How should your husband treat you while pregnant?

I’d be cashing in his insurance policy if he ever told me anything like that :blush:


Tape a giant watermelon on the man.

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Well first off u can tell your hus and to hit up Joseph Recoy on Facebook tell him that my husband and he wants to have a few words with this dirt bag of a husband u have he is completly inconsiderate and deserves to be smacked and my husband will share with ur husband that trust trust me ur nothing compared to me pregnant he lucky I’m not his pregnant wife because if he would of talked to me that way he would of been hit with a damn sludge hammer and then I would plead loss of hormone control during pregnancy and tell the judge everything he did u practically could get away with murdering him eapaclly of u record how he acts tords u remember its not in our control that baby feels everything u feel he is a co.plete ass and u deserve better

I wish he would!! Sounds like he didnt want this baby. You should ask him about that.

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Take him to your doctor, get him to explain his pov to them and let them tell him why his wrong. Guarentee he’ll leave that appointment feeling like a fool

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Sounds all too familiar!! Typical narcissistic behavior and response. Save yourself! Research it!! You deserve better!!

You’re not alone. This is nothing new

This sounds very self centered. I’m very concerned for you.

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Sounds like you’d be happier as a single mom.


Well take off to go to a spa or get a massage on his dime. Since he doesn’t want to help you out. Or just stop doing things for him and the other kids completely. When he asks why tell him you feel too bad. He’ll get it real quick or you can just leave him for a whole week to deal with everything else you deal with. Get yourself a hotel room without him and chill.

As a woman who is also pregnant with baby number 2, I’d probably knock his damn teeth down his throat :woman_shrugging:

Pregnancy is HARD, and no man should ever ever ever have an opinion on how it affects us physically/mentally or any other way

I wish you the best pregnancy and delivery possible :kissing_heart:


Sounds like an ass&@“/

Not all men are men some are just arsholes
It won’t get any better been down that road

My husband came to almost every doctor visit and it helped him understand and relate to what was going on with me personally while pregnant mentally and physically.

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Leave he isn’t supporting u or trying 2 understand ur feelings.
MY husband was the same way with both pregnancies now splitting up this summer (better 4 my kids sake). Sounds like he doesn’t want responsibilities. The effects pregnancy has on a body are gruesome. Our bodies grow 2x it’s size which stretches and pushes everything from the inside out, we can’t drink as long as we are carrying and breastfeeding, we gain weight, have 2 watch what we eat while having insane cravings, can’t control our own emotions, get sick, even pee all over ourselves. These are just the basics. After both pregnancies I have permant lower back pain. Have had 2 have my gallbladder removed and permantly take iron for pregnancy induced anemia. if I don’t it causes chronic migrains. Iv given birth both ways and didn’t care 4 the the fact that I was ripped from hole 2 hole having atleast q0 stitches down there and it burned every time I peed. It took twice as long 2 recover from my c section. Guys that act like ur not going through a major change are undeserving assholes that need 2 take a walk in ur shoes!

Ewww my dude says that shit too. Most annoying thing ever !!

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Sounds like a dude that wouldn’t be getting any intimacy with me. They have their needs, but I have my needs too. If you don’t show interest in meeting my needs (emotionally and help around the house), I sure as hell won’t be meeting yours. :person_shrugging:


I’d be moving on girl he’s just using you

Sounds resentful towards you for some reason. I personally wouldn’t tolerate him speaking to me that way. I wouldn’t go ape shit on him, but I’d have a calm conversation with him about how he has been making you feel and how you two can work better together. Find out why he’s so resentful.

I wouldn’t, he sounds like
A total douche, sorry that’s not cool

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Like a goddess. I had a baby in December and my husband was a godsend. Foot rubs, tolerating my moods, food runs, etc. very rarely was he not there… like when I went to the hospital and he was 5 hours away :roll_eyes::pensive: I’m glad my husband isn’t an uneducated man child and understands how hard making a baby is. Your husband needs to go.

Nope nope nope, that guy is a dbag… my fiancé did so much for me while preggers! Made me food whenever I wanted, helped me in and out of the truck every time we went anywhere, rubbed my feet when they were super swollen, ran me baths with candles and Epsom salts, always asked me how I was feeling or what I needed, gave me all the snuggles and love… that’s how a man should treat you when you’re carrying his baby, like his whole life is in your hands… eff that guy. I would kick him to the curb


Awww hell. Leave him lovely. He sounds like a jerk.

I’m sorry, what? You’re joking right? I know you can’t force people to be compassionate, let alone empathetic, but I am truly sorry you married such an as*hole. Your husband should treat you like a freaking goddess. Because you are making a tiny human. And not just any tiny human, your tiny human. If he valued you at all he’d be helping you with heavy things, making sure you’re eating and taking it easy and getting whatever food you can keep down.

If my husband did anything less than that during my very difficult 3 HG pregnancies, I would have divorced him. It may sound drastic but I don’t have the time or energy to teach a grown man how to have empathy or compassion. Nor do I have time to waste on someone who clearly doesn’t even care about my wellbeing. Sorry, I want a partner in life, not a man sized toddler to care for. Thankfully my husband is incredible. You are not a terrible person if you put him the doghouse for his atrocious and unacceptable behavior.


This is absolutely not ok. For me it’s a very big red flag, this is one of the things my ex husband did and it was emotionally not ok. Have a genuine discussion and if he still ignores it then I think it’s time for serious reflection, is that someone you want your baby to look up too and think is ok?

Why do women have children with boys like this? So disrespectful and I can bet that they’re like this before pregnancy too. I wouldn’t stay with someone that obviously couldn’t give 2 :poop::poop:’s about my well being. Makes me very grateful that I married a better man.

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I’m sorry, but what an ass. My children’s father “physician” says that child birth is so traumatic on your body, many women loss some of their hair because of it.

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He’s not feeling this baby. You need to prepare to be a single mom while he’s in the house

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Nope nope NOPE! He should be cherishing you right now… your body, even in sleep is still creating life and he should have respect and compassion for that! You need to find a real direct way of telling him hes a fu*%ing douche and it needs to stop!

My husband went to all the appointments with me. Rubbed my back and feet every day. He we would bring me a home cooked dinner every night I worked on my break.

My man went to every appointment, treated me very well. But when our daughter came, I did most of everything. I bet I could count the amount of times he changed a diaper on two hands. Lol he’s an amazing person though. And Def spoils us. But he does lack parenting skills. One reason I’ll never have another. Our daughter is two now and nothing has changed. It doesn’t bother me as much now that she’s older though. She’s still a handful and at least I get a break every once in a while. Some men are just bad with kids, etc. I’d talk to him, give him some options. If you’re not gonna leave him, then there’s no point in giving any ultimatums. Let him know that he can’t expect Anything from you if he’s not giving you any effort. And then men really wonder why we don’t do some of the things they want us too. Lol smh I hope it gets better for you

Sit down and have a conversation with him with one of the bellies that you strap on and one of those things that you put on your muscles and turn up the dial so they can feel how contractions feel. Make him wear the stomach thing for a week while he’s at the house.

Whole Man Disposal Services. Yes, the whole man


Let him wear a watermelon strapped to his stomach for 9 months see how he likes it

Hit him on the head with the frying pan :joy:


What a child! And also, he hasn’t carried his sperm for his whole life, he gets completely new ones every 64 days. YOU have carried your eggs your whole life. (If you want to be petty technical)
But anyway, he’s a arse and you can do way better.


Make him carry a backpack on his front full of things for the whole day see how he copes with that

Get him a pregnancy belly to wear around for awhile then ask him if it is hard to carry a baby. I would talk to him and find out if something is bothering him. Sometimes men’s worries can come off as being uncaring.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How should your husband treat you while pregnant?

In my opinion his ass would be homeless and divorced! He sounds awful! #getout #youdeservebetter


Sounds like a narcissist.


You deserve to be treated way better! Especially being a second pregnancy. My first was a breeze and my hubby didn’t let me lift a finger. Which I was stubborn about till about 30 something weeks. This time I’m at 20 weeks and I feel like I did at the end with the first and I’m taking full advantage of mommy incubation treatment.

I would definitely have a discussion about how you feel and how his treatment makes you feel. Good luck momma :two_hearts:

Stop doing everything that you do for him & let him fend for himself. He’ll see real quick that it does take a toll on you.


My son’s father did that. Expected me to do same that I did before pregnant and felt being pregnant shouldn’t stop me from doing anything no matter how tired I was. He wouldn’t even let me drive the van which would’ve been easier for me since the console sat up higher and gave my belly room rather than squished behind the wheel in my truck. I finally gave up and did best I could


Honestly my husband tried that for our second baby… i put a stop to it real quick im not a submissive person i dnt like fighting but i dnt take shit from no one!!! I told him fine i stoped doing wife things and only took care of my first baby. He got mad and threatened me with divorce ik he was just saying it and didnt mean it. But i am not afraid of being alone, single mother or getting divorced . So i printed out the divorce papers the next day through it at him and told him to sing . We would go to court to fight for full Custody of the kids , dogs and figure out how much child support he needed to give me. He was shocked and i told him u aren’t a price bittch ur grumpy, antisocial , dnt like any form of pda in or out of ur home , ur forgetful and u aren’t a loving person . No one would put up with you more than i have… you and i both know u will loose and i will keep everything so ether act like a good husband and appreciate what im doing or leave im not stopping you.

Now we are on baby #3 and he is way better about my pregnancy especially since im a high risk pregnancy and my chances of dying while giving birth are at 75%


Sounds like he’s resentful and a narcissist and possibly cheating on you and projecting. Get out now


He sounds awful. My husband was great while I was pregnant with each of our kids. I think we all need more info though… can you go stay with family? Or friends? Can you take your first child and just move on… Sounds like this wasn’t his decision to have another child and he’s resentful. But honestly without more info I cannot say much else.


Do absolutely nothing for em not one thing he’s a childish person growing a person is very hard to do personally and I know its easy for me to say but I’d tell em to smarten up or ship out u don’t need 3 kids u need a husband and a partner to help u


When I was pregnant with our first born my husband would do absolutely anything for me. Our car was actually broke down for a short time and he walked in the rain to the nearest gas station just to get me cups of my favorite crushed ice. And in the middle of night at that. Some men are just more involved than other because my 3 older kids dad…well, I don’t even remember him ever even touching my belly. Whereas my husband would talk to my belly and everything. It was the sweetest. EVERY woman deserves to be treated good and especially when you’re carrying your mans baby.

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I don’t have much input as I don’t have kids but I just want to apologize. This makes me sad for you and also say you are creating a human which is a beautiful thing! He should show some compassion


Did your doctor put you on bed rest if not then why can you no longer do the things you done before? Women need to realize that being pregnant is not a reason to stop doing things. And for him not caring he probably does care but may be tired of the whining


Being pregnant destroyed my body I don’t know where he got his info from…I have anxiety for you geez I’m sorry…

He’s a spoiled little boy!! Stop doing for him!! Do for yourself n child!! If he doesn’t change?? Make best decisions for yourself n children. Wishing you the best.

He would NOT be my husband any longer!
Expect what you accept.

Ugh men… for one it does take a physical and mental toll on your body, being pregnant isn’t easy. They would never last a day in your shoes. You got this momma keep your head up and keep loveing thoughts baby’s :heart:

If you have a good relationship with his mother…CALL HER!..My son was being a punk…I saw it…she was pregnant and her hormones where so crazy because she had to stop taking some of her meds at the end to help with her blood pressure…mind you my son is 34…I got all in his face and straightened him out rely quick!..This was his second child also…until that baby is born and they are healthy…I told him to do what ever she needed…because it really took a toll on her mind and body!..even after the pregnancy!..All pregnancies are different…I was 21 when my oldest son was born (worked up until I gave birth)…24 years old when my second child a daughter was born (bedridden at 6-7 months)…37 years old when my baby was born and it was my best pregnancy…I drove myself to the hospital!…


What.An.Ass. So sorry :disappointed:

Cuss him out and tell him it’s your body doing that, he says you making excuses well use that one as one. And if he don’t want to help you with anything you don’t do it neither. What do men think women supposed to do eat out of their hands. NOT

Watch Allie Wong with him

I am sorry this is happening to you. Attach a watermelon to him for a few hours!

he’s ignorant…I feel sorry for ya…

Leave him, he’s not worth it.

Sounds like a douchebag, you can bet he won’t do shit when the baby comes, get him under control. I would take the other child and take a mini vacation with out his stupid ass…

I’d kick him in the nuts and tell him it’s not taking a physical toll on his body. Asshat.

Sounds like a real POS

What an inconsiderate prick, js.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How should your husband treat you while pregnant?

Nope nope nope, treat me like you love me and care for me and our children or I’ll do keep doing it by myself with out the added hassle of having you around.


