How should I respond to this?

Tell him to take a hike!! You’re wasting your time!!:confounded:

8months and you want to live together, was too soon.

I think you should renew your lease.

If you can’t accept my child can’t accept me

First off was way to soon to Introduce him to your child. Secondly thats your anwser , drop him!!!

Don’t let the door hit you in your a$$ on your way out…

Move on. Never put a man
Over your children

He will not treat ur child right BEWARE

It’s better to know now than later , move on

Your child comes first one and only kick that ass to the curb

Ask him. If he isn’t into your son, cut ties. your child comes first.

If you can’t accept my child then you can’t accept me. No questions asked.

He’s being straight up with you. You need someone who wants kids.

Cut your losses and leave this relationship.

It is a package deal you and your child .

Find someone else who will love you and your child .

EZ decision.

It’s unlikely you will ever live together. Be comfortable with seperate living situation or dump his ass

Been there done that. It won’t change. Move on.

When someone tells you who they are believe it…

Tell him that you are a package deal, so I would be looking for a place to live without his ass

Don’t sit and try to guess just ask him what he means by that

At least he’s being honest.

Get lost love me love my kids

Get rid of him now!!

I’d like to know how the story pans out…

Sounds like he isn’t ready for children or maybe doesn’t want them.

Dump him because it’s a full package OR NOT

To the curb all or nothing

Girl, throw him away.

Just plan for you and your kid. 1 day at a time.

Just come out what he meant about this? Maybe he is scare to make move like this yet

Packaged deal it will not change!

Renew your lease and not the boyfriend

You need to dump that man

tell him to split if he cant accept your child

Mother and child are a combo deal! Bye boy bye!

Thanks for telling me, bye

Tell him to get lost, ASAP.

I would show him the door and not look back. A man who cannot love your child or children is about the same as a snake in the house. Get yourself your new place and don’t tell him where you are. You lovely lady are a mom and can be a wife too …to the right man. You are not a cow

RUN. That is your answer. Your child deserves WAY better. And, so do you.

NEXT. Kick to the curb

You already know the. Answer.

How ? With a wave goodbye.

It’s time for the responding quetion… Why?

Sounds like the man does not have enough maturity to be anything other than what he is…a selfish 1.

Mom & child is a package deal…there’s been a few instances when a man had such a response & the mom did something terrible to her child while most mothers not even did a terrible action towards her child. Dump the loser & cherish the quality time with that child & eventually a man who loves that child as much loving the mom wants a ready-made family.

I’d assume he just needs more time and not look too far into it yet. 8 months is a long relationship in high school, in adults that barely anything yet. Patience!

Took me and my man 7 yrs to move our families in together- glad we waited-

I don’t know what he said means because it could mean allot of things and because I don’t know him so I can’t put something into his words that might not be there but you as a parent must always remember that your child always comes first,that child comes before any man,comes before you and comes before anyone.
Don’t ever put a man or anyone before your child…
Your child’s needs and wants comes first…not his and not yours…
So with having that in mind you and only you knows what to do with what your boyfriend said to you.

You have known this man less than a year and you want him living with your child?!?! What you need to do is tell the guy “Thanks for making me realize what a dumb decision I’m trying to make for the sake of some good D.”

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My fiancé said that exact same tithing about a year in. He said that with kids involved that it’s not as simple as moving in together that he would only do that if he was ready to marry me. We were together six years when we finally got engaged and then started looking for a home. I think it just means he’s not ready but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be with you.

Without a child involved it’s easier. It took balls for you to ask him that. Also I’m glad he’s good with your kid because you seem to be in a rush. 8 months is nothing. Women are out there getting killed by their fiancé’s and husbands.

Missing context here. My fiancé said loving me was effortless, but he had to think long and hard about becoming that person for my kids. And honestly I understand.

It’s a huge step to become a step parent and not just someone who’s around the kid. Give him time

Dump him he knew U had the child when U got together. I feel that he was only with U for what he wants now he doesn’t want to be with U anymore.

Run to your new place,you have been told.

Find another spot and keep it moving :man_shrugging:t5:

I would take that as my so far short term bf isn’t ready for the full time responsibility of a kid. It’s ok. You have to remember how much children change people’s lives. I’m sure he just wants to make sure y’all are gonna be something that lasts before he takes such a big step! Often too people say things that don’t come out right. Cut him a little slack, give y’all’s relationship time to grow

by by its obvious hes not ready for a child and he’s just using you for a booty call

Well he’s telling you something you had better pay close attention to. You can’t fix that.


8 months isn’t that long, especially when a child is involved. Me personally, he wouldn’t have even met my child yet. Definitely not at 3 months in. But that’s just me.

It’s still early in your relationship and the fact a child is involved, things should be taken slowly and cautiously.

