If it something you can do why not just do it? I’m sorry but you’re pregnant…not broken. Unless your doctor put you on bed rest you’re still very capable.
My husband also distant his self when he had our second baby I left so unattractive and now think the same. Guys will be guys and you need to tell him if you don’t want me then that’s fine cuz I will still be bringing OUR baby into this world with or without you and if I’m that nasty then you don’t have too be there. And express how you feel and what your down about. And tell him he needs to do better. Your relationship needs to be better before our baby comes or things are only going to be harder. Be on the same page as each other.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How should your husband treat you while pregnant?
It sounds like your husband is a piece of shit whom you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant by how disgustingly disrespectful
Whew girl… I wouldn’t know bc I’ve only had one and my husband was precious. There’s definitely something going on.
Sounds like he’s just being a jerk? I mean men do not understand what all we go thro being pregnant. However how r u acting? I mean being pregnant is not a reason to not be able to do things. I got pregnant back to back having C-section on all and still did everything I had to do as my husband never babied me
What an asinine statement to make to your pregnant wife. Of course, I’m petty AF. So, if I’m not doing anything, you can bet your butt I’m gonna stop doing EVERYTHING and make that a true statement. He can do it on his own for awhile.
My ex was like that. He was a bigger jerk at delivery.
Hes not entirely wrong. Too many people use it as an excuse not to do anything
I’d say something
Not exactly sure what
But knowing me I’d definitely say something and it wouldn’t be nice …
It’s common sense that it would take a toll on your body … lol
He sounds like an asshole mine helps me with literally anything I need and is very accommodating. Yours needs a reality check for real.
Tell him to start helping without the insults or get out. I couldn’t have someone like that around me especially while pregnant
Leave. It isn’t going to get any better. I learned from experience
He sounds like a complete asssshole.He couldn’t have just started now acting like a douche bag?..Sounds extremely immature also.I wouldn’t be able to deal with someone like that,def needs to he put in his place…
Sounds like he wants to catch some hands
I would pack a bag and take me and my children somewhere where somebody would help me. Nobody should go thru it alone. When he calls tell him you asked for help that you are struggling and since he can’t bring himself to help that you’ll find somebody who can…
Why in God’s name would you choose to reproduce with this person AGAIN?!
Sounds like a douche that I wouldnt continue to have children with
My guy said stuff like that but was usually only joking.
He’s becoming a professional. Lol. You’re pregnant and yes your body is changing and going through some things but what’s he suppose to to? Coddle you all day and pamper you? At least he’s there providing.
Sir, have several seats and let me school you on anatomy…
Stop doing the stuff. I been pregnant 4 times. And I go through each pregnancy. I just stop doing whatever I ask him to do. Thank goodness o have a 16 year old becaus ever the most part he would help me if asked.
That’s called a red flag…
You were the one who had the egg cell in your body your entire life, sperm cells don’t live long. Everything else is also incorrect and shitty, but I had to point that out.
Sounds like an asshole, I would be waiting on my gf and making sure she felt beautiful, sexy and that I would do anything for her to help.
clearly you’re married to a complete moron
Been there. Get on birth control as soon as you can after birth. And leave his ass ASAP.
Counseling or why TF are you married to him?
Y’all trip me put with what you accept.
Just let my husband read this and he says “he’s lost interest and doesn’t care, he’s trying to cause a problem so he has an excuse to leave”.
Sounds like a man child, that needs some education. He ain’t growing shit👀
Guys a dick. He clearly has never carried a damn thing
Tape a huge watermelon to his abdomen ( needs to weigh at least 15 -20 lbs) make him wear it for 24 hours. Then maybe he will change his mind
I’d leave before baby was born.
Shame on his damn momma and daddy for not raising a better man. Obviously he needs to sit down and be taught what actually happens when a human being is being grown in a woman’s body.
Like a god damn queen. Your husband sounds like a giant man child.
Have HIM get a c-section then tell him to do everything himself!
Lol. Awe hun he’s just over it. Don’t get yourself all worked up. In all reality he could be worse.
My brother in-law told my sister that women gathered grains while pregnant pushed the baby out handed it a basket and kept working…. (Yup total ass) and he says it about a different culture every time. It’s awful.
Oh no, even if he’s joking he needs to stop. Men just don’t understand for one, but two, he needs to be a damn man, and be there for you. I’d pack a bag, take my child, and leave for a while. You got this. But no man, should treat you like that!! My husband would go to the store for me, if I was craving or needed something. Or let me nap, while he takes the kids. I wouldn’t continue to have kids with him, if this is how my husband acted.
I’d have smacked my husband upside the head if he’d said that BS.
why did you even have kids with this dude is my main question ?
I deal with the same thing, except instead of him saying ‘I don’t do anything and it’s not taking a physical toll on my body’, he just treats me like complete shit. I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s just a complete asshole and moron (came to the conclusion a long time ago) and is a self-centered narcissist who has no compassion for anyone but himself. I have reasons why I haven’t left yet but the day will come. Your husband is an asshole. A man should definitely not be treating a pregnant woman like shit. That’s not a man. That’s a piece of shit.
