How to get mattes out of hair?

I’ve got curly hair I have to wash it leave my conditioner in and then brush it start from the bottom to the top and section it much easier x

I’ve heard from hairstylists that they use wd40 when doing de-matting

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Let her sleep with Conditioner on her hair. Then brush it out in the morning.


It will take awhile especially with curly hair be patient b

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My daughter has very long, very thick, very wavy hair. She’s literally broken the bristles from my hair brushes before. She also has a very sensitive scalp. This is the only brush that works wonders on her hair. It’s been a life saver for us.


Anke Oberem any suggestions after your recent experience…?

Henna , it’s a natural conditioner. Works great. Deep conditioning

Wd40 apparently works well

These brushes are an absolute god send

Get a wet brush and I swear mane and tale spray in conditioner detangler is so good. Sally’s carries it. But I agree with letting her sleep with conditioner in her hair too

L’Oréal detangling dream lengths conditioner, leave it on for as long as possible, and get a tangle brush (I got one from the pound shop it’s just as good as the posh one my mum got for my daughter that cost her over a tenner!) and smaller sections (if you can pull some apart) obviously start from the bottom of the hair gently and work your way up the tangles rather than trying to just brush threw from the top. Xx also I sometimes use a soft bristle brush at first to help get the easier tangles out then use the tangle brush after xx

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Garnier makes a leave in/hair mask that is around $6-$7 at Target that works great for detangling. I recommend a wet brush as they are more gentle on the hair and work from the bottom to the scalp. They usually have the nice Disney character wet brushes at Marshalls. That might be a nice inexpensive little gift for her depending on her age and interests.

Conditioner and a comb/ wet brush

Coconut oil, drench her hair in it (focus mainly on the matts), I’m Caucasian with 3c hair, coconut oil and a denman brush is the only thing I can do to stop my hair matting.
I leave the oil in my hair too, and wash every 4-5 days, use fingers to de tangle between washed (I spritz with water if I need more moisture to rake through between washes). Silk scarves are brilliant for overnight, my hair is fine and 3c, so it’s wild if a brush touches it when dry. Good luck! X


I have long thick coarse hair and when I become very ill, I am not able to maintain like I usually do and it becomes matted underneath. I use my fingers to work the knots a little at a time. Always start at the bottom and work your way up. It works for me

As I am leave in conditioner

Any de tangling spray and a wet brush

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So this is going to sound crazy but I follow a owner of a hair salon on TickTock and she uses WD-40 I’ll have to see if I can find a video of her explaining why


Avon skin so soft. Just a little bit. Or some fabric softener.

Detangler and go 2 the hair care section they have special brushes 4 that

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There is a special brush for rats. Also leave in conditioner or detangler. I have thick hair and get rats on the underside of my hair when it’s long. I braid it before I go to sleep and it helps keep them at bay.

Wet hair with coconut oil or conditioner with this brush. My daughter has hair that tangles and I have bought probably 50 different kinds of brushes and hands down this one is the best I have found.

Have her shower. Shampoo hair normally. Drench head in conditioner. I’d have her put on clothes or a robe, whichever she’s comfortable with and get a wide tooth comb, comb it with conditioner in. Then I’d move on to a smaller brush. We use this one. MY daughters hair gets pretty bad. When I remember, I’ll braid it before bed.

I use aussie conditioner and it’s helped my hair, my hair tangles bad fast because it’s coarse but I Caucasian amd have long dark thick wavy hair. I have always struggled brushing my hair and it’s made hair almost 85% easier to brush out.

So a hairstylist said wd40 is what they use


My daughter has very fine hair that mats a lot. I get the hair wet, drench in detailing conditioner give her something to play with in the bath tub and I start working on the tangles, beginning on the bottom.


Buy a wet brush and good detangler

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Cut them out :person_shrugging: I’ve had to do that

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A conditioner with good slip, my 3c/4a curly daughter likes Garnier fructise right now but GVP conditioning balm from Sally beauty supply is really good too. Soak the hair in conditioner and use a wide tooth comb to work out the big knots. Start at the bottom slowly work your way up. Shampoo once the mats are broken up and go in again with conditioner and a wet brush to get the finer tangles out. Be patient, take a couple days to work through it all if needed. Tell her that her hair is beautiful no matter what​:green_heart::pleading_face:

Sally’s and use the Ion leave in condition in her hair white it’s sopping wet ans try to comb it out. Good luck

Twice as much conditioned when you wash her hair, something moisturizing. And no combs or brushes. Use a pick and start at the ends working your way into her head gently. Then when you rinse repeat with leave in conditioner or detangler

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Ok- have her take a shower put a Buttload of Good thick conditioner in- Leave it for like 5 minutes. Comb it out in the shower with the conditioner. Rise, follow up after drying with towel with this stuff and comb again. After it dries it’ll preserve the curl but it should be a lot better and easier to manage.

