How should I respond to this?

Not for you. You need someone that accepts your child


Very nice of him to say. It may be time to move on though.

Dump his ass. Sounds like he doesn’t deserve you and your child. It’s a package deal. All or nothing buddy!!


You have only been with him for 8 months and you already want to move in with him. Your tottaly nuts


be done with this, your child is a world more important than a man


How would I take that? I’d be throwing up duces and be out looking for a new place for you and your kid(s). And not look back once!!

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He’s not will to except your son. Kick his arse to the curb.

As a dodgy answer! He aint trying to commit, DUMP HIM FAST

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So. Maybe he’s taking it slow because he’s unsure of his abilities. Ask him to clarify it for you. It could be taken bad but maybe it’s not. Ask for a time line. If he’s not into a kid …move on. It sucks when your kids get attached and it doesn’t work.


You respond by saying " Don’t let the doorknob hit ya where the Good Lord split ya."

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Harsh, but at least he’s being honest. If he’s not willing to take you and your boy on, then you should probably rethink your future.

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He s being honest. Telling you he doesn t want to play daddy. …and tbh…if you re considering your child…don t move in with someone you ve only known for 8 months.


I would ask him to explain what he means


You respond by breaking up

I know this seems crazy, but I’m a direct kind of girl and hate indirect, roundabout, hinted-at statements. If I was confused by someone’s statement, I’d say, “Can you tell me what that means exactly?” Then make a decision off of that answer if you feel like you need to. Problem solved.


My wife says “move on” that was horrible to say to you and he knew you had a kid


He’s not ready for that commitment. Kids should be a big consideration.

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Time to move on . Children are family . He is not . Bye buddy.

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