How to get baby to sleep through the night?



My daughter is almost 3 and still wakes up at least once in the night. Shes slept through the night maybe 3 times total.

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My kids didn’t sleep through the night till they were 2 and I have 4 kids. It’s normal

My daughter is 3 months and gets rice in her bottle. She has reflux and on soy milk so it was recommended. Every dr says different and every baby is different.


I feel like most of the posts on this page are meant to be controversial. It’s always something :smirk:
Maybe to generate comments, idk.


Use rice cereal my daughter has been taken q teaspoon per oz sense she was 4 weeks old due to reflux… they said oatmeal was hard to digest but tHt will no make him sleep through the night… try keeping him up longer during the day have a nice hot bath at around 9 pm feed him at 10 lay him down. N u should be getting about 4 to 5 hrs in between feedings

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I got lucky and my daughter slept through the night at 2 months nearly had a heart attack because she didn’t wake up at all and I thought maybe I slept through her crying. I have a few friends that have children that don’t sleep through the night and they’re 12 months and older. My daughter is now 6 and every now and then she wakes up in the middle of the night and crawls in my bed with me or I crawl in her bed with her(depending if her daddy is home or not). We also had to put oatmeal cereal in her bottles because she had bad reflux and needed that plus medicine to help her keep her bottles down but it was doctor recommended. You can’t expect a baby to sleep through the night when you want them to it’ll cause you to stress which in turns affects the baby.

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Put your shirt in the crib…

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No matter what we tried our son just now started sleeping through the night at 13 months. Some just don’t sleep through the night. I know its hard. Hang in there it gets easier💕

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Where is the eye roll emoji??


Minimize long daytime naps…

Oatmeal in the bottle at 4 months :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


I know it’s hard! Mine is now 7 and slept about 4 out of 24 hours but was never cranky when he didn’t sleep. Tried the sleep training and schedule thing and he just wasn’t one of those kids! Now he sleeps about 12 hours a night and my body is still used to 4 hours a night :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:. It gets better!

I’ve had excellent luck with all 3 of mine, which are 8 yrs, 6 yrs and my youngest is 4 months. My 4 month old has been going to bed between 8-10pm and not waking until 6-7am for about a solid month now. My only advice is that when they do wake, don’t talk, don’t make a fuss or get upset. Be as quiet and calm as possible, feed the baby and put him back down to sleep. Any interaction is waking them more and is typically rewarding. Little interaction is teaching them that nighttime is for sleeping, not playing or getting attention. I think that’s why mine sleep through… but I might just be lucky too lol. They usually do have a period through teething tho that offsets this wonderful schedule lol.

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Listen people… most of you are jut being judgey and comepletly unhelpful… why would you feel you have the right to shame a mother for seeking advice.

Just so your all aware 80% of us as children were given cereal of some sort in our bottles it was used regularly did any of you die!?
Nope you all lived to be judgey rude assholes to a sleep deprived mom who was jsut looking for a bit of advice and support
Shame on all of you.

Hes not supposed to have cereal until atleast six months and at around that time he will probably start sleeping through the night. He’s probably still waking up hungry because they grow so much that young.


DONT add anything to the bottle! Nothing other than formula or breast milk before 6 months also.


Definitely wouldn’t add oatmeal to a bottle… and especially a 4 month olds :grimacing::grimacing: my son slept through the night starting at age 2.5 lol good luck!


No he is not scared. My 4 kids slept threw the night at the age of 2 weeks.I gave them a warm bath gave them their bottle Daddy feed them. I didnt give no food at all till they was 6 months old to must in their belly gave them gas. Daddy feed them rocked them to sleep and put them down with their musical mobole.And when it stopped playing They was a sleep. They slept 8 to 10 hours.We was Lucky Parent’s Good Luck and dont make the house to quiet That will wake them up if there is a noise.

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for everyone saying babies don’t sleep through the night at that age it’s not true lol. look up “sleep training” on google and follow the 7 day step process, my baby got used to the schedule in a week & was only 3 months old. it’s possible. experts actually say 3-4 months is the best time to start a schedule because they don’t have bad sleeping habits yet. but you basically have to set a schedule for baby, do the same thing every night like a bath, lotion massage, put in pjs, feed, then put down for bed at the same time every night and they get used to the schedule quickly!

here’s the article I followed

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Quit putting stuff in his bottle. It’s a choking hazard. Babies are SUPPOSED to wake up at night.


He is a BABY!! HE IS 4 MONTHS OLD!! He should not be getting oatmeal at all until atleast 6 months!! Wtf… don’t have kids if you cant deal with lack of sleep.


You really should have to take a test before you’re allowed to have kids.


