How to get rid of hemorrhoids?

The Preparation H cream should shrink them overtime if you use it regularly that’s what I did when I got them during my second pregnancy

The only thing that helped me was ice cubes

I developed a massive one from vomiting (I have cyclic vomiting syndrome) and ended up going on a suppository of steroids. Took care of it in a hurry.

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I like prep H wipes much better. Leave it on them for as long as possible.

Milk of magnesia on a cotton ball or pad. They helped me, I know it sounds crazy

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All so prep H suppositories

Outside of surgery I’d recommend physical therapy. Specifically for your pelvic floor. Here in IA they have a company who specializes in all things down there therapy.

I wish you lived closer to Portland Oregon…the Sandy Rectal and Hemorrhoid Clinic does a wonderful job. Uses an electric current. Like a rasin the hemmorrhoid just shrivel up. He even reaches up the rectum a bit…and says he has caught rectal bowel cancers…No pain no bleeding…just a bit of a tingle…

Tucks! They are witch hazel pads that you tuck right between your cheeks! They work wonders!


My gastro dr gave me a prescription cream for mine (I have ibs & 2 children). Also, put a tucks pad on it & leave between your cheeks for a little while. Do that periodically & it helps significantly

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Apple cider vinegar… dab with a cotton ball… it’ll burn for a few seconds. 2-3x day till gone

Sugar mixed with Vaseline. I promise it works!! I get 3rd degree hemorrhoids and that’s the only thing that helps!!

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If they’re external, def find another dr who will sign off on them being removed!

Prescription steroid cream

I think I would be telling the doctor they are bleeding and that nothing they are prescribing is working so they fix them for you. That’s ridiculous.

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Witch hazel!!! Try it!! It worked for me when I got them during pregnancy and after delivery. Worked better than anything else!

There are better products out there Prep H is no good also try a new Doctor if you can.

Someone I know swears by Vicks vaporub.

Walmart has wipes equate brand work pretty good

They won’t operate on them here anymore. I have ask many times because mine are so large on the inside and outside. Only option they gave was to band them and wait for them to fall off. That sounds like many days of pain so I opted out. Mine bleed in a regular bases. I am far from ever having to strain due to malabsorption syndrome. They just don’t go away or shrink. Plus they are just embarrassing to me

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I had to have hemorrhoid surgery bc I kept getting them so bad. But I would always soak a rag in witch hazel and put it between ur butt cheak. I would also stand up in the shower with hot water only and bend over.

I know it’s the worse pain I have ever been In I had 9 rubber band and 6 cut I was always in pain

This is kinda rough but will give you relief…wet a wash rag, put in freezer for a few minutes( don’t let it freeze) put rag on hemorrhoids for a few minutes at a time…

I went about crazy when pregnant with hemorrhoids… now if I stress out I can get them… I buy the tuck pads that are moist and just stick them in my butt cheeks for the whole day and night… if the hemorrhoids are moist they are less iritated I promise… its uncomfortable and weird but it works also lay on back when sleeping…

Could they do banding? I’m in the process of doing that with mine.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get rid of hemorrhoids?

Well I got desperate, I took peroxcide some baking soda water. Put in a new clean spray bottle. Every time I go I clean with this solution. Big time help

You can have them removed by a Dr with rubberbands, in and out, very little pain

Witch hazel extract on cotton pads , soak and tuck between cheeks, helps soo much! Keep witch hazel in fridge for extra cooling comfort effect


I suffer from PCOS and had them. Once I got my hormones managed I no longer got flair ups. Maybe have your hormones checked. Good luck!


I feel you. I have the same problem and my doctor prescribed me with proctosedyl.

Soak in the tub with Epsom salt’s. Works every time. I used to have flair ups many years after my kids were born, so bad I would have to leave work and go home to soak. Back at work next day.


I have same problem diet very important and I take a stool softener every night. My doctor prescribed hydrocortisone cream 2.5% works really good heals and takes away the burning. Hope this helps

Second opinion. Best same day surgery i ever had


Tucks pads are great. Their cooling and helps shrink them


I have to agree with Witch Hazel…dampen a cotton cloth and leave it on for awhile, it works, it gives relief. I also tuck them back in lol


The creams do help but very natural way to shrink them away is to soak ur self in warm to touch water with apple sider viniger and strong some salts take some Tym out and soak in the tub it should take the uncomfortable pain away I also had asv in a glass of warm water every morning and glad to say it never came back


The most important thing is to avoid constipation. Taking stool softeners also helps. I take two stool softeners twice daily. Standing a lot makes them worse too. Ibuprofen helps with swelling, inflammation and pain. Get your doctor to write you a prescription for hemorrhoid cream with hydrocortisone and be sure to use it regularly. Also avoid wearing pants/jeans that are tight in that area. I speak from experience because I’ve had them since my first pregnancy which was over 40 years ago.


I used tucks cream and the wipes. I also used regular Walmart brand stool softeners and it worked amazing. I did also have to avoid certain foods


Rexall Anti Itch Cream bought at Dollar General put a little bit on problem area with cream and put your finger up slide around, it will hurt a little bit but stops the pain. The cream says temporarily relieves external anal .

Freeze fresh aloe, the white gel stuff in the center of the aloe leaves, peel from the green part. Cut into small 1 inch pieces. Freeze and apply a frozen piece like a suppository. Good luck and sorry for your discomforts.

This will sounds strange works for me. I got these with my pregnancies and they flare up currently periodically and my dad got them and he used listerine or an off brand mouthwash. Just cup some in your hand and splash some in the area. It will burn. Don’t wipe it off and do it each day until the discomfort gone. It usually takes me a couple days. Right before bed is best.

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I had mine removed by putting rubber bands around them , we’ll yes the Doctor did it and in short time they fell off.


Fill a condom with water, freeze it, and sit with it between your buttock cheeks. Sounds odd but perfectly shaped for relief


Please go to the doctor. I thought for years that I jad hemorrhoids. I suffered through all the pain you are talking about. I couldn’t wait until night time to sit in a hot tub of water. I went to the doctor who in the beginning also thought it was hemorrhoids. Upon very close examination je said he wanted to do a biopsy. Turns out it was anal cancer. I had to jave 2 rounds of chemo and 36 radiation treatments. That was 19 years ago and thank God je blessed me.

Put a wet face cloth in the freezer. Keep it in there until its frosty but not stiff. Then, lay it over the hemroid. I swear by it!

I didn’t get my first hemroid or my first yeast infection until after I had my crotch goblin. He made my life amazing but frikken destroyed my body!


Ok I know it sounds disgusting I had them really bad with my 2nd and the only thing gave relief was lidocaine and ice…


This sounds crazy but really does work! Use Vick 's vapor rub. Use a q tip and ONLY put on the hemorrhoids. It feels hot and cold at the same time. I have used it many times and it works!

I’ve done suppositories dipped in Vicks rub before. Yes it burns like fire but when I went back to see Dr they were gone


Change your diet. More broccoli, spinach, raspberries, fiber supplement may help, eat apple slices, Smooth Move tea from Walmart.


Take cotton facial pads and wet them with Witch Hazel place in zip bag and freeze them. Use when needed, cool and helps shrink them. I always have them in my freeze for a family member that has Chrone’s disease and uses them often.


Are you old enough for a colonoscopy? My gynecologist would not do anything for hemorrhoids but my colon doctor removed them during a routine colonoscopy and I didn’t even ask.

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In my other life , I was told in the maternity ward “tell ur husbands to bring the “Vicks” ( for hemorrhoids). It worked !!!


Have you tried a whole foods way of eating? I, personally, helped my health tremendously when I cut out all dairy and 99% of processed foods. I was careful of too much oil. I took Vitamin D3, Epsom salt baths, drank green juices and had warm lemon or ACV water every morning at least half hour before any food. Although I don’t believe in cutting out fruits, my diet was low in them because I couldn’t handle them a lot. Just thought I would mention that. This wasn’t for hemorrhoids, but I did have bowel issues. My health came back. It was amazing! I need to do it again.


After years of bleeding and suffering they took them out and told me they could not believe how many hemorrhoids I had in me!!

Witch hazel pads come in a jar .too much fiber can made them.worse .sitting a)oh cause them. K h my mother had 10 kids
.the Dr that did her hemmoird s said u could of had she had no stretch marks. Her hem.suregy was painful and she.said she would rather have 10 kids tinstead of the surgery cause it was so.painful.walk 3 miles in the moring 3 to 5 miles at 6.00 eat at5.00 or 4.30 if u walk that many u get rid of them.and lay on your side for 3hr.for leg swelling it will go down.i.hd them with my baby .wear the witch hazel tucks wear them on the hem and the cool it down hot drink in the moring will help move things .sitting is what cause them.i didn’t like prep.h or I put witch hazel on pads to wear it cool feeling but help.and there is one that start with an a can’t remember.lookT the drug store or pharmacy they tell u it feel better .i don’t eat wheat bread .

I have them bad after 4 children. My doctor told me after my third child to eat celery. Only had acouple flare ups. Not bad. I’m 61 still eating it. Eat it raw

I had to get a hemorrhoidectomy and it was the worse pain ever for two weeks. You only want to do it as a last resort. Mine were Thrombosed and wouldn’t go away and had to be lanced a lot. But they never came back . Nothing really helped before I had a numbing cream for that area and a spray that would numb it. Good luck they do sure put a damper on things.

Now there are different types of surgery and non surgical methods to use, check them out carefully.

Which hazel pads check Rite Aid giant eagle or any pharmacy store you have

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Anusol suppository and put Watkins or Rawleighs medicated ointment on the hemorrhoids. Burns a little but works. Good luck.

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Hemorrhoid pads, I’ve had several surgeries and so far these are keeping me from the 3rd at 34 years old, granted I have serious stomach issues

I take Daflon tablets when it flares up. Also try not to stand for more than 3 hours without resting. Wipe with petroleum jelly then push in, the swab with baby oil.

As I was saying, a proctologist can help you. They specialize in hemorrhoids. Also, a gastroenterologist can help.

soak them in ebson salt, you can buy a sitz bath, they work good, preparation H There are sprays with numbing medication, ask your Doctor or Pharmacist. If they are really swollen and hurt, I use Ice water in my sitz bath. I just add Ice cubs. Good Luck.

Only thing that worked for me was a hydrocortisone prescription (suppository)

Aloe calms them when they flare up. Sounds like it would burn but it doesnt

I’m not advising this but I put a small dental elastic around them and they went black and fell off

Metamucil every day. The key is to have a regular bowel movement and they will heal themselves

Metamucil and soak in warm/hot water. I sometimes use the extended shower head and spray ( as hot as I can stand it) them. Also after washing you can run hot water on wash cloth and apply it, three times.

U can get relief by using Herbalife Nutrition. U believe it or not. Many just brush off when said about Herbalife, but it really works. I can connect with me if u would like to know about it

Put witch Hazel directly on them at least twice per day.

I feel this so much :weary: I got them while pregnant. Still have them have tried lots of stuff and nothing. It’s been well over a year

MSM is the only relief I get from my large internal hemorrhoid that I got when I was pregnant. You can get it at Walmart.

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Keep your bm soft, use tucks wipes, witch hazel works great to! Sit in a sitz bath with Epsom salts for 20 minutes them lay down with your feet elevated on pillows for half hour. Also use suppository to when needed it all helps!!

I had bad ones & soaking with I believe Eason salt in tub tepid or cool water- but check with doctor it’s been awhile since I’ve had them that bad again. I used prep h - soft toilet paper - constant dab wash cold water & mild soap during the day to keep it clean & acidity down .
Use a donut or a soft pillow but avoid sitting long periods . The other thing is stay away from foods that are inflammatory. Let it heal then gradually go back to routine . Yes do fiber & plenty of water - prep h suppositories. It’s very painful & itchy when a bad bout happens . Wish you luck & success in healing :blush:

I’ve cubes or better still ice pops !!

Tucks pads. Nurses gave them to me after I had my babies. They’re the best.


My daughter had hemorrhoids so bad from her pregnancies that it looked like she had a sausage for an anus, with bleeding and sin etc. They did a procedure where they use rubber bands on them somehow and it work. Keep looking for a doctor who will do something about it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I used ice cubes and deep breaths shrank those suckers right down

I get flushable wipes and then squirt in about 1/4 of a bottle of witch hazel into the pack.

Go to the dr. They should be able to offer you a cream to help numb them a little so while you rub it on you can massage them back. I had to do this with my 11 pound baby.

I used the cream& suppositories. right before bedtime is best. hot soaks.stay off feet when you can. constipation causes them also.If I lift heavy objects or work over time I’m still bother with them. haven’t had them for a while . good luck.:wilted_flower:

Can you lay down with an ice pack against them. That will shrink them if you can.

I used diaper wipes instead of toilet tissue it helped mine tremendously

25% hydrocortisone suppositories. Strongest out there . My husband swears on them.:ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

Try another doctor. Find a specialist at a university hospital

I don’t understand why Drs won’t remove them… ? If you don’t plan to have more children … Are you going to a Proctologist or just an MD… It has nothing to do with being pregnant otherwise every woman who’s had a baby would have them … My Brother and Dad had them removed … get another opinion.

Put witch hazel in a hot bath and soak and apply a tucks pad when you get out. This really works.

I have stage 3 hemorrhoids Disease and I had to have them removed the best way to get rid of them is going to the emergency room and having them remove them yes it sounds terrible but it’s the only way to remove them u can shrink them but once you pass gas they’ll flair up again I had to go see a doctor to remove veins and I still got them but sense my surgery and having them removed in the ER I no longer get them this is truly the only cure for them. I’ve had 5 kids and you never know how many blockages you have til it’s looked at by a professional. I will tell you this once you have surgery there u will know if u have just a small on the other side and they’ll lance it out if it’s a normal thing for u like it was me but every doctor told me never force one inside if it won’t go in go to the Er bc I could very well release the clot in your blood stream

As a retired Rn we used Witch Hazel and/tucks. Also sitz baths really help

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Use Vick vapor rub…initialy it hurts like h*** but they will never come back. Good luck

my husband hadca procedure where they put a band around them and choke them off.

I use noxema after each wipe!!

I had them last year and I use to use toothpaste and it helped I never got them till to date.

Try toothpaste the white Colgate

Granulated Sugar. on your hemorrhoids for about 15 minutes. Mine were half the size the next day.

My stepfather had them bad. He was looking at surgery when his doctor told him to always use wipes after going to the potty. It worked, keeping the area super clean and never had to have surgery. I got them bad during all my pregnancies and I do the same. Use wipes and always keep the area clean. I swear it works. Haven’t had a flair in years! Crazy, but true. :rofl:

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Ask your doctor if he will do a rubber banding procedure on one at a time. Now mine are internal but that is exactly what they did and are doing. You don’t want to have your rectum cut into my doctor said that is the most painful surgery you will ever have. I had one that was an external one cut out in a doctor’s office and I felt great until The lidocaine wore off and then it was hell for several days

Stop thinking so and so is a pain in your butt. Thoughts work out in your body.

Try Balmex. It really does take away the pain.