How to deal with rude school staff?

Give it back to her and tell
Her there’s zero reason to be such a bag! If she doesn’t like her job I’m sure there’s someplace else she could go but probably not with that attitude

I quit my dentist because I couldn’t stand her secretary. Anytime I had to call there I literally got sick to my stomach so I just left. I have never met a ruder person in my life lol. I should have complained instead of just left then because I liked the dentist very much. I would complain to the principal or the school board about her.

To let an office staff that has nothing to do with your daughter’s education or well being bother you that bad is sad. You never know what is or isn’t going on with her. Sometimes you have to be the bigger better person and let it go

Put her on the spot. Ask her if her job is too stressful. Mention that the school board doesn’t like to hear staff being rude to the parents. She will change her tune once she knows you’re not going to tolerate her behavior.

Call her out on her rudeness, you’re both adults, correct? I’m sure she deals with rude parents daily, not saying you are being rude by any means but it may cause her to be on the defense at work and misinterpret your conversations, just talk to her and get the misunderstandings out of the way.

I feel your pain I dealt with one and I was a volunteer. She treated me like crap

Maybe you should check her… ask her if she likes her job, how her day is going or if there’s anything you could do to help with her daily bedside manner. Maybe she doesn’t even see it herself. Sometimes checking people in front of others works wonders.

Try to not deal with her or have contact with her. Get your teachers email and send her messages. The teacher should have been able to get you her ID number and help with many other things.

Similar experience :raising_hand_woman:t2:
I learned to live with it, never let myself. As when they have attitude or act in a way I return that back to them, I don’t let myself and talk to principal about it so it can be solved in a matter to where I don’t have to act ugly(I try). Staff try to always have the right from wrong so whatever they do wrong we don’t see it! Once I had taken my sons lunch for them to hand out to him before his lunch. when I pick up my son end of school I asked him why is lunch bag not touched (everything same as I packed) when I ask his teacher if he had ate n said the staff had barely called him to get his lunch bag (like almost end of the day) that she had gave him crackers for not having his lunch. That did piss me off cuz I’ve always had a hard time with them!! When the lady tried to come up with some stupid shit in a stupid attitude way, saying how come I hadn’t had sent his lunch with him in the morning I dropped him off :face_with_raised_eyebrow: like first of all excuse me that’s some dumb shit for you to say, we were running late to where I told him I’ll be taking his lunch later to him. Second that’s why you guys are here for what you guys do nothing cuz I always see y’all chatting non school related and just sitting/standing there doing nothing!! It was not hard for y’all to call my kids teacher for my son to go to the office to get his lunch. After that she didn’t say anything!!! And this was seen before with other parents arguing with them

She needs an attitude adjustment and a refresher course on her job description!

Talk to the principal, always express your concerns and have something in writing as your proof. Sometimes you do have to raise your voice to put them back in their place.

Go up to the school and get the principal and tell him /her how’s she doing. If that don’t work go to the board of education

Well report her to the school board. Don’t switch schools. She needs to be the one that’s reported

Call her out in. Person right there in front of who ever present just say why are you so rude to me or u do t have to be so rude

give up and move its clear you are the problem ! well I called today to see if she’d ever found it or if I needed to contact the school board office maybe.

I would take her a little gift to cheer her. Like a little $5 gerbera daisy plant. That’s my go-to from my local grocery floral department. Maybe no one has appreciated her in a long time. There’s not a good excuse to be rude really, but something has happened in her life to cause her to be this way. Talking to her directly in a calm way just to let her know how you feel is also better than reporting her to her boss in my opinion. I also don’t feel like if you treat her the same way she treats you, that it will accomplish anything.

Just ignore the rudeness. You can rise above that. Be polite to her and carry on. God Bless you.

Call her out and ask her if there a problem. Confront her.

Straight ask her face to face what her issue with you is

Go to her supervisor!

I email all my school secretaries.
They can email me when they get time.
They seem more friendly that way at my schools.

Just ask her why shes so rude

Speak with the principal.

It’s the worst isn’t it! Ugh Why can’t they just be pleasant!?

The ID number is usually the child’s SS number

Go to the school board…

Contact the principal and let her know about her secretary attitude, they can’t help if there not aware.

Go to the principal. No results? Superintendent.


Mannnn…tell her you asked a simple question, you didn’t ask for her attitude…if she doesn’t like working with the public then she’s in the WRONG line of work…let her know, had she done her JOB properly and called you after she did it, you wouldn’t have had to call and get her attitude…some people, you have to put in their place or they will never stop with the attitude…If that doesn’t work, then file a complaint on her…they can’t stop her if they don’t know about what she is doing :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

It must be a prerequisite for employment. Raised four kids, over 25 years with public school interaction. Only met ONE pleasant secretary. Not sure how she eeked through…also knew her from church. Maybe that helped? :woman_shrugging:t2:

Didn’t hurt! Lol

We had one at my kids School, Rudest Witch Ever. She was reported multiple times but they kept her because she was near retirement. Total BS !!

