry baby just to get you to believe him !!!

Chile u kno what to do smh

Stop enabling him just leave

Aside from him looking up other women he’s disrespectful to you and the family you guys have created. You’ve told him that you don’t like it/ are uncomfortable with it and he is still doing it. The way I see it is you have a couple options:

  1. tell him that at this point you guys need counseling (both couples and separate) to get to the reason behind his constant ‘curiosity’
  2. you have a very serious talk with him and tell him that if you find anything of that nature on his phone again then you are done. Or
  3. you decide you’re tired of the lies and disrespect and end the relationship and work on a healthy coparenting relationship with him. The first 2 are if you want to continue working on your relationship and the third is if you’re decided you’ve reached your limit.

He is a pathological liar.
He is crying to play on your emotions! He can’t stop you from leaving. Call the police and tell them you are being held against your will.
You need to leave him and take your child with you, now.

Sounds gd like NARCISSIST