Baby is probably going through a growth spurt, they are only little once & it doesn’t last forever. My youngest just started sleeping through the night a couple of months ago and she is 15mo. Baby sees you as a safe haven, familiar, warmth, food source, etc. Snuggle baby, take things in stages, they really do grow up quickly.

Almost 2yr old and 7 month old, still don’t sleep through… neither do I now :joy:

Im on my 3rd and each time the sleeping at night gets worse. My youngest is b7mos and doesnt sleep thru the night…doesnt even sleep paat 3 to 4 hours.

White noise machine!!

Wow people on here are so mean and quick to judge. Our babies did not come with manuals and we are just doing the best we can with the tools we are given. The poor girl is looking for support not judgements. Obviously she is going about the issue incorrectly but that’s where we can come into help. Does it make you guys feel like better moms condemning someone???

It is not recommended to put cereals in the bottle like that. Every baby is different, my son is 9 months and does not sleep through the night. Sticking to a routine and feeding schedule is really the only thing you can do with a nightly lavender bath followed by a baby massage. Routine is key!!!


He’s a BABY. They don’t sleep


Oldest daughter woke up 2-4 times a night until she was 2. Now that she’s 3 it’s once a night. Three month old wakes up up 1 time during the night. Every child is different. He’s just crying to be fed/held/cleaned.


Food before one is just for fun. Stop being selfish. You are a mother now. Smh.


With my 5th child the house was always noisy in the day time and she would sleep threw anything but at night when it got quiet she wanted to be up. She slept in our room and I put a radio under her crib and turned it down low and she would sleep all night (make sure it is all night music) we were up by 5 am every day. But we. usually got a good night sleep Worked for us

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Wow mean much ladies. Good luck honey.


My daughter still wakes up twice a night , shes one :woman_shrugging:

Babies will wake up through the night every 2-3 hours :woman_shrugging:t2:


My 10 month old still wakes up 2/3 times a night to nurse.

The amount of rude comments on these posts is out of hand. Seems like it would be so much easier not to comment at all if you dont have anything helpful to say.


Babies wake up at night :woman_facepalming: they are supposed to. Some dont but thats not the norm. Dont over fill your baby so it wont wake up at night just get up and meet your babies need.


U ppl r crazy I gave my kids rice cereal at 2 months old, all grew up & now my grandson has been eating cereal since 2 months old, although we use a spoon instead of bottle. he is 8 months old & feeds himself, he has been taught how to eat every child is different, Dr only tell u what they read in books… Try rice cereal instead of oatmeal


My 2 year old still wakes up during the night. It’s a baby. Babies don’t sleep through the night. It’s perfectly normal and filling them up with cereal isn’t going to make them sleep longer.


His stomach is still as big as it is regardless if you put plain milk or add oatmeal.
He’s still going to drink the same amount because that’s how much his stomach holds.

He still digests it at the same speed.

Don’t add oatmeal
He’s 4 months old
Let him be a baby

They get hungry
Get up and feed him without the complaints


I hope none of you ever have questions you want posted to this forum. I would hate for you to get the same judgment and hurtful comments that you are giving this poor mom. Parenting isn’t easy and if half of you have children, then you should know that. We all need support and guidance not some catty ass women telling us what we’re doing wrong.

4 month oldd rarely sleep through the night. My youngest didn’t sleep consecutively through the night until he was 16 months old. Get use to it mama.


I swear someone could say they give their one month old whiskey, and some of you would still say “stop judging and lift this mother up”
Everytime I hear that, you’re basically saying “who cares if what she’s doing has been proven harmful, as long as we’re making her feel good about herself, that’s all that matters” :roll_eyes:


Babies can be afraid of the dark. Some of mine were. And why are some of you women on here so mean??? Babies don’t come with instructions. We are all still learning. My oldest is 20 and I still learn new things everyday.


I started a bedtime routine with mine at a month and a half old, and he has slept through the night since that first time. Don’t feed your baby more just to try and make him sleep because that will just cause tummy aches. Around bedtime, I would give mine a bath, then his bedtime bottle, then swaddle him and read a book. Once he would start to dose off, but not fully asleep, I’d put him in his crib and he’d go to sleep on his own.


Ummm…babies wake up often at night :woman_shrugging:t4: it’s not an animal that can just be trained, ya know? They wake up for various reasons: hungry, dirty diaper, gassy, etc.


I fed my son every two to three hours for the first 6 months. I was 39 years old at the time and a single momma working long shifts… You should not add “fillers” to their milk. I’m now almost 41 and have a two year old and a two day old newborn and up every two hours to forcefully wake my baby so he can eat. I spend a good part of 45 min in getting him to eat because he keeps falling asleep.


