How to get my daughter to stop being a bully?

My mom would beat me, don’t do that, but maybe a spanking…


My girl is the same and I have done what you have done too :pensive: nothing has worked for us either. I don’t understand how she can be so mean. It’s not just one student that she bullies, she’s even assaulted her teachers. So many people have tried to get my daughter to change her behaviour in many different ways but she continues to be a bully. Once I grounded her for trying to strangle her teacher and her father came to pick her up for the weekend and I spoke to him about it and he agreed to continue with the discipline that I had in place and she returned on the Sunday night telling me that he left my place with her and took her go carting… wtf?? Rewarding that behaviour makes it so much harder for me and the school to deal with it.

By punishing your daughter will make her meaner and lashed out more. Talked with your family school counselor and her. You sound like a good and decent person. Sometimes you have to used tough love. Good luck.

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It’s time for a good old fashion ass whooping.

She needs a counselor.


What is concerning is she knows and enjoys being a bully. I would really suggest bringing her to a therapist. And taking away everything else she enjoys. That’s really unfortunate that she is behaving this way.

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I’m glad you’re seeking help instead of trying to pretend your daughter isn’t doing anything. Take away everything except the basics. Does she have a cousin or someone in the school that you can ask to keep an ear out? Other than school don’t let her do anything except eat and sleep. No after school activities, not even tv. She just sits in her room doing nothing, not even reading, unless it’s books about the effects of bullying. Good luck.

Needs a taste of her own medicine

Therapy. She may be lacking empathy. A therapist can help.


My daughter got bullied in 3rd grade. The boy told her he was going to kill her and bury her in her front yard so her mother could find her. Oh man, I was pissed. I took my daughter to that boys house and told his parents, with the kid standing there, “you ever threaten my daughter again, I will whoop your ass!” The kid stopped bullying her…his mom was a bit resistant…”boy will be boys” bs…yea, yea…I have a boy too and he doesn’t treat people that way :roll_eyes:

Maybe start home schooling…see how she likes that. No socializing at all since she can’t be nice to others. I’ve heard of parents removing the door from kids room and taking away all electronics and toys etc. something drastic to get her attention. Then, things can slowly, in steps, be earned back with good behavior. Good luck.


Take EVERYTHING clear her room tf out take her decor, nice clothes, her door all of it. Tell her when she learns to behave she can have it all back. Props to you for knowing this is a problem and trying to fix it.


Get the police involved. Some states fine the oarents of the bullies. You could start getting in legal trouble. It wont hurt her to have some tough love. I mean real tough love.


I would publicly shame her honestly she needs to know how it feels and I’d also bring her to therapy


Take EVERYTHING she has! All of it! Leave nothing in her room but a mattress on the floor, a blanket and a pillow. No sheets, no dresser, no clothes, toys, phone, nothing! Make her EARN her privileges back. She wants her sheets back, make it 3 months without a report of bullying. And make sure the other mother knows to keep in contact with you and keep you updated. Once she gets her sheets back, make her go for 3 more months before she gets back her dresser/clothes (empty the closet, too). She needs to learn that luxuries have to be earned, and bullies don’t deserve luxuries. She wants to be mean and tough? You get meaner and tougher!! YOU’RE the boss and make her follow your rules! Lay down the law, make her follow the laws you lay down, or she gets nothing but a mattress on the floor.


She does need therapy possibly just to get to the bottom of underlying issues. She’s old enough for you to lay all her sh$@ out there, compile articles of kids who have taken their own lives because of bullying just to get a good point across. I would go from there


If she has her own money then I would make her buy a gift for the girl. I could have been grounded or punished and I didn’t care until it hurt my money.

