Try checking out her hats if she wears one. Also do the kids in her class have a common place where they keep their hats and coats as lice are very common and live in coats and hats
I have always used Lice Free gel on my girls. Not the leave in spray. It comes in a kit with preventative spray as well. I’ve used it for years. It’s the only thing that has worked for me. It is over the counter. Walmart used to not carry it but I see they have started carrying it in the last couple years.
i ran a business in victoria removing head lice.
please know lice mutate n become immune to a lot of natural treatments that used to work don’t work anymore
you can purchase lice be gone at pharmacy.
take note the little buggers can live off human scalp up to 48 hours.
every stuffie cloth pillows etc that aren’t used bag up for 2 weeks
all bedding pillows in dryer every night before sleeping heat kills them
vacuum all mattresses car couches etc
make sure to pick every single nit out of hair as they lay lay lay n u miss one egg n u are reinfected
I paid to have them removed from my sons hair from a local “lice lady” it’s very expensive and we now comb my sons hair with the lice comb every week to make sure to catch it early if it happens again at her suggestion
You have to treat everyone in the house plus your house, stuffed animals, bedding , couches, etc
My mom used to do my hair for school in either a pony tail or braids and used the purple can of aqua net hair spray. I have never ever gotten head lice.
Sounds crazy but it was the only thing that worked on my hair when i was younger and i had thick long hair. try vaseline coat her whole head and then wrap in plastic wrap then comb though her hair then use dawn dish soap to wash it out it will take a couple of day for the Vaseline to get out of her hair depending on how much you use
Soak with diluted white vinegar
When we got it we sprayed down with alcohol. Rubbing alcohol 91% and it kills instantly. Then just cob everyday til it’s gone. The best comb I’ve ever used is from amazon. It has ridges in the pulls nits out unlike those annoying cheap blue ones
I go through this with my daughter I have to fight with it but I found out that my husband’s uncle’s daughter has lice and they don’t treat her hair I told my husband that my kids didn’t need to be around them long as it seems if lice is in the air my kids get it then I get it but my husband doesn’t and I don’t need lice in my house again
Vodka! Buy the cheapest Vodka and put it on the hair, let it sit for a while, the rinse it. Then condition it with downy, and then rinse. Then get a good lice comb and use extra virgin olive oil, or coconut oil to comb through the hair really Good to remove everything. Then wash wash the hair normal shampoo and conditioner. When washing the hair always do shampoo at the roots and shampoo twice, then condition the ends. After you are done spray a mix of tea tree and water and braid the hair. When you send her to school put the hair up, braided and spray with hairspray to help avoid getting it again. It’s harder for lice to get into hair that’s up, braided, or that has hairspray. Also buy new hair tools, clean your hair tