How should I respond to this?

How would you take this response from the man you’ve been seeing for 8 months, great relationship, no issues… whose been in your child’s life for the last 5 of those consistently + has been great with him… I asked him… So, where are we at? My lease is up, am I finding a different place? Are you thinking about us living together sometime soon? And his response was…. “If it was just you, we would already be living together” like what!?? How would you take that response!?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How should I respond to this?

Bye as HELLLLLL!!! If your kid is an inconvenience to him, LEAVE - now!

Huge red flag!!!

This person could potentially become someone who abuses your child because he made it clear that the situation would be different without the child.
He wouldn’t even get a response from me. He’d be :ghost:ed.


Move. ON. Alone. What a prick!

Package deal. If he doesn’t accept your child and love them as his own, there is no future. No reason to keep seeing him and investing your time and your child’s time.

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Dump him! He’s pretty much saying your child is baggage he does not want.

Also borderline get rid of your child and we can move in together.

Would probably turn out to be an abuser later on and doesn’t want any witnesses


Don’t stay with him. Leave him now. Stay in your place.

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He wants you and not your kid

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I would take that as you have a child and should not be thinking about living with someone you’ve known for 32 weeks.


Be glad he was honest


I don’t think he really meant it in a negative way. I think the delivery was a little harsh, as are most men lol. I think he means that he’s kinda moving slow considering you have a child. He doesn’t want to rush or overstep due to the fact that you have a child. Maybe, he’s waiting for you to make that decision. He could be possibly following your lead and waiting for you to let him know that’s what you want. You guys haven’t been dating a whole year and he hasn’t been in your child’s life for a half a year. He could just be going with the flow that you decide the tempo of. I wouldn’t be extremely alarmed. A sit down talk is definitely needed. If you want to move in with him, let that be known 🤷🏽‍♀


Time for a new man!!

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Move on…it was be pretty pathetic if you continue to stay with someone, who doesn’t want to include your child. Be a good mother and find a good man!


Ask him what he meant. He could be meaning it as your son is a inconvenience or he could be meaning he doesn’t want to move in together yet because he doesn’t want your son life to be rearranged. He may just want to take it slow because of you having a child.


If you have a child, 8months is not long enough to decide to move in with a new partner. And to ask someone so soon is an awful lot. He could mean he wants spend longer getting know you and the child before making the move as a child will become very attached once he lives under the same’d be devastating if it didn’t work out for the child.


He may not be ready for the kids, orrrr he’s fuckin someone else too ? Idk but he sounds like a real gem :roll_eyes::upside_down_face:

He could be acknowledging its a big step to become full time family with a child and he takes it more seriously than just moving in with a partner. That’s a good thing.


Let him go and you move on🥰

Umm well you’re always gonna have your child soooo if that’s an issue, he needs to go!!

Throw the whole dude away! Seriously, no question


How much more clear do you need him to be? He’s made it very clear that he is not prepared to take your child on permanently. He’s a jerk and a waste of space. Find someone who will love you both as much as you deserve.

My first reaction is him putting your child first. 8 months is kind of quick to move in with someone when a child is involved. Not only that, but is his lease coming up soon also? Is there an empty room for your child? Communication is key in any relationship!! Ask him what he meant.


Men!!! :put_litter_in_its_place: Does he want you to give out your baby or what??? Let him go

Awww. Don’t waste your time with him. I’m so sorry. You need to dump this idiot. Wow…what a jerk!!! :heart: All the best to you and your baby. Hugs.


Dont take another step forward in that relationship. That is horrid. I wouldnt even respond.


I’d be like :wave:t3: :wave:t3: see ya

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It could mean different things. I dont think its fair to Jump down his throat id ask him to say excatly what he meant then make you dission but tbh i think its far to early to think about moving in together


He can’t have his cake and eat it as well. Bye bye bye

I moved in with my man with my 2yr old son after being together for 3 months… he even asked that we did with some other circumstances but thats not needed and only gonna cause more stress and negativity in your life thats not needed

I’d say to soon living together especially with kids. That’s maybe what he is meaning that wants take slow as you’ve a kid. You’ve possibly come across blunt too as so soon in a need to ask what he means could be also doesn’t want your kid around but only you’d know what he’s like round your kid as I’m guessing he’s met already


I think he means that your son needs to get a place of his own so it can just be you and him. I mean, you can ask him for clarification if you want, but I would think that if he was taking your son and his safety and well being into account, by not wanting to rush it, it would have been worded differently. To me, that reads as “if you didn’t have a kid we would already be living together, but idk if I wanna live with you AND your kid”. I say tell him to kick rocks and renew your lease. Focus on you and your little man, because eventually a big man will come along that’ll love that little man like he’s his own!

Depends on how it means it. Like does he secretly not care for your child or does he not want to rush into living with you because you have a child and he wants to take things slow.

Did you ASK him what he meant or did you come straight here and ask the internet?


I would have him explain himself… like elaborate. He knew you had a child… baby isn’t going anywhere so does he need more time, is he unsure of moving in full time with your child? Bc if he can’t accept your baby he has to go.

Maybe hes saying that because 8 months isn’t a long time. Also depending on the child’s age that could be a big change for them. I wouldn’t completely write him off as the bad guy for not moving in. I’d ask him to clarify what he meant by saying that. He probably should of worded it better but, he could be putting your child first.


Maybe he doesn’t have space in his place for a child?

However, 5 months “consistently” isn’t long enough to move someone in with your child.


Well, did you ask him to clarify? If you jump to conclusions you’re just creating needless drama & need time to mature. Communicating like adults is key. Also, I’d want to date someone for at least two years before I asked them to take on the role of “daddy.” Can’t be too careful. After 2 years, most people’s demons come out.

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Renew your lease and dump his ass…periodt

Why would you want to move in that quickly with someone you have only known for eight months,and only 5 of them being around your child,when you have a child?
I say dump him,but not for your benefit,for his.
If you are moving this quickly with a child involved,chances are he’s not going to be on board as quickly as you with other decisions like getting married,having a baby,buying a house,ect.
Cut the poor guy loose and put the best interest of your kid first,Gee whiz…

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I think he means there is a child involved and that changes everything! 8 months is not a long time at all


Point blank! I would tell him “my child and I are a package deal. If you can’t except the whole package, sorry, but this is where it ends”. Don’t put yourself or your child through any more heartache. Your child has undoubtedly already formed a bond with him.

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It’s a package deal don’t settle for anything less

Well I’m not sure if he means like he doesn’t want to move too fast since you have a kid. Like doesn’t want to push because when a kid is involved you take things slower or if it’s something else. I would respond with what do you mean by that?

So wording is harsh but like as a mom asking about moving in with a guy your son only knows for 5 months seems kinda quick there’s always news on bad stuff happening to children especially with new boyfriends/girlfriends parents get with I’d renew your lease and continue to at least give him a chance to communicate what he meant obviously dump if he meant your kids an inconvenience but maybe it was meant as he wants to take things slow maybe his place isn’t suitable for a kid or if he doesn’t have any of his own could be a big step to make in 8 months not everything has to go fast if you truly have feelings for this guy try to get the true understanding before making an end to your relationship like this especially if you take advice from a Facebook post

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To me It’s exactly how it sounds. If it was just you (not you and your kid)… he’s obviously not interested in moving forward to living together…
Knowing the kid for 5 months consistently, isn’t grounds for living together tho…

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1st of all 8 months is way too soon. Why would you even consider moving your child in with someone so soon. Thats not long enough to get to know someone.


Take care of yourself and your child. Don’t count on any man.


Take care of yourself and child. Do not count on anyone else

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Please tell me u kicked hes ass…But i personally wouldn’t move or live with anyone in such short time hell i was with my ex for 9 years and the toght never crossed my mind.

You asked him. And he answered! It just wasn’t an answer you were looking/hoping for. :woman_shrugging:t3:


And you come with package love u love ur babies if not hes not worth the time of day.

I’d find a place for you and your child it hasn’t even been a year. Things are seeming rushed


Sounds like he doesn’t want the responsbities of raising someone’s else,so child. Which is his choice ,time to leave the relationship

I wouldn’t move in with a guy that quick I did with my ex gave up everything moved out of my house into his flat biggest mistake ever if I can give you one piece of advice it would be to see someone but don’t move in together it’s not all its cut out to be

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Get your own lease. And a new man. Partners are replaceable but children should be a responsibility for life. He obviously does not wish to take on this responsibility.

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It’s a lot different to be “great” with a child you see occasionally & living with him. Maybe he’s not ready to be a full time father figure. Maybe he never will be. Honestly I think (from expirence) you’re moving too fast. You introduced him to your child after 3 months of dating & ready to move in together after 8 mos of dating. That’s a lot to take on all at once. Slow down. Date for awhile, actually date. Not hang out & sleep together. Get to know each other & him both of you. When you’re ready to be married then transition into moving in together. Relationships don’t usually last when you’re so quick to live together in my expirence.


Your child should always come first… if he can’t accept your child then idk… I’d get my own place and move on and let him know that.

He definitely doesn’t see you and your kids as a package so I’d cut him loose.


Throw the whole man out… there are huge issues.b

I would tell him to fuck right off he knew you have a child

And the reactions on here is why so many jump to conclusions. Firstly could it be you were a little too forward and fast for him? Sounds like you caught him off guard and pushed something too soon. Could also mean he wants to take it slow. FOR PETES SAKE . If you could not have a conversation about his response WITH HIM . you are not ready to move in


You can’t read emotions through a text, thats a conversation for in person. He may be saying he doesn’t want to rush it because there is a child involved or he could mean it as he doesn’t want the responsibility. It could go either way, keep communications open and have a real conversation about it.


Don’t walk away …… Run

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You want a commitment to soon
But he doesn’t seem like he wants to even consider a commitment in the future. My advice would be to cut your losses and move on.


I honestly have said this… to my husband about 10years ago, but what I meant was that I’m not going to take away from your daughter or change her way of life just for us to “play house”!Yes you have marriage potential. And I pray you’ll be together forever, but we are all adults here and there is no way to predict the outcome. And even though it could just be a fraction of sacrifice to gain. It could be what’s holding him back. It’s always the small details for me. And plus raising kids is hard!! It is a big responsibility, at least give him credit for being honest and up front. These days people are “fake it till you make it”. Only adding to your plate in the long run! I don’t feel like it calls for a break up though just time and possibly more family days all together. If I wasn’t married to my child’s father I would like to think I could wait a year of dating someone before bringing them into my sons life! But love is “to each is own” and you’re definitely entitled to be hurt if you feel he really couldn’t love and support you and your kids!


Stop bringing random men into your kids life if you haven’t dated for more than a year and doesn’t bring up living arrangements work on yourself. Some men just love single mothers because they have less time to complain about spending quality time together. The less responsibility the better and what better than a single mother

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I mean maybe he’s thinking of the child. It’s only been 8 months. Before having children you can jump into living together and doing whatever you want with the implications only effecting you, but when it comes to a child you have to be 100% sure. That child is affected. He doesn’t want to grow attached to a child he might lose in 6 months time if you change your mind. Your child shouldn’t be getting attached to a man who you’ve only been with for 8 months, it’s a very short relationship to jump into anything that can affect the child for life. Maybe trial spending weekends together, for 6 months first, gradually show him what it’s like for him to live with a child part time, and what it’s like living together part time (things change when you live together. You get in eachothers way, on eachother nerves). Realise, he may be nice to your child, but he might not be ready to play step dad, give him time.


Is it possible he only has a one bedroom apartment? States have rules for kids and bedrooms

I don’t understand how this is even a question
He doesn’t want to move in with you and your child…you and your child are a package deal


Just clarify with him what you meant by that sentence, great relationships have great communication. I don’t think he meant it negatively though to be honest. Also 8 months is pretty quick to move in with someone when a child is involved, no matter how good you think he is with him…things change when you have kids.


Yah boy bye sorry not sorry


I don’t think he’s out of line… You moving in is 1 thing, you moving in with a kid is another… Like, is there room for you all? School could be further away? Maybe he needs a home office and can’t give your child a room? Why are we making out living with kids is easy anyway? Its not.
And what if it goes bad and ends with terrible break-up?? He’s essentially kicking a child out of his home. Just you and it’s a LOT easier to stay with friends untill you’re resettled.


8 months ? Is he not allowed to be wary and careful about moving in with someone with a child? What if he gets attached and you guys split up? Think about the other side of it as well. Don’t see why you want to rush it in the first place?


Why are people acting like this is a bad thing?? You have a child! Why would you be planning to move in with a man you’ve been dating for 8 months when a child is involved? When it’s just adults involved then go for it! But when kids are involved it needs a lot more careful consideration. Sounds like he’s an adult with a brain :woman_shrugging:t3:


This is a wild idea but hear me out…
Ask him what he meant by that instead of a group of random people on the internet. Maybe he is legit a jerk that isn’t a big fan of your kid, OR maybe he doesn’t want to jump into being step-dad after knowing the kid for 5 months :woman_shrugging:


Honestly I would take it like he is thinking smarter than you. 8 months is not enough time to be making huge decisions liking moving in together when kids are involved. That is putting him into a stepparent role way too soon. You can afford to e more frivolous when it’s only you.


Its only been 8months i wouldn’t be Asking That type of Question… he Sounds like a adult with a brain :brain:… Maybe ur the child who Thinks its okay to move in with someone after 8months with a child?:woman_facepalming:


It’s been 8 months and you have a kid. Find your own place for you and your child.