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Are you a stay-at-home mom if so it’s time to go to school mom time to be your daughter’s shadow I told my daughter’s they better be good because I had a rule I can pop up in school anytime I often volunteered for things they never knew when or what class I would pop up in and if I even heard a whimper of them bullying I would say hi to everybody and my daughter been behaving often the kids would speak up to whether she was good or bad often the teachers would say pull up a chair mom but on the plus side my whole family volunteered at the schools my children went to became known as the preparer parents teacher had a squeaky door or drawer that’s stuck we fix it dirty vents in the classroom or clean and oil the teachers fan it put it back together ready to go the next day the parents knew us on sight and so did the teachers and the students sometimes you have to be there and be known to stop your kids from being a bully I know it’s time-consuming but on the plus side your kids know you care

Congratulations to you for being a forward thinking brave mother. My eldest son was being badly bullied in high school. Nothing was done bybthe school, when l eventually went to the parents l was so shocked. The school had not even notified them. I am not sure what u can do, but l would be coming down on her like a ton of bricks. I would also be getting her to a physiologist under a mental health plan so it definitely gets told by a third party what a little cow she can be and its not ok. Xxx


Make her hangout with this girl! I bet they’d probably get along!


Sounds like she needs a taste of her own medicine

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Take her to apologize to the girl in person, and the girl’s mom. Then go to school with her.

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I agree she needs a taste of her own medicine. Or a belt to the butt. One or the other. If that girl hurt herself over your daughters actions, your daughter can be charged if they can prove she drove the girl to do it


I really don’t have any advice but I want to commend you for being so proactive. I wish all parents were this on top of it. Kudos


Let me come talk to her I’ll scare her straight.

Professional help is really the only route you can take. You’ve tried grounding and taking away things. If all that does is make her want to hurt this other girl even more, it’s time for a therapist. At least you’re acknowledging her behavior and not fueling a sociopath. Good for you mama.


She needs counseling.


Good for you mom, too many times I see that the parents don’t care. I commend you for doing everything you can to try and teach your daughter how to treat and not treat people.


Taste of her own medicine


Public shaming is not helpful and teaches her bullying is an answer. She needs therapy. She needs to talk to someone who isn’t you. It sounds like there are some things going on you’re not equipped to identify (not a judgement, it’s not your profession) so bring her to someone who is trained to do so.


Show her how it feels to be bullied . …Show her your bitch side and let her have it good…if you don’t see that look of shock on her face step it up to hard core bitch…might bring her down a peg or 2. Good luck

Spank her ass. It’s still legal to discipline your child. Mine acted like that and now he is the sweetest and he help everyone.

Make her take the girl flowers in school and make her apologize in front of class…

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Have. The. School. Tell. Your. Dauther. That. If. She. Keep. Being. A bully. That. They. Will. Have. The. Police. Take. Her. To. Jail. And. She. Will. Not. Graduate. At. All…


Take her for a tour of your local juvie detention center or jail. Have the police explain to her that bullying is a crime, and can land her behind bars. If she continues, put her on youth at risk and file a contempt every time she bullies anyone. My mother did that to me, and guess what? I learned.


This discuss me I live in Morris county nj where 2 years ago a 12 year old girl committed suicide because of this 2 this

Take away all privileges. No friends, none of the nice clothes her popular friends have, none of the stuff that makes her popular. Because at that age, it’s all about stuff. Take away the devices, the Fitbit, she doesn’t get her hair done. Stop paying for her to hang out with those people. Because she’s doing it to impress them. And if she no longer has the stuff, the friends will drop off, and she won’t understand that her crappy personality isn’t enough to keep them around because her friends are as shallow as her. I say this as the girl who used to be bullied by the popular kids. I never had the stuff. I was weird. I didn’t look right. Do all this, and take her to therapy. Therapy and school. No extracurriculars, no after school activities, make her as alone as she made the other girl. She’ll get it eventually. She’ll be pretty fucking mad for a while, but the therapy will help.

You need professional intervention


Glad that you have recognise it, that’s a big part of solving thr issue. Educate yourself on narssism and psychopathic behaviours in both adults and children. High chance your child can be manipulative in getting her way with being sweet and cute to you. She is power driven which can be a good thing but she is low functioning on it instead of becoming better than others she tries to put others downs, this is more detrimental for her ironically than it is for thr other kids she is putting down . Get her some therapy like others have mentioned, do some research in it.I would suggest you monitorize everything she does using the Internet dont prohibited yet but aquire everything she reads and type searches. This is very good use of data collection and give to therapist . Find out her interests talk to her get her into some sports.


