How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Switch boob for soother. May take a few tries… hold it in… eventually will work…

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Stop breastfeeding feeding. It’s a comfort thing. Break the habit.


You have to wait till she is sleeping and sneak in a pacifier…

I’m on the same boat. My youngest is about to turn 2 and is still breastfeeding and sleeping with me. So hard to ween her off.

You can night wean to help. I know with mine once it got to a certain point they slept better in a different room when they didn’t sense the boobs right there. If they were right there by the boobs then they would wake up more wanting them. I still nursed during the day but night weaning helped my sanity soo much. If you’re in a position where daddy can do the nighttime routine it def helps as well

Breastfed for 2.5 years and it was mostly night comfort for the last 3rd of it. Took a toll on me mentally for sure. Unfortunately it was a cold turkey wean. Set up a new bedtime routine, and after a few rough nights of tears he was sleeping through the night. We still cosleep and snuggle, but it is such a relief that I get to sleep too

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I just quit breastfeeding because I mentally couldn’t handle it any longer. He didn’t like the formula and didn’t eat much for a few days, but with no other option he finally started taking the formula and other pureed foods and he got right back on track & now at 11 months he’ll sleep thru the night and only wake up once for a bottle


I’ve been breastfeeding for almost 3 years now :upside_down_face: I physically can’t stand it anymore but my eldest co sleeps with us and will absolutely scream a storm when he wakes up if he can’t have it, it’s more of a comfort thing. My youngest was doing the same but I switched her to formula, a bottle with her in her bassinet & I leave the room, 40 minutes later I’ll go in and remove her bottle because she’s sound asleep. She does wake up probably like twice around 6am and then just rocking does the trick.
It’s not much but it’s worked so far :slight_smile:

My child is about to be 4, has been in her own room since 2, and she still doesn’t sleep through the night. She was only breastfed for 6 months before I dried up.

Yes, I dealt with this when my son was 18 months old. I weaned him from night nursing. If they’re eating solid food, they don’t need nourishment at night; they’re nursing for comfort. I just told him, “no milk until the sun comes up,” and offered water instead. It was a rough 3 nights, with him crying and me crying. My husband help A LOT. It was SO WORTH IT for us all to get full night’s sleep after the transition. You got this, Mama!! :heart:

My son was this way and the only way that worked was to not give feed him during the night. Although it broke my heart, it’ll break the habit. They know you’ll give in until you finally don’t. Now that she’s a little older it’s just a habit so tell her “last time for boobie” and then don’t give in! It’s definitely hard and will take a little bit but it’ll work! Good luck!

My 18 month old is still breastfeeding and won’t take a paci to save her life. If I boob her up real good before she goes to sleep she’ll sleep in her crib from around 7pm until about 3am so any “quality sleep” to be had for me is in that time period :expressionless: after that it’s half awake half asleep boob session with twenty minutes of sleep-sleep here and there until 7am. I keep telling myself one day I’ll wish she was still boobing and my cuddle bug. It helps a bit.

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My daughter in law had my granddaughter stay with us at night for about a week. She was fine after that!

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It may be time to just nightwean, it’ll be hard the first few nights but that’s the only way you’ll get sleep. If you feel like it you could also not bedshare, that’ll have her wanting boob more

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Put her in her own bed


Put her in her own bed buy a soother and only give her a bottle when she goes to bed…Each night put less milk or juice in bottle , if she has not been trained yet start training her to get her out of diapers

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She needs her own bed. She needs to self soothe and not use you to do it.

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My daughter was the same way, only we started doing Sleep training when she was 10 months, we put her in her own room, own crib, gave her a bottle and honestly I’m going to get hate for it, but I did the cry it out method for sleep training. After night 2, she slept from 7:30pm until 8am, and would even nap throughout the day. She is now 3

My son did this. It was impossible to get a good night’s sleep.
We started sleep training him around 7.5-8 months. He sleeps in his room, in his crib and gets a bottle before bedtime. I give him a kiss, say good night, I love you and walk out. If he was still crying after 20-30 minutes, I would go in to try to soothe him or give him a bottle again. After 7 minutes, I walked out. It took 2 nights and he started crying less. Now, (a month-ish later) if he is crying for more than 5 minutes, it’s usually because he’s still hungry. He sometimes wakes up once to nurse but goes down very quickly after.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Some babies just don’t sleep. Although my friends son she said would scream 24/7 for the first 5 months. Turned out he had a hernia

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Youre both learning who this person is still and what techniques work for both of yall… Is the baby swaddled ? Sleeps on flat surface? Background noise? Falls asleep on boob and transferred?


Is she breast or bottle fed if u don’t mind me asking

Shes a baby?! My 21 month old still wakes during the night she wont know the difference between night/day :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:

Get a grip your baby is 1 month old


Call me 6 years :disappointed_relieved::joy: still haven’t had a full night :rofl::rofl:

Did no one tell you, you basically get 0 sleep with a newborn… Lol


Babies that young aren’t supposed to sleep through the night.

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She’s only a month old, you’re not doing anything wrong, she’s just up. My son was the same way, and it’s hard but don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re doing fine. You’re probably just lacking sleep right now so you’re easily feeling that way.

She’s exhausted. Cut her some slack. Try swaddling. My daughter used to wake up on the hour every hour. It may feel like it never ends, but eventually it will. Deep breaths mama, you got this.


One month?? Mine slept threw at 13 months. Check back then…:rofl:


It’s normal for a 1 month old to wake up alot. Especially if they are breastfed.


Honestly you don’t. I don’t even know what sleep is anymore and my crotch goblin is 4. :joy:

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He literally only started sleeping straight through when he was 3


1 month old waking up every is hungry. Feed her…

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The first month I swear was the roughest, my daughter woke up every hour on the hour, some night we even cried together lol…try to sleep when baby naps during the day and if you get too overwhelmed maybe have a family member or close friend sit with baby one day so you can get some sleep…its tough but worth it!! Good luck mama :heart:

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I’m going to say a lot of these comments are why people don’t ask for help when they need it, this woman is sleep deprived and needing support, not y’all acting high and mighty because she is in her feelings from sleep deprivation


First time momma, hey? If you have anyone that can come over so you can sleep a bit I’d suggest that! But you’d have to pump. The first 3-4 months are hell, and then 4-12 is just zombie mode but you’re used to the exhaustion so it’s not as bad, right now baby is getting a schedule going. Cluster feeding is normal even though it sucks

Your best bet is to take short naps when she does.

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Unnecessary rudeness to a new mother seeking help,
You people need a break I guess🤷‍♀️

Hang in there mama you are doing nothing wrong x


I know it’s not good. But I always held my babies safely in bed just so I can sleep

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If that baby ain’t screaming girl get that sleep. Make sure she is safe in her crib( or whatever you lay her down in) and pull up a blanket and a pillow right next to her


My baby is 6 weeks old and sleeps 5-7 hour stretches at night. All babies are different yes but people acting as tho a 1 month old can’t sleep more than 1 hour at a time are crazy


Some babies are night owls -mine was 5yrs later still is cant complain cause so am I. Get a white noise toy it helps… swaddling… slowly change feeding/nap times … I dunno my child had a broken collarbone and reflux there was no swaddling and no feeding times I fed when she was hungry and held her to sleep - I was a zombie but she slept her first 6hrs through at about 5 weeks thank god - but I didn’t I was like why hasn’t she woke for a feed?? And the dr told me dont wake her she will wake when shes hungry or dream feed her if you have to( where you feed them in their sleep)
Goodluck mama and congrats :purple_heart::purple_heart: everyone says sleep when the baby sleeps and as hard as that is because life, try to if you can the dishes and laundry and whatever else.can wait

Babies that young will wake up or you will need to wake them every 2-3 hours to eat until they gain good weight. Then your pediatrician will say don’t wake them at night and they can wake up when they’re hungry. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s wise to still pump at night to maintain supply. If you’re so exhausted that is normal. try to nap during the day when baby sleeps. My baby started sleeping 4 hours at a time and waking up twice a night around 6 weeks. Then slept through the night from 8pm to 5am at around 7 weeks. :heart_eyes: If you set a schedule on feedings and keep them on it (but yes feed on demand when they cluster feed for growth spurts) that will be the easiest way for their metabolism to stabilize and in return gain healthy weight and sleep better. Hang in there but for real, nap once a day during the day. That’s what saved me and gave me energy. besides that, godspeed! Every baby is different. See if your partner can bottle feed during the night to allow you more rest. Don’t know your case but teamwork makes the dreamwork. Congrats on your baby, mama! :white_heart:

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Took my first 2 years to sleep through the night.

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My kids 20, 14, 9 and 6 still don’t sleep :rofl:.


