I don’t have any help to give but appreciate the fact that you recognize your daughter is a bully and trying to fix it. Most parents blame someone else, good job on stepping up and accepting what it is. However. I hope you find help for your daughter.
Id make her little ass do community service first of all…jealousy is the #1 cause of bullying. Force her to spend time with the girl and be nice to her and make her earn money and buy the girl something. I had same problem with my daughter and I invited the girl over every weekend and forced her to do things together and she resisted at first…Now they are best friends…just a thought
Invite the other girl and her parents over…
I am the mom of bullied kid. It didn’t stop until he took it into his own hands. Only time a suspension in my house isn’t punished for. I give you major props for not looking past it. I think some therapy would be a great idea. Also don’t be surprise if someone acts back.
Get her in therapy now. Ive seen this before
Bust that ass with a belt. Or a scared straight program.
She needs profesional help, that’ll be the best thing you can do, because sometimes we can say things when we’re mad or sad, that can make things worst inside of her head
And it’s totally normal
My 11 yr old is shy, but sometimes here at the house with her brother and sister, she behave different, she starts playing rough
That’s why I can say is a normal behavior on them, they want to get atención, and they’ll do whatever they need to do to get it
Love her, and tell her that all that love is to share with the other ones.
U can get some snacks and help her share with the class
She’s going to get the attention she wants in a good way, she may like the fact that ppl can see her different
Homeschool her and put her in therapy!
When my brother had issues with bullying, my mom and dad bought him a dress and girl underwear and made him wear them to school. Fixed that in a day.
Send her to boot camp this summer
They always say a bully does it because something is missing within the bully. You need to get to the root of it. If you think she needs to be the center of attention then maybe she needs a serious sit talk about her worth. That’s she is worthy and that she she needs to understand that the only person who can make her feel whole is herself. A war is raging within her and it’s your responsibility to help her. Otherwise it could be at the expense of this other littler girl.
If you know a police officer, have them pay a visit to your house. Let them explain how wrong and unacceptable this behavior is
I have no advice. BUT bless you, mom! You’re the best!
Sounds narcissistic imo. I believe I’ve heard therapy can help tho. Hopefully you’re able to get her some kind of help tho cuz that isn’t okay regardless.
Please don’t bully/shame or threaten her! You are an attentive and caring momma (or this wouldn’t even phase you). Respectfully explain to her your concerns and require her to see a therapist. Above all, lead by example and pray for and with her. Best of luck to you two.
Bully her back. Let her know what it feels like. I did it to my daughter once and she’s never done it again.
I’m the mom of a bullied kid.
It stopped when my child whipped his ass.
Do to her what she’s done to the little girl show her what it’s like to be bullied don’t show no mercy treat the exact same way she treats the little girl that she bullied let the parents of the little girl that’s hurting tell her exactly what type of pain she’s causing there child and how it makes them feel seeing there daughter come home everyday and just cry because some brat thinks it’s ok to put down there daughter and to make fun of her to cause her emotional and physical pain every day at school don’t show her any mercy you find out every thing she’s ever done to that little girl and you kiss her good night when she’s asleep you whisper this is for your own good and then you just treating the way she treats that little you do that for 24 hour maybe The most 72 hours I can honestly say not even half way through the 72 hours she will be begging you to stop and she will give the little girl a sincere apology and never bully any one again hell if you have get the your family involved tell them what she’s doing this little who did nothing and doesent deserve some self entitle brat deciding she needs to make life miserable and at the six hour get the girl that’s being bullied tell her she can do what ever she wants to get pay back to your daughter that she won’t be in trouble I guarantee you your daughter won’t bully another child again or think she’s better then everyone else show her what goes around comes around you treat people like shit and bully them thinking your better then they someone’s going to come around and the same thing to you how do you like it you worthless brat if she starts to cry let her cry she deserved show her no mercy she didn’t show that little girl any mercy don’t ever feel bad for your daughter she made the choice to bully this little girl she deserves what she gets glad it wasn’t my child I would be in jail right and your brat would be in the hospital right now cuz she would have messed with the wrong little girl funny thing is it wouldn’t be me kicking her ass well actually yes it would and I’d come for you cuz you would have messed with the wrong family people who bully and are parents of bullies need to get there ass kicked there is no greater place in hell the place for bullies they low life and nothing but garbage thank God it wasn’t my daughter thank God we don’t live in the same state cuz I hate bullies don’t matter if it’s a child or not a bully is a bully
Be careful with taking her to counseling or a therapist… I’ve had plenty of students get sympathy by manipulating their point of view and having the bullying excused instead of fixed
Make her walk 3 miles beside the car carrying a sign saying I’m a bully and enjoy it or something embarrassing I’ve seen a video of a mom taking everything but a girls bed and no internet or cellphones or social media and it straightened her ass up real quick
No phones, no tablets no nothing. I would disconnect her from social media if shes on it.nothing that gives her any “cool” points. She gets the basic of basics. Mattress on the floor with a simple blanket. One cheap toy only. No TV, no movies, no special outings unless you need so.ething and she goes with you. No fancy trending clothing. Here’s a Walmart $4 tee with a pair of shorts and basic ass runners. No name brand anything. She is enjoying other people pain, and that’s not good. She is troubled. I would get her into a therapist right away too. Something is wrong. You have done a great job watching this, noticing and taking action. Bravo mom. Time to get mean right back mama. Dont let this child enter high school as a mean girl. With the numbers of young suicides happening because of bullying, this needs to stop before something happens. Take the door off her room as well. Having zero privacy sucks…also make her do plenty of chores. You have the power to maybe turn this around. Maybe have the family over for dinner, talk, have the girls talk with the adults all there to listen and help. Is your daughter only buying ONE girl, or are there more???
I’d put her in homeschool and start therapy ASAP!! In homeschool she can’t have that center of attention. Indiana Connections Academy is wonderful for us and there’s a Connections Academy in every state. Don’t wait until your daughter goes to jail or the bullied child snaps!!
Honestly I’d say take her to a therapist. If she’s getting pleasure out of hurting another kid, something more is going on. Perhaps a chemical imbalance? Keep communication open with the mom of the other girl, though, it’s respectful. I’d ask that your daughter be separated from the other one, as in put in a different class. I do not agree with homeschooling in this case because she NEEDS the social interaction to learn how to treat people.
Y mostly all of your suggestions are based on humiliates her?
That’s not good, she loves her child that’s why she’s looking for help
Maybe try taking everything but the necessitys till she can act right, you pick out clothes one pillow one blanket no TV, no books, dinner in her room, no dessert or treats, basically prison without the abuse and chains, show her what happens to people who go down the wrong path
I would ground her for the summer personally. In school i was the kid that stood up to the bullies for the others who were to scared to stand up for themselves for fear of being picked on more. Take EVERYTHING away from her. What dose she pick on the girl for? Clothes? Make her wear the same style. Not having a “in style” phone? Down grade or take hers. No partys(birthday slumber etc) no swimming, no chilling, no nothing with friends or family. Im sure after a few weeks her attitude and gratitude will change.
What you’re daughter is doing is destroying someone else’s life.Thats Complete bullshit.Do not allow it for one more second. You take away every device that child has and do not give them back til you know she’s changed.If nothing else works then you spank her ass right in front of the girl she bullies and her friends.Maybe you’re daughter should be publicly humiliated the same way she humiliates the girl she bullies.If you’re daughter carries on with the bullying even after you’ve told her not to,then that tells me she don’t take you seriously either.Time for some tough love I’d say
Maybe contact the victims mom and have them get the girls together in front of you and confront the situation at hand start making them hang out and befriend each other?
make her hang out with the girl take them out to an amusement park or something
Maybe try having her see a therapist or counselor to figure out why she feels this is the proper punishment for be in tattled on. Or a more aggressive solution would be to bring the other girl and her parents over and let her confront her bully in a controlled environment, kind of like a intervention sort of thing. I don’t know how you would handle this as I haven’t faced it yet. I myself don’t know how I’d handle my kid be in a bully outside of whooping his ass because I’m not tolerating any of that nonsense in my house and he knows it because his cousin is a little bully and I ride his ass to knock it off while also encouraging my son to stand up for himself especially in his own home. I applaud you for not turning a blind eye to her behavior. Most parents would or deny their child is the problem in a case of bullying.
As someone who was bullied at that age and told that the bully was going to kill me, I applaud you for trying so hard with your child! My school also did nothing to make it better, and her parents had no clue it was going on. I hope you get to the root of it and get it fixed, for your family and the victims.