They make a special brush my granddaughter got. It works on her hair.its called duoflex by styling @ Walmart.

Put conditioner and warm water in a bottle & comb ends to roots

Biologic has a (leave in tonic) and it works great. Spray a little and comb from the ends up with a large comb.

Put any type conditioner in after getting out of bath or shower and slowly comb or brush through it by sections. Usually a wide toothed comb or brush works best. Poor baby. :two_hearts:


It sounds silly, but it WORKS!!!

We always put conditioner on my daughters hair then comb it through it’s brilliant

I uae two different products on my daughter’s hair. It isn’t wavy, but it does tangle VERY easily. I’ll reply to this comment with photos of what I use.

One of my girls had very matted hair, I would start at the bottom of her hair hold it with one hand and comb from the bottom up doing small sections at a this I mean to comb starting from the bottom and comb Bout an inch in length at a time moving upward hold her hair as you go that prevents pulling on her scalp after a few times it will become easy to comb


I use elive the conditioner is awesome

Small sections, a wet brush, and Cantu detangling spray. Have a fine tooth comb handy.


Definitely a wet brush, do a conditioning treatment, add a leave in. Section her hair as much as you can. Start at the bottom and work your way up.

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Whole Blends brand shampoo and conditioner and then add the leave in conditioner.

Please do not use WD40 just because “tiktok” stylist showed that she used it.


I use this gets put tangles pretty well

Brush it out… lots of conditioner. If she is Caucasian it should be rather easy. Use the Aussie conditioner.

My daughter has the same hair. Hers is very easy to tangle. I use Cantu spray detangler and gently pull apart.

My daughter has thick curly hair
I shampoo, condition, use detangler and a wet brush

My daughter has super coily frizzy red hair and she gets mats when she doesn’t take care of it. We get her in the shower and wet her hair then add tons of a conditioner mask. Then use a wide tooth comb to work out the bigger areas and a wet brush for the smaller pieces. I find working on it in sections while still in the shower is best.


We use a leave in conditioner and a silk pillowcase for the bed and a silk pillowcase over the car seat cushion. It did wonders.

Definitely a get a wet brush and a good comb and saturate her hair with conditioner. Let the conditioner sit on her hair with a shower cap for about 5 minutes. Brush from the bottom and work your way up. Make sure you are holding the hair above where you are brushing/ combing so you don’t pull her hair. I would look into a good quality detangling spray for future use. Good luck Mama!


I have very wavy thick hair - wash the hair with shampoo, apply a thick layer of conditioner and massage into the sculp. Rinse and apply more conditioner. Leave the conditioner in for 30 minutes - I put on a shower cap. Then i comb my hair and rinse (let her lie on her back while rinsing). And just run your fingers through her hair. I then use a non tangle brush and brush it while drying

Coconut oil also works well

Lots of conditioner and a wet brush, in the shower. Brush while the conditioner is in the hair

Conditioning treatment & a wide toothed combination while wet. Oil treatment works well also, but may feel greasy for a bit.


Use lots of conditioner and wash her hair in the sink than while wet brush it out. It’s way easier this way

Spray knots with leave in conditioner mix with lil water & Downey softener or I. The sink dunk her hair in the mixture :100: will work


Try conditioner too. It should help.

I have used fabric softener in a kids hair to get the matted hair untangled

Do this in the shower: wet hair, add detangler to the hair, comb some of the hair out, add conditioner, comb again until all mats are out. and voila.

Pb rub it in the knots and wash with shampoo great for gum too

WD-40, it really makes the hair slick and allows you to de-mat the hair.

Always start at the bottom and work your way up. Inch by inch. Spray in detangler.

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There are special brushed for that kind of hair… I have one for my grand-daughter.

Wet her whole head, apply conditioner, leave the conditioner in and use detangler very generously. Work in sections as to not cause too much pain. Worse case scenario, may need a haircut.

Coconut oil through and let it sit a little while, wash,condition,brush,silk a tip from my hairdresser. Untangle from bottom to top

My daughter had super thick wavy hair when she was younger. I swear by the Monat Detangeler. The whole kids line is great. A friend gave me some to try and I used it along with the detangling brush. Just do a section at a time.

