How should your husband treat you while pregnant?

Get him a pregnant belly strap on and see how he likes it and if it doesn’t really take a physical toll on your Body. They sell them on Amazon. Good luck momma


My ex was like this. The only part of my pregnancies he was interested in was Dr appointments & the births. He’d constantly say hurtful things. He played with our older child but more as a means to control me. For example when I was trying to teach her to sleep he’d get her up to play. He really had no interest in our second. The babies were pawns to keep me with him. He tried using them after we broke up. But once he learned that he couldn’t use them to come in my home, force me to change my plans or schedule or to take money from me he stopped having interest in them. Your husband doesn’t care about your children. He’s showing you that. Get rid of him now. Move out. Hell pretend for awhile. But take control. Decide on a schedule when he can see his kids, where (if he’s allowed in your home), etc. I did this through text. He constantly refused to agree to anything. So I just said take me to court. He wouldn’t. If your husband takes you to court you can show how you tried to set up a visitation schedule & he wasn’t having it.


Tell him to maybe do some research on pregnancy and he would realize he’s a real asshole for saying that because it DEFINITELY takes a toll. Not just physically but mentally also so he needs to check himself. I’d be telling him either he can help and do shit or you’ll spend money PAYING someone to come handle things and he can deal with that.

I’d tell him to get bent and then attack an electric muscle stimulator to him while he was sleep and then set if off on the highest setting.


He sounds like a jerk and an idiot


Leave him for a few days with yout oldest and go relax or to a family members house who will cater to you of needed

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I’m gonna get hate but being pregnant isn’t an excuse to be lazy :woman_shrugging: is he in the wrong for how he is treating you absolutely but we don’t know the full story. Are you expecting him to do everything? If so then he has a right to feel the way he does. But if your still doing your part and he’s not doing his part then he’s in the wrong.
I was high risk with my first born and worked up until the day I went into labor with him(I had to call in to work) I’m even more high risk with this pregnancy. 30 weeks now granted I don’t work this time but I’m a full time student taking care of an almost 2 year old, 3 year old when we have her, cleaning the house, laundry, and making sure my husband has dinner hot when he gets off work because he works 12 hour shifts 7 days a week.


You are pregnant, not dying :smiling_face:


He didn’t want the second kid.


Make him a cup of tea lol


Maybe he should carry a baby next time! Jerk!

I wouldn’t stay with someone who treats me that way.


This is so sad that your husband is this way. Early in my pregnancy I was hospitalized due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum. I would throw up 5+ times a day and was severely dehydrated. Even once I was released I still threw up once a day and was always nauseous and just miserable. My boyfriend has done so much for me especially since I was so sick. My sickness has greatly improved and I am able to do more for myself now, he still does things for me on his own or if I ask. Your husband should absolutely be willing to help you not just because you are pregnant but because you are a team, who should support and love each other regardless.


I would kick him out the door js no woman should be treated like that. And no man should treat a woman like that


First of all he’s dumb because no he hasn’t carried that baby his whole life, he held that sperm for like a couple of days most likely.

I’ve been pregnant 4 times now. I’ve been in your shoes. And though it was just me over reacting. But let me tell you. My now husband. Is my partner. He helps me even when I don’t ask. Understands me completely. No I’m not lazy I work 40+ hours, do virtual schooling with my kids and still manage to do fun activities on my
Days off. But we do it together and I have GV. Pregnant with triplets. I get tired. I get sick af. Now my ex. Absolutely. But he was selfish. If he can’t treat you right while pregnant… he doesn’t respect you.


My ex literally said the same thing …about him carrying the kids his whole life. Ignorant comment thats for sure.

I would be telling him good fucking bye. Don’t ever let me catch my man telling me that me creating a whole human baby is me not doing shit much less it not taking a physical and mental toll on my damn body.