Take everything out of her room except her bed and storage for clothes. Zero privileges. And find a good child psychotherapist. I’m not for medicating developing brains (except for extreme conditions) but definitely some therapy is in order. If possible, home schooling would be advised until the behavior is corrected. Good luck
Have her help out at the animal shelter / church nursery/ homeless shelter … have her make bags for the homeless people ask the people at church to donate items have her be over it … have her write up the article for the bulletin,have her get up in front of people at church, neighborhood and get the donation started coming in.
She needs to see what the world is really like and she is going to be part of the problem if she don’t change
Shave her hair off. I’d do that to my daughter if she ever did. Take away ALL luxury items.
I have no advice.But proud that you are willing to stop your child from doing it.You will be blessed in the end
Give her a lot of chores plus everything Crystal said above!
Go to school with her and tell her you’ll be there embarrassing her until she stops and if you hear about it again, keep going back to sit in class with her and tell her she’s can’t leave the house if she can’t make good choices
Try a double mother daughter date? Try to see what the girls have in common. Have a talk with your daughter to see what she is upset with about herself or in her life (usually that is why a bully starts doing that)? Good luck mama
Therapy- it helps more than you know! I went to a charter school for several years specifically for girls and a lot of them came because they were straight up mean. The weekly therapy that was included in the attendance did wonders for a lot of them
Aw I’m so sorry you’re going through this…this must be frustrating & heart breaking for you…my special needs daughter has a similar behaviour when she is in what we call her “moods”…1 step at a time hun…make an appointment with your doctor, explain everything…he may recommend counselling etc…make a face to face appointment with the school, organise a behaviour plan & make sure she knows you are working with the school & that you will be told about everything she does at school & punishments will be enforced…it won’t work unless the school cooperates…see a paediatrician in case there is underlying medical issues (just to rule it out)…go in to your local police station & ask if they can have a stern talk with her (whichever sex she responds to more, my kids would respond better to a male)…good luck to you…don’t give up & be strong xxxxx
Military school or some kind of scared straight program. My childhood friend and her brother were exactly as how you described your daughter and military school for the sister and the scared straight program for the brother is legitimately the only thing that changes their ways. Both had been in juvie and all that before and none of it worked.
Maybe she does need to have a taste of her own medicine. It might be time to shame it out of her. Tell her she’s obligated to hang out with this girl. She has to show her a good time. With her own money has to “take her on a date” buy her lunch, dessert and show her a good time or else she all summer. No activities, ( no phone if she has one) no games or fun events. Etc.
Take her to a therapist, but make sure u tell them what is really happening. Antisocial personality disorders usually start around the adolescent stage in life and can be treated with therapy
Take her to the thrift store and pick out 2 outfits and a pair of shoes. That’s all she gets to wear until she wanna act right.
Bust her butt .take all privligies till she apologizes to the girl herself
You don’t need therapy, you need manual labor of the most time consuming awful chores you can find along with no privileges. Bathroom dirty? Clean it with a toothbrush! You like to be the xenter of attention? No Social media! Deactivate any accounts and take away all electronics. No participating in school activities at all. No friends over and vice versa.
Hurting people hurt people… something is going on. I’d say take a step back and really look at the home life…new sibling? Recently divorced? Did you start dating? Remarry? Did dad? Do you spend one on time with her alone from other siblings? Is she needing attn? Cause this is getting her attn and if it’s the only thing… I’m just saying there IS something she needs and isn’t getting.
Have you reached out to the other girls parents? Sometimes things like this happens simply because one is jealous of the other. Maybe a little time spent together doing something good for others might help? It’s tough since that age they’re still discovering who they are but I applaud you for continuing to guide her. I’m a big advocate for heading problems right from the source.
My step dad took everything out of my sisters room except a bed on the floor. She had to earn everything back one at a time.
Make her wear a shirt that says I’m a bully to school.
Take away her favourite clothes, if it’s about popularity. Leave her with two plain outfits to wear until her attitude changes. Also make her apologize to this girl and her family in person and tell her she’s not just hurting this little girl but her actions have broader consequences and she is affecting her whole family.
Or try therapy. She obviously has some issues.
In my years of wen I was a child like in the 80 that was no such of think as bullying becouse our parents will teach us better I speak from my mom several times yelled at and so my group of friends now days unfortunately is called child abuse lol
I love my mom and my grandmother and all they teach me I don’t speak my kids I’m a yeller I yell alot even just to say I love you I’m Italian so just imagine I’m also a single mom of 3 so you can imagine the stress that goes over me but I did teach my kids the important thinks in life and is respected.