Sharon Hart that’s pretty much it hey👌🏾
Fill bub up n she should sleep longer

Hey do I guess this is an unpopular opinion but it’s okay and normal that you are overwhelmed and so tired that this is stressing you out mama! Do you have anyone that can watch baby for you during the day so you can sleep a little?


It’s normal. I know you’re exhausted, it’s definitely a hard time. A few of my children had low birth weights and had to be woken every 1-2 hours to eat, my husband was deployed (with two of them) and I had no help and was completely exhausted with 4-7 other kids running around and working. It’s freaking exhausting and as a result it’s easy to feel like you’re doing something wrong. That’s not the case though. If baby is just awake, let the baby be awake and get some sleep (I know that’s also hard to do). If baby is crying and all typical needs are met then they might just be cold or feel alone or might even just have gas. If you’re concerned, ask your pediatrician. Maybe they can suggest chiropractic care or other such things to try. I know chiropractic care can be a huge help for fussy babies (it was for a few of mine!). For just awake but not crying babies, your best bet is to just go back to sleep as best you can and leave them be. If something is wrong baby will cry and wake you up. You don’t need to engage with your baby 24/7. It’s okay to let them just lay there and be awake and make noises. If needed you could always play music quietly to help you sleep and possibly baby sleep too. Also, if you have the option, maybe get a postpartum doula, or have someone you trust that would maybe take baby to another room for a night so you can sleep and baby can make sounds and you can sleep still.


Rock her or co-sleep I know so many mama are against co sleeping however some babies need that extra comfort for them to reach their rem sleep.


They just nap :person_shrugging: no real stretches

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Babies like being held close and can be going thru cluster feeds and growth spurts so that could be apart of it

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It could possibly be active sleeping which means they seem awake but really just move a lot while sleeping for development or perhaps needs to be burped?

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Yes. I have been there with both my kids… I used to swaddle them. That helped a lot. Did you try swaddling? Also, cosleeping helped… Co sleeping only if you are confident…

Mama, as long as you know that baby is dry, fed and not screaming it is ok that she is awake while you nap! Just make sure baby is in crib safely and let her just chill. Baby will cry if too hot, too cold, hungry, bored…no worries. Rest while you can❤️

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I am on child number 4 and the best advice I can give you is if your child is just awake and is cooing, sleep, if she/he gets upset you will hear them :slightly_smiling_face: and also maybe hold off on feeding them. I do the 3 or 4 hr schedule for feedings. You just have to kinda suffer through them yelling for abit. Once they are scheduled your golden and also it only takes a few days to a cple of wks to have them where they are scheduled. You got this mumma. Just remember 3-4 hr schedule is your goal and sleep will come, for both of yous

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All new mommies go through this and it’s not your fault. One thing my daughter’s pediatrician told me is if you’re straight nursing, you actually do not know how much milk you are producing, and your baby is not actually full, just tired of suckling. Try pumping and giving your baby the bottle and see how much of a difference it makes.

Good luck! :heartpulse:


It’s pretty normal… and good, you know they are alive when they wake up and bother you throughout the night, be worried when your baby doesn’t wake up. Your doing great :blush:

That’s just how it is. Rock them, love them, feed them, and get as much sleep as you can. It gets better. Hold the baby close and keep them near you, rest when you can, keep both of you hydrated.

Feel your pain, sending you the best

Check room temp.
What are they wearing? Wondersuits keep them nice and snug,
Are you swaddling? A nice firm swaddle helps.
And do you have block out curtains, shutters or blinds?
A nice dark environment is important.
For at least the first 1 month, babies have day and night muddled up.
It’ll get better I promise.

That’s the first 3 months with a newborn lol


That’s what newborns are like. Ask someone to watch baby for an hour or 2 so you can rest and nap.

Sleep isn’t a thing at that age. You live on short naps, dish crumbs and prayers.


Sometimes they just miss momma. Try sleeping skin to skin laying propped on your back with pillows surrounding your sides ( sonyou don’t roll over and so if baby slips they have soft support )
When I brought my daughter home from the nicu she slept normal waking up every 2-3 hours for feedings but after the first month being home she woke up every 30-40 minutes and I couldn’t keep up and she refused binkie comforts so I just did this and she would fall back asleep with in minutes and wake uo during normal feeding times but I warn you, be careful because this could also cause sleeping separation issues where baby will only do this and only with you.
Maybe also try putting the shirt you wore when putting baby to bed in baby’s bed to smell you giving the scent comfort.

