How to cope with betrayal and the fallout?

I am so sorry that you’re going through this…. What he did was beyond selfish. If you want to attempt to work through this, it can be done. But, it’s not easy, and that’s assuming that he won’t cheat again. I hope you know that you deserve so much better than that…

First of all get rid of the boyfriend now don’t ponder the sooner his gone the better. As for future relationships be honest with the guy and the right one will except you and everything that comes with you xx

The fact that it isn’t a crime to knowingly give someone an STD fills me with rage

I would sue his ass!!! (which you are able to do for giving it to you)

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Sad. Don’t have sex again until you’re married.

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I’m pretty sure Fountain Scott Mitchell is the culprit, since he seems to find everyone’s encouraging comments so funny.
Why tf is this asshole in a Mommas group anyway?:roll_eyes:


I’ve had HSV2 for about 6 years now,
1st- the break outs get less frequent over time, it’s definitely manageable
2nd- any of my potential partners have usually been fairly understanding. Had 1 once that was hesitant and we decided it wasn’t going to work
3rd- black tea bags directly on the breakout will help the pain and itching

So pigs really are…well pigs I guess :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sorry. I had to.

I’m really sorry that happened to you, and any other woman that ends up with a lifetime std due to the actions of an unfaithful spouse. As if the emotional pain isn’t enough…like really.

Prayers for all you brave and strong women

Claire the Heartbreak Coach

I hope you find strength. :heart:

I’m sorry my prayers r w u keep ur head up

I’d cope best by kicking him in the dick and leaving. :joy:

He’s a bastard and deserves all that Karma has in store for him…move on so she can get busy. Take time to learn how to deal with what you’ve been through and let the new person you will become find herself. His relationship with his children has nothing to do with his adult relationship and marriage with you. Good dad doesn’t automatically equate to good husband, unfortunately. All you need to focus on right now is your health, your children and ensuring you have a happy life free of his toxicity. Be free!!

There are antiviral medications that will help.use a condom…

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Break up you deserve MUCH better

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High doses of Zinc has been found to help with herpes simplex.
Get out of the relationship no trust.If you stay you will always have trust issues.

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It’s actually very common and many people have it they just dont advertise it. It can be managed with antivirals and lysine.


I could write a book here but I won’t. Lomg story short. The 1st outbreak is the worse! I was in SOO much pain with my 1st out break. Now I get them here an there. The others aren’t so bad but I do take medicine for it. Anything can aet them off like stress an getting your monthly friend :(. I got my 1st out break after having my 2nd son. Around the time my bf cheated on me an got someone else pregnant. He swears it wasn’t from him. Because when I was 16 yrs old an lost my V to my 1st boyfriend I was told by my doc I had herpes. But NEVER EVVVVER GOT AN OUTBREAK FROM 16-25. After I had my 2 son still nothing. But the time my boyfriend( different bf) the father of my kids cheated that’s when I got the outbreak an I wanted to died it was so bad. If you would like to inbox me you are more then welcome too.

UNFORGIVABLE, no matter how great of a dad he is, ect. U N F O R G I V A B L E.

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Nobody would blame you if he had a little accident. Also, go to the pharmacy and get a bottle of L-Lysine. Once your antiviral clears up the outbreak, take an L-Lysine every day and it will help ward off another one. L-Lysine bonds to the spot in cells where the virus otherwise would attach and reproduce, and blocks them. I’m so sorry this happened to you. There’s no good men left in the world.


Cut off his dick while he sleeps!

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Your bodies immune system should be able to fight it you will be sent to a specialist if your body is fighting it you will be monitored every few months until it can’t be detected then once a year however if your body isn’t making progress you will be put on medication



I hope you kicked him to the curb.