Respect the others and you will be respected treat other the way you expect to be treated
You need to talk to your child be strong she needs you right now she is a mess
I think the homeschooling idea is a good one. Not necessarily permanently, but make sure she knows that if she decides to go right back in to being a bully she’ll be back in homeschooling quicker than she can blink. My first thought was a public humiliation idea, standing on a busy intersection with a sign about being a bully type of thing. I just don’t think that’d have the desired affect given what you’ve already tried… Maybe taking the pecking order temptation will humble her? It’ll be rough at first. Test you as a mom.
Maybe try to find out why your daughter doesn’t like this particular person maybe the girl did something to her to begin with there’s always two sides to a story I don’t really have any advice but good luck to you I’m glad you’re not ignoring this and that you are trying to take care of it
Take away all electronic devices. Be consistent and make her do a lot more chores. Don’t let her socialize with friends for a bit. I say ground her the whole summer. Make her live with the bare minimum. She wants to act all big and mean, show her how no one wants to be around her by making her be isolated from friends all summer. Be careful sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies seem to be growing in her so you have to nip it.
Maybe try having her do something totally selfless. Ex. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, animal shelter…etc. (w you by her side of course) Hopefully a selfless act like that may help her understand and appreciate just how far a little kindness can go… maybe act a little less mean to others
Get a good Christian therapist.
Take her to a homeless shelter or volunteer shelter. And make her work all day for a few weeks there with no pay. And let her see how bad some people have to live. As a mother who son was bullied to where he almost tried to kill himself. I took him to a homeless Christmas party. With hopes that it would help him heal some. And gets his mind off what happened to him. He know wants to go every year. And he loves helping those that cant. He saids they have a bad life mom, and I feel bad for them. But we have to help them. Especially during the winter months cause it’s to cold. So we do it every year. He know doesn’t think about the bullying. He is still healing after 5 yrs. But it helps him mentally and emotionally.
I was bullied by a girl just like this in highschool. Instead of her getting punished I took something nice to school for her. It was the foster parent idea I had at the time. I gave it to her from than on she never picked on me again. Im not sure if it will work just an idea. I like the other ideas shared as well.
Or maybe, ask the other girls mom to call you immediately the next time. Call the police department, explain the situation and see if they can help scare her? Say they are there because something happened to the girl she’s been bullying and your daughter was the last to see her and she needs to go in for questioning. Or something like that. Idk. I wish you well.
Yard work. No new fancy clothes for school. Therapy. Maybe have her volunteer somewhere during the summer.
Try an ass whippin and hard labor (within reason). If it keeps on she’ll be the worst kind of person.
Pull her out of public school n home school
What else is going on with her?? Something is bothering her have you taken her for counseling
Find out if she is bi- polar. Sounds like someone I know
Sounds like you’re raising a narcissist.
Narcissist in the making and sociopath in the making if she doesn’t get help ASAP.
I was a Bully I’m 62 now my Mama Hand cuff me to my Desk and every glass she came in and walked me to the next class and hand cuff me to desk
She wore house coat, Rollers in hair.
And mine were rolled on Bobbie Pins. Believe me I never wanted Mama to do that again. Tough Love.
She would have a mattress a blanket and pillow and 1 week worth of clothes. Make her wear the same outfit more than once. (Wash it, if you choose to) then maybe if she gets bullied then she’ll understand.
SPANK:clap:THAT:clap:ASS!!! Stop letting kids get away with shit. Discipline your kid. Taking away privileges does nothing when she knows she’ll get em back.
I would take your daughter, and the girl that she is bullying along with her parents out to lunch or dinner,let the girls try to talk about their situation.Let them talk about how their their hurt feelings, to each other if that don’t work then your daughter need counselling, or you find a mother who lost their child to bullying and have her talk to your daughter.
Take away all her nice clothes she dresses in and make her dress in thrift shop clothes for a month and make her go to school in those clothes and take away things she enjoys
I’d beat my child’s behind for that. I would also home school. She likes the attention the other children are giving her because they think she’s cool so therefore she won’t be getting any attention from friends no more and the bullied girl can enjoy her school year without her crap. She would also be volunteering at homeless shelters, nursing homes, food banks, etc. I’d add chores to the list as well as a personalized course on bullying so she can learn all about it and the effects it has on others. Don’t rely on the school to raise your child you step up and parent before it’s too late.
take her to a police station see if they will do a tore for bad girls that bully should see might scare her to a point she will stop her mess.
