How to get baby to sleep through the night?

My pediatrician years ago said if you know nothing is wrong and everything is good, let them cry until they go to sleep. Now I’m older and my kids are mostly adults. Also the screaming will drive you nuts but eventually they will sleep.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night?

It would help to know what exactly the sleep/day schedule is :smiling_face: . Try to stretch out from the last nap until bedtime a little further out, and try to put a little one to bed with a fuller belly.


My son slept through the night. I think it was because of the formal my Dr. told me to feed him–Carnation mild diluted with water (not sure any long the amount of water)

I’m going through a similar situation. My son is 15 months now. He started sleeping through the night and I got use to not waking up every 3 hours. Yet for the last couple of nights he’s been waking up during the night time and I don’t hear him anymore either!

If hes sleeping to much in the day then that could be the problem. I’ve got a 9 month old and he sleeps thru the night and only has about half hour in the morning and half hour after dinner and he sleeps thru, if I let him nap after his dinner at 5PM he will not go down till late and he sters all night

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Most 1-year-olds don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night to eat. What they have before bedtime can sustain them. Maybe perhaps stop feeding him and give him a way to self soothe because many babies wake up briefly in the middle of the night and self soothe themself back to sleep

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Is he sleeping in his own room?

Could be a growth spurt, waking up hungry

So you are saying that since your husband has taken over the nighttime stuff when he wakes up you sleep through and you would rather wake up to take care of him instead of your husband? Or is he finally sleeping through the night, if so that’s a good thing. If it’s the other then I would either tell your husband to wake you up cause you would rather take care of him. Or just get your sleep and let your husband have this time with him. Just because you don’t take care of him during the night doesn’t mean you don’t have a strong connection.

My daughter is 15months still has never slept through wakes up 3 times in the night for bottles… only has 1 nap in the day for around 1-2 hours :woman_shrugging: sorry not advice but they will sleep through when they are ready x

My hubby could get our daughter so sleep so easy for me she would be up all night, my son now only I can get him to sleep my husband can’t funny how things work. Just let him take nights mama and let him know to wake you if he needs you. Sounds like you got a good one

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My little boy is 18 months old and he used to wake up 3/4 times for milk he now only wake up 1/2 times for some milk the past few night he has woke up once sorry not really advice but I believe when they are ready they will sleep trough my little boy just likes to make sure I’m still there some times when he wakes up and he will only have 30 mins to an hour in the day xx

My advice would be to enjoy the sleep! I have done all the nights with 3 children now and working fulltime and studying fulltime, its killing me! I would love if my husband did all the night feedings but he doesn’t unless I wake him to do it, which is pointless because I’m then awake


I only wish this happened to me, I’d love a good night sleep .

I’m feeling very blessed reading these comments. My kids never got up during the night for a bottle at the ages of these comments. They were off the bottle completely before 2 to start with. All four were pretty good sleepers at night unless they happened to be sick. That’s a different story.

Be thankful your baby has such a loving daddy with whom he has a great bond. And be thankful you have a partner who doesn’t mind waking up in the middle of the night with a crying baby. Sleep and enjoy. It’s their bonding time, let them have it, you’ll have your time too.


I always woke the minute my kids cried, it was instinct. My hubby couldn’t be feed as I breastfed and they wouldn’t take a bottle.

So you want him to sleep through the night so the dad don’t have that bond with the baby anymore? I mean I don’t see what a problem is if your husband is the one getting up and taking care of him and his needs


If you know what time your baby wakes up every night and want to bond with your baby and your husband simple set an alarm clock wake up before your baby does, that way you can have baby time together

Make sure he’s not hot …I always slept my kids in a cool room with cool clothes on …us as adults wake up at night if we are hot same thing with babies …is he waking up for a bottle ? If so try adding cereal to the bottle my in-laws would add a little gerber just to make it more filling …try smoothing music too

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Mine will be two in October and he still wakes up two to four times a night for a bottle

Let Dad do his thing you are blessed and don’t know it!! Enjoy the rest!!!

Woman, enjoy the sleep! My girls (18m & almost 3) both still wake up at least once a night and the little one sometimes just refuses to go back to sleep from 2-3am until like 8am, the big one gets up about the time the other goes to sleep and she stays up all day majority of the time (she is very anti-nap). I’m pregnant with our 4th (and last) and I am exhausted constantly. If you can sleep before they’re grown, do it and don’t feel bad about it in any way, you have plenty of bonding time during the day, he’s not going to love you any less because dad actually parents him too. My husband doesn’t wake up to them at all, sleeps right through, even if he didn’t have to work and wanted to get up with them at night I would still have to wake up to get him up for it so this is phenomenal for you, take it. Lol, lucky lady.

Just thank your lucky stars he sleeping through the night!!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night?

I would say enjoy the sleep! Lol my son is 1 (18 months) and still wakes up at least once or twice a week in the middle of the night. My daughter is 3 and does as well once in awhile :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: But cutting down on naps through out the day can help with your kid sleeping throughout the night, a snack before bed to ensure their Lil bellies are full doesn’t hurt either!! And one thing I noticed i was still giving my kids their sippy in the middle of the night so it was kind of routine for them, once I cut that out that helped a lot.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night?

My daughter would only sleep laying elevated. I had a little napper thing that she slept in until she was 14 months!

The other thing I’d recommend is a schedule. Every night bed time being the same, read, cuddle, lights out.

Good luck!

Let her cry it out for 10, go in a comfort her then leave for 20 do the same if she’s still crying after 20 she wants food or she’s too hot or cold after that try 20-30. Worked for both my kids, they only wake up now when the light is on or they’re thirsty.


How many naps is she getting during the day

is the cot too big is she feeling a bit lost? going from a warm tummy to a cozy bassinet is the cot to big -can u get a co sleeping bed and put that in her cot so its not so big she can feel a bit of security .using one of ur shirts as a fitted sheet in the co sleeper if she is use to sleeping near you ? routine is def key but sounds like its the cot thats the issue ? my son did this at 12 months and it was due to the sides since moving him on a single mattress i havent had any issues wishing you all the best

You mean a crib when you say cot right? If so adjust the height to your bed height and stick it against the wall. Then remove one side and put your bed up against it. I would let my kids lay with me to fall asleep and then I would slide them over into the crib. If they wake up they are still next to you and will typically just scoot closer to you. I would just get the child back down and slide him/her back over into the crib. After about a week they got used to it and stopped waking up. Then I moved the crib across the room and put the rail back on. Then later move the crib to their room. It worked for both my kids


Omg, let your children sleep in the bed with you!!! I slept with my mom and dad until I was 12. I had my own room. But my parents loved me


The Gentle Sleep Specialist

I have no advice, just here to give you a virtual hug as I had a baby who would instantly wake up and scream the second his body hit the crib and I now have a 2 year old still sleeping in my bed :flushed:

My son would not sleep if the room was too quiet and would get so upset with himself. My husband downloaded an app for white noise and played it somewhere in his room and he’d be asleep in a few minutes. His favourite was the sound of a train on tracks, the washing machine and purring cat were close behind.
At one point I thought my own child didn’t like me, it was such a struggle to settle him, yet dad would let him lay on his chest and he’d put on the train tracks sound and he’d be asleep in no time, and then easy to transfer to his cot if he could still hear the train.
We forget that it’s actually quite noisey inside the womb, babies hear the constant rhythm of mum’s heart, muffled talking voices, and even the sound of mum’s last meal working it’s way through her system. Some babies find silence unsettling.
Good luck. X

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Is she going through a sleep regression?

Not that everyone else is me BUT I allowed my kids to sleep with me. They slept better I slept better and working 12s I needed a tiny bit of sleep… weird when they wanted to sleep in their own rooms it was never a fight. 6 kids and I did what worked… can baby go next to your bed and hook up to it!!!


Put the bassinet in the cot :person_shrugging:


You tried putting the bassinet in the cot ?
Maybe she feels lost in the extra space


My youngest hated the bassinet. Have you tried a pack n’ play? Maybe try nap time in the crib/cot and slowly transition? I had to lay on the floor next to the crib until she fell asleep until she got used to it.

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I used to get into the cot to settle mine :joy: then creep off

My daughter was same. I put bassinet in crib. I think the crib was just too big.

Sleep is developmental. Nothing you do will help a baby sleep through the night until their brains are ready to.
I’d personally never let my baby “cry it out” bc it teaches them you won’t come when they need you. A baby needing you is normal, you’re the safe place.


Lay her down when she’s sleepy and drifting off. If she wakes, leave her to cry for a little bit. Eventually she’ll fall asleep


Try the Nested Bean sleep sacks! They are weighted and have been a miracle for my 4 month old, who just transitioned to his crib and out of a swaddle. It can take a few nights but even the first night was so much better than it had been previously

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You might find a different mattress or try a crib or a different cot. Some kids are just picky.

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Yessss been through that where my son flipped right out of bassinet onto bed ; thank god.
I had it adjusted low.
They will start standing and shaking bassinet; which is the time to say bye bye to that sleeping place.
Be safe.

Put the bassinet in the crib.


Snuggle with your little one at night…no one likes to sleep alone…especially babies…it completely goes against the biological norm…everyone will get more sleep.


My son (3mo old) falls asleep on the bed with me and my husband and then gets moved to his bassinet after. Good luck mama. You got this

Try swaddling in the bigger space. Or putting rolked up blankets under the sheet around him.

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It takes time. My daughter was 2 before she slept through the night.


Keep baby up as long as possible during the day. Maybe early naps. Then before bedtime, a nice chamomile bath before bedtime relax.

You have to teach her that this is new new bed. Naps are in the new bed to get her used to it. Just let her sit in the new bed while she’s awake so she gets familiar with it. It’ll happen. Routine for a week and she’ll be fine


Try putting the cushion in the bottom of the bassinet into the cot.


Put the basket part of the bassinet in the crib


Make a routine and stay consistent. Dinner, brush teeth, bath, cuddles, cot. Comfort when crying BUT after comforting return right to the cot. Stay in baby’s room while comforting. Make sure lights are dim, no distractions (like tv), white noise can help. But make sure everything is order to conduct a sleeping environment. If there is commotion, tv, and a lot going on babies will want to be a part of it and it is counterintuitive.

My kids didn’t sleep through till 4yrs. Not helpful but it’s normal and best to just go with it

Worst come to worst put the bassinet in her cot :see_no_evil: untill she gets used to it theb try a full transition x

Put her in it during the day with toys and put her in it awake with you singing or reading a story at bedtime. To help with this (sounds gross) rub bedding on you before putting in the cot. If you’re breastfeeding still put some milk on the sheets. The familiar smell of you is probably all over the bassinet without you even realising even if the sheets are washed but the cot won’t smell the same.


This is still biologically normal

Pool noodle under the sheets to make it seam smaller and more secure like the bassinet


Take the legs off the bassinet and put it in the crib


Time, patience, and consistency. Repeating over the next few weeks of picking up and putting down. Mind you it’s normal for kids not to sleep through the night for the first 2yrs

Try putting the bassinet in the cot for a few days , that’s how I transitioned my daughter into the cot and maybe get a boomerang pillow and pillows ( put under bottom sheet ) on the side of the baby to make it feel like the bassinet . Hope this helps x

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I ferberized my son about the same age. It was a rough week that worked well for me.

Can you put the bassinet inside the cot somehow?
You should also try to put her in the cot during the day as well so she gets used to it, is just a big change for her

will bed part of bassinet detach so u can place it in crib & let her start making transition to crib?

I always put my daughter in her crib for naps only to get her used to it, before I transitioned from bassinet at night.

My son did not like the mattress in the crib. I changed mattresses and that did the trick!. It was 25 years ago but hey. It worked.

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Absolutely get rid of the bassinet - - - it’s time for a baby bed with guards on the side.

Can you put her bassinet on the floor or in her cot Untill she gets used to the transition
Also put her favorite toys in the cot at night time
Yes she will play but she will tier herself out and fall asleep where she is

Put the bassinet in the crib. Something about it comforts her. Then if she falls out or over, she is supported by the crib. Good luck with this, let us know the outcome <3

It’s tough for the first couple nights but the cry it out method works wonders…

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night?

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Top the tank before bed. We did puffs and a movie nightly before bed. Fresh diaper. Sippy cup of ice water went with her to sleep. That way we knew if she was complaining through the night she was fine. Obviously if she was legit crying and upset we went to check and re tuck her in.

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She might be hungry. Feed her baby food that fills her up.

It’s just a growth spurt it will pass. My daughter never slept through the night til 18 months lol.


Fill up the belly. Try shortening naptimes a bit.

Eliminate a nap during the day. Get her up before you go to bed. Get her a little drink. change diaper and get her comfy again. Then hope for the best…

Don’t eliminate naps or shorten naps. You will just end up with an over tired baby. She is only 1. My boys never slept through the night until they were almost 2. All kids go through development changes that effect sleep. It doesn’t last long. Just stick to your routine and it will work itself out.


Is she cutting teeth? Her molars may be coming in feel the back of her gums. Also at a year old a growth spurt hits. When she wakes soothe and comfort back to sleep if you can without picking her up. If you need to pick her up then do it. It’s a small period in her life. You’ll be exhausted but she will know you’re there

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It’s extremely normal for kids up to 2 not to sleep through the night developmentally. Also normal for sleep regressions. Just a full belly and consistent routine.


My pediatrician told me my 6-month old should be sleeping all night. He said do this… When he cries in the middle of the night go stand by his door but do not let him see you. Let him cry for 5 minutes. I cried along with him. The little shit laid back down and went to sleep, after 1 minute and 20 seconds. He slept all night from that night on. If they cry more than 5 minutes then pick them up. It’s worth a try. I’m glad I did it.

I’m with the rest of them feed her a snack before bed babies tend to sleep better with something in their stomach. I’ve raised 6 kids and am no helping my daughter with hers

Short nap times have glass of milk before bed time

Cut out the last afternoon nap before bed and when you put her to bed give her a bottle of water she will stop waking up expecting milk it worked for two out of three of my kids.

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You can give her chamomile tea. It is caffeine free. I give it to my 6 month old every now and then. Helps relax them. And puts them to sleep

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I used Badger Sleep Balm for my 2… They and me slept wonderful.

Leave a night light on for her
And put her toys in her cot
When she wakes up through the night
She can happily play
And she will nod off again

Is she teething? That could be hurting a bit, ask her dr if she can have a baby tylenol at bedtime. Does she have a blanket she likes, also a toy - - -.

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Put her in an old T-shirt of yours to sleep in
One that smells like you
Or wrap a teddy bear or make a pillow case out of it
Cut the last nap of the day
Have her do a lil work out routine with you or help pick up toys or dust furniture/wipe off tables with you
You’re not looking for perfection just have her do an activity of some sort to work off some energy.
Keep her up 15 extra minutes
Nothing with dye in it before bed
Turn on a fan, music, something soothing

Ummmm mine was 5 before sleeping through the night. My son was a dream sleeper so i struggled with all the broken sleep with having her.
She slept better when was with me. So we co slept a lot for when i needed better sleeps


Maybe try a little later bedtime like 9-9:15. Warm milk before bed, how long does she nap during the day? My son use to take a two hour nap in the day but eventually he would start not wanting to go to bed so now his naps are 45 minutes. I also use a lotion that’s supposed to help with sleep.

My son didn’t sleep through the night until he was 2 1/2. I stopped going in his room to get him when he woke up at about 1 year. I had toys and pacifiers in his bed. He would happily play and fall back asleep. Your baby will be fine and start sleeping through the night again


Put her down a little later if you can and limit to one nap a day

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Babies don’t sleep through the night. And shouldnt if their hungry and need to be changed.

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You may need to adjust naptime during the day. She may need to cut down on the length a little. Or she may need more time between naptime and bedtime.

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