How should your husband treat you while pregnant?

He can either stand up and be the man you need, or have several seats so you can see the real man behind him.


Leave now!! It will never get better


Abusive maybe didn’t see it before with your first pregnancy but his defo showing his true colours now


Men don’t get the excitement or realize how draining pregnancy is until baby is coming and here. My SO was so detached from the pregnancy (his first and only son) but once I was in labor and baby boy was here it was like a flip switched.


This is really concerning why would he treat you one way with the previous time(s) and not with this one. Maybe there’s a friend or family member that’s been saying something to him giving false information or maybe he’s seen something to change his stance on it. I would start by asking why he feels that way then maybe write down a list of various symptoms that come with pregnancy and point out the details like yeah my body is doing so much during this pregnancy I could have teeth fall out my hair fall out my uterus could detach my feet will literally change size my organs are being shifted around my body the fetus acts the same as a parasite and sucks what it needs out of my body regardless if there enough left over for me my skin hurts show him videos send him pictures take him to the care provider you have for your pregnancy and let them tell him how stupid he is

:pray:Talk to him and if it doesn’t help I’d suggest marriage counseling.

Well men don’t carry sperm there entire life they recreate them in like 24hrs or something but they dont carry them their entire life. An he’s just being immature. You need to talk to him and explain that making a human is hard, and that if he doesn’t grow up then you’re leaving. Or just leave.

“Hello, Whole Man Disposal Service? Do you do same day pickups?”


Sounds like an ass! Should bring him to your obg and let him hear for himself you’re not “making it up” my bf can be a pain in the ass some day(I’m 35 weeks)but never has he even implied I was being dramatic or trying to get him to do everything which is what it seems like he’s saying or getting at. It’s gotten harder and harder over the last weeks to just get through work and cook dinner and maybe get some laundry done. I can’t imagine not getting a little extra help to get through the days. No reason to keep him around of you’re doing it all yourself anyway. Just my opinion from what info I have! Good luck!

Throw the whole man away


He should treat you the same whether pregnant or not


He sounds like a dickhead

He’s being a total asshole and will regret it someday. So sorry. I’ve been there and never forgave or forgot

Sounds like a loser :unamused:

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Tell him so have you a woman is born with all the eggs she’ll ever have. He however doesn’t have a portal between his legs that can literally bring another human into this world.

I’d definitely leave because he’s abusive to you and I personally wouldn’t put up with it . It also depends on if this was a planed pregnancy or not because if it wasn’t and he doesn’t want a second child then mabye concder his feeling . My man has never treated me like this at all . I’m sorry you’re going through this. Good luck

Bring him to the doctors appointments with you and talk to the doctor about how tired you are and in need of support and the doctor or midwife will talk to your husband and ask him to help out with chores hopefully and tell him the importance of rest in front of him to you. Also, talk to him about how those comments he has made makes you feel. That empathy goes a long way and being kind is being right.

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He doesn’t appreciate or respect the sacrifice a woman’s body takes to make a human being, I’d leave

Lol I’d lose my shit

Leave!! And don’t look back

Girl tell that man where to go. Focus on yourself stop asking and tell him what you need. Sometimes we get into a selfish or grump and resentful headspace so let the dumb butt work through his emotions and shower yourself with praise and love and take yourself out and take your naps and space and let him wallow. If he has something to get off his chest then fine but if he’s gonna be unhelpful and u supportive then he can do his own thing. You have every right to be upset but unfortunately your only options are to accept his behavior as his problem and do you and leav him be unless he wants to work it out. Or fight with him about how you both feel it should but it isn’t not. Seems like neither are giving each other what you both need so give it to yourself and when he says thing nip it in the bud. Ask him to be kind, loving and supportive or to be quiet. Ask him if he’s OK and wants to talk about it and then hear him out. You don’t have to agree with each others reality or feelings but listening is good. Good luck. Remember that uts not you uts him feeling a certain way and instead or dealing he’s being passive aggressive or just unhelpful and unkind. Dont tolerate it and don’t give it space and then go on with round bad self. He will either change his tube or fall behind. Go take a nap and tell him to watch the kid and relax :sleeping:

I mean if you’re not acting entitled and lording it over him, then I don’t see his problem

When was the last time he grew a human being.? What a miserable idiot he is.

Sounds like HE didn’t want a second child so you need to consider His feelings as well. Perhaps this wasn’t the time for it. It is hard when you feel that way. What you are saying is true, however taking that stance seems like it will only lead to disagreements. You need to honestly discuss the actual pregnancy issue- and you may get to the root of the problem. But be ready for honesty and start considering why you chose to have a child with someone who clearly doesn’t want it or isn’t ready…and how YOU are going to deal with it. Because fights aren’t good for any of you and you BOTH need to start considering the others feelings more. If he can’t, you need to take a hard look at your relationship. And be ready to take care of yourself!!

I never had a problem getting things done while pregnant. I know women who worked up to the day of delivery. Maybe if you are tired all the time you should talk to your doctor. I will say it is nice to be spoiled a bit.

Put a remote control shock collar on him and zap it every time he smarts off with that shit.

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You deserved better than that girl! Realize your worth and find a better man. I would be lying if I didn’t say my husband is my strength through my pregnancy he takes on so many responsibilities to let me rest and is always looking out what’s best for me and our baby. A man is supposed to treat the women who gives him a child like a queen! It’s the best feeling in the world when you have someone there every step of the way :pray:t3::heart:

My man took care of my every need while pregnant each time even when I was unbearable to be around he stood his ground and tried his best to do for me what I needed whether it was doing a late night run for food, carrying me to a cool shower and washing me down when I was over heating to spending hours massaging my feet when they would build up with fluid. If your man isn’t paying any attention to you and trying his very best to take care of you to the best of his ability while carrying his child! He is the wrong type of man to be with and having babies with just saying :person_shrugging: if were me if be kicking him to the curb. Doesn’t matter if it’s your first child it tenth they should be all in it with you the whole time it’s their child to…

A frying pan & smack to the back of the head.

Suffocating him will shut him up !! Try a good pillow

Run away now !! It will get worse after the baby is born

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Maybe he does not want a second child?

Have you been lazy? I know some women when they are pregnant act like they can’t do anything, I’m dealing with that at work. I worked I cleaned I cooked when I was pregnant. Unless she has a doctor’s orders she’s just being lazy and using being pregnant as an excuse.


I’d kick him in the nuts and say, “guess you won’t be carrying anymore babies!” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. My husband was great. He would call me from work, call when he got off to see if their was anything “we” needed. Meaning the baby & I. He would rub my feet & back. Every woman that experiences pregnancy should be treated like Queen

Well you didn’t say that you had any pregnancy related issues so I’m going to assume other than being pregnant you’re functioning normally? Ok so why do you need him to “do anything” for you? You’re pregnant not paralyzed. I could see if you were high risk or something but you just sound whiny tbh and I know someone is gonna come on here and talk s*** to me for being not thinking pregnancy makes you crippled but🤷🏼‍♀️

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Some people are more sensitive than others I guess

Wowwww get one of those contraction simulators and once he is crying from the pain turn it up to 10

Guess he’d be feeding himself, doing his own laundry & sleeping on the couch for the next year until he gets a grip on his attitude

He needs reality check. Pregnancy and also caring for first child is a job itself
He needs to grow up or move on

Why are you still with him?

Do you own a cast-iron skillet? Sharply apply it to his big selfish-ass head.

Oh Lesa, the world is a far better place with you in it!