Whoop her butt… We need more of this lol I don’t care what anyone says… If a kid is this bad (does she realize that bullying a kid can lead them to suicide?) She needs her little butt whooped. Make her think twice.
If the school isn’t going to do anything about it I suggest you go in and sit with your daughter every class and recess and lunch if she can’t be trusted to be nice you have to do this… Dollys rule… Kids will kill themselves over bullying …
Edited note… I’d also be getting her a Drs app for a refural to a councillor pediatrician psychologist appointments ect
Find out the root of her issues with this girl and make it right.
Not 1 more day can she bully this girl… you don’t know this girls limit… And I’d be Taking everything else away… all her luxury items … including hair products she wants to act like a feral she can look like one.
Maybe somebody will whoop her butt at school and teach her a lesson lol.
Therapy. No privileges. Show her stories of what bullying does. Go to class with her if you can.
I would get her a psychiatrist, she sounds sociopathic
I’m sorry but yes it is a troubled child. Grades may not reflect it but she is obviously troubled. I suggest therapy.
Take being the popular girl away from her. Give her two shirts and two pair of pant rotate through out the week. Even on the weekends. No nothing extra. Not even finger nail polish. Only tv she should watch is documentary shows or movies about bullying. Follow her but to class for a week. Anything you can do. Bullying is so real and I’d hate for anything tragic to happen.
Let’s see, you said she was 11. Your still mom and nothing has worked that you’ve tried. Bust her ass old school way and maybe that might just help.
Any sort of public shaming punishment or even a removal of clothes she likes is going to have her get extremely angry at who she perceives is the root of the problem: this other girl. What I would suggest is that she participate in some sort of a restorative justice circle with you (her parents), the teachers, the other child and the other childs parents. Bullying isn’t always as cut and dry as everyone would have you believe. Every child who has been considered a victim of bullying‘s parents always assume that the victim has been blameless, but the truth is usually more grey than that. Perhaps this other child is doing something to incite anger from your daughter. It’s important to get to the root of the problem. Maybe your child is just very angry at the world or gets jealous of others and feels the need to put them down, but there could be more to it than that. And no, I am not victim blaming… but I have been a teacher for 15 years now and I have never seen an issue of bullying that was as one-sided as the media and parents will have you believe. Usually both children make bad decisions. I really commend you for trying to seek help for your girl. It shows you have her best interests at heart. Good luck
That’s one thing I would flip over! I do not tolerate bully’s and my children know that wouldn’t happen. Take her to a counselor. Make her do community service. Take her to the jail and let her do the jail tour. See if they have a mentee program for kids at your sheriffs department. No cell phone, absolutely zero social media, no privileges at all! Unmakes her the center of attention period if she craves it. Invite the girl over and make her, her new BFF. I’d get it under control now before your daughter ends up with charges. I’m the mama that would be at your house and the police station. I don’t allow the schools to deal with bully’s anymore. I press charges period to the fullest extent I can. These bully’s need to be made an example of so they realize there are consequences.
She has no remorse? It isn’t clicking? You should probably get your daughter some psychiatric help because honestly she sounds like a little psychopath in the making. That isn’t normal to not care and be that mean at 11 years old. Please get her to a psychiatrist because no other child should suffer because of your kids bullying. We have 8 year olds killing themselves because of children like your daughter. Not troubled?? Your child is TROUBLED.