Your man is a total idiot. Facts are facts :woman_shrugging:


I would be digging his grave lol


Men make sperm on a daily basis so his comment is incorrect to begin with. Try having a conversation with him. Communication is key

I’m currently pregnant with our first “ours” baby. I suffered from vomiting a few weeks back at everything. Smells, seeing gross things, it was so annoying. Our puppy pooped in his cage one day and I got down on the floor to clean it up. I took one sniff and had to hurry and crawl to the trash can to puke. My husband literally stepped over me and continued walking out the door. After I was done puking I still had to finish cleaning it up. This hurt my feelings so bad that day that he cared so little that he couldn’t even offer to help. :unamused: I feel for you because I get treated similarly on a daily basis.

Mine was extremely protective with both our boys. Very solicitous

The fact that any of us are attracted to men despite some of them thinking like this is proof that sexuality isn’t a choice

Mine rubbed my feet and back everyday all day

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Tell him “Oh so before you came in me and got me pregnant, you never came? So youve been holding that batch of babies since puberty? Riiiiiggggght.”
I tell that to my guy and he stfu. Lol.

What an ass!! I’d leave him asap!!

Can’t win with a narcissist


Wow!! Just wow…doesn’t sound like his attention is at home


I would introduce my husbands knee to my baseball bat.


My EX husband was like that with my first 2 kids. Wouldn’t change diapers, bathe, dress them ect. We lived on the 3rd floor, about 20 steps each floor. He’d never help carry in groceries, or put them away, Wouldn’t cook or clean. Oh and sex heaven forbid if I was too tired, or not feeling good. Honestly it’s up to you if you want to stay and let him treat you like garbage or not. My now husband he’d get pissed if he even missed a ob appt or ultrasound, wait on me, rub my feet, back rub, Cooks, cleans, took care of the older kids. Run to dairy queen in 5ft of snow lol a couple times :woman_shrugging:

First, get a life insurance policy on him and the house.

Second while waiting for these policies to take effect start introducing small details to make him think he is going crazy as well as the People around him. I suggest something like gaslighting to him, make this man go crazy. Make him get angry and sprinkle some Narcissism in it. All In person sis. Step number three, after the people around you have started saying stuff like “Oh my gosh. Whata wrong with him? Why is he acting like this?” You say “I’m not sure and I’m scared! He has been asking me for really weird stuff in bed. Last night… last night… he… well when he cam he called me mother hen. I don’t even know! And when I asked him he said that chicken’s and mom’s were just really doing it for him right now. How can that be?!” And just sell it. Now after all that is done and the insurance has taken effect. KICK THAT MAN DOWN THOSE GODDAMN STAIRS!!!

Cash that check, move on to bigger and better things. Sign them babies up for survier benefits, get on tinder and life that best life sis. WITHOUT THAT TRASH :wastebasket:

Here’s my opinion - if you gotta come here and ask, you already know the answer and just want backup.
That dude is slacking. I’m so sorry. Tell him how you feel, be serious, don’t allow him to “joke” or tell him to leave. This is bullshit.

My husband was annoyingly helpful. To the point that he didn’t let me do anything. ANYTHING! When the baby is born, I’d let him carry that one too. Both, at the same time.

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I would be like you can help me or I can leave simple as that. I would also let him know I did not make the baby by myself.

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Talk to him… he’s prob immature and needs a huge reality check.

He should’ve grown up after the first child, he should be grateful for 2 blessings.


