It will get better soon I promise! Start trying to get them used to night and day that could be why there up ALL THE TIME. Keep it bright during the day and don’t try and be so quiet and then during the night keep it dark and quiet maybe even run a sound machine. It took mine about 2 months to get used to this now she only wakes up once during the night.
I know some people say it’s babies that’s what they do not exactly sure how that’s helpful. I don’t know if u want wan throw money at it or not but there is essential oils that can help, there are sound machines, bath soaps, my now almost 4 year old didn’t sleep through the night till he was darn near three. It didn’t really bother me bc he just need mommy to put him back to bed and he was fine the rest of the night. My now 7 year old wouldn’t sleep unless he was next to me. Idk if you believe in co sleeping but if you can do it safely it’s an option. I’ll probably get some hate but I’m okay with that. Lol
Shake it lmaoooooooooo
I’m kidding calm down
you wouldnt happen to have bub sleeping on t-tree mattress by any chance? l had 2 friends who went through this…l got her to buy a cot…and get rid of the baby carrier she was in…use a musical baby thing…that throws little lights out…pat baby to sleep from the side of the cot…
Honestly your child is one month so there’s nothing u can do its very normal and wil go on for a long time yet my child is nearly 3 and still dosent sleep properly
my 3rd is 1 month today too not sure if you mean they sleep all day and up all night or if they feed every hr all day. if they feed every hour all day, and its just been a couple days, they may just be going through a growth spurt.
if they have their night and day reversed, this is what i did. im breastfeeding and my lactation consultant told me to do this. it worked for all 3 but it can still take s bit of time to switch their night and day over.
Try to feed more frequently during the day in a more brightly lit room. if she’s sleeping, wake her up. afterwards try to keep her awake for a little while but not too long that it’ll over stimulate her. At night, feed in a dimly lit room. should eventually be able to go longer stretches (3 - 4 hrs ish) at night if you feed more frequently during the day (like every 1-2 hrs). Take some longer breaks during the day when needed if possible so you can rest. usually between 6 -8 weeks old mine were sleeping like 4 hour stretches at night.
In the beginning, like first 1-2 weeks, when I really needed a longer stretch of sleep, i topped up. I usually breastfed first, pumped 5 mins and gave whatever i could get from pumping and then topped up with a little bit of formula. i think it was 30mls usually. with being a month now it might be a little more. The formula takes longer for them to digest so kept them full a little longer. i did that earlier in the night usually, like between 8pm and midnight. didn’t bother pumping after midnight cause sleep was more important but if I couldn’t get them to settle I’d do just a little top up once again with the formula.
anyway, that’s what worked for me. my son is 1 month today and sleeping 3-4 hr stretches at night now. hope this helps. sleep deprivation is pure torture.
Is she crying uncontrollably? Does she settle back down when you comfort her? Do you feel maybe she has some reflux going on? Try elevating her crib or bassinet whatever she is in and see if that helps. My son who just turned 6 still doesn’t sleep through the night. But when he was a newborn we were up every hour with him. He had MSPI and was actually in severe pain. Rule out reflux first. Is she swaddled? Maybe she needs that pressure hug.
Shes a month old. Give it time.
As long as she’s just awake and not crying, sleep. She’ll wake you if she’s hungry.
Dang My 2 month old is only waking up once a night to eat then right back to sleep things will get better just takes time !!! Good Luck Momma
A baby waking in the night is a safe baby
Reduces Sid’s
Sleep breeds sleep so keeping her awake during the day will just make it worse
She’s still tiny and needs mumma 24/7
If she’s awake and happy, just let her be while you get a few minutes of sleep. You don’t have to sleep only when she sleeps, as long as she’s good. She’s brand new, her sleep won’t regulate until 2 or 3 if even then. You can do this
My daughter just turned 1 and she still doesn’t sleep through the night. She gets up every 1 to 3 hours.
Good luck lol my 23 month old still wakes up 5 times a night atleast
All babies are different my daughter as a newborn would sleep through the night randomly and only randomly wake up a few times.
My son however 2years 4 months doesn’t sleep through the night
My daughter woke up every 2 hours on the dot for the first 3 years
So, good luck
Doesn’t sound like you’re doing anything wrong. Babies are just like that sometimes. See if you have someone who could help out so you can get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Good luck!
Have you tried swaddling? That always helped my babies sleep longer.
Its normal. Mine did this til after she was 1.
Are you swaddling her in the blanket, i never realized how much better a swaddled baby sleeps until my last kid.
Shes still adjusting to life outside the womb, hang in there. It does get better.
Maybe try swaddling if you don’t already I found that helped my baby to sleep a little longer.
She may have her days and nights confused. During the day make sure it’s bright and lively in the home & at night keep things dark (ish).
My kid is close to 4 and she still wakes up.
As long as she’s not crying, there’s nothing wrong with you catching a few winks while she’s awake. All babies are different. Some babies just like your company and will stay awake for that. Just don’t fall into the trap of letting her think all awake time is play time. Try to keep her in her crib as much as you can. Whatever you do, don’t let her get into the habit of sleeping with you.
Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep is where you need to head, mama
She’s only 1 month old, she still need to wat every couple hrs.
Maybe try swaddling her if she’s not. I’m really no help, cuz my daughter woke up like a newborn every 2 hours until she was almost 3
Mine slept on my chest for the first 4 months.
Lol newborns rarely sleep. Baby is only a month they need to adjust
My son did this until I put him on his stomach. Which was day 2. Lmao. He has been a stomach sleeper since he was born.
1 month? You’re lucky if the baby sleeps 1-3 hours at a time.
The baby needs to eat.
If you’re concerned with how you’re feeling seek medical attention, you could be experiencing postpartum depression
My last two kids woke up 6 times a night til they were 4. You never know what you’re gonna get
I had a nightlight that projected stuff onto the ceiling with music for when my daughter was awake but fed and dry. She’d lay there and just watch it quietly while I caught a little nap.
1 month old, still a newborn😂. Both my kids never did. My 14 yr old still doesn’t like to sleep……
You have about 10 more years to go.
You’re lucky she’s not grumpy.
Give it time. this is normal mama❤
If they’re not crying leave them alone.
Is she sleep during the day a lot?
You’ll have to wake her if she is. Unwrap her, usually makes them
Sounds like days and nights are mixed up
Normal. My son did this until he was a year and a half ! As long as they’re happy and not in distress you’re good ! As much as you don’t wanna hear this, some babies just sleep less than others. It’ll pass !
Stay on a schedule. Be consistent with a routine.
My first slept like an angel. My second didn’t sleep through the night until he was 4. You never know what you’re babies will be like. Good luck x
Idk why these women laugh reacting like they know everything about parenting especially to laugh at a new mom. Girl it’s normal. We all learn as we go just give it time. I promise you baby will adjust.
I’d be concerned if a 1 Month old slep thru the night. Can someone help during day so you can nap
You’re okay, mama. Here’s the thing. When you we were pregnant did you ever notice the baby more active at night or when you weren’t moving? That’s because during the day when you moved the rocking sensation tends to keep them asleep, while at night when you are still they wake up. Babies are nocturnal at first. You just have to be patient at work with her. During the day make sure it’s bright in the house and not too quiet. Her days and nights are likely mixed up which is common.
You’re not doing anything wrong. She’s a month old, y’all are still in the adjustment period. She’ll get there.
You’re not the only one adjusting, the baby is too. She’ll wake up now and then, it’ll probably stop around 6 month or not until she’s 3. There’s no in between.
Mine has been sleeping through the night since she was 2 weeks old. I had to wake HER up to feed and change first couple weeks.
Keep dark and quiet during the night, after 6pm or so. Noise machine. Loud and bright during day. They need to know the difference between day and night. Don’t make the room all dark and quiet during the day when she naps.
So many groups out there to help you with this.
I highly recommend The Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford that explains feeding and schedules.
I’d also look into awake times/sleep times. At this age she can go 1 hour max awake in the day then back to naps.
Make sure the circadian rhythms is right. If it’s not, reset baby’s circadian rhythm by changing them in the morning by a window that has light. Don’t close the blinds during the day.
Make sure baby is swaddled especially at night.
Nutrition is a big part. If you’re breastfeeding, join the Breastfeeding Support Group
I wake up every hr always have
They not gonna be sleeping all night till they about a year old and that’s iffy then
If the baby is awake but not causing a fuss, I’d just lay her back into the cot and let her be. Bottle, burp, nappy change and straight back down. Try not to make too much fuss when baby wakes up. It’s hard going.
They aren’t supposed to sleep through the night at that age. if you’re breastfeeding, they cluster feed as their bellies empty fast and they’re upping your supply.
Maybe she has gas or colic, they have gas relief drops or gripé water at the drugstore. My first kids didn’t sleep through the night until they were 2.
You’re not doing anything wrong. It’s not developmentally appropriate to sleep through the night at that age. It doesn’t last. Hang in there.
Welcome to motherhood
They don’t sleep through at that age. If she did, her doctor would likely tell you to wake her once to feed her. Try white noise in her room and a mobile or projector so she has something to look at.
She’s brand new mama. You’re not doing anything wrong. 95% of babies do not sleep through the night or even a few hours at a time for a good while. It’s a big cold world out here for a newborn so she’s definitely going to want to be on you and near you as often as possible- also normal.
If she’s not crying let her be and sleep
their night/day schedule is just backwards , it can be hard to swap it back to normal. but definitely very possible , good luck
The 4th trimester. They’re still getting used to being outside of the uterus, it takes time. During the day, make sure you make a ton of noise. Continue with daily sounds, don’t make everything quiet so they can get used to it. At night, use a sound machine and swaddle tightly.
Also it’s just how babies are (especially 1 month olds), they’ll get used to it soon
She’s not supposed to babies that young are supposed to get up every 3 hours for feeding these post be crazy be wanting a newborn to sleep all night they’re not supposed to your increasing the risk of SIDS
When she wakes up at night and your feeding her or something don’t talk to her cause it’ll make her think its time to be awake just keep calm and quiet. Try not to engage with her too much during the night. and if you’ve done everything and she’s fine swaddle her and lay her down in her bed you go lay in your bed and rest!
