How to get rid of lice?

We got a prescription shampoo from the doctor when my grandchildren had it. Killed lice and eggs on contact! If you’d rather do a home remedy, use apple cider vinegar to help loosen the eggs and get them out of the hair, and mayonnaise to suffocate and kill the live bugs (put the mayo all over the hair, over the hair with a plastic bag or shower cap for 10 minutes, then wash the hair). For long term prevention, use tea tree oil with your shampoo.

Coconut oil, let it sit on the hair for 30 mins with a bag over it, use metal lice combs to get out as much lice/nits as possible, wash hair with tea tree oil in shampoo and conditioner. Put a little tea tree oil in the hair while still wet out of the shower. Repeat daily until gone.

Omg my mom when I was little since I have curly hair she would use bug poison, spray it on me like hair spray, put a bag over my hair, wait 45min wash my hair brush it they would falloff. I recommend using the flat iron

  1. Lice Shampoo
  2. Not Comb, get as much out as you can.
  3. Wash all soft things in hot water and dry on high heat. (If it cant be washed, seal in a trash bag for 2 weeks.
  4. Heat style hair. I would dress my daughter up and give her curly hair with my flat iron so she didnt feel dirty. Whatever was left that I couldnt get with the treatment was killed by the heat. Worked everytime and she got to go to school lookin cute!

Mt kids had them when they were younger and our doctor ordered a prescription shampoo. It worked!

70 years ago when we got lice in our hair Dad would wash our hair in kerosine bedding done same worked for us

One pharmacist told me years ago vegetable oil and a shower cap put the oils in the hair lots of it and let them sit in the shower cap for about an hour then wash their hair with dawn dish soap do this every day for a week gets rid of them I 3 girls with long hair and it worked I also used the nit comb that came with a different product to comb the oil through about three days into the treatment of oil and dawn dish soap it worked

Old remedy my grand mother used it on me lamp lol put towel around hear leave on 30min

Wash all of the bedding in hot water. Take all the stuffed animals and bag them up and put them in outside storage for a month. get plastic bed covers, spray the beds with the bedding chemical and bag it up. Cut the boys hair short ( I know this may suck). LIce love clean hair, and can not attach to oily hair. I used baby oil to remove the lice. My kids had it when they were little and it was always a pain in the hinny. Best of luck

You’re probably getting them out of their hair but they’re still living in hair brushes, clothes, towels, pillow cases, bedding, stuffed animals, barbies, etc. the only way to kill lice on items is to suffocate them in a plastic bag for 48 hours and then sanitize / wash everything. -from a hair dresser

There is a pill as well as a lotion you put on dry hair for 10 mins then rinse out… says don’t have comb but I recommend you do… both are called Sklice (lomitical)
My daughter has extremely thick hair and long sometimes like mine… I highly recommend contacting pcp and requesting… insurance should cover it… may need a prior auth but it’s the best out there that I know of!

Nit comb and the lice shampoo also grab some bottles of spray. You can take 3 inches off the girls hair cut the boys short. Comb then shampoo. Bag or boil brushes hair ties, clips. You can wash all stuffed animals or bag them air tight. Bagging takes 2 full weeks. After that wash all curtains bedding clothes. Spray mattresses and furniture with the lice spray. Then comb and shampoo 2 weeks after exactly. I did once a week when my son would come home from visits with it. They were gone fast.

Mayonnaise on the hair to suffocate them with a shower cap for three to four hours and use a knot pick, wash blankets daily drying on high heat. Spray Lysol on your furniture daily. Wash and pick you and your kids daily. I promise they’re going to be gone those chemical shampoos dry out and irritate scalps. It’s alot of work getting rid of them but it’s better doing it the way I’m telling you.

Use shampoo and/ or conditioner with Rosemary fragrance. After getting rid of them it’s a good deterrent.

Buy a big bottle of olive oil. Put on head at night and wrap or put on a shower cap. Comb really well the next morning with a metal lice comb and wash. May need to repeat.