Go to the school board n talk to them

I know one like that !

Email her. Don’t call.

School secretaries are the worse but its because they have waaayy to much to do. There should be like 10 secretaries at every school


Send a letter to the principal.

Honestly if your daughter loves the school, her educators and is successful, is a secretary really going to make you change all that for her? I get it’s frustrating, trust me, but it’s only you that has to deal not her. If hashes loving where she is, someone behind a desk that doesn’t effect her education shouldn’t make you switch schools :heart: hang in there momma!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to deal with rude school staff? - Mamas Uncut

That’s how it is at my son’s middle school and daughter’s high school. When I went to check my son out the other day, she said “well what’s the reason?” I said “a family emergency”. Then she was like “well could you be more specific?” I said “what I do with my kid is none of your damn business”.


I just try to kill em with kindness… they all seem like that to me. It’s a crazy busy job. One day I stopped at CVS before picking my son up for his orthodontist appt and bought a couple bags of chocolate and gave them to the ladies at the desk. It made their day and they are all smiles now…


I would ask other parents if they’ve had the same experience to see if it’s really just her personality or if she has something personal against only you.


Email the principal about your conversation with her and every time you have contact email principal about her services. You can also contact the schools district and file a formal complaint


I had that problem and I eventually called her out on her bad attitude. She was nice everytime after that!


I’d have a serious heart to heart w the school principal…or better yet, confront the secretary. Have I personally done something to offend you? We’ve gotten off on the wrong foot,and I’d truly like to remedy that. What’s going on???


file a complaint and then if that doesn’t work go to the superintendent


Politely tell her she seems bothered by her job . Follow up with principal if she continues.


The secretary at the school my nieces and nephews go to is horrible to they the worst always rude and ignore u, and my nephew was just diagnosed with autism they refused the paperwork

Don’t let one bad Apple ruin it for your daughter. Also I’m sure you are not the only one dealing with her. Next time bring it up to the principal or superintendent about her attitude.

Just try to keep in mind I am sure she is extremely busy but also that we don’t know what is or has been happening in her life to make her this way. I am not saying her behaviors are okay in any way but maybe there is a reason. We all deal with things differently.

Thank god our secretary is awesome. But our guidance counselor is a whole other issue. Still waiting for her to return my call for 2 1/2 years. Real professional huh?? Sometimes the people who work in the schools think they have so much power but reality they don’t. Good luck.

Talk to the school principal about her behavior.

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I’ve been having a problem with my kids nurse because she has called me 7 times since school started and it hasn’t even been a month yet. I told her if they can handle kids have a little stuffy nose because of the change of session and allergies then they should of kept the schools closed because it’s getting annoying being called everyday at work over the stupidest things. My kids where outside and got bits from mosquitoes and didn’t tell me they where getting bit and it was during the day so I didn’t think of bug spray so I put Ich cream on the bits before school and got a call a hour after school started asking if they where mosquito bits I wanted to say no I bit my kids for fun. I said yes they where outside playing like kids do. I told her did you never play outside as a kid? I said I use to always have bits on me in the summer from always being outside even with bug spray on. I said I’m working and I’m really getting a call about mosquito bits like this is crazy. I told her what you want me to come pick them up right because it’s a sign of covid right because that’s Always you’re excuse when you call me well covid we’ll covid. I told her I’ve worked in the hospital the whole time during covid and haven’t had it once and neither did my kids so if they have it it’s because of you’re school and you guys clearly are not doing what you’re supposed to be doing because masks are supposed to be on at all times and social distancing is supposed to be happing in the classrooms so if the classes are following the rules then no one should be near anyone and no one should get covid then.

Best day of my life when all my kids graduated and I never have to speak to another school secretary again… I had my own celebration, 20 years of dealing with them. You definitely have my sympathy…

I am a school secretary and I can tell you, it is one of the most unappreciated jobs, but I absolutely love my job. We have around 900kids in the school that means we have atleast 900 parents, and 45 staff members, and we must keep all of them happy all the time. Then I am not even mentioning the people at the Education Department’s District Office/Prospective parents/parents or learners that have left our school but still want reprints of report cards etc and general public. Some days are crazy busy, everyone wants something from you and no one wants to understand that you have other people’s needs to attend to, and your own work to do, too.
You are also never allowed to have an off day because people take offence and call you out as being rude when you are actually just feeling a bit down/sick/tired/overworked. Although I have never been called out to be rude by parents, a few of my colleagues have laid complaints against me, some even falsely because THEY had a bad day and misunderstood my response to something. So I am trying pay attention to how I sound when I speak because I get that everyone does not “get me” or get that I do not mean to sound rude. (My voice comes across as very harsh sometimes)
So my advise would be maybe first deal with her directly, I appreciate it more when people tell me straight “hey I don’t like your tone of voice” or “you are coming accross as being rude, please tone it down” as to when they go and complain about me to someone else.
I’m not saying her behaviour is ok, I’m just saying for all you know you have just caught her on a bad day/time or maybe all she needs is to hear that she is appreciated and no one does that. The start and end of school years are always crazy busy! I hope you get the matter sorted for your child’s sake. :heart:

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Welcome to every kids school… I had 3 kids in three different schools at one point and when someone would call I’d have to ask “which school is this?” and “what child are we talking about?” :laughing:

Tell that to her supervisor.

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Sometimes you just need to call someone out on their attitude…And you don’t have to be rude or mean when doing so(not that you would be, but we all know how things can get heated fast)…Not kid related, but I had a very rude, mean customer who was just a jerk EVERY day I saw him, finally had enough and said “HEY, why are you always so rude to me? I’ve done nothing but be nice to you even when you’re being rude, so what gives?!” And I tell you what, he totally turned his attitude around! Now when he sees me, he smiles, he says Hello, he actually talks with me!

I would talk to the principal about her behavior. Not professional at all.

Have you tried talking to the principle about her attitude and the way she talked to parents? I would def try that first. Don’t switch her schools when she loves it and the rest of the staff are amazing and she’ll suffer going to a new school and switching. Especially when you don’t always have to deal with the secretary. And can possibly talk to principle and get a stop put to it🤷


Let her know that you aren’t on of the students and that she needs to talk to you in a decent manner or you will go to her supervisor.

I go through this at my sons school all the time. Following for advice

Talk to the secretary first. If it continues you talk to the principal. When that doesn’t work you complain to the board…they hate when the board gets involved.

It’s probably time someone teach her a little humality. That’s all😃

how very sad. she is paid by or tax dollars and she did not even give the lady the courtesy of a phone call or send a note home with the student, shame on her if this is true.

Report her to school administration.

Just confront her I would.

I would take it up with her superior.

Well be petty too :woman_shrugging:t2: and make a formal complaint to the management team

Talk to the principal

If you’re in Victoria, this has been a really difficult time for all staff at school, including reception staff. And they know how hard it’s been on parents. Be kind and be patient.

Did you ask her what’s her problem? Sound like she have one

Confront her, don’t allow her to treat you that way

It’s one person just don’t pay any mind to it

Turn her in say something. Make noise or allow rude people like that to rule your life shes a bully bullys dont belong anywhere.

Report her to the principal and school board if necessary.

Email the Principal immediately! Let him/her know exactly what you’ve told us! It will get dealt with I assure you.


Just calmly and directly ask her why she is always so rude. She’ll either give you an honest answer or watch herself when talking with you. The best way to find something out is to be very direct with the issue.

Wow school secretaries are super busy she doesn’t have time to be your personal assistant she got the info you needed now the rest is up to you. Sorry you sound lazy and entitled like you and your daughter are the ONLY family she has to deal with. Grow up take some responsibility for your own buisness

Tell her kindly she seems angry whenever y’all speak and what’s wrong? I’ve had to do that with my son’s old teacher and she changed her tune.

Get a few other parents to band to go talk to who ever is in charge…I know most of them are a whole lot rude…I snap back quick on rudeness they usely get it’s not everyone is going to take it…

I made my sons school secretary quit. Stick it out and remember you trust them with your child.

I have the same problem with my daughters

You don’t have to like her. She obviously doesn’t like you. Get over it.

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You sound incredibly ungrateful.


Email is a beautiful thing!

Shouldn’t need school ID number for a foodstamp card . Also maybe she got busy and forgot

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Imagine letting this one interaction with a person every what, like 8 weeks? ruin your day enough to consider moving schools :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:


I had a run in with a rude secretary. Unbeknownst to her, I’m friends with the principal’s direct admin. So when she asked why I was irritated, I spilled all the beans. Haven’t seen her at the front desk since. She does still work in the school though.

In cases like this, the best thing I can suggest is to kill her with kindness. If you haven’t ever been rude to her, it’s likely she’s being unpleasant due to her own issues. Be extra sweet to her, thank her extra for the form, compliment her hair. Just give her extra sugar. When I have done that I usually see the persons attitude improve drastically.

My kids had a secretary like that so glad she’s gone finally and same with the principal always on my daughter :disappointed: