Your mom is strict but your 20? I dont understand. Do you live at her house? Step 1 move out step 2 tell her
She may be upset at first but when she sees her grandchild she will be in love
Just straight out tell her. I was in my 20s when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. After I told my husband, I was scared to death to tell my grandparents since they raised me. We just got married July 2009 and August I found out I was pregnant. I was also on the pill. So, my husband told his parents and I called my mom, dad, and grandparents to tell them. My mom and dad was cool about it. My grandma asked questions but she was excited.
Give her a teddy bear with a bib or onesie that says Grandma on it. It something like that.
Just tell her. You’re already an “adult”, if she gets mad that’s on her
Congratulations!! I was in the same boat, They get over it really quick. I felt like I was so young and now I look back and I really was but I grew up real quick.
My parents were very strict with me growing up, even to the point of me moving out at 19 because they were still reading my personal messages (at which point I was also still a Virgin) I was with my Fiancé for a year and a half and we lived together, when I found out I was pregnant. I waited until after my first appointment to tell them, but surprisingly they told me it’s my life, to do as I please and that they’d support us. I was very surprised.
Good luck to you💚
My daughter was 18 when my grandbaby was born. I never gave her grief. I was excited! I don’t understand parents who don’t support their children it’s a shame.
Just tell her you need to talk and then tell her. She may be a little shocked or upset at first,you know this, but don’t fret,all will end well. Mom’s are just concerned about their daughters well-being and sometimes need time to digest things out of their control. Good luck and many Blessings to you.
Text her a picture of the positive pregnancy test. Tell her how excited you are and excited for her to know
Get her a grandma onesie and disguise it as a mother’s day present.
We just found out 2 weeks ago that my 20 year old daughter is pregnant and is not with the father at this time. Her father and I support her 100%. The father and her are trying to work thing out and more power to them. But we have told her we will support her and be here for her no matter what. Any parent that can’t support thier child when going through something like this honestly disgusts me. If she doesnt want to be there for you and you dont live with her and your with the father then she wouldn’t want to be involved if you were married. It makes no difference in that little piece of paper. Yes it is better to be married in gods eye. But some people dont always see marriage as a have to right away.
My daughter got pregnant at 20. I asked her how she felt about it. She said she was happy. My daughter’s happiness is all I wished for, so from that moment on… I have been ecstatic to become a grandma! We just found out she is having another one! I have been waiting for another grandbaby for 3 years now!
Tell her you’re happy. Tell her that you want her to be happy for you. Tell her you want her to be in yours and your child’s lives, including the baby’s father, but you all are a package deal.
Just say it!!! Momma’s like to be included and involved with things…and…it’s a grandbaby!!!
Also…if you’re past the 1st trimester…you definitely need to tell her SOON! If she’s not happy for you then that’s on her, not you!
You live independently and your 20. Send a pic of the sonogram and tell her Congratulations your gonna be a grandma. I’m so excited or you could wait till you find out what it is going tobe and wrap up some pink baby stuff and put a copy of the sonogram in a frame and gift it to her.
If shes gonna be hard on you she will come around eventually I would hope. It took my father some time but he came around. It was harder for me to tell my Dad then my mom because I didn’t want to disappoint my Dad.
My daughter got pregnant at 19 she lived with her boyfriend I was upset but happy at the same time my grandson is now 10 I couldn’t be happier. If she truly lives you she’ll get over herself and live your baby
If you living on your own working not much she can do. Maybe she more upset you being tied down with a child so young.
How strict can she be if she knows your living with your ? Are U guys married , did U want kids this soon ? How far along are U ? I would wait till I’m at least 3 mos. to make sure all is well with the baby , does the other grandparents know ? Regardless this is your child your carrying so be happy .
I just told my mom I’m pregnant, I’m 5 weeks 3 days today, they always told me to finish college first. Well I’m married and live in a different state and they all are very supportive, they can’t wait to know the gender to just start buying things. But I’m married, what could They say? I’m 18 BTW
I was 19 and so worried about what my mum would say. I told her by text as i couldnt face her. She’s been there for me every single minute and he’s 11 now. She was with me at every scan and even there when I gave birth to him and too my second son. I lived at home at the time as well and hadn’t been with my partner very long
Strict or not you should tell her,besides you are a grown woman,just be forward with her Congralualtions
Just be up front about it I’m 19 and pregnant with my first baby me and my husband just came out and told everyone some were happy some weren’t but it dont matter because this is what we wanted
She probably already knows. We are smarter than you think. Just tell her the truth. She maybe disappointed but she will still love you.
Be honest and straight forward. I would do it in a public place so if your mom wants to be angry she will less likely to do so
I was 22 and still living at home with my mom when I found out I was pregnant with my first. I was terrified that she would be so angry and kick me out. But when I told her, all she did was comfort me. She knew I was scared. She was so supportive and was soon overjoyed to be having her first grandchild.
You’re an adult and live on your own. Just tell her.
You are already living together do how, struck can she be. You are also 20.
YOURE 20 YEARS OLD AND ALREADY MOVED OUT. Seriously get out from under your moms thumb or god help you when the baby gets here cuz she’s going to treat you like the nanny and not the mother
I was nervous when I told my mom at 37!! Hahaha she’s not going to like it but as soon as the baby comes she will love it. We did it as a couple. It was hard but we spit it out. Make sure your partner is with you. It makes it a lol easier I think. Good luck and congratulations
You are an adult who lives your own life. Don’t worry about what she thinks.
Well if you’re paying your own bills, living in your own spot, what’s her opinion really gonna do?
You’re an ADULT! You can tell her at your Gender Reveal Party.
Your grown that question is for when your 13 just tell her what’s she gonna do send you home?
I would just tell her. I actually lived away from home (40yrs ago) and was alone. I worried about my nana most but it was ok. Just be honest. Is it the first grandbaby?
Don’t then … your an adult though just say hey grandma , if she don’t like it well she will come around.
Just tell her, sometimes the scariest thing about moms is your fear of them
Do yall plan on getting married? If so, maybe now is the time. My oldest daughter got pregnant out of wedlock; they were living together, but she didnt tell me until a week or so before she went into labor. She just bought bigger clothes and didnt show that much. I disnt see her very often at that point in time bc I’m very conservative and didnt agree with her lifestyle. It made our relationship strained for awhile even tho I took her to the hospital when she went in labor and caught up their laundry and cleaned their house real good before she came home from the hospital. Tell her asap so she has time to process…
My daughter turned 20 during her pregnancy. It took me about 10 seconds to forget her age or her situation. We now have a grandson i wouldn’t trade for the world.
You are 20 you are an adult whether mom wants to act like you are or not. Tell her and if she gets crappy tell her if she can’t say something nice to say nothing at all
1st of all Congratulations. Tell your mother how you see fit, shit if she’s going to be mean or upset send her a text. I want to tell you that your body is bringing a life into this world enjoy your pregnancy
Just come out with it. You’ll be surprised, my grandmother (who raised me and is more or less mom) is very strict and when we told her she was like well y’all don’t really need this right now, but now she’s buying outfits and everything else for him and is overly excited for him to be here
B honest and up front with your mom the rest is up to her if she decides to b in your life that’s great if not it’s her loss and the baby will b better without all the negativity in its life sound to me like your mature enough to handle it
Just tell her asap and be blunt about it its God plan for you not hers.
You are an adult. Unless you are unable to take care of your child you have nothing to be scared of.
I had my first at 19…if you are on your own, then you are adult. Wait if you want. Once she holds her first grandchild, it will be all over…in a good way.
Just tell her. She will find out and be madder that you kept it from her
Your not a teenage your an adult just say to her in pregneat as long as your happy n you know what stress isnt good being pregneat for you or your unborn child
My youngest daughter graduated high school in 2014 6 months pregnant. You are 20 and don’t live at home. Just tell her you need to talk to her. It is what it is.
I begged for my son & his girl to make me A Nana happiest day of my life
I look forward to the day I get to tell my family. praying that day comes for me.
Hoping for the best outcome. And that it warms her heart
Dont wait too long. Tell it to her now if u can. Just message her… I love you mom… congrats your a grandma already. Belated happy V-day.
Congrats and dont wait. Tell who now. This is wonderful news especially if you and your partner are happy.
Send her a box with pink and blue balloons in it and one that says congrats grandma
well if she is a loving parent she will get over the ideal that your not married because nothing is as sweet as a grand baby congratulations i
You are a grown woman living with your partner in your own place. Just tell her.
The way the question is worded it thought the age was going to be like 17 to be honest.
Just tell her and get it over with. Keep her in the loop. Shes your mom, she loves you. If shes mad let her be. She might come around to the idea of being a grandma sooner than you think.
Just tell her. She may be upset but that’s life now and you have to accept it. and so will your family.