He is being honest with you! You should be thankful for that. Sounds like he isn’t ready for that step. When children are involved there’s a lot more at stake if it didn’t work out. And moving in together is a huge deal when a child is involved. He obviously realizes he isn’t ready to take on that major of a role yet.

It’s better he is honest and tells you now rather than acting as if he is ready and it not working out

Pretty clear he doesn’t want the responsibility of a child, what does that mean about having further children?

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I would never see aan in my life as a father to my children until after 2 to 3 years. My husband did not even meet my children until after 2 years and mine were already adults.

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It’s only been 8 months. I feel like that’s not enough time do decide you wanna live with someone let alone someone that has a child

8 months in and only 5 being around the child alot isn’t a lot of time… we don’t know anything other than she is wanting to move in bc her lease is up, that’s not really a good reason to take the extra step of moving in together. We don’t know if he was hesitant to date a woman with children or what type of conversation was had before. All we know is that her lease is up and she wants to move in and that he isn’t ready for that step.

You haven’t even been together for a year. You need to give him time to decide if he’s ready to step into the step father role.

Dump him now, before you and your child get tooooooo attached to someone who seems to think you have baggage. Your child is your number 1 priority.

He’s clearly letting you know he’s not ready to take on the roll of step parent or live in. Keep on doing for you and yours honey.

I would take that as my queue to kick him tf out. :joy:

with 8 months passed and this is what he says, you missed something a while back

Say goodbye, hes choosing not to accept your child :woman_shrugging:

well its not so your dismissed. package deal :woman_shrugging:

Run! Don’t look back! Seriously

It’s a package deal, dumb him

Where’s the 182 comments??

Goodbye would be my response in your position.

#1 I have 2 children and this has never -would NEVER happen to them.

Your 1st loyalty is to your child period.

He obviously is resentful/dislikes aspects of your child. This will affect your child.

#2. Why are you bringing some guy you’ve only known for 3 months into your child’s life like that?

Don’t you watch the news? I hope to God you are not leaving them alone together.

YOU control who you bring into your child’s life… bad or good.

Be loyal to your child FIRST. You are a mom FIRST.

Put your child 1st and the rest will fall into place in time.

Do you think it is healthy to yank people in and out of your life?

For your info. pedos and abusers L O V E
desperate single moms.

I HAD a friend that was so desperate for a man/some alone time for herself that
her 2 youngest boys were both molested.

The youngest has struggled with heroin dependency for about 8 years now. HE’s been in and out of jail during this timeframe.


Work on yourself and put your child FIRST.

Put your children first and find yourself a home without him! And Don’t let the pathetic man leech off you either!

Love me,love my kids,see ya

I would say. Gooooooobyyyyyyyyy

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Tell him to go to hell

Leave. Kids come first

Time to cut him loose.

Too soon. Less than a year isn’t enough time to consider such a move. Renew your lease, let the relationship grow.

 I would say.....'TAKE A HIKE'.................You can do better.....KEEP THAT IN MIND.....You are the protector of this child.....NEVER FORGET THAT.....
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He’s known your kid for 5 months!!! Thank God he has enough sense to hold off in this. You have a whole other person to take care of and think about. Find your own place and if he wants to move in together later he can come to yours and your childs place. That way if something does end up breaking you up your kid still has a home.

Girl move on he clearly isn’t interested in a family yet.

You walk away!!! How is this even a question!!

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I would kick him to the curb. If I not enough for him then good riddance.

I would appreciate his :100: honesty. Now u know- either move on or sit & wait for him.

He has already told you he is not interested in having kids around. You do not need someone like that around.

He doesn’t want your child in his life on a permanent basis

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You need to renew your lease. Eight months shouldn’t even be enough time for you to even want to live with him, much less have your child living with him. His comment might mean he’s not ready to be a father to your child yet…or a father at all.


Dump him. He realized that you are a package deal. He doesn’t want the baggage.

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Dont let the door hit you in the rear on the way out

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He isn’t intending to stick around for the long run, only play

I would start my life without him. Your son must be #1.


He’s done. That is truth coming out of him. He clearly is not prepared for your child. Move on. Your child ALWAYS comes first. This man is not for you or your child.


Only 8 months, with a kid - are you nuts?!? At least one of you is thinking clearly. Are you looking for love or help?


You only, no bagagge

Kick him to the curb.


Apparently doesn’t really care about your child…


8 months. No. Of course its great its the beginning. Never move on that early. Never put your kids well being on someone else unless you have a real commitment and certainly not under a yr. You need to slow down. Not every man is a daddy.


Good bye . Evendently he’s been nice to your kid just because of the free sex . He knew you had a child . So say goodbye. Your better alone then with some one who will never cate for to child . Thank God you haven’t gotten pregnant…