Stop stressing about it and it would happen.
Take your température everysingle morning check out the day there is a maybe 0,5 higher. Do it baby. And do it everyday that it happens. Also be careful of hot bath before sleep for your man. Spermatozoid dies and are no good after. Good luck, dis worked for me.
track your period/ovulation, take prenatal vitamins now, cut out soda/alcohol, relax don’t make having sex a chore
Super odd but its no joke! My boss told me to do this to help my dry skin… I am now currently 36 weeks pregnant.
Stop trying. Focusing solely on getting pregnant stresses your body out. Have sex to have sex! Not trying to be mean, just coming from a Mom who actually had to do in vitro but this is what our fertility specialist told us to do 1st. Works for most people!!!
If you’ve been trying for a year with no luck you should go see a fertility doctor
stop trying, just be spontaneous and have fun
Try during 12-14 days before.your expected period.
Order an ovulation kit off Amazon and track your whole cycle. It will give you a better understand of when it’s the right time for YOUR body to get pregnant. Because everyone’s is different.
Have sex every other day so you don’t miss ovulation. If your man is masturbating that could also cause issues because it needs to build up. Me and my husband tried for about 6 months and finally got pregnant after doing these things
Best advice I can give is stop trying and stressing about it. When I quit trying and decided I wanted to go back to school first, I found out two weeks into school I was pregnant. When your trying and stressed about it it messed with your hormones…
I always heard when you stop trying that is usually when it happens, when you try and have to keep trying and get the results you don’t want it kind of puts a damper on a person and can stress you out.
Yoni steam.
Did it 2 times. Was pregnant within a month both times. It was not intentional.
Stop trying and having sex to have a baby and just enjoy it and life
It can take 3-5 years after being of birth control. 2nd try the sex wedge. 3 gravity. {Doggy.}
If youve been trying for a year then its time to go and see your gp they will run some tests and should refer you to fertility clinic so they can see if everything is working fine or if you need help
There’s a lubricant called conceive plus - it’s on Amazon. I used this after 6 months of trying and caught my first month so I swear by this. And tracking your period/ovulation via an app - I didn’t find that ovulation kits worked for me was very stressful, but I deffo recommend the lubricant, my friend who tried to convieve for years told me about it xx
Enjoy yourselves while it’s just you two. Thinking about it every month and ovulation can cause more stress and do more harm than good. Be spontaneous and have fun. If after another 6 months you haven’t gotten a positive. Then seek advise from your gp or planned parenthood if age or other factors may be hindering your chances. They can offer you more advice.
But 100% try to relax and stay away from TTC groups as this affects your overall wellbeing
I would see an RE.
I couple under 30 “should” get pregnant with in a year and 6 months for over 30 … maybe it’s 35 now that I say that. Either way I would see a doctor.
I recommend getting the book it starts with the egg and following it as well as a fertility diet that works for you. Check out the fertility nut if you need help.
Organise a night for you and your partner to let loose. I convinced 3 times while drunk haha
Temperature chart by recording your body’s temperature each morning - Google BBT…it’s a little confusing at first but makes more sense when you read into it I went to ‘give up’ on trying and thought about tracking my BBT and seemed to have worked for me, good luck lovely! Xx
Relax and enjoy it, forget about baby making and take the pressure off… It will happen… Good luck x
You could try pre-seed. A lubricant that mimics your own body fluids when ovulating so sperm can swim more easily to the egg.
Agnus castus worked for my first and metformin worked for my second
Talk to a Dr they normally recommend speaking to someone if it’s been a yr or more of trying just in case I got help after 2 yrs and I’m pregnant now but we found out I had pcos and that’s why it wasn’t happening, I’m not saying anything is wrong with you but I speak to lots of ladies who find that out.
Sending baby dust your way
We were trying for a while, I mean WHILE, and the only thing that seemed to work was I focused on college and boom. Currently 1 month pregnant with our miracle.
Also, I was given a .0001% chance due to a hormone problem
First of all,have both of you seen a Dr. ,to be sure there aren’t any reasons why it’s not happening? If there is a medical reason ,they can if it can be fixed and how. Sadly they can also.tell you.if there is no hope but at least then you wouldn’t be wondering anymore. If there is no problem maybe you are just trying too hard.