Be up front and honest. She may surprise you and be excited about it
Your mom will be so happy
Put your big girl panties on and tell her. Honesty is best.
U r her child she will accept it after all this will b her grandchild.
You are an adult living on your own. Rip it like a bandaid. She will get over it.
She’ll get over it once the baby’s born.
Just tell her.You are an Adult.If she doesn’t accept it,then that’s on her.
Congratulations on your pregnancy.
Best of Luck.
You’re grown up now she cant put you out
Just tell her. You’re moved out. Its your world now.
You are grown and flown . Tell her or not YOURE. AN ADULT
She’s gonna find out anyways.
You dont have to tell her anything lol
just tell her as you aew old enough to live your life as you want
might as well,she,ll know sooner or later:}
Just tell her. Or do something sweet to tell her. You’re an adult.
A personal family dinner
Mom, I am dying of cancer… … no not really
I am just pregnant… aren’t you happy I don’t have cancer😉
Well you ARE over the age of 18…
Congrats and yes do tell her sooner than later.
Just tell her she might surprize you but no mattr whats going on just love your family best not to worry over something that you cant controll
Just tell her !! It will all be ok.
Get it over with. Bring her food and sit and break bread and the news.
Send her a hello grandma card
With a sonogram picture of her grandchild
Ur 20 not her say. She will be ok with it or not
Don’t matter what she thinks. Not her baby
Don’t wait, just tell her.
Just dont wait till your 5 months moms dont like that
Go to her just you guys and tell her. Be honest how you feel about it.
Just tell her, you are an adult now. She will get over it.
Also, congratulations!
Congratulations !
Just tell her, hi grandma!
A good mother would be supportive
Just tell her. Congratulations.
Just tell her, her loss your gain
You might be surprised…I was the first in my family to get pregnant, and I was fresh in recovery from a decade and a half long heroin addiction (I’m talking like…90 days fresh). I was pregnant by a guy I met at an NA meeting, still legally married to my ex husband, getting kicked out of the place I was living and was not in great standing with any of my family members for obvious reasons. I thought they were ALL going to shit on me, especially my mom. And when I told her she got this really weird look on her face and I was positive she was getting ready to read me the riot act, but instead she exclaimed “I’m going to be a nana!?” And hugged me. Almost 5 years later that guy I met at the NA meeting is still my best friend, we are still together and very much head over heels in love, still clean, own the home we moved into and our son is healthy and happy. And she is the best nana in the world good luck…sending tons of prayers.
If it were me, I’d tell her I had cancer. Let her freak out over that, then tell her you were joking and you’re just pregnant. I tend to lead bad news with a lie of worse news…so the real bad news doesn’t seem so bad. Single mom of 6. Cancer survivor.
Don’t wait it will make it worse. Call text Skype email whatever way makes you comfortable and just tell her!! Mom im pregnant. If she’s upset that’s on her not you!! She’ll get over it or she won’t. You cant sway her decision its hers to make. You have more important wonderful things and times ahead to worry about. All you can do is deliver the news in a sincere loving way how she chooses to take it is up to her.
I had this made. I told my mom I needed to talk to her and tell her something. Then all of my plans went out the window honestly. I started crying and said “please don’t hate me” and I handed her the ultrasound. Definitely not how I wanted to tell her but it is what it is. She handled it much better than I thought honestly.
Be prepared for a lot of questions so go ahead and have you answers ready. Future plans, job plans, living plans, birth certificate plans. Even if it’s obvious parents just ask everything that comes to their head. You are grown though so if she gets mad, you already live on your own so she’ll get over it. It’ll all work out!
My mom asked herself when I started showing she was so excited. I was 25 though and I couldn’t find a way to tell her… a mother always knows… you will be fine…
I was 17 when I got pregnant. (18 when I had him) I didn’t even get to tell my mom cause the clinic called her but I would definitely tell her soon. It’s good to have that support system. My parents were absolutely shocked and mad but after a week they were helpful and supportive. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a young mom. And congratulations on you’re new blessing.
There is something about a mom and her gut feel she’ll always wanna believe her child * but there’s a message to b said you can only hurt once for your child future good or bad there consequences are theres and theres alone! But I’d b a great grandmother no matter what:heart:
I think you will be surprised by how well she takes it, even if she’s mad for a minute she will be overjoyed, and if she knows you are living together I am sure she knows you are doing the deed. I would tell her soon because having her involved could help ease the transition. I do like the suggestion of making a gift to announce it