Oatmeal or no oatmeal that baby needs your LOVE AND ATTENTION. Have you tried singing to him or her? Rocking the baby to sleep? Taking a walk with the baby perhaps? At this age you are still getting to know your baby and your baby is still getting to know you. There is no one answer anybody can give you. The best advice I can give you is put down your phone and get in tune with your baby. He or she can tell you what they need better than any of us can. Best of luck to you my friend.

My son’s been on rice cereal sense 6 weeks due to heavy reflux as recommended by the ER and his pediatrician.

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My 5 month old sleeps about 5 hours at night before he gets up to eat but he is nursed and over 20 pounds

He’s going to wake up regardless because he’s a baby and that’s just what babies do. My daughter will be 6 months soon and still wakes up for a bottle. We were given the ok by our pediatrician to start introducing baby foods at 4 months so I don’t know what some people’s problem with that is. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I am amazed at how many ignorant women are commenting… if you want to give your advice or your experience fine, no need to be an asshole… just scroll past it if you have nothing nice to say! We should be supporting one another and giving helping advice not criticising and making other moms feel so bad!

This is absolutely normal and very common. My boys didn’t sleep through the night until they were over a year old. I know you are tired but you will just have to get through it. Do not add anything to the bottles. It just gives them empty calories that does not benefit them and actually negatively impacts their digestive system and ribs them of the nutrition they need.

Talk to your pediatrician. My oldest son slept through the night at 4 months old but my youngest didn’t sleep more than 2 to 4 hours increments until he was about 13 or 14 months old. My youngest was colic and had allergic colitis, I was the only one waking up with my son all night and then taking care of him all day the next day since dad works long hours leaves early and home late. I also have Narcolepsy (a sleep disorder)but somehow I push through and manage, those little sweet smiles and snuggles make it worth every bit of sleep deprivation. Motherhood is exhausting.
It sounds like you need a little mommy alone time or a nap, maybe a relative can watch baby for a few hours.

For the love of it stop giving babies anything other than breast milk or formula before 6 months of age :woman_facepalming:t2:


4 months is a good time to get him on a set schedule. Certain time for naps, play, bath, feedings. Also white noise can help. My daughter was the worst sleeper too until we got her on a routine and white noise, now when it’s bedtime she burrito wraps herself in her blankie and goes right to bed :slightly_smiling_face:


I use the magic Merlin sleep suit and it’s been amazing at night. I have a 3 month old and she goes to bed at 9ish and wakes up at 3ish for a bottle and then back to sleep until usually 8 or 9am. Good luck mama!


They’re not supposed to sleep through the night, their tiny stomach can’t keep them full for that long. Any solids before then will risk the possibility of baby having stomach issues later on in life.

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Um they’re not gonna sleep through that young

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Psht, my 2 yr old doesn’t sleep thru the night. Good luck


MY SON IS 5 MONTHS OLD and HIS DR gave me the OKAY to add cereal into his formula! Talk to your child’s pediatrician they can give you better advice without making you feel like shit! And you should turn off the comments because people are nasty smfh

He’s a baby. It’s what they do!


This can’t be real. Jesus christ


My kids didn’t start sleeping through the night until they were at least a year old. At 2 years old, my son was still waking up every now and then. 4 months old? You still have a good long time before they will sleep through the night. Dude, they are 6 and 8 and STILL wake up occasionally (bathroom, thirsty, bad dream).

Oatmeal is fine to feed baby if you have talked it over with the pediatrician but it is a choking hazard in the bottle that has killed infants and young babies.
Sleep training should not be attempted until closer to 6 months. Until then you are mostly along for the ride

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Dude. :woman_facepalming:t2: wtf

Feed your goddamn baby. I am so disturbed.


Motherhood is so tiring but so worth it. Hang in there it will all work out.

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it’s what babies do… they will sleep through when there ready. you will miss these nights one day trust me :blush:

Babies generally wake up to feed. It’s what happens every 2-4 hours. Less and less as they get older.

My 11 mth old still wakes up at night… they wake up cuz they need you… .

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Every baby is different. My daughter who’s 4 yrs old now slept through the night at 3 mths. My son who’s 3 yrs old, didn’t sleep through the night until he was almost 1 yr old. Smh :unamused: it takes a lot of patience, oh and you should get a night light. My son was afraid of the dark too. Prayers for you! :blush:

If you value sleep… do not have kids :woman_shrugging:


My 3 1/2 yr old still gets up in the middle of the night. Welcome to the exhausted parents club.

Honey just feed it the bottle how much it wants, burp him good and change him. Snuggle some love time with baby and he should sleep some more. But yes they do wake up diff times. A bit, a lot. Depends. Maybe youre very young and truly dont know the answers, if it were me tjo id ask a dr neighbor heck a stranger in the park would be better than these jackals in here ripping u to shreds. Shame on them,God bless u and your baby. Good luck.

I think until around 6 or 7 months they start sleeping thru the night… Mine did. I would shower him with the purple calming Johnson shampoo and some sleep lullaby.