My kids dad gave me same thing I was pregnant at the time with our 3rd daughter :disappointed: hang in there it can be manageable with meds

Same situation girl and lemme tell you. You will feel every emotion there is about it just on the STI alone. The shame and guilt amd just disgust i had for myself after i found out was devastating. But your life is not over. I promise. It will be harder. Sex will absolutely have to mean something now. ( not at all saying it didnt i mean no offence im sorry) but the other person will have to want more then sex from you and youll know immediately if they care for you at all. The one who make you feel bad and there will be some are usually the ones that dont understand a thing about the disease or that you didnt ask for this. be gentle with yourself. Im sorry you have to feel this. Cheating is bad enough then that on top is enough to make you feel like your world should stop. Please dont let it. There is a good good life after list waitin on you. I can feel it!! Message me of you need to talk i really understand alot of the emotions with this one.

Come to terms with the fact that his actions are his. Don’t pity and blame yourself. It’s not your fault. He fu*ked up not you.
Don’t give up on yourself, start investing in yourself. Force yourself to get dressed up, do your hair and makeup, drink water, take a bubble bath, look into new career opportunities or connecting with new people, choose one and stay committed even though you don’t feel like it.
Focus on strengthening your relationships with your kids. Start doing more fun outings together. More move nights and more cuddles…more tickles,laughs, and kisses
Take it one day at a time. Peace will come in due time
Never look back


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to cope with betrayal and the fallout? - Mamas Uncut

One day at a time :heart: Focus on you and your children first and foremost. If another relationship comes into play, be open and honest. The right person will stay. If you believe your current relationship can be worked out, try couples counseling. For yourself, counseling is a good option to help move past the hurt and anger. Talk with your doctor and educate yourself the most you can on the disease so that it can be managed and you can live a happy, healthy life! Prayers for all, mama! :heart:


Pretty sure if he knew he had herpes and did not tell you right away, you can sue him. It is illegal to not inform a sexual partner of known incurable, std’s, sti’s, and other transmitable diseases. You got it due to his negligence, that’s a set in stone case against him.


Dump glitter in his shoes and if he’s got a gaming console dump glitter in there too


Definitely file for divorce. Your herpes as far as I know can be managed to control outbreaks. You can still have sexual relationships on medication where you partner won’t get it. It’s a scary time I’m sure. Also get a therapist… you’re gonna need it to work through all the betrayal and emotion pain.


Can you sue him for not disclosing he had herpes?


Has he admitted to when he did? Not giving him the benefit of the doubt what so ever here but sometimes herpes can lay very dormant for quite some time!


I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve this. Herpes is a vicious STD but at least it can be managed and suppressed. I am so glad he didn’t give you something worse! Stay strong for you and your kids. I know it’s going to be hard. I would leave him. Dust your feet and keep on trucking

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Well first off he’s gone in my book. Other than that honey all will be revealed later on down the road…


Get well. So sorry for the medical issues but it can get better, as for boyfriend he can’t so let his ass go. Good luck. Hurt. Heal. Stay focused on being happy healthy and a good mommy. All the best

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The first thing you do is throw him out. He has done enough damage to you, don’t let him do more.

  1. Follow your heart and that will tell you all you need to know. Not from strangers online.
  2. HSV isn’t that big of a deal, it’s ultimately a skin condition. Many people live with many incurable diseases and nobody bats an eye. But you get one that’s sexually transmitted and it’s a big deal. Plus there are worse outcomes with curable STIs like infertility. Where HSV just is a sore now and then… :woman_shrugging:
  3. If you see someone with a cold sore on their face, do you run away screaming? No. You face them and it’s not a big deal. But if it’s “downstairs” it is.
  4. It’s manageable, you can have children, it doesn’t affect any way of your life. As long as you can put in the mental work it takes to know it’s not a big deal. As social media (I love it - but it’s the worst for this) putting you down for it. Ignore it, talk about it, educate yourself and others.
    5.”Places where you have the biggest challenges in your life, become the places you have the most to give. If you do your inner work” - quote by I forget who.
  5. Fuck that asshole. He’s a jerk, once a cheater always a cheater. He missed out, and ultimately be thankful you found out!
  6. Take care of yourself. There’s many people out there that won’t care, and will see past that diagnosis because they will see you. Educate them on everything, practice how you can protect them in the end.
  7. 1 in 3 people in the world, have strain 1…. Many have other strains. Many people are walking around who think their STI negative who aren’t. (If you peed in a cup recently, you don’t know your herpes status)
  8. As for relationships. Just be upfront, honest, and confident in the information your sharing. It goes a long way being honest. You’ll get 1 of ether 2 reactions…… 1.) what’s that like? 2.) me too.
  9. I know lots of people in happy marriages, relationships and even happily single. As I said above, take care of yourself, there are FAR worse things in life to worry about in life than this. Even though it seems so heavy now.

