If there’s even a 1% chance you could give you’re child HIV why would you chance that? Get a donor egg and use a surrogate or adopt if you want kids. If I had known now what I knew before I had kids I never would have had biological children and I just have mental illness. HIV is a huge thing and in my opinion no matter how small the risk is just to great.
Speaking for a friend…
smoke some weed or eat some cbd gummies. Within the 1st 5-10 minutes the nausea will disappear, and not long after that your appetite will be back. Other side effects might be dry mouth, redness of the eyes, giddiness (feeling happy and relaxed), drowsiness, ect.
[I don’t recommend doing this once you get pregnant.]
I’d say its probably more safe than any other medicine out there for nausea and loss of appetite. Not sure where you are, but many states allow marijuana for medical use. Doesn’t hurt to talk to your doc and inquire, it is an all natural remedy after all.
Ensure will help with weight gain or even to take the right amount of calories in daily other then that all I can say is ask ur doctor what you need to do an you can always have second opinion good luck
My friends mom had a baby while hiv positive the baby was not born with hiv still doesn’t have it…js
I have no words of advice but I wanted to wish you luck on your journey, life can surprise you and you may receive the blessings you seek in unexpected ways. much love and joy to you.
Crackers at night Ritzs is the best. Maybe stray always from acid food and fruits too. They have meds over can. But most of all don’t think about it and enjoy your self and relax
Maybe adoption should be an option instead. Their are so many beautiful kids without parents
I would recommend seeing a fertility specialist to confirm that there aren’t any underlying fertility issues between the two of you that may be preventing natural pregnancy and go from there. Best of luck to the both of you!
To to a high risk M.D. That specializes in situations like yours. He’ll keep both of you safe and healthy. Praying it works out for you.
Being HIV positive doesn’t mean you can’t have children but I would discuss with your doctor as there are ways to lower risks of transmission a lot these days.
Make sure you are taking lots of Prenatal Vitamins & Folic Acid. And the biggest help will be to stay positive. Conceiving isn’t as easy for everyone so a positive mental health is always going to help.
Eat a lot of proteins, meat fish. Nuts. Give up sweet drinks.
Drink lots of water and milk. Eat lots of fruit and veggies.
Keep taking all meds. Keep your doctor aware of whats going on.
Good Luck and Praying For You And Your Husband , I don’t know what advice I can give other than see a OBGYN and A Doctor Whom knows about these types of diseases…But all the Luck to You both
Peppermint oil helped me alot with being nauseated. I put on back of neck, and wrist. Eat small meals alot. Find a specialist to help, and direct your safest process. Also, there is child with HIV of all age that need to be adopted too. Everyone has a special reason in this world and maybe you have HIV to guide some little person that needs you. Best of Luck❤️
U can be negitive and still be pregnant. I never gave 1 positve test on my 4 pregnancies. Hope this is the case. Good luck and enjoy trying to get pregnant i say dont syress about not being pregnant it will come when u least expect it.
That’s a discussion to have with your doctor, not untrained browsers on FB.
I just want to say, stay positive! Ignore all the negativity that is and will come from this post. Most people that are negative don’t understand HIV or your situation. I myself did not know they have pills now that can prevent baby from getting it or passing on to your partners. That’s an amazing job for the scientists out there. Anyways, I think you shod relax and take a nice relaxing vacation (if possible) or evening with your husband. Stop stressing and just enjoy one another. Keep taking your meds and try not to make sex about “trying to get pregnant”. It can make your sex life boring and even start feeling like a job. Let it come naturally. You’ll have a baby soon!
Maybe you’re trying too hard. Just try to relax. Find out what’s making you lose weight first
The way you are feeling is not normal find a doctor who will listen to you and is more aware
I’d hook up with a specialist rather than ask us.
Start taking elevit or some other pregnancy supplements (you may need to check with the dr or pharmacist if it is contraindicated with HIV meds). Things that help people put on weight are sustagen drinks in conjunction with your regular food. Again there may be other better options. Frequent small meals/healthy snacks would be good & you could perhaps see a dietician to help you - a gp could probably help too if you can afford a dietician. Good luck & don’t be disheartened not falling pregnant straight away, it can take a while! (Over a year for me with my first)
Please talk to an HIV specialist. HIV can cross the placenta, or the baby can be infected at birth.
You need to try to eat healthy as always and maybe up your calories. I would ask your doc to have you see a nutritionist… but you need to figure out what’s going on with you as far as the vomiting … also see an OB that can talk to you about medications. You have to stay on the antivirals your whole pregnancy so that you don’t pass HIV to your child. Good luck I pray you figure out what’s going on .
Dear lord get professional medical help from an HIV provider that works with OBGYNs.
I would make sure everything in you is OK before you try to get pregnant. Because if its going to make your health fail please talk to your Dr.
Start taking folic acid now and prenatal vitamins. Start eating healthy and exercising. If you smoke or drink stop it. Talk with your Dr about the other medications that you need to be on to help prevent transmission to the baby.