I never bullied anyone, but the few times I acted out at home, my mom would always say she’s ship me off to juvenile bootcamp. She’s even bring pamphlets home. It scared me, & I started to behave.
I don’t know if juvenile boot camp would help. :person_shrugging:


Counseling would be a good idea!


Maybe a cop come to your house and talk to her ,(scare her) tell she is lucky the girls parents haven’t pressed charges against her or filled a restraining order


Am proud of you. I have no idea how to stop the behavior, but to have some one bully her
Sort of " turn about is fair play".

Yes I’d seek counseling for her. Also keep them apart as you wouldn’t want her to hurt the girl. Police will be next! Boot camp is no joke as my Dtr knew about it.


Too.many parents wont admit their kids aren’t angels, you did!!


Honestly, I think therapy may help her.

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Make her be the center of attention by publicly apologizing to the little girl.


You’re going to need to scare it out of her. That behavior can hurt others to the point of hurting themselves and until she sees what happens from that sort of behavior. It’s girls like that that almost made me take my own life in middle school.



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Do like the dad did on the video where he made his daughter walk to school while he followed behind her


i’d have an officer waiting at the house when she gets home from school or whatever next and have him act like he’s arresting her on harassment/bullying charges and a charge related to the girl harming herself. have him actually cuff her and put her in the car and even drive around the block and then come back to your house and have a sit down conversation about how big of a deal and how much impact bullying can have on someone. it’s a bit extreme, but i think it would get the message across pretty clearly


Send her over to my house so I can give her some good Jamaican discipline


This was happening to a kid I know, the victims mom assaulted the bullies mom in front of the bully kid. Told them if the bulling continues so do the assaults. It stopped.


I like having my kids watch documentaries on stuff… parents having to tell the story of their child who committed suicide because of being bullied. Or people who have been bullied that are adults , talk to her and tell her how their lives were Ill impacted because of the bullying.


Im stuck with a mean boy. We’re doing counseling and anger management techniques

Take her to the funeral of a child who committed suicide due to bullying. My sons friend killed himself earlier this year because of relentless bullying. This might seem harsh, but this does happen and the bullies need to witness the reality of their actions!


Plain & simple,
Bet she won’t think it’s funny then


How about a good ass whooping

Honestly I would give my daughter a slap or have the girl beat her up she need it


Hell what would be even better is let the little girl the one being bullied let her shave the head of the other girls head infront of the whole school and video tape it and then post it on you tube and Facebook and Instagram all social media out let there is including snap chat message it to everyone telling them to send it to there friends and keep sending it until everyone has either seen it on social media or had it sent to them make it so the whole world see it and comments on it and share on there social media that way the whole school can see it and when the girl goes to school everyone will know that she got her head shaved by the girl she used to bully and the other little girl the one that kept being bullied will have her sweet justice I guarantee you the little girl the one that use to be a bully won’t be a bully any more she will have been taught her lesson and the other , sweet revenge so she’s feels better and everyone around the world would have seen the video so the other little girl has been taught a lesson it’s a win win

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It sounds like maybe there could possibly be deeper seeded issues here. Usually bullies deal with a lot of insecurities or trouble at home. Not that I’m saying she is, but maybe sit down with her and ask her if she is doing okay inside? She’s angry for some reason… Kids truly do work in mysterious ways. Until then no I phone, computer, etc. if it persists I would recommend a family therapist. Not showing any signs of remorse or compassion can be a bad sign.


Sounds like she needs an butt whooping. :woman_shrugging:t2::ok_hand:t2:But I refuse to have bullies. If I catch my son doing anything along those line, it’s on. I can’t stand a bully. But I applaud you, honestly, some parents of bullies think their kids can do no wrong. You’re trying so hard, you doing a good job. You’ve got this. :two_hearts:


She needs to get her ass beat :woman_shrugging:t2:

Bust her ass. Yeah. I said it.

Show her the pecking order of life it’s time to show her a scared straight program and go into the jails for a couple of days.


Gosh so sad… usually bully’s bully bc they get bullied at home. Older siblings? I’d take away all privileges. Tell her about the kids killing themselves over bullying. Id personally take her to this girls house and make her get on her hands and knees and beg this girl and her mama for forgiveness. Maybe even have her talk to a family of a child who killed themselves over bullying and have them explain that their child is dead bc of girls like her. Good for you for owning your daughters behavior and trying to get it to stop!! So many parents do nothing. Good luck!!

I’m just happy that you DO care and are honestly trying to put a stop to it! My best friends daughter gets bullied every day and it’s so heart breaking. Kids just don’t understand how big of a deal it is until someone kills themself. I hope you find a way to get through to her!


this child needs therapy…


Sounds like she needs a good old fashioned butt whoopin.


Try counselling with a female professional .


Humiliation isnt going to do anything but make her resent you. I’d talk to her doctor and try to find counseling before next school year…


I applaud you for owning her behavior. Its admirable.
My son is 3 and was being a bully at school, teachers said it was cuz he was an only child, I thought maybe it’s because hes bigger than everyone else and requested he be put with the bigger kids. It worked, he stopped being a Bully when he wasnt the biggest one anymore.
But your situation is so much different than mine, I wish I had some heart felt advice to help you.

All I can say is your stepping up, that’s amazing and your on the right path.


I have no insight… but as someone that was bullied, THANK YOU for recognizing that your child is having issues and trying to help her. Far too many live in denial and dont bother❤


Soooo… You need to teach your daughter what compassion is and how important integrity is. It is something my dad push so hard on me since day one that I still go back in the store to pay for something if I walked out without paying for it by accident. (Like if I put the soda on the bottom of the cart and the cashier didn’t see and I forgot them) those two personality traits are sooo important in this world.
Honestly, what breaks my heart and made me truly contemplate my actions as a child was/is a good southern talking to. I will write down word for word what I would say to my child in this situation. My father used to lecture me for at LEAST an hour when he was truly disappointed with my actions.
What I would say (and it has to be STERN and said with actual feelings with passion):
“Come here, we’re going to have a talk. (She stands in front of you while you sit at eye level. DO NOT LET HER BREAK EYE CONTACT OR INTERUPT!) First I’d like to tell you how incredibly disappointed in your behavior I am. I’m sure you already know that though. I’ve told you time and time again, but I guess you either don’t care or just don’t think I’m serious enough. I am not just disappointed in your actions… I am also disappointed in you as a person now. I don’t understand where you think you have ANY right to tell ANYONE the things I’ve heard you’ve said. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT CHILDREN YOUR AGE KILL THEMSELVES BECAUSE OF WORDS LIKE THAT!?! BECAUSE OF CHILDREN LIKE YOU??? Do you realize that?? (Pause and let her either answer or just think about it) I didn’t raise you with such LOW morals to act this way. I don’t even want to LOOK at you right now because I am just so upset about all this. I don’t even know where to start with you. You are going to do whatever you want to do at the end of the day because you are your own person BUT it is MY job to teach you right from wrong and I have clearly failed in that aspect somehow. I will not stand by and allow you to do this any longer. If I have to pull you out of school and home school then that is what we will have to do. Is that what you want? To be taken away from all your friends and freedom at school where you will only see my face day in and day out? (Pause and let her answer or just think on it) It is not that girls fault that she was so unlucky to have you as a classmate who CLEARLY just wants to make HER childhood and HER school life HELL! So in the end of all this YOU will be the one taken away from the school. NOT HER! You need to learn some compassion and that YOUR ACTIONS have REAL and HORRIBLE consequences! So for at least a week you will be without any electronics, any toys, and any friends. It is ridiculous that it has come this far, but you’ve made your own choices in this matter and I will NOT tolerate it any more.”
Then I would put on a documentary of a child who took their own lives because of bullies. I would play as many as I could find. Then I’d probably even make her watch 13 reasons why after the real documentaries.
That is what I would do though. I hope I’ve helped in anyway. My dad’s anger was scary but his disappointment is what would cut me the deepest.


She wants a good hiding


There’s probably an underlying issue that you may not even be aware of. I would seek a therapist who specializes in children. Kudos to you for acknowledging the behavior!