I cut everyone’s hair off because it went on over 2 years and my girls hated me for it

Pillows and bedding in the dryer every morning for about 10-15 minutes. Apple cider vinegar and mineral oil in the hair with a shower cap (or grocery bag tied like a shower cap). Let it sit for most of the day and if they can get out and play in it even better. The more heat, the better. When you take the cap off, the bugs will be dead at the top of their hair. Now you figure out where the phrase nit picking came from. Get a fine tooth comb and go through sections of hair, strand by strand until you do not see any more nits. Do this again in a week. Keep drying the bed clothes, pillows (I also allowed my girls 1 stuffed animal while treating and that also went into the dryer) every morning until you can go for a week with no more sightings. Keep doing the hair treatment every week until they are clean when you take the cap off.

Lots of hellmans mayo… Wash everything and out into bags over night just in case… But put mayo on everyone heads plastic over the hair and you sleep with it… unfortunately mama you won’t get much sleep cause that’s when you are washing everything… It’s a crappy job but it works… Haven’t had another incident in like 10 yrs…

Try oregano oil wash hair put 3-4 drops in shampoo wash hair then put wear a hair cap wear for 10-15 min then rinse hair you will see them fall out repeat every day No conditioner

Mayonnaise. It’s a little messy but a lot cheaper and no harsh chemicals. Make sure you saturate the hair, use a plastic bag to keep hair contained. Leave on for about two hours. Any lice should be dead. Comb through hair with lice comb to remove dead lice and eggs. You may have to repeat if any new nits appear. Also, you will need to wash all bedding and treat mattresses, pillows, upholstered surfaces, etc.

Canola/olive oil there hair put a plastic bag on top for hlf hour, rn metal lice comb it.then rinse n again comb. It works. Wash/Dry all bedding all in same day.

Use mayonnaise to suffocate the lice, then you will need a lice comb to remove the nits(or eggs as they will have many many little eggs some can be seen some can’t ) you will have to do this they a few times also this has to be done with everyone of you, plus you will have to wash everything and I mean everything in very very hot water take out mattresses outside for the day, as lice need to eat to survive, if you leave anything unwashed you will not get rid of problem, by the way lice don’t jump from person to person, if they are getting their food from one person they will stay there however they will leave eggs( nits) everywhere on bedding, clothing, hats, etc… if you can’t wash it sorry but you will have to get rid of it example: couch( if you can de-lice it good but it could be the biggest infestation so take to the waste/trash in your county don’t just put out in the street, someone will take it thinking it’s free and not notice and they’ll get lice as well) I feel for you, and by the way you don’t want to be using that lice treatment that they sell at the stores or at your DOH it’s not good for the children or for humans.

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An old farm woman taught me this: Use hair dye. Go to the store and buy Revlon, L’Oreal or whatever and find the shade as close to their hair as possible. Dye it. You will have to get new pillows and steam clean all the beds at least 3 or 4 times to kill bugs and eggs. I am so sorry for you. my daughter got them in first grade and they would not let her go back until they made sure she was bug free. Yep hair dye.

As a kid our hair was washed with dishwashing liquid and then used the lice comb for a few days in a row.

White viniger! It may not smell nice but works a treat. Put in hair before bed, leave over night, then wash and condition and comb through.

A good nit conditioner with tea tree (nits hate tea trea) and a nit comb every morning and night for 2 weeks, preferably with damp hair

Wd40 spray hair eggs. Nothing lives.eggs and nits destroyed

Alittle tea tree oil in their hair shampoo.

They sell that stuff at drug stores…and back then my mom us to use Vinegar…then she jus comb it all out on on white towel…was so stink my head…smell like vinegar…ugh!!
After all finish I wash my head with shampoo/conditioner…
And it works the old fashion ways!!! Jus saying!!!

I use “licefree” and it’s the ONLY thing that I have found that works

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What ever happened to white vinegar wash and rinse with.

I agree with Olive Oil! It worked Soooo good and did not tear up anyone’s hair.

Keep oil in hair for about 24 hours, then a week layer repeat

Shave the boys head . And for the girls with long hair, there’s stores that sells combs with metal tooth’s … just comb their hair daily and of course wash as normal.

Conditioner. It makes the comb glide through easily and the live live can’t grip onto the hair. Don’t use nasty chemicals

Use vinegar it releases the eggs the doctor told me this and it works

Google companies in your area who specialize in Lice Removal. It is expensive but it WORKS. I have used 2 different companies and they are “one, and done”.

Mayo works. Leave bagged over night, was our, then comb out all the egggs

Pick out every single nit ,and do the nix lice treatment do all the steps even with bedding. Wash all things washable in hot hot water dry on hot . Take stuffed animals, and bag them up for a minimum of two weeks . Vacuum everything, and then after all the keep the girls hair put up

Its a 10 day process to completley rid hair of lice ,nits and conditiner smother on dry hair right down to scalp and comb through wipping off comb.good luck.

I used mayo and a plastic cap when mine got it. It suffocated the lice without having to use chemicals.

Give their hair a vinegar wash, or salty water xx

Don’t forget to treat your cars also.

Rubbing alcohol. Works every time.

A hairdresser told me straightening the hair works.

Rubbing alcohol! Tie a plastic Walmart bag over your head covering all your hair, put a hole in the top of the bag and douse your head with the rubbing alcohol, tie the part with the hole to keep the fumes in, wait for 30 mins to an hour and then rinse it out, you might want to put a wash cloth over your face and do it in a well ventilated area because it does choke you out. It kills the lice and the eggs. Good luck!

I’ve heard the mayo trick actually works

LiceFreee spray works great and chemical free.

Flea shampoo. Might sound weird but it works

Everybody gets treated same day. Do it again.

Tea tree oil and baking soda mix

I just heard coca cola kills them but never tried it.

I’ve heard tea tree oil helps!

Smear Vicks on your head. The petroleum gel kills them

Me and my girls had hairlice so this is what I did and it worked 100%

Per person depends on how long or short the hair is. If you need more double the amount

3-4 lemon juice
3-4 tablespoon Dettol

Mix well apply from rooth till down .live for 1 hour. Shampoo

Nxt day again remove lemon juice only and apply.keep 1 hour. Wash.

Tho you will see results in just 1 use. But for safe side do it agn .

Remove all bedsheets pillow cases clots and wash. Keep in Dettol for hour n dry it in sun. That goes with hair brush and pin.

Don’t forget to wash/treat car seats!!

Tea Tree oil: put it in the shampoo, the laundry detergent, it works WONDERS!

We used coconut oil. Expeller pressed virgin and coated the head so thick and used a shopping bag and put it tight around the head. Over night and washed the hair the next day and omg they just about all of them rinsed down the drain they were dead from suffication from the oil. I used the comb to get the few last ones out and they were gone!!! It really works. She has gotten them again about a year later. I did the same treatment and again it worked!!! And her hair loved the coconut treatment at the same time win win!!!

My granddaughter had them bad we used everything we could get no help I ordered some natural shampoo it worked the first time

Ive always wanted to give advice on one of your posts but i never get a chance lol every time i see a post its already got over 400 comments on it. Whats the point? Anything i have to say has probably been said already… sooo unfollowing. No point on being on this page if i cant give advice.

Green rubbing alcohol and a metal lice comb

You have to clean EVERYTHING in your house, my friend also had really bad lice in High School and after using over the counter meds and picking the eggs out (the meds don’t kill the eggs, so if you don’t pick them all out with a comb, they will rehatch and reinfest) she colored her hair and the ammonia or something similar from the hair dye ended up killing the rest of for her, so if some of your children are older, I would almost recommend trying that if nothing else is working

coconut oil.
saturate hair with coconut oil, let sit for 1 hour. wash and comb out nits. may take two washings to get out all of the oil. wash all bedding, blankets, towels, bag up stuffed animals for 30 days, spray mattresses with lice/ bedbug spray. wipe down or vaccuum all furniture especially backs of chairs and couches.

Tee tree oil saturate

Nit comb and Nix shampoo

Red wine vinegar and a nit comb

Tea tree shampoo helps

Mayonnaise under a shower cap. It will smother them. Then ya know, just burn the house down and start over.

Where are you located?

Blow dry and straighten the heat will kill them

Try Dawn dish liquid ,it gets fleas off of dog’s

I’ve used mayo slathered on the entire head and let sit with plastic wrap or shower cap on. Remember though whatever you use has to be redone every 3 to 5 days several times because the eggs will hatch new ones regularly. Wash all bedding in hot water and put all stuffed animals and toys like that and a garbage bag sealed shut for over 7 days

Alchohol lean over tub pour rubbing alcohol on head helps the itch and puls nits and bugs out. Pour all over head massage through hair comb over bath tub so you can rinse down drain. Works and leaves hair shiny

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get rid of lice?

Did you check what she’s sleeping with? Could be something simple as a doll/stuffed animal or a fave toy wig too


Mayonnaise… coat the head! It works! Don’t pay money for treatments. I have lived this with 6 kids.


Caster oil. Put it on heads put a shower cap or plastic bag over it all day and then wash it out with as hot as water as they can stand and comb the knits out

Get black people products like afro hair sheen and keep in her hair


Dr can prescribe a pill


Are you treating the car? A lot of people forget to do it.


Just gotta comb everyday and shampoo hair. I spent 3 hours combing my kids hair and did the vinegar treatment. I also have coconut oil to put in it too

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Stuffed animals need to be in air proof bags for at least 2 weeks. Treat bed and pillows and everywhere she lays her head. Wash everything in hot water and dry it on high heat


Original Listerine is a deterrent. Spray her hair with the listerine mixed with some water and saturate her hair with it. Put a shower cap on for about 20 min. Let it dry. Wash hair. It’ll kill the live lice and prevent new live ones from getting on her hair, but won’t kill the eggs. We learned this when my oldest started kindergarten many years ago. Spray her hair every few days. Good luck.


We put tea tree oil in our shampoo.

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You need to treat 3x over 3 weeks to break the cycle.
Wash all of her things separately on a hot wash.
Change her towel and bedding after each treatment.

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Mayonnaise and coke cola soda

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Use a flat iron as if you’re straightening her hair. The heat is supposed to kill the nits and bugs.


Coconut shampoo, her coat and your car

Okay but is she sharing clothing items with a friend at school whose parents aren’t treating this issue? My daughter had a classmate whose parents sadly ignored the child lice issue😩


Any oil based product should help … tea tree oil, coconut oil just saturate hair and cover for an hour then wash and use nit comb to finish. May have to repeat a few times!!! Also vacuum and throw all stuffed animals and curtains in the dryer for about half an hour!! RINSE AND REPEAT!!! Can take some time but don’t give up it gets better!!! :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

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We just had this happen to us, our daughter came home with it from school and the nurse suggested over the counter treatments. I did my own research and found a place called naughty nits. We called and made an appointment and had all of us checked (we have 3 kids as well) the only other person that had it besides her was me. We were both treated there and during I asked a TON of questions. The over the counter stuff doesn’t work anymore because of the pesticides in them and in the sprays (the lice are immune to it) its pretty much a super lice thats around right now. I would see if there is something like that on your area to go to. They guarantee to get rid of it!!! I will warn you it was not cheap by any means, but we haven’t had any issues since!!!

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Go get professionally treated. It’s expensive but worth it


Even if you think she is the only one getting it you need to also treat yourself and dad’s hair and belongings not just her and siblings

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Call her doctor and ask for a prescription shampoo. Used to have this issue with my daughter every school year until about 2 years ago, and haven’t had it since! I believe it’s called natroba.

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Alcohol kills nits as well as the bug. My daughter was 5. I just combed it in. I didn’t want to pour it over her head. She had cork screw curls. I used a regular comb. I did it every day for a week. By the end if the week the nits were white. Dead. But you must treat all pillows and bedding. Even the mattress. Also the car and any hats. Or brushes and combs.


Coconut shampoo and lice treatment every 7-10 days comb and check head every day . Wish you the best of luck .

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If nothing is working at all… try using ammonia based hair dye and dye everyone’s hair… it kills and slicks the hair so that eggs can’t stick to the hair…

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Yellow listerine. Then wrap hair for 20 minutes

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Mayo in her hair let it sit for 2 ish hours. Wash it out and fine comb. It’s smothers them. Had to do this for my son when he was in kindergarten a couple of times.


Tee tree oil and olive oil together

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