Take black haw bark capsules. I know 4 people that took them that was having a hard time getting pregnant and got pregnant within a few months.
See a gynecologist. If it hasn’t happened within a year, check for potential issues.
There’s a free apt I’m currently using called Glow. It tracks your cycle/ ovulation days. Each day has a percentage of getting pregnant with low/medium/high categories. Lots of tips such as tracking body temperature etc along with the support of other women trying.
Could be a hundred things. I tried for 8 years. I know it can be heartbreaking, but don’t give up faith. I have PCOS and lost about 20 lbs, changed my diet, had a fibroid tumor yanked out and BAM! Don’t stress over your unanswered questions and don’t google anything. Talk to a specialist and enjoy the time trying to make a baby with your S/O. It gets a lot harder to enjoy once you get your wish. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourselves. You are enough of a family, and worthy of love even if you have not yet created a miniature biological version of the two of you. All the baby dust:kissing_heart:
Have a sit down with your partner and discuss this, make an appointment with your family doctor and ask to be seen by specialists to make sure both of your reproduction organs are working . Next step is to find out when you ovulate each month and try during that time. Take prenatal vitamins and folic acid. Eat a healthy diet too (both of you).
Sometimes trying too hard will make it NOT happen. Relax, take a break and then let nature take its course. You may just be putting too much pressure on yourself.
This miiiiiight be a myth, but I think I heard that starting prenatal vitamins make you more fertile.
My boyfriend and I abstained for like 2 weeks or more, unintentionally we were just too busy or tired… then when we finally had sex I got pregnant… surprise! Lol best part was I had just told one of my best friends I had never had a scare with any of my exes, that I was concerned I couldn’t have babies, Mother Nature basically said “oh yeah? Watch this” after I had that convo. Baby was not planned but the best thing to happen to either of us.
Go to a fertility specialist. Until you do that, you will have ZERO idea what’s wrong. And OP, yes something is not OK. Reason I say that is because if you ARE trying and it’s been 1-2 years then baby is way overdo. Have you bought ovulation kits? Pregnancy tests? If you’ve done all of that then GO TO A Fertility Specialist! As strange as it may seem OBGYN have no clue about this area.
Change your diet. High protein, increase veggies, decrease fats.
Take an organic prenatal vitamin, powdered magnesium, iron, vitamin d3 with k2, and calcium.
Drink a minimum of 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water (140lbs=70oz water).
Walk a minimum of a mile a day every day.
Buy ovulation test strips and have sex every day during your ovulation. I tried for over a year even using them and didn’t conceive. I was sad and gave up e adopted a cat and quit trying 3 months later I took a test I was 6 weeks pregnant! Sometimes the stress of trying doesn’t help we ended up having 2 more after without trying. We now have a 4 yr old 2.5 yr old and 1.5 year old. Good luck
I would make an appt with your doc. They can run tests to make sure you two are compatible as partners and it’s not an issue with blood work or something, and if it’s not that they will help you go from there. I started taking a prenatal vitamin daily before and it seemed to help me. My fourth pregnancy was my first that was viable and made it and it was the only time I started prenatals beforehand.
Definitely don’t try. I gave up trying and it happened naturally. Be patient with yourself aswell and stay stress free
The stress of trying and focusing on that can actually work against you.
Take a prenatal if you aren’t already, adjust your diet (limit processed foods - anything that’s naturally not something we can digest can inhibit your body’s ability to function efficiently), find a new hobby and dive into that.
Being aware of your specific cycle can help - I wouldn’t be hardcore tracking and planning specific days for intercourse etc though because that would stress me out.
Ok one would assume you’ve been monitoring your cycles and ovulation blah blah blah and nothing has come of it yet… So stop “trying”, do something spontaneous,go away for the weekend or night, have fun get a little tipsy, legs in the air don’t care. Don’t make it “work”. Like everyone else said get check ups for the both of you from your Doctor. Good luck
This is going to sound silly but when I wanted to get pregnant really bad, after my husband had ejaculated deep inside me, I laid on the bed so I was practically standing on my head. It worked for us!