Have the police arrest her in front of the "cool kids: have her taken in for a night. They can keep her at the station and scare her


I’d whoop her ass… But no seriously, thank you SOO much for being a great mom. You are doing everything you can and it’s wonderful. Have you tried to sit her down and making her look at this from the other child’s perspective? I’m sure you have… But I hope you find something that works!

Counseling + demonstrate what happens to bullies

She IS a troubled girl. Get her some professional help.


Take her to a stable and put her in horseback riding lessons. She’ll learn pretty quick that bullying doesn’t get you far in life.


Blister her but. A good old fashioned spanking will do her a world of good


Honestly, if my son was a bully, I’d be mean and do ALL of that at once. I’m a suicide survivor because of bullying, and I WILL NOT tolerate my child being a bully AT ALL. I would whoop his little butt, give him a strong lecture, take any privileges away, take him straight to the kiddo and make him apologize, and make him do something nice for that person and everyone else until it became a habit. I will teach him that standing up to bullies is fine, defending yourself and others is fine, but BEING a bully is UNACCEPTABLE and INTOLERABLE. period. People take words to heart, what you say has the ability to stick with and even be the death of someone else. And I will not allow my child to participate in the possible depression and suicide of another human being. Ever.


How about spanking her little ass

My son is 5. For awhile I had a problem with him bullying kids at daycare. I mean straight hitting and picking on kids. I took him down to the police station and let them talk to him. It’s seemed to work. Now when I see him start certain behaviors I ask him what happens to bullies and he will correct himself.


Where is her father? ? ? Separation of one parent most of the time effect children.


I would take her to a child therapist. Also make her apologize to everyone that she bullied. This is serious


You can give her the ol fashion whoopin drop drawers bend her over the bed and unleash a couple leather lashings if that don’t work put her in a boot camp


Ask her how she would feel if that little girl did the same to her. Have her volunteer at a children’s shelter and let her see damaged children. She may start having sympathy

I’ve seen this comment already but obviously she’s not as happy and healthy as you were and are thinking because she wouldn’t be doing this to someone if she really were. Get her into therapy or counseling immediately at barre minimum.


Try putting her in a sports team that will teach her discipline and to work together. But also put her in therapy so they can get to the bottom of it.


Give her an ass whooping in front of everyone…better than the other girl ending up dead because your kid drives her to suicide!

Zero social media. For years. Spend all the time you can with her. A physical hobby that makes her tired. Most of all, let her know that her behavior will have consequences far beyond her years. If she’s smart, she’ll get it.


If that doesn’t work, treat her like she treats people. And be sneaky about it.

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Put her in detention/ISS. Make her go to school but cant sit or play with others until she learns to play nice and get over this jealously she has for this other girl.
She does need help and better now then when she gets older and some Women whoops her butt or worst.
I know a lady that would always start fights because she could she was beautiful but was jealous. She chased a women out side to her car and the little girl grabbed her gun and shot her in self defense.

I would go to school with her if you can walk her to her classes sit in the back sit with her at lunch and don’t allow her to talk to any friends only person she can talk to is that little girl and only to say nice things, I would make her do chores for a month and each week she has to use her chore money to buy something for the other little girl and give it to her.


Bullying isn’t a pecking order thing. It’s a learned behaviour, and usually is done as a means for attention. She doesn’t care what type of attention, as long as she is getting attention. Take her to a therapist and have them explain the consequences of what she is doing.


I’d recommend therapy. There may be some deep seeded issues that you aren’t aware of.


Personally I would remove her from the school and home school or put into another school farther away. Zero contact with her current friends. The bully should be the one removed from the situation, not the victim.


Sounds like the only thing that’s going to get through to this “child” is an old fashioned ass whooping. Take her across your knee and whoop her. Record it and tell her if it happens again you’ll post it, because social media is all kids today care about. I’d even call the police, explain to them what’s going on and have an officer present so they witness that you’re just spanking her and not beating her. Either that or call the police yourself and have her arrested for violating anti-bullying laws. Last ditch, send her to boot camp or have her do a scared straight program. Have a detective talk to her about what it’s like to tell parents their child died due to bullying. Stop her now, before she hurts this girl worse or causes her to commit suicide. You’re the parent, do whatever it takes to get her under control, because every day it goes on you’re allowing her to damage another human being.