Best of luck :heart:


Ariel Cales its a personal injury lawsuit. Regardless of state, negligence and sexual battery is a sueable offence regardless of relationship title. In this case she can go after him for both negligence and sexual battery since herpes is incurable.

I would leave him and file a lawsuit for giving you an incurable disease along with pain and suffering and medical bills


Therapy would be a start x

Cheaters cheat…that’s what they do. Never look back…Yes, it will happen again.

HSV 2 really isnt a big deal to live with. Get rid of the guy though.


Omg girl I am so sorry you’re going through this. I do know once you get this break out under control and start taking your meds regularly you shouldn’t have break outs & its only contagious when you’re experiencing a break out.

Files charges against him!!!


You need to press charges on him for not telling you he has an incurable disease.


MANY of our patients have this. It will be ok. I promise. Take care of yourself eating wise and it will also help. When it comes to your relationship, only you can decide what to do, but please look deep within yourself. Can you look at him the same? Will you ever trust him again? You deserve better.

I had my first outbreak of Herpes virus nearly 5 years ago. Of all the horridness, the pain and itching were unbearable. I literally freaked out as my general physician said that it had no cure. The outbreaks were not that frequent initially, but every time I fell sick, it would resurface. I had so many sores 3 years that I was desperate to try anything to get rid of them. 14 months ago a friend suggested that I try Dr Quadri remedy that’s helping people get cured from HSV, FIBROIDS, HIV AIDS, GENITAL HERPES, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, LEUKEMIA CANCER e.t.c.I quickly ordered the product and started using the remedies. I’m so relieved to say that I’ve not had even one outbreak for a whole year now. Moreover, I’m feeling great from within. I truly endorse this herbs product Dr Quadri rendered to me. So if you are suffering from any deadly disease you can also contact this great man on his Facebook page

:point_right: Dr quadri herbal home.

So as I’m reading through the comments, I feel like a lot of you ladies are unaware that you can absolutely take these dudes to court for giving you an STD. Herpes included. No matter how “common” it is. Know your rights and start making these guys take accountability for their actions.

So when I was diagnosed after being with my current ex he denied being with anyone else except his ex wife. Well a daughter came out of the wood works from another woman, and then find out he was screwing with many other women. Never got checked for it. My first outbreak and last outbreak was in 2013 6 months after we started dating. My doctor said his was probably asymptomatic and sure enough, he got tested and came out he has had it for a long while. People think that it is so bad to have something like this. Take this time to be ok with everything. I understand the anger you are going through. I take young men now to planned parenthood for their indiscretions because a lot of them pay women around here for sex. It is something I have done for years now. One was diagnosed with HIV and died within 6 months at 16. So yeah. Just keep on top of it, and take care of yourself. Learn self stress reliefs because also, high levels of stress can cause an outbreak.

Living with it isnt as bad as many think it is. I live with both types of herpes and as long as i take my meds everyday i havent had a breakout since my first a year ago. You can request everyday meds from your doctor. The first breakout is always the worst and i believe 70% of the population has herpes whether knowingly or unknowingly. A LOT of people have it. It isnt the end of the world just do your research, switch up your diet and take your meds everyday and youll be good.

After I kicked out my ex of 5 years for cheating on me, I booked an appointment with a Counselor the next day, and that was the beginning of my healing journey, it’s been 7.5 months, I’ve come a long way. There was also a lot of emotional and mental abuse he put me through, and some physical abuse. Counseling was the best decision I ever made, for me and for our 3 year old Daughter. Sending you love and light, sweety :heart:

Tell me you left his ass. Next time use condoms. For now move on and live happy single.