Are you serious? I think you are a little risky to get pregnant HIV positive. Seems like you are too sickly to try. Smh just my opinion
Hey hun. Id get a full work up to make sure pregnancy won’t be too much on your body right now. As far as gaining weight have you tried protein shakes? I’d look into a fertility specialist. Good luck honey
Some people are so ignorant maybe you should all do your research before commenting get your heads out of the clouds we are not in the 50’s or 60’s anymore medicine has come on a long way there is no talking to stupid people who are judgemental baffle me goes to show what upbringings you all have had all go and live in your little bubbles you small narrow minded people
Clearly there are more people still needs HIV/AIDS educational talks Nozibele Mayaba how I would love some of these people here can follow u just for them to know better
Why ask on f.b. ask your doctor to recommend someone. When you put something like that here you’re going to get some ugly nasty responses. Unless this is just a joke.
cant u pass the hiv to ur kid i would ask this question first before i would try and conceive
I would definitely consult with your doctor before trying or having unprotected sex with your partner if he doesn’t have HIV. If you take any medication for it, I’d still make sure it’s safe beforehand.
I would just get your health togeather see what’s rong then get yourself an ovulation kit
This lady may be like myself and not have the financial means to do what ALOT of you are suggesting. When your indigent, myself included, you have to knock on ALOT of doors and be persistent w ALOT of phone calls. I have to depend upon a county facility for my mental health needs. It’s sad because most of the ppl in these settings are not qualified to help in the correct ways. I speak the truth from current and past first hand experience.
Buy a tin of malt or a jar you may not enjoy the flavour I love it but you will put on weight ps you will have to have a spoon full of it once or twice a day
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I went to a doctor and they said I was not pregnant. I was over 3 months pregnant. Started having pains a month later and went to the ER…they told me I WAS pregnant. I would get a 2nd opinion.
its not negative playing it smart because if u have to take precaution for u and then affording it for the baby too and what if u happen to have more than one baby i would say postive get more nurtients in your system check on boost or ensure drink make sure ok with ur doctors first and get levels of vitamin d and magi sum check out u have to ask for these there not in normal blood work and if u get better nurtrients maybe u feel better less nausesness and ginger helps with nauseness
Personally, I would first find another Dr. to figure out what’s going on… Why you’re having the symptoms you have now. Good luck and God bless!!
Hun go to a sec doc. Is it hot where u are?
Best bet is consult with your doctor.
If she is hiv-positive why is he having sex with her unless he is hiv-positive what does that say about the child and it’s health???
I would suggest invetro if you really want to conceive. But dont ask doctor facebook talk to ur gp or gyno.
Don’t get pregnant!! And pass on a death sentence to your baby
Wow some of you are so rude. This page is for advice. Obviously this person will consult with doctors but they are asking for advice on gaining weight. You all are judgmental af. Before making judgment educate yourself. Since the late 90s/early 2000s advancements in meds make hiv counts undetectable were you can’t transmit the virus and it’s actually pretty rare if treated to pass it to the baby. Hiv is no longer a death sentence. If the possibility of dying is a prerequisite for child bearing, people with heart problems, MS, diabetes etc shouldn’t have kids either then by that logic. In fact no one should because you could drop dead at any moment.
Work with your Dr. You have to have a bunch of stuff inorder to be able to conceive plus delivery… it is possible and possible for the child to be perfectly healthy. Ignore the haters… good luck
Protein shakes with ur meals will help u gain weight
Sounds like you should be talking to your doctor
Same way you would otherwise. 2021 here, you AND the baby will be fine. Talk to your Doctor!
Milk shakes to gain weight.
I wish you the best but please weigh all your options. Only Doctors can give you the advise you need.
Good luck in your journey! I’ll be praying for your family
Discuss this with your Doctor-since he is medically educated. What do you possibly hope to achieve by asking people on social media without medical education and training. I’m not trying to be mean or rude but this is not the right forum for your issues.
Ask your doctor what is best
Obviously some of you aren’t up to date with HIV treatments. She and her partner can have children safely without passing HIV to the child. Try some ginger tea for the nausea. And talk with your dr to see if they can recommend anything else.
Why would you potentially have a child who would be born HIV positive? You can adopt
Check thyroid and cortisol
That’s only something you and your doctor can work out
Get a second opinion from another doctor
Wish you both the best see a professional Dr Or who ever is in this field of work x:heart:
FB isn’t the place for medical advice. Too much negativity. Seek a specialist.
Boost and ice cream will put weight on
Why don’t you go onto sites geared for living with AIDS and do you have AIDs or are you still in the HIV zone? Also, don’t you have a gynecologist/obstetrician? Why are you asking non professionals.
Why are folks angry at this post…this isn’t the 80s there are medications that prevent baby from contracting and lots of ppl who are HIV positive…live long healthy lives now…
I don’t understand the derogatory posts. I was an Early AIDS Crisis Nurse. We’ve come soooo far since then. My partner just had great labwork results. He’s been undetectable x 15 yrs and just had his highest CD4 count ( = T cells) of 922, since his low of “2” in 2006. It’s a new day across many fronts. Now, he VERY closely works with his ID Doc, his Neurologist, and our Family Practice Doc. If I were your HIV Nurse Case Manager, I would want to see you put together a similar coordinated team of professionals, incl OB/GYN. If you’re not detectable, it’s not transmitable.
With ALL that said, you plan on having that precious bundle😊. But, now, let’s figure out why poor appetite & nausea. Stress? You’ll wanna be in good health when you do conceive.
We wanna be Uncles
babies dont get hiv from being born anymore. the meds gave now prevents transmission 100%. so for all of you complaining you need to do some research!! she can have a child and live a long healthy life!!
People need to do some research. Statistics today show there is a 5-45% chancenof passing HIV to your unborn child if neither of you recieve treatment. If you take your medication regularly, you virtually eliminate the risks. Consult with an HIV specialist and a fertility doctor to ensure the best care for you and your child. Take prenatals and try to get your energy up. You can request perscription nausea meds that work really well.
HIV does NOT MEAN you cant be a mom.
Honestly I Have seen many people suffer with HIV and AIDS and I Personally feel it’s not fair to try to bring a child into this world if Your HIV because there is a Good chance the Baby will get the Virus from you. There are Many Beautiful Children out there that need Good Homes , Adopt or be a mentor to a child. This is what I found on the internet.
During pregnancy, HIV can pass through the placenta and infect the fetus.
During labor and delivery, the baby may be exposed to the virus in the mother’s blood and other fluids. When a woman goes into labor, the amniotic sac breaks (her water breaks). Once this occurs, the risk of transmitting HIV to the baby increases. Most babies who get HIV from their mothers become infected around the time of delivery. Breastfeeding also can transmit the virus to the baby.
Hey hun it may not be you it may be your boyfriend who may have a low sperm count because i was with my ex for 15 years and never got pregnant and now I been with my new men since July of 2019 and we have 2 kids together they are 11months and a 1 month old i also have a 18 year old goodluck hun
To those of you crying about potential complications for the baby or the mother, let me run some facts by you:
Did you know that over 700 women in the US alone die each year from childbirth? 6,000 babies are born with Down Syndrome each year and over 40,000 babies are born with some sort of heart defect… So, should we all just stop reproducing because there are risks?
I’m so sorry you’re sick I hope you get well soon and I hope you have lots of babies good luck to both of you
This is definitely a question for a doctor!!! When I say doctor I am referring to an OBGYN. That would be the best place for you to start as pregnancy is their specialty. That doctor may refer you to another specialist (such as an infectious disease doctor). Social media is 1000% not the place to come and ask for advice that you asked for. I do not mean that in any disrespectful way whatsoever. Prayer’s to you that you get some answer’s and find amazing doctor’s to help you!
Dont. Sorry you to go thru this. But dont brings child knowing the risks.
Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV | HIV.gov
An HIV-positive mother can transmit HIV to her baby any time during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
Best wishes and positive thoughts for you
Countineu taking your drugs every day, eat healthy food that will boost your immunity pregnancy will come at it own time. But, i treats infertility, check my profile details for more information
Prayers your way for a sweet bundle of joy
My thoughts and prayers are with u!! I pray God blesses u with a child…
Consult a doctor. Not appropriate for FB
Why in the hell would you seek advice for that on Facebook?
I pray you find strength and get better. Have you tried ensure it helps with weight gain?
I’d try a higher carb diet to help u gain weight , but would seek a second opinion as to why ur being sick and see if anything else is going on ! I hope u and your husband get the news you hope for soon , medicine these days ain’t like it use to be its come along way , all the best in your journey to starting a family .
My aunt had 2 kids with a husband who didn’t know he had full blown aids until after they were born and the kids never got it. Neither did she. Many people can just be carriers.
But I think the chances of a mother passing it is higher.
Just be prepared for the health issues an immune suppressed infant who can’t take the meds yet will face not to mention their own personal anger when they get older and have to live with the fact they might have trouble finding accepting partners.
It’s a cruel reality that’s awaits.
I have had the experience in the past of switching doctors girl! Some doctors don’t give you all the information you need. Also the Gundry diet is for gaining or loosing weight. Read his book “the plant paradox” it’s a life saver!
Speak to others who have been on that journey as well as with a doctor who has experience with this type of pregnancy. Doctors are professionals and it would to be better to get their medical advice than from someone with no medical qualification on here.
Congratulations. Wishing you the best. When you have your little one in your arms, you will forget the morning sickness your are experiencing. I was that sick with all mine. Your experience will be worth it.
Your page’s new name sucks
Some much retards with phones online talk to a professional… All the best to u.
Take meds and become undetectable first carnation instant breakfast
Make some cinnamon sticks tea drink it hot will help get u pregnant old say my granny
It sounds like you are overthinking the process which may be stressing your body out. It would be a good idea to consult a nutritionist to help you with the food aspect. And you should talk to a ob/gyn that’s specializes in at-risk pregnancies.
Man…some of y’all have never been throat punched and it shows. Ignore all the negative comments. Figure out what’s going on with you first then talk to your dr about having a baby. As long as you take your meds the way you’re supposed to, your baby will be fine.
Don’t let ur man go down on u Caz it will eat his face off