Hes telling you he doesn’t want to be a dad just now

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You can’t possibly move in with him after just 8 months doesn’t mean he was good with ur child you should shack up think about your child if things go sour wait after 3 years, they say after 2yrs you get to actually know a person and u not putting ur child first here, you don’t even know this man


It means he’s taking this relationship serious and is not ready to become a live in dad. My advice is always to look at the whole picture. Don’t judge him by what he said once. You’ve had 8 months to judge his actions that are apparently great since you believe this is a good enough man to move in with and trust your child with. He’s already being a father figure, dont give up on him yet. If he’s been consistently, like you said, in both your child and yours life, then let him not only explain but you should try to understand. It is not easy being a stepparent. A responsible adult will take things slow and give it a thought. 8 months is pretty fast to really get to know someone let alone get to know your role as a mother and what that means to him. Was it a shitty way to put it? Yes. Would you prefer he lied tho?

Maybe he thinks it’s too soon for the child? 8 months in my opinions isn’t long at all to move in together especially when children are involved

I would take it as he’s pretty mature and ain’t trying to go fucking up a kids head by rushing in and making impulse decisions before it’s time. Take that as pump your breaks, he ain’t ready to take on all that just yet. Don’t take offense, be glad that he can be honest and is thinking ahead about your kid.

It could be taken both ways, but honestly only after 8 months of knowing him in this day and age is a big no for me I could understand 2–3 years down the line maybe but I think it’s more safe for you to find your own place with your boy an leave it at that for know it just shows you don’t really know him well enough to move in with each other or was that the plan you had in your head to play happy families under one roof.? I did this back when I was 19 with roles reversed I handnt a clue what I was doing, had to learn on my feet, and felt like I took on a lot of responsibility neither bio parent wanted to deal with legit fulltime baby overnight and came to hate him for the way he would treat his kid (biggest wake up call ever)

I was only w/ my partner for a couple months when we moved in together & I have a son from a previous relationship. We have been together 9 years now. Your bf clearly just doesn’t have any interest in playing that type of role in ur sons life. I would reevaluate that relationship. He’s not putting the “child first” he just doesn’t care🥴


I wouldn’t be looking to move in with a boyfriend after just 8 months, especially not with a kid.

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Honestly, I see no issues here.

Combining lives when there are children involved adds a whole lot more complexity to the situation.

I have no inclination to live with another partner for quite some time, because I know how messy it can get with kids in the mix.

Sounds like he doesn’t want to be the step dad. Time to piece out.

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Yeah nope :ok_hand:t2::persevere: nope your guy !! Sounds like someone you don’t want to even end up dependent on with your son !! You son will suffer emotionally and mental abuse !! Run

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8months is too soon. Find your own place. At least he’s being honest with you.


Hang up the phone and try another number

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Renew your lease /find a new place for just you and your child or leave him,he clearly isn’t ready for that yet and within reason ,it’s only been 8 months ,doesn’t mean he don’t care for you or your child but that’s a big step especially for someone who doesn’t have children and if he isn’t ready for that just yet thats okay just like it’d be okay if the roles were reversed . I have a child and one on the way and I can see his point of view and honestly agree ,if me and my fiancé were to split And I started seeing someone I’m so paranoid bc I don’t start people especially men around my girls that it would be 6 months alone til they met my children ,and even longer before they were to be trusted alone with them or moving in with us but that’s just me bc to me that wouldn’t be enough time to know what kind of person someone is and that could be in his thoughts as well,never know .

He probably doesn’t want to live with you and the child bc he’s afraid that he will become attached to the child and if yall don’t work out not only would the child be heart broken but so would he.


It’s not a bad thing. He isn’t ready to live with q child and take on that full responsibility at least he is honest

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How about just asking him what he means. Like communicating with him directly that you don’t understand exactly what he is trying to tell you. Then you can actually know where his mind is and you will have the information to make an informed decision about the relationship.


Leave him alone ! That’s what I would do! I wouldn’t move my child in right away either !

Why does everyone jump to the worst conclusion, it may be possible (OP did say he is great with the child) that this guy really cares for the kid and doesn’t want to move in, in case things go south and it hurts the child.

It’s a perfectly fine sentence in my mind, if it was just them two to think about then rushing wouldn’t be too bad but a child caught up in it means maybe wait a little.


He doesn’t want kids


At face value
Too soon to be asking about moving in together. Don’t ruin what you said was a good thing by rushing things. First renew or find your own place. He honestly told you how he felt at the moment… Evaluate if this is a deal breaker for you or if it still possible to continue the relationship as is and to what extent. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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It’s been eight (8) months. Not eight years. Sounds like he is the reasonable person in the relationship. Sign another lease and revisit the conversation in a year. He’s only known your child for five months!