I was pregnant one time and at first my husband did not what to touch my stomach and than I said I guess I will be taking care of the child by myself and I want to him one day and ask him way can’t you put your hand or hands on my stomach he look at me and said I’m scared because I’m in my 30s and that he said he was never showed how to take care of a woman being pregnant and that his dad was in jail for a long part of my husband life so my mother in law called me and said that my husband dad is out of jail and that my husband dad wanted to make up the time that he was out of my husband life so I told my mother in law and father in law to call back in ten minutes and i said if my husband gets mad than let him be mad at me and I told my in laws that me and my husband are going to have a baby and I told them that my husband is scared to touch my stomach and that he touch my stomach once since I was pregnant and that the baby stop making me so nauseous when my husband touch my stomach one time so I end the call and give my husband the phone and said there well be a call that is about to come through and told him to take the call and the person that is about to call loves you and wish he could take back what he did and that he miss so much of your life and my husband tok the call and my husband came to me and that he wants to be a part of the baby life and I told my husband that the baby loves you and that the first time you touch my stomach that the baby stop making me so nauseous I told him that the baby is going to either going to be a daddy girl or a daddy boy I don’t know what my husband dad said to him but after the talk he started touch my stomach more helping around the house and than we found out we were going to have a girl so I called my mother in law and I told her that I look up to her she had cancer it what away but she dose testing to see if it comes back as not yet so I ask her if we could name the babys first name after her she cry and said yes well the look in my husband eyes when he look at her when she was born and when you see her everyone knows that dad was not to far behind her those two we always have say to this day that they are partner in crime but at first my husband did not really tough but one time at the beginning and did not help with work around the house until when one his dad had a hart to hart talk and than seen what my day look like and he promise me that he be more involved with everything sorry for to long my husband was not taught that much about me being pregnant at first he didn’t know what to do or anything until his dad and mom showed up and help him get through it but he is a good dad


Definitely not like that… my husband checks on me constantly and has taken over some of my roles since this pregnancy has been rough. Obviously if he works hard and has a lot to handle he can’t be a caregiver 24/7 but he should be making an attempt to check in on you and bond to the baby


I’m so sorry, he sounds like an awful human being. Idk what you can do now besides talk to him and express how he’s hurting you. I’d also make him be in the room when you deliver so that he can hear and see how painful giving birth is.


Sounds like an a$$#!%! :woman_shrugging:t3:

Kick his ass out for a few nights or make him wear a weighted vest all day everyday. Put a timer on his phone for every 15 to 20 minutes that he has to stop what he’s doing to go to the bathroom to pee symbolically. If you know something that grosses him out smell wise secretly put it in his favorite places. Send the kids to scream and mosh him when he seems to be breaking. Never let him sit down. Have family members help if possible. He has to keep that weighted vest on the entire time and adhere to the potty alarm. At some point twist his nipples and don’t hold back because we don’t get mercy, girls. Pile too many blankets on him until he sweats then suddenly take them off and turn on 6 fans pointed at him. Let him read this because I am sure I am able to recreate many more symptoms of pregnancy just for him to experience.

I’m guessing something is going on since he didn’t do this with the first. I’d definitely just talk to him. Did something happened like did you cheat and he thinks it’s not his?


I feel you, my husband is the same!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How should your husband treat you while pregnant?

Sit his ass down and ask him what the fuck is wrong with him. He might be having his own things he’s dealing with but having this conversation is important


Eff him all the way :woman_shrugging:t2::roll_eyes::unamused:


When he speaks to you like that, get up and start shuffling things around. Move pillows, look under stuff. When he asks what you’re doing reply with “looking for whoever the fuck it is you’re talking to, because it’s not me. I am the mother of your children, and you need to treat me with more compassion and understanding because your behavior is unacceptable.”


Ask him what his deal is and tell him if he cant act like a husband and father he can leave.


Just ask him what the fuck his problem is :woman_shrugging:t3:

Even if he thought it, I can’t imagine why he has the urge to say it. It sounds purposeful to hurt or let you feel he isn’t interested. Each pregnancy is different for every woman. I’d just ask him…why are you going out of your way to make me feel insignificant.

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Honestly, those comments about him carrying it blah blah blah, I swear that’s a male thing, my hubby says it too, but my hubby also helps out and everything he just likes being a dick. If you get on well with his mum maybe talk to her about it? She might be able to give you some insight, or even your own mum


Ummmm ask him what the fuck is problem is? Even if you WERENT pregnant, you should be able to ask him for help. Doubly so if you ARE!