My hubby & I tried for 3 yrs. I went in for a check up. My OB did an ultrasound & found endometriosis. I had a laporoscopy done and was pregnant 6 months later.
The most simple thing ever… stop trying… honestly your putting to much pressure on your body when you stop stressing about it it will happen out of nowhere!! Good luck!
Go on a diet to throw your system out a the normal routine! Worked for me when I couldn’t conceive.
Maca root both of you take it. Its a natural herb from peru but sold in the US. I had a friend that tried for 5 yrs, one month after both taking this she was pregnant. Maca root is for reproductive health, it will/ should say it on the bottle. Comes in powder form and capsules. I would also consider both of you take multi vitamins. This is just an idea of course follow your Doctors guidance.
Depends on the birth control sometimes it can take longer for some to get out of some peoples body’s and it get back to normal. Have you checked your ovulation and done the dirty when you are ovulating. You could also check with your doctor and have him get a sp>rm check to make sure he’s all good to go.
We had to stop for a month because i came down with covid and once i got better and we started up again we got pregnant right away… were both 34 and had been trying for exactly 1 year once i found out… so maybe take a little break and let everything “rest”
PreSeed… tried for a few years with no success, then boom. I’ve got an odd shaped uterus so I guess it was to be expected to be difficult to conceive…
A vagina log. (NOT sure what to call it) Track things DAILY for a minimum of 2 months. Include your temperature. You will identify ovulation a lot easier this way. To keep his swimmers strong, let him build things for 2 days at a time. I have no medical training and in no way, shape, or form has this been a proven method, unless you count my daughter. She logged for 2 months and by month 3 she was preggers.
I was off of my birth control when I turned 17 we weren’t preventing pregnancy but we weren’t exactly trying either I didn’t get pregnant till I was 20 birth control can really throw your body out of whack I never had a regular period from the time I stopped my birth control till 8 months after I had my son and I finally got regular cycles back.
Track your cycles. Get ovulation kits if you haven’t already of course… if that doesn’t work I’d go see a doctor so they can refer you to a fertility specialist.
I’ve known a few people that had trouble conceiving and went on strict keto diets and got pregnant.
It honestly takes time I know that’s not what you want to hear. Doctors thought I was infertile because I tried for 4 years the day I got my appointment for the clinic to see if I was infertile I found out I was pregnant . Good luck xx
My cousin was taking a vitamin that was prescribed to her. She said it was kinda like a prenatal or something. Ask your doctor.
Giiirl just stop. Like literally stop trying lol I know it’s frustrating believe me I cried over 2 negative tests. But once you quit thinking about it so much it’ll just happen.
I had the same problem we were trying for al.ost three years nothing happened I was taking prenatal vitamins and so was my husband I finally said screw it and stopped trying and here we are with a two year old now lol
Sometimes the stress of trying can prevent it.
Pelvic floor exercise. Get a pap smear. Take prenatal and have the man take a multi vitamin. Add some wheat germ in yalls salad. It has folic acid and helps keep sperm and eggs stay healthy. Talk to the doctor. There may be a more to it. Also watch those videos of fetus growing in womb so you know what to expect.
Like everyone said, talk to your doctor first. BUT for me, keto has been my secret fertility weapon for some reason. My son was a keto baby and then in March I started keto again and now I’m 8 weeks pregnant
My husband and I were together 7 years before we got pregnant. That one resulted in a loss but then 2 years later we conceived twins. We were not trying at that point.
Stop trying, stop stressing. Enjoy your “quality” time…
Sometimes the more you plan the less yours plans work out x x
Track ovulation, use preseed while doing the dirty during ovulation, also take mucinex the week of ovulation. It also helps to be focusing on your health and eating habits…create an optimal internal environment.
Track ovulation, preseed, and honestly… Don’t stress over it. We were trying for 10 months with zero luck. The one month I was going to test, I ended up testing once my period was 2 days late, and I had randomly cried over nothing… I honestly didn’t think I was pregnant. I’m now 12w5 pregnant.