Find a beautician that has taken classes on cutting curly hair and have them cut and layer it to the style of curl she has, and at bath time get the washing of her hair out of the way. Then squeeze the water out slather in conditioner then wash the rest of the body. Before rinsing her hair again comb from the bottom to the top. While doing that hold her hair that is closest to her head so it doesn’t pull too much. Let air dry. In the morning a good detangler before combining.

Wd-40 I know sounds drastic but it works

I have curly/wavy hair. I had surgery and was in recovery for about a week with no hair care! I was able to get the mattes out by pulling it apart with my fingers as much as possible, wetting it then coating it with conditioner and went after it with s strong, wide tooth comb. It took some time & I lost plenty of hair, but it did the job. And you don’t pull out as much as you think, what comes out in the comb is most likely already shed, it just caught up in the knots. Good luck! Take your time and take breaks for both of you. Give her an iPad or put on a movie for her to watch

Bed head products work well. I have thick hair and it works wonders.

Saw a stylist say wd40

Deep conditioning treatment after washing. Let it sit in the conditioner over night (put hair in shower cap) rinse in the morning, then brush with a wide toothed comb / wet brush. Start from ends and work towards the scalp

Warm coconut oil, mayonnaise , olive oil!!!

If it’s in the budget take her to the salon for help

Mane n tail shampoo it’s in the pet section used it before for a kid who slept wildly.

My daughter is mixed (Mexican, black & white) she gets very matted sometimes and sometimes I will take some scissors and just snip a bit at the really bad parts before I comb to release some of the tension and tangles. Don’t go crazy or you will have short pieces but it helps. After that condition and comb every day.

Wide tooth comb lots of conditioner and keep the hair wet. OH AND LOTS OF PATIENCE!


Coconut oil, or lots and lots of conditioner

Detangler or coconut oil

Also brush bottom to top slowly working out the nots with less pain and more easy.


Olive oil and some patience.

This will get mattes out easily. It smells amazing and works instantly. Highly recommend.

Absolutely amazing stuff and cheap

Start from the bottom up. (Ends to scalp) lots of conditioner.

Soak hair in warm conditioner/oil water fine tooth come just do small small sections bottom up. Patience! Lots and lots patience

This is the only thing that worked on my child’s hair.


Detangler. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Get a good brush. I finally found a good brush. Unfortunately I don’t have a link. Its curved, and it had both the hard plastic bristles and those smoothing bristles. Works amazing on my hair. It’s the only type of brush that’s ever worked well with my hair and doesn’t hurt.

Fabric conditioner I use for mine when it gets really bad the knots just fall right out leave it to soak for five minutes xx

You need conditioner with lots of slip. I would start with a leave in. Try Kinky Curly Knot Toray.

We really like Herbal Essences Hello Hydration too. Not a leave in but lots of slip

Kids detangler spray and a wide tooth comb​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:now spray hair well, then start at the bottom and work your way to the top(roots):smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:hubby and I went thru this with our 2 girls(now teens)

My 2 yr old get that sometimes and i had a hair stylist tell me to use wd40

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wet/dry brushes are AMAZING! You can get the no name versions at T.J. Maxx, etc. Combine them with an oil or conditioner of some kind and you got this! If you HAVE to cut, put your scissors vertical and snip once, then brush. It can keep the length. Wd40 works if it is terrible.

Lots and lots of conditioner.

Sounds like my hair…

I used to have to brush it out in the shower WHILE the conditioner was in my hair. From bottom to top. Then I’d brush again after I rinsed most of the conditioner out… then again when I got out of the shower… then again when dry, lol. It’s annoying. I rarely brush it now. I just straighten it after I shower & it gets way less tangled & matty that way.

my hairstyles sweRs by WD40 says it gets it out without too much ripping you just have to do a really good scrub and cleansing after. spray it onto the matte not the skin

Suave Detangler Spray for Kids. I won’t lie, I’m an adult, and before I decided to cut my hair, I still used this. It smells so good, and works amazing!

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WD-40! Spray it in her hair and it will loosen up and make it so much easier. This is what some/most hairdressers use


Coconut oil or mayonnaise yes it works. Never comb from the top always start at the bottom.

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Get her hair wet. Put Conditioner and coconut oil and finger detangle first before using a brush or comb. Start from the bottom and start to unravel. Also youtube has some great videos so u can have a visual to make it a little easier. good luck! Patience is key.