First write out than have her read and rewrite out a very simple set of guidelines on what is expected of her. (keep them simple and easy to remember) Than have 3 matching set of losses to her (such as deprives that she enjoys or items that make her feel important or entitled) have her read them and again write them herself again (her doing this work is important for it to work. If she does not agree put a little wiggle space in for her to come up with losses but not much as your in charge of this not her…Than hang a copy of these rules in her room and in an area that you can point to it in reference…Than should she break these rules the repercussions are already known to her so she can not say she did not know… The next part takes the other family to be on board. If she continues picking on this other girl and it is for sure only her that is the aggressor you need to explain to her that the loss of a privileged for her doesn’t fix the loss of self esteem to the other child and therefore you will be taking some allowance (or whatever you choose away from her and putting it into a “Happy Jar” This jar will fill up more every time that girl is picked on and will go towards something that will help put a smile back on the other girls face. …I did something similar with my son years ago when he was this age and he learned a very good lesson on how him getting punished for his behavior doesn’t actually fix the pain the other child has had to deal with. Kids understand privileges and such more than emotion so related the two together as both being a loss (loss of allowance or whatever to gain in that they took from the other child) sorry that was long but hard to explain…worked for me and my son grew to look at the effects of his actions and never bullied (at least very little after I implemented this for him)…1 year later they started to get along better and now 11 years later (12 years after this) He is now actually best friends and roommates with the kid he once picked on(they are both 18 done school and just recently got their first place as roomates together) once he stopped bullying him he actually seen they where not much different and worked it out <3 not saying it will work but its how I dealt with it and my kid was bad back than also
This is why I believe every parent should instill in children the child’s self worth. I would also advise parents to teach their children that if someone bullies them, to take up for themselves. I always told my children, if someone bullies you, warn them first to stop. If they didn’t stop, then my child could end it right then and there! It works believe me!
Call the cops make her thing your filling for harrassment
I would suggest seeking outside help from a child psychologist to get to the root of the problem.
I’m sorry I don’t have advice but I’m glad you are asking for it and I hope you find a solution. I was the victim of a girl like this and the torment affected me deeply.
I saw a post where a dad got his bullied son together with the bullier and took them out together. Skating or shopping basically forcing them to talk and they became friends. Does it work? Who knows. I personally would go to class with her every day. Have her teacher take her recesses away, make her sit alone at lunch time. Maybe send her through a scared straight program. Glad to hear you are doing something about it. A lot of parents won’t.
Does she get clothes she likes? Does she have nice electronics? Get rid of them. Dont just take them away. Box up all of her clothes and her electronics, then take her to Walmart, get her a cheap phone if she has to have one, and take her to goodwill and get her clothes. I was bullied relentlessly in school, I’m talking everyday K-12, I still have issues because of it. The rate of teen suicide is higher now than ever. This isnt your fault but it needs direct, constant attention, it’s not okay for her to bully ever at all. If she cant learn from the first two suggestions, I would go as far as seeing about online or home schooling until she can prove she has changed. No friends, no phone, no internet, no nice things. Nothing but bare minimum until she can straighten up. People used to say that bullies will grow up and regret what they did and some do, but some just become bullying adults. I’m sorry that it’s so hard for you, it cant be fun dealing with that and you did nothing wrong as a parent, some kids just need to be knocked off their high horse to see the plain they’re on a little better. If she has nothing to make her feel superior at school then she may see that bullying isnt the way to go. Her “cool” friends arent gonna want to hang out with someone who isnt as “cool” as them. Maybe then those girls shes bullying will teach her a true life lesson; forgiveness and acceptance.
Tear her butt up!!! Consistency is key!! No phone, no nice clothes, no privileges, no going anywhere. She’s getting away with it obviously if nothing is working!! Telling yourself even in your head that she’s “a mean girl” is also detrimental. Either learn how to be a “mean mom” and discipline her or she’s going to end up continuing to display that negative behavior and once she’s a teenager its going to be too late to start.
Maybe someone needs to be mean to her so she knows how it feels!
Wow I just want to applaud you for this post. Alot of parents don’t think their children are the problem. Bravo mama for trying to straighten this out.
Does she get attention at home? Are you recently separated from her father? Sometimes children act out when parents split up because they have pent up anger
Needs therapy, sounds kind of narcissistic if she has to always be the center of attention. Take away her privileges and follow her butt to classes if you have the time to do it.
I would beat the snot out of mine! Is that the answer? Probably not. Those are the things I reserve that punishment for. I have 4 kids and my 3 youngest can’t even remember ever getting a spanking but they know I’ll do it! (Thank God I haven’t had too. My arthritis probably would kick my own butt. Lol) Seriously though, mama, you can’t let her get away with that. Do as others suggest… homeschool, boot camp, tour the jail, shame her if you have to. Turn the bullying around on her if you have to. Let her see how it feels. And absolutely positively take all electronics away from her! No activities with friends away from school. Heck, go to school with her! Walk her to each class and sit with her if you have to. Good luck, mama!
obviously nothing ur doing is working so I would say treat her like she treats that girl, she wont understand what that girl feels like til she is treated the same way… but under no circumstances do u call the cops! cops will tell u, that using them for parenting lessons is a horrible idea!