He’s fucking four months old. They don’t sleep through the night. Stop adding oatmeal to his bottle. It’s a choking hazard. And while you’re at it stop being selfish and get it through your head it’s not about you anymore.

You don’t until the baby is ready. :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

My 22 month old daughter still wakes up in the middle of the night just about everynight at the same time… At 4 months old they definitely aren’t ready to sleep through the night & If your not prepared for that then maybe you shouldn’t have became a mom :person_shrugging:t2: Sorry but it’s the truth, your baby should be more important to you then sleep!!


My daughter will be 10 months on the first and she is still up 2-3 times a night for a bottle. But shes Also on a schedule. 2 naps during the day,bed by 8,shes up at 11/12 and 4:30/5am when my boyfriend leaves for work then she is up at 8am will take a bottle and sleep until about 10 sometimes 11 and we are up for the day. Naps at 12:30/1 and again around 4/5/6

Now that shes been teething shes up more times a night and doesn’t nap during the day if she doesn’t its maybe 15 minutes

Every baby is different. My OB said to wake her every 4 hours when she was born to feed her but that was because she was a premie size at full term,at 4 months or so she would randomly sleep through the night but I’d still get up to change her. so shes never really slept through the night. It’s a very rare occasion she does but regardless if she did I’d still get up to change her butt​:woman_shrugging: at that young there gonna wake up they get hungry,need changed ect that’s a growing baby momma! They need all they can get to be happy and healthy :hugs: hang in there!

My daughter is 6 months and she sleeps between 9 to 11 hours at night and dont wake up shes has been doing that since she was born

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I sleep with mine and I breastfeed …boom…never have to get up at night…even tho they say not to( I wouldn’t put a baby in a bed with a heavy sleeper) but I’ve done it with 6 kids and my last baby will be 1 yr in 30 mins …so it’s been a great success for me😁


They’re 4 months old, they’re meant to wake through the night. And putting shit in their bottles is a big no, no. Children are meant to wake through the night.

idk why everyone is saying babies don’t sleep through the night lol my daughter is 2 months old & has been sleeping from 10pm till 5 am for the past 3 weeks… EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT

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You don’t. And please, please don’t add baby cereal to bottles as it’s a choking hazard.


You don’t. You realize they been inside you 40 weeks and haven’t felt hungry, cold, hot, gasy, uncomfortable, etc and now there out they have to adjust to this world and you birthed a baby not a animal that will just walk away​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Babies eat throughout the night for awhile. It’s normal. Get use to getting up every few hours. U shouldn’t be putting oatmeal in his bottle , he could choke .

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At 4 months old it’s very common for a baby to be waking up multiple times a night. There’s not a whole lot you can do but wait until baby is a little older. As they get older they start waking up less. My oldest started sleeping about 8 hours straight at night at 2 weeks old but my youngest didn’t sleep thru the night until she was about 2 yrs old.
You shouldn’t be putting cereal in a bottle either.

My 19 month old is still up at least once almost every night. I get a very rare all nighter out of him from time to time😂

Agreed. My youngest had reflux the one Dr I went to told me to put baby cereal in his bottle he ended up chocking so bad I thought I had just lost my baby. The baby still needs bottles through out the night. My 18 month old still gets up through the night. Just please be patient.

Girl. It’s just what they’ll do. Last thing your baby sees is you. Of course they’ll wake up when they realize you’re not right there next to them anymore. You are that babys safe place and comfort.

You’ll always be disappointed about it if you put that expectation on your baby that he has to sleep and stay asleep until morning.

Even if you’ve talked to your doctor about the oatmeal just be careful. People say it works and yada yada, but it still is a choking hazard.

The comments on here are disgraceful she asked for advice not criticism


You don’t. Your son will sleep through the night when he’s ready. Not when you’re ready. :woman_facepalming:t3:


y’all are some mean ass bitches judging someone you don’t know smh

That’s what they are supposed to do at 4 months.

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I’ve been giving my 5 month old half a rusk in her bottle occasionally no harm done we r not stupid it’s crushed up finely honestly the comments on here r ridiculous she shouldn’t have another baby cos she asked for help??? Wow u should all be ashamed


And FYI my midwife actually advised me to start doing that weeks ago ! Let’s all remember these stupid guidelines were not about all them years ago

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Mine slept 10 pm-10am up until 4 m now she sleeps 930-10 ish to 630-730 ish eats then stays up and naps another hour after.

My daughter turns 8 months tomorrow and still wakes up most nights.

Why are so many people being nasty to her? She is trying to learn. I don’t think I will be asking any questions on this page if that is the kind of response given. No support, no helpful advice just a lot of bashing. Bunch of grown up bullies. Thank you for those who are being kind and helpful to her.