Sounds like you take him to a place that shows him what’s pregnancy is like.
Was the pregnancy planned or did it just happen and he wasn’t happy about it? Cause if he wasn’t happy about it then he’s going to act like an ass more than likely even after baby is born.
I’m having my 4th baby and this is my husband’s 1st . I didn’t have the father’s around for my other 3 pregnancies. My husband has been amazing so far. He’s constantly asking me how I’m feeling,what I need,helping me around the house. He has simply been amazing. I think your husband is being a big schmuck and needs to grow the hell up. He sounds immature too. I’m not sure what advice to give but I’m sorry he’s being this way. Good luck xx
Pregnancy is not only hard but dangerous. Men dont give us enough slack. I had preeclampsia and I was always sick, and essentially dying. At the end I went in over rib pain that was caused by my kidneys (and liver) failing. I had my baby a month early and we were in the NICU for 2 weeks. I was in a wheelchair hooked up to IV meds for 3 whole days. Pregnancy is hard. It’s even harder when your partner is a douche. I’m sorry
What an ass! Couples counseling or leave. If it were me, I’d reevaluate my attachment to such a callous individual.
I simply wouldn’t have a husband anymore
Sounds to me like he doesn’t want a baby, nor does he respect you! You need to either move or kick his ass to the curb before it gets worse!
You carried the egg your whole life. He just fertilized it.
Wow, being pregnant doesn’t affect your body and health, fucking moron. I would go the childish route tell his mom on him that he said that lol, even if she don’t like you that might get her to deal with him.
Pregnancy doesn’t take a physical toll on your body?! Is he really that clueless?
Feed him feed him so well he gets plump, then make him do all the things you did when pregnant an make him look after the kids on his own ete when he moans about doing these things tell him it doesn’t take a physical toll on his body an it’s just an excuse & to crack on with it…soon will think twice before saying anything after x
I just seen another post not long ago saying women are just incubators and I really gotta wonder who is teaching these people. Pregnancy is so miserable and dangerous and down right unpleasant from start to finish, you change SO MUCH!!! So much happens to you! Why are people so inconsiderate… I’m sorry this is happening to you maybe it’s time to buy him books and movies on how things actually work … Or a rolling pin for that occasional ignorant comment…
Ew. Throw the whole man out
This is why it’s imperative to get to really know each other before commitment. Ask the correct questions and see if you are a perfect fit for each other. His no consideration is not okay and that’s why he is your partner and parent to the children you both decided to have. I’m sorry to say if this is at this stage I could only imagine what else is coming down the line. My only advice to you is: have a plan B ALWAYS. Cash saved up on your own and build for the what if.
I don’t even know what to say. I’m definitely not one to run straight to the “leave the dumbass” but that’s what my thoughts are. Even my ex who was a total piece of shit at least pretended to care about me while I grew his 5 children. He even checked on me with the 3rd and we weren’t together for most of that pregnancy.
Boot him in the balls and tell him that, thats what every contraction feels like but 100 times worse absolute loser. Hope you’re okay x
Kick him to the kerb, surely he didn’t just turn nasty since you got pregnant this time
Ummm, he needs his head examined
My husband is the reason my water broke at 30 weeks and 3 days. He expected me to do everything as he was always at work. I had to take care of my kids while I should of been relaxing and when they put me in the hospital he said he missed me nope he missed me being a nanny. And I’m done having kids my last baby was born 2 months ago and spent 32 days in the NICU.
Your husband sounds ignorant… he should be helping you do the things you can no longer do. I’m fortunate enough to have a man that does these things for me. I’m carrying twins and I’m high risk so, he REALLY worries and doesn’t let me do things on my own. I’d tell him if he wasn’t gonna act like a father then, he shouldn’t be here I’m rude though. I don’t put up with no dumb shit and I won’t especially, since I’m already high risk…
I always heard “if he wanted to, he would.” Maybe it’s something you should take into consideration. If he’s being this heartless now, how is he gonna be when you’re trying to heal up from having the baby? Shit is tough enough as it is and having a partner that doesn’t give a damn sure isn’t gonna help anything. If you’re doing it by yourself now, you’re gonna be doing it alone when the baby is born so, WHY even have the dude around.
And this is the beginning of the end of your marriage. It only gets worse. Been there
He has zero respect for you, no consideration of how you’re feeling nothing. That is extremely toxic. And to be honest it normally only gets worse. If he can’t treat you right during pregnancy he never will.
Too many females have used pregnancy as an excuse to NOT do anything. If you arent doing anything except laying around not moving because you are growing a human…sorry thats lazy…while I agree he is uneducated in the world of obgyn…perhaps force him to the dr and have the dr explain it to him. Have him read books and watch videos on what it does to a womans body!
He is very ignorant about the human body! He is just dumb, you can’t change that!
Did you plan this baby together?
Was he on board to have this baby, was this pregnancy planned or did it just happen? Do you both work outside the home? I’d ask him why he’s so different this time around. Then I’d make an appointment with a marriage counselor. Go alone if he won’t go. Good luck and congratulations,
Seems to me he didn’t want a second child, and doesn’t wanna be in the relationship.