Try prenatals! Took me over a year and then i went on prenatals and folic acid and i was pregnant…
When I got w my husband I swore I just couldn’t have kids and I went and got tested and there was nothing wrong w either one of us…so I quit trying and stressing and 8 months later I found out I was pregnant. After my daughter we wanted another and I tracked my fertility and just done the deed that week and we got pregnant but had a miscarriage so we are trying again. Best of luck. One of the hardest wants and waits ever❤
See a fertility specialist. They might try other tests and treatments to boost fertility and likelihood of getting pregnant.
I had a friend who was trying for years. Her and her husband sat down n finally said, maybe this wont work for us. Lets take a break. They didnt put any pressure on it, the next month they got pregnant!!
Diet… a lot of people who change up eating habits can get pregnant… you make be lacking nutrition that you don’t even realize… just saying don’t rule it out
Prenatal vitamins help get pregnant, but also sit down and talk about your diets. If you smoke, that lowers your partners sperm count. Try eating healthier while you’re trying to conceive as well. No more soda, or yucky foods! Especially Mountain Dew!
Try pre-seed!
Me and a couple of my friends used, all of us got pregnant. Took me around 3 months
Ovulation test strips, tracking your bbt, prenatal vitamins and try not to stress too much.
Honestly, this worked for me, start the pill, get on it for a few months. After your cycle is over, don’t start a new pack, baby dance when you would typically ovulate and every other day leading up and after… goodluck.
Tracking ovulation and using Soren friendly
Lubricant. They have one called pre seed heard very good things about from other moms and it helped me conceive my fourth daughter.
Have you ever been tested for PCOS? I had not until my husband and I tried unsuccessfully for a year. My husbands sperm count was high but I found out I had PCOS which can cause issues getting pregnant. Your gyno can test you. You may not but just my experience.
Try ashwagandha to boost fertility but I do agree that you should speak with a fertility specialist. It is recommended after a year of trying with no success
Pomegranate seeds one month before cycle starts and during the duration of cycle …also have partner eat some too… That’s what happened to me this time lol was only trying to shorten my periods (which it did cut 2days off)
My daughter hasn’t been able to get off for ten years but she has a TikTok telling about their journey with their fertility if you would like to follow! It tells what they have been thru and different about infertility
It took us 5 years and we didn’t get pregnant till we stopped stressing about it happening and we just had our first daughter 5 months ago.
Prenatals and don’t think about it!
Stop trying as that will just stress you out, after sex lift your legs in the air and put a pillow under your bum…Good Luck
I used my period calendar app to track my cycle and my “flowering” days haha (aka most fertile fays). Also, I took Pink Stork prenatal vitamins a few months prior to getting pregnant.
Weight loss, aspirin and tracking ovulation would be my suggestions
I take prentals while ttc and for me its always worked. I know everybody is different tho
It took me two years to get pregnant. A friend of mine recommended eating pomegranate and drinking unsweetened organic pomegranate juice to boost fertility. I also took prenatals.
I’d go to a fertility specialist. After 2 years of trying with my husband we went and they helped massively.
I was on the implemon (rod) after my first for 3 years took it out to have another baby and took 4 years
See your OB my husband and I couldn’t conceive for a year and half and then I was given Clomid and we were pregnant within 2 months.
It took me about that long to get pregnany after coming off bc.
Keep track of when your ovulating and then when you do it hasn’t your hips elevated when he cums and keep your legs up for 15-20 min after. Also try to wait as long as you can to pee after
Look into Anthony Williams books! A lot of healing information! Praying for you!
Over a year of trying with no success warrants a visit to See the doctor specifically a reproductive endocrinologist.
Stop trying. Everyone i know that was trying to get pregnant including myself just gave up on trying and a few months later got pregnant
I had bariatric surgery and three months later I was pregnant at 37 years old.
Do the baby dance the day before you ovulate, the day you ovulate and the day after you ovulate. You will get pregnant faster. It only took me a month to get pregnant. I also recommend a ovulation app and strips.
Get a check up with your partner and make sure your reproductive organs are working right and take prenatals and folic acid
I remember working at a ski field when I was much younger. I met a couple who (had previously) been unable to have children after repeatedly trying. They made the move to the country (ski fields) and she fell pregnant. They were convinced it was because of the pollutants in the city. However, I wouldn’t jump up and make a move based on one couple experience but might be worth looking into (research and other peoples testimonial)