Ask him if he would say that to his momma who carried his ass. Or how he’d feel about his father telling his mother the same thing


He is very disrespectful you need to get his ass in line

He wouldn’t be getting any more pussy from me


Pack his bags! Sounds like he has a side chick


I’m 7 months pregnant, I’d probably resort to violence. :joy:


Sounds like your husband needs to take a few of those daddy boot camp classes/ attend a fatherhood program.:unamused:

I would never tolerate that. I’m 36w pregnant with my second child and my partner does whatever I ask!


Tell him to man tf up and stop being a deadbeat crybaby because if you’re going to be a single mom with him you might as well just be a single mom


For one if he has a daughter I hope he realizes he’s showing her that it’s okay to treat a woman like that. Second I’d ask wtf is his problem. That baby literally will drain the life out of you some days he should be more compassionate. I feel like he is saying that stuff just to hurt you, or just so he doesn’t have to help. Your emotions are heightened as it is, and you don’t need that mess.

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My boyfriend was the same way. Even during birth. Either wait it out-like I did, or leave him and focus on your self & your baby. There’s no wrong choice. Follow your heart

He needs a reality check! Strap a big belly (weight appropriately for the size of a baby) he can’t take it off for at least a week! That might straighten him out.

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Ask him if he’s being such an asshole because of that giant bag of audacity he’s carrying around, and let him know he needs to drop it so he can focus on his pregnant wife


He sounds like an ass. Sorry I couldn’t help but laugh. I’d slap him upside the head with a frying Pan and claim insanity

Your husband is an asshole!

Men will NEVER understand how it feels to have a tiny little fetus inside of your body sucking absolutely every bit of goodness from you. It’s fucking exhausting and you need a new husband xx


Slap the fuck out of him

He’s a jerk ….your family deserves better. He’s not going to change .
Don’t waste any more time in this situation for you and your children. I’m sorry.

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My baby daddy called me useless the day I had our son🤪 will never forget that day!


Your husband is a ass I’m so sorry big hugs

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I would ask him what it is about this pregnancy that’s bothering him. Did he not want another baby? Is he worried financially? Is he worried about the change this baby will make? Tell him that ignoring it won’t make it go away and that you are truly concerned about his actions. Hopefully he will be honest with you and you two can have a happy pregnancy.


Did he not watch you push out the first one? What do you mean it doesn’t take a toll, oh man, I would have some words with him. I’m sorry he isn’t validating you or helping you, it’s hard. I don’t really have advice.

I’d gather a bunch of pregnancy info off the internet, print it out and have him read it. Or ask your OB/GYN to reiterate how pregnancy affects a woman’s body.


Mine doesn’t do the last part of your message but doesn’t show much interest either. He has said he doesn’t understand it because he isn’t experiencing it himself like how we get excited etc when baby moves, he will touch sometimes but not every time obviously and because he doesn’t experience it, it doesn’t seem real or like its actually happening until baby is here xx

So no idea but this is legit what the father of all 3 of mine does :roll_eyes:


I packed my shit and left… they come back crying… hold your ground and make them truly see life in your absence. I ended up enjoying the peace and have stayed single since. :pray:


Throw the whole man away. Hes a douche canoe.


Actually he only carried the sperm for less than 70 days :woman_facepalming:t3::rofl:


Just like any other day. No big deal

I will say this. Pregnant women are EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. The hormones are off the charts. It’s not yalls fault but sometimes it’s too much for us men. So we tend to be rude and selfish at times. Pregnant women are needy and we should provide for yall. Sometimes it feels under appreciated. Like you take us for granted. My advice would be to continue being the sweetheart I’m sure you are and handle him with grace. Hopefully he will in turn show you loving-kindness. Please don’t take things personally.