Also I know pregnancy does take a toll on us, but if you’re using pregnancy as an excuse to sit on your ass, I get where he’s coming from.
Eww… just throw the whole man out. Men who act like this are disgusting.
Leave him. They find any excuse to treat us like shit. Leave him. Don’t reproduce with that asshole anymore. If men could be pregnant we would never hear the end of it and they’d cry like little ass bitches because even a litle fuckin cold makes them start writing their will.
Throw the whole man child out.
If he can’t look after you when you are at your most vulnerable than he doesn’t respect you.
I’d throat punch him…
This is absolute bullshit. When I was pregnant with my son, his “father” (I use that word VERY loosely as he is not a freaking dad), was so disgusted and grossed out by me being pregnant, he refused to even come near me or hug me. If my baby bump accidentally brushed up against him, he freaked out and said how gross it was. He never even felt my son kick.
He would just play video games all day from afternoon to like 5 am. So I actually was the one cooking and bringing him food and cleaning and basically babying the shit out of him.
I’m just saying all this to give you insight on how shitty “dads” can be and relate to your experience.
Bottom line, your husband is honestly being selfish and shitty as hell. I promise you that this will drive a huge wedge between you, and you’ll (RIGHTFULLY) start to resent him.
You need to have a serious heart to heart and tell him to treat you better, or honestly you’re going to have HUGE issues down the road.
Good luck, I know it isn’t easy, hang in there!
- Stop having kids with this person.
- Leave.
I had a hard time with my first child. Sick 7 months. Lost 45lbs. My 2nd was worse. I was told we wouldn’t live. Said abort. I refused. So they sent me to a hematologist. That’s when I started wondering what toll this would have and what does it take from me to grow a child. So I did some research.
It takes 5 pints of blood thru the entire pregnancy to support a baby.
That’s why I had a hard time. I was anemic from the beginning. Make sure he’s in the room when you give birth. Even if he says no. Don’t listen. He made him too so he should see how he will come into the world.
Girl I’m going through the same exact thing, I work and I still have to be the one that comes home cooks and clean , he never asks how I’m feeling , if my baby girl is kicking it’s like a chore to get him to feel her, if I want a back rub lmao forget it , sex? What’s that? I feel you and if you ever need a friend hit me up
Google what pregnancy does to women’s bodies then show it to him. He needs to learn a few things obviously. I’m sorry you’re dealing with such an immature and selfish asshole during your pregnancy. Tell him to get off his ass and help you so you can rest.
He probably got burnt out after the first one.
I would tell him to f**k off personally
Yeah I agree with the girl on here who said throat punch.
I’m sorry your having to deal with this ! He sounds like a narcissistic person! Only cares about himself, wishing you the best. Best thing is your not going to be pregnant forever!!
I never comment on these posts but women carry all the eggs we will ever have before we are even born…… sperm regenerates every 64 days……. I’d tell him do a lil research on his own body and stop being a dick, but that’s just me…
Think this is most men to be honest!!! They are not sympathetic in the slightest, they just don’t get it. I had a baby last year with health problems and has constant appointments and I’m 6 months pregnant. I’m still struggling / plodding along doing most things in agony but hey ho!!! It’s life I guess, just gotta suck it up xx
I personally would leave him. He has no respect for you
Yeahhh when the only way he could actually see it was with a microscope vs the pounds the baby will be then walk out the door and not look back
Not sure what I would do, but then again I didnt marry an ignorant jerk.
You’re vulnerable h needs to look after you
Pregnant or not, he should be helping with half of everything.
I’m going through the SAME exact thing
Kick him in the nuts and tell him you don’t feel anything so it can’t hurt…
Sounds like he’s burnt out from the first one girl.
I wouldn’t do anything he can either do it or it just won’t get done
Honestly, I’d rethink being with him. Imagine what kind of dad he’ll be. #hardpass
Can we all just agree with the fact ‘men’ need to stop trying to have an opinion on women’s bodies. PERIOD. ESPECIALLY ON PREGNANCY?? Like 'scuse me…WHAT sir?
My son’s father treated me like absolute shit during my entire pregnancy. Like unspeakable things. During it all, I actually grew to hate him and I left him as soon as I got the opportunity. He barely comes around to see the child (7 years later) and does not help me support my son at all.
I’m sorry to say, but he will not change. If he is acting like this while you are pregnant, he more than likely will act the same when the baby is born. You deserve better than someone who’s going to treat you like that, especially while carrying his damn child. Fuck that. Your children deserve better too.
Sounds to me he didnt want a 2nd kid.
Well he is kinda right. I know many women that worked up to the day of birth. Some mothers nowadays are lazy. I had a employee almost give birth at work. She literally worked til the birth. Her choice not mine. 8 hr shifts on her feet. She enjoyed it. Kept the extra weight off she said. Now adays you want coddled like your doing something millions of women hadnt done.
He’s a poor excuse for a man. He’s a grown manchild
ugh guys like him make my skin crawl. He is being very inconsiderate. You guys need to do marriage counseling.