So I know this seems bad but I am a extremely light sleeper so I would co sleep with all my kids and breast feed, it was the only way to get atleast 2-4 hours of sleep a night especially in those early nights I only co-slept when desperately needed but other things that helped too was swaddling, having a rocking bassinet beside the bed, white noise machine was a god sent, and making sure your room isn’t to hot or cold. All things that helped, also exposing your baby to daylight in the day helps them regular there internal clock. So get out for some walks, car rides, sit out on the patio. And be patient mama it is so hard in the early months but things start to calm down in the months to come. If I need a desperate break don’t be scared to ask friends or family to help, I had people sleeping over to help in the days I desperately needed sleep. So just take it day by day and figure out what works for you. Personally air on the side of caution with co sleeping it can be dangerous so be mindful, no thick blankets or blankets at all and make sure the bed is clear of pillows or anything that could suffocate them. I used to use slim blankets to creat a bassinet under the bedsheet so my littles wouldn’t roll off the side but not one so high they could suffocate. Your doing great hun.


My daughter was the same. I was feeding her every 45 minutes around the clock for the first 6 months. I was exhausted and felt like a failure. She’s 8 now and still won’t/can’t sleep through the night.

Do you wrap buba? Is buba warm enough? My baby wakes more if she’s not wrapped properly or gets cold youl get through this try and nap when you can x

This is frowned upon but co-sleeping is what I did with both of my girls. A doc-a-tot or co-sleep bassinet will do. Nurse or cuddle until their arm is limp when lifted and then transfer. I was lucky and both of my girls have slept through the night since birth. My first was done cuddling at 6 months old and moved to a crib in her own room at that point. My second is about to be 3 months old and requires me to be holding her for her to fully get to sleep. During the day, I baby wear to get things done and pop her in her swing or bouncer so I can quickly shower (she screams but sometimes you just have to take care of yourself).


Girl i feel you!! My 20 month old still dont sleep thru the night… Have you swaddle your baby nice and snug in a receiving blanket? Maybe more feeds before bed? Also a warm bath before bed might help! Hang in there mama you got this! :purple_heart:

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Baby could have colic???

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You don’t. One month ikr babies don’t have a sleep “schedule”. You are awake when they are awake. It’s called parenting. You get up, feed them, change them and soothe them. I had one child with colic and he slept for about 6 minutes in 6 months. I was exhausted but I survived. He is 22 now. I also worked full time while the no x sleep was happening

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Op. Try taking baby on a walk outside. In a blankie but it works. They do it in many European countries. I tried it with my colic son and it worked. Literally just did it about 2 hours ago with my bffs baby, who is going through what yours is, and it worked.

Give baby ‘Mommy’s bliss gripe water’. Wait like 15 min. ThenGrab babies feet, put babies legs together, and Push baby’s knees into their tummy. Might help relieve gas.

How is babies mouth? Could be cluster feeding or even colic. Talk to your pediatrician about Colic and see if that is it.

Baby could also be in a purple crying stage and just wants to cry and be held. And that’s normal.

But if the baby starts sleeping, say for 3-4 hours…. Let the baby sleep! Still supervised but it is safe.
It will not increase the risk of Sids at all. Just make sure you lay baby on their back.

White noise and a humidifier or oil diffuser might help as well.

Message me if you need any other advice or help or just wanna talk. I had a colic baby and have been through this. He still doesn’t sleep. (Albeit my son has other sensory issues and is being evaluated) but I do know what lack of sleep and the feeling of “what am I doing wrong. I’m an awful mom”. Just know you aren’t. You’re doing amazing. Breathe and walk away if need be.

Call someone if you can to watch baby to help you sleep. Sleep every hour that baby sleeps. Housework etc can get done later.

Good luck queen. You got this! :crown::heavy_heart_exclamation:


She’s just got the times backwards. Make sure she’s awake more during the day.

In also gonna add I’m so happy to be menopausal with my tubes tied.


I would try to swaddle her and try to keep her awake during the day. My baby is 3 months and sleeps through the night :smiling_face: and will wake up only once to eat then back to sleep again till it’s time to wake up.

Swaddle and co-sleep

I had this with my eldest, I just had to try and keep her awake as much as possible during the day.Xxx

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It’s normal and every baby is different with how they sleeps Gets easier with time. Sleep as much as you can when baby does for now.