That’s disgusting. Sorry but women go through so much and pregnancy is a whole other level of stress on the body. He needs to learn before acting ridiculous :rage::rage:


Sounds to me like he’s having issues with the reality of having a second baby. Was s/he planned or a surprise? I’d maybe get a sitter and go out to dinner and ask him how he’s feeling. Talk about what your scared or concerned about and see if he opens up about what’s going on with him. That being said, you are absolutely doing so much work right now. Growing a human is hard and exhausting and terrifying. Just keep doing your best, whatever that looks like from day to day. You got this :pray:


He sounds ignorant. Also clap back with the fact that he actually only carried 1/2 a kid since his balls dropped. And you have been carrying 1/2 since your mothers womb.
My fiancé gets overwhelmed sometimes by things I can’t or shouldn’t do but he doesn’t get mad at me he will just vent about the task but remind me that it’s not my fault and I’m doing a hard job to.

Your body is going through so many changes im sure he would know that hes just making excuses to avoid helping. Even my 19 year old son with autism understands i need extra help while pregnant and has been my saviour and whilst seperated my ex has come to do jobs around the house and checks in on me! Been pegnant is not always easy! Maybe gather some info on what actually happens to our bodies while carrying a baby for him to read and understand im sorry but he doesnt sound supportive at all!

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Get a pregnancy vest. Bet him to wear it for 24 hours. If he doesn’t, boy bye :wave:


Wow. Your husband should not treat you that way. He should be your partner, your rock you can lean on. He should help you physically, mentally, and emotionally through your pregnancy. It sounds like he is tearing you down. You deserve better.


Definitely ignorant!! A pregnant woman’s body works twice as hard, simply at rest, than a man’s does… if he’s exercising!!


No disrespect but he sounds ignorant af! He needs to get educated on what happens to ur body when pregnant. Not sayin he sould be at ur feet but a simple “how u feeling” goes along way. If he wasnt like that with ur first baby then what changed?


Lack of respect and love, wouldn’t have a man like that.


I’m a guy I had three kids with my wife this is not how you treat your pregnant wife sound to me like he just doesn’t want to be a dad he may love you but love is so much more than just making a baby


Flick his nuts and tell him the baby’s moving every hour.

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One question. Was he present for the birth of your first child? If not request that he be in the birthing room with you so he can see what you are going through.

Hell naw he needs to cater to your body and needs!!!

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Sounds like a careless jag and only concerned about himself. He needs to grow up or just pack your stuff and leave. You don’t need an unsupportive pos for a husband and father of your kids.

How rude! Our bodies are changing. That’s so disrespectful. I wouldn’t have him in the delivery room either.


Ask him what he problem is and no he should treat u with respect. Tell him if he cant treat u know better then there is the door


He was fine with the first by then . . I reckon he don’t want this child maybe, always did everything myself ,hate asking for help

Tell him that you will be giving this child your maiden name, since your doing it all on your own.

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Seems pretty selfish and is being narcissistic.

I’m nauseated. What a horrible husband. My heart hurts for you that he is acting like such a patriarchal neanderthal.

Honestly I’d move in with my Mommy for the last trimester and leave him to fend for himself.

I’m praying for you. Truly.


He needs to grow the hell up. Isn’t there a male family member that he looks up to? One that could talk seriously about this and letting him know he needs to start acting like a real man, taking care of his pregnant wife.

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To say it has no ohysical toll on the body is remarkably ignorant :woman_facepalming:t2:

What an arrogant asshole I’m sorry but he is Men have no idea what we go through I like to see him go through labor pains and contractions every few mins

Sounds like an attitude that needs humbling.

The fact the question “how should he treat me” has crossed your mind says all you need to know. He will have the same attitude for your child. Talk to him about how you’re feeling & if he chooses to be an a ss, it’s best to run.

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Men are idiots. I think the first pregnancy, it’s exciting for them, and to see the changes. That everything after is just that… I’d let him know what’s going on and if he can’t be supportive maybe he can live somewhere else until the baby is born. Lol

Tell him to suck a fart out of your ass and that he’s being an ignorant fuck and to go make you some damn waffles and rub my feet or pack your bags motha fucka!

Sorry but your husband is ignorant.

Big hugs! Sorry he’s being a JERK!!!

Grow up! Tell him what you need!

Nem fucking suck. I’m soooooo tired of them being on charge and acting like they cam do everything except give a fuck about women

Your husband is a complete dickwad