All babies are different if she isn’t crying then just let her lay there until she starts crying and needs you. Luckily my daughter slept through the night around 2 months, even at 4yrs old she sleeps at least 12hrs.
It’s normal. Just wait a year I think my 9 month old is still waking up at night
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Turn her counterclockwise my grandma did that for my daughter and it worked
Like other mama’s have said. Babies at that age wake up constantly (except for the rare exception that will share their story of their 3w old sleeping through the night like it’s common place & you will feel crazy). Having a new baby is hard. Ask for help from another adult to give you a little chunk. This too shall pass.
I’m sorry but the first few months of a new born , are a nightmare on Mom’s…we are zombies…no sleep, afraid to even get a shower at times…it really is welcome to Motherhood…
Just don’t put cereal in her bottle, please.
It’s normal, it’s frustrating, you’re probably going to lose your mind a bit. BUT! Around 6 weeks they should start sleeping a bit longer. Just a couple more weeks!
My 5 yo still wakes up at least once every night. A waking baby is a safe baby. The long they sleep at that age the higher the risk of sids. The first 3 months are the hardest and most sleep deprived. Work out a shift schedule with the father. He should take at least 3-4 hrs at night for you to sleep and recharge. If father isn’t in the picture I would ask a family member or friend to stay the night with you a couple nights a week for a couple months.
Swaddle them, incline the mattress slightly with a reflux wedge under the head of bed. Do a regular routine every night. Ours was lights down, lotion massage, brush hair, rocking while eating night time bottle then white noise. I also had a vibrating lovely I put in the bed with them. Keep lights low and the room about 70°. No blankets other than the swaddle.
I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 18105 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.
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My son didn’t fully sleep through the night until he was 1.
I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 18966 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.
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It will get better. Just roll with it.
I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17829 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.
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Maybe she’s colic, as your pediatrician about what you can do to help her
My daughter woke up every two hrs… this to shall pass make sure you are taking care of yourself. Just give that baby lots of love she will adjust to your time.
Doesn’t sound like you’re doing anything wrong . It’s just how it is. Swaddling helps them feel comfortable.
Welcome to the club. This is totally normal for her and it’s the unusual babies that sleep through the night.
l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $21365 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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My children didn’t sleep for more than 2 hours at a time until they were over 8 months old
l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16315 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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Settle in honey. You don’t sleep again for about 30 years. You need to adjust how much sleep you need. I have a 5 yr old and 7 yr old . I average 5 hours.
Me and their father did night shifts. Every other night you are on call. We both worked full time tho. Saddle up. It is what it is. Take care of your babies. You can sleep when you are dead
It’ll get better as baby gets older. But it’ll probably go for another 6 months.
Get some over night diapers. Those were a game changer for us.
Let them fall asleep when the Muppet show on!Worked For Me Every Time. Everything Made since when They Explained It. Like it or Not!!!
At that age, unfortunately you can’t.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get baby to sleep through the night? - Mamas Uncut
Check out Richard Ferber’s book
Maybe try a Fan so it can Help muffel the other sounds it doesn’t even have to be pointed at you guys they should have A small one you could clip on the bed
Noise canceling headphones for infants. They have ones like a headband.
White noise. Definitely helps
Baby sleep music on YouTube and a fan helps drown out noises for mine. Not sure how much that’ll help because baby is not home, quiet or not baby will not be comfortable, especially with tubes and stuff.
Definitely a white noise machine!
White noise! If you can’t get the machine you can look up white noise sounds, rain sounds, ocean sounds, etc on YouTube and play it on your phone. It drowns out other noises.
That’s a tough one. I wonder if you could pick up a sound machine for her. My daughter bought one for her kids when they were little to help them sleep. They make different sounds. A babbling brook, a steady rain, a mother’s heartbeat… the boys liked the mother’s heartbeat best. You could set it at the top of her crib, or move the nightstand closer and turn it on. It wouldn’t necessarily bother other patients, but it might do wonders for your little girl.
Unfortunately that is going to be next to impossible. Let her sleep when she can. Nicu/cicu momma here. It’s much easier if you have you own room, but with all checks that the nurses need to do they are still going to be waking your babe just as much. It sucks so much. Hopefully you won’t be their to long and your babe can get back to a normal schedule.
try soft quiet music that u would play at home - and he may fall to sleep- have u asked a nurse or doctor if your baby can fall asleep on here belly at night - this also could be another answer or if she’s having a bit of breathing problem maybe u could ask doctor if your child could be on a slant to help fall to sleep at night ! u have to realize that a lot of other moms-dads are trying to get there child to sleep also - this can’t be helped if it’s so loud !
I softly rub her temple that’s how I got my babies to sleep
Really?If shes in yhe hosp she isnt.gonna sleep all nite.the.nurses will wake her every check.try when she gets home
White noise it helps my baby - we have trucks that go in and out by our house and it gets loud so that has been the best thing