In the nicest way possible, I feel like you might be wanting him to wait on you hand and foot. Yes, while pregnancy is very tiring, you should still be doing some things yourself. He may be feeling like a waiter and feeling resentment because of that. I’m a single mum of 2 boys and am currently pregnant with my 3rd. It’s tiring. I’m constantly in a state of fatigue, but I get on with it because it’s what I have to do. I also work 4 days a week. Just because I’m pregnant, it’s not an excuse to be lazy. Who knows, maybe there’s something else going on. Maybe he doesn’t feel like he can talk to you about it because you’re so focused on yourself and the pregnancy. Communication is the key here. We are moody when pregnant and we don’t always realise it :woman_shrugging:


He’s a stupid jerk. There’s a plethora of medical journal articles that show pregnancy takes a big toll on a woman.

He’s supposed to be your partner and help. He knows that, he’s just not respecting you. I would be tempted to go stay with my family who could help me, or move a family member in. Sorry you are going through this.

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He’s being extremely insensitive. If there’s no change after speaking with him you’re better off without him. He’s probably showing his true colors. Pregnancy is extremely exhausting already and you need full support. I’d rather be by myself.


Pull a mf’n Madea on his ass :rofl::joy::rofl: Sorry the min you said “shows no interest” I didn’t have to read a god damn thing after that!!


girl what’s his name i just wanna have a little talk with him


Hes cheating sorry but if he don’t care he’s cheating straight up its time u kick him to the streets


I can see both sides honestly. Being pregnant is not an excuse to be waited on hand and foot. I still do my daily things such as clean and cook and take care of 3 other children. I don’t expect my husband to ask me how I’m doing every day. It becomes a loaded question when pregnant because he’s either gonna get a sweet angel or an evil demon in response depending on how my hormones have me feeling.
I will ask him occasionally if I’m sitting down if he can get something like a drink for me mostly because I’m now almost due and it’s hard for me to get up and down but I didn’t in the first two trimesters cause I was fully capable with no issues.
Women are not disabled when pregnant (unless told they need to be on bed rest or take it easy by a doctor).

At the same time he should be willing to help here and there with some things and not say things like “I’ve carried the baby my whole life” and what not.
And to be truthful, after my husband and I had our first, my husband showed no interest in the 2nd pregnancy. He felt the kicks, he saw me grow, he’s seen ultrasounds. It wasn’t new and exciting. He didn’t get excited till she came because that’s when they become different than the previous. Some guys just aren’t emotional about pregnancy and save it all for the birth and beyond.


He’s being an ass. My husband was absolutely amazing during my pregnancy

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Get one of the labor simulators from Amazon and let him see how tough he is. :joy:


Wrap a watermelon to his body for a day then ask him to do everything that you do, see how he feels afterwards, I bet he’s exhausted.

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If that’s really how he is acting then it seems very obvious he doesn’t want and didn’t want to have another baby and is probably projecting that onto you with how he is treating you .


Typical Male arrogance. Kick him out.

Get a simulator that is similar for contractions or cramps and make him wear it for 3 hours then see him complain anymore!!

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Wow! I wish my husband would! That’s not supportive at all!! No one deserves to be treated so poorly. I hope you take care of yourself and kids and have the strength to move on. He sounds like a narcissist!

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Lord help you if you get ill… a month after I finished Chemo he was upset I didn’t have my energy back yet, among other horrible things he said while I was sick. He sounds like a total asshole. TBH. Tell him he’s being a jerk, if he doesn’t apologize or admit to it and gets defensive- you have a hard road ahead and some tough choices to make.

Men like this piss me off. My hair is permanently damaged from my 2 kids, my teeth are fucked cause of my 2 kids, I get acne now when I never did, i have dark circles under my eyes, a nasty scar from 2 c sections, a pouch that will never go away because of 2 c sections, back problems, an the list goes on and that’s the AFTERMATH. That’s not even counting what happens DURING pregnancy.


Sounds like you’re pregnant with a baby he doesn’t want.


You married him! I’m sure this isn’t the 1st time he’s been like this. You are like most women “I can change him” attitude.
If you don’t like it f*cking leave! Or better yet, stop making babies with him! Ugh!


How do you people just not leave.