Baby will still be adjusting to day/night - if happy/content but awake, just keep the room dark and keep yourself resting/asleep. Bubs will tell you if they need something, and ofcourse respond appropriately when they do. Try keep night as dim/dark, least stimuli as possible, & day naps can be with daylight, background noises, in front pack/pram etc… takes a while for them to adjust, so just hang in there and try nap when you can (or even just relax/shut eyes for 5-10mins).
Also there are ways to co-sleep safely, which may work for you.
The 4th trimester is hard with sleep deprivation, especially around the 1month mark when you feel so exhausted, so let someone else take baby for a walk & give yourself a decent day nap. “No day is ever so bad it can’t be cured with a nap”.

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Does she sleep a lot during the day I’m asking because she might have got her days mixed up with night. What I did was kept them awake a bit more during day like when she has a bottle play and talk to her for about 30 mins to an hour she should be better at night she should be a bit better at night the first night but by about 4-5 days she should sleep a lot better at night mine did I also wouldn’t give them a bottle until 3-4 hour feeds they were pretty good with it

Put ceral in bottle to make him fuller tummy try sheduke routines


They neeeever sleep! My 18yo is up know…lol … j/k!


Give baby food more n bottles trew day so Fuller

Claiming lotion helo relax them for sleep after nite time bath

Name sure well burp ed clean gum between feeding ti help with not get colic as much

Girl there’s enough advice here you don’t need me throwing more at you but - it’s normal & your doing amazing :pray::ok_hand:


Oh the joys of motherhood! Hang in there mama, but just so you know they never sleep! And you will never sleep like you used to, currently my 11 month old sleeps better than my almost 5 year old. Don’t forget she spent 9 months inside of you so she wants her mama and to know your close (your her comfort and the only thing she knows). But it sounds like she has her days and nights mixed up so try to keep her up as much as possible during the day and try to swaddle her if you haven’t already. A strict routine helps too. I found the only way to get any sleep was to co-sleep I know they say it’s not the safest but when your exhausted and desperate you gotta do what you gotta do to maintain your sanity. Keep head up mama, you got this! And I’m sure you’ve been told already but sleep when the baby sleeps, those dishes and laundry can wait they will still be there when you wake up :heart:

My son has just started n he’s 10 almost 11

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If baby is fed , warm, winded and dry youre doing nothing wrong. She just spent 9months connected to you and now she’s not. New borns are exhausting. Try to catch a nap when she’s sleeping during the day .
Mine hated being swaddled …so maybe try not doing that…they also slept on their stomach but thats not advised now.
Is she in a crib ? Try leaving her in her pram if its flat or a moses basket . Sometimes the extra space in a crib upsets them.
Youre doing great mom and it will get better.


Welcome to
Motherhood honey! I have a 15, 13, 3 and 2 year old I couldn’t tell you the last time I got any decent sleep!!!


The first one year of a childs life there is no sleep​:woman_shrugging:t5::rofl::joy::woman_shrugging:t5: oils, feeds, blah blah blah. Don’t waste your money. New borns upto 6 months feed on demand. Worse if they are only breastfeed. So just hang in there mummy. Sleep when the baby sleeps. They sleep longer during the day time.


Mine were breast n bottle n formal feed depends on kids all kids develop n act n grow different

My 20 month old never sleeps through the night. It’s developmental and you can’t put a time on it. Good luck


Somersault your baby clockwise, my nans old trick! It works :slight_smile:

That’s a new baby lol some sleep some never sleep but seriously are you breastfeeding and when you feed are you getting up and waking up are you feeding baby in low light room? If it’s bright babies have a tendency to thing it’s time to wake up for a little while lol baby is to little for additives I would do a formula one bottle if you are breastfeeding just a little this tends to hold in their bellies a little longer good luck it will get easier could also be gas from eating lots and lots of burping videos you might have a little more air in their that’s keeping baby up my first didn’t sleep for the first three weeks either she wasn’t getting enough Brest milk basically because it was my first I wasn’t eating enough or drinking enough water to keep her belly full so I started supplement “formula “ first bottle she slept like 6 hours I was having a panic attack the whole time lol because she was finally sleeping by number three they baby came home and slept threw the night but each baby is different YouTube help just uses due diligence obviously some people are just do same stuff ps don’t let the hospital Greek you out about sleeping with baby

Only way I got decent sleep in the early days was having mine in bed with me :joy: some people may not agree but as long as done safely. X


I had the same issue with my 2nd son. Sadly it didn’t get any better ): he’s now almost three and he wakes up every 3-4 hours. My oldest and my youngest love their sleep but my middle guy just doesn’t (at least that what his doctor says)

If she’s “just awake”, she’d be watching me “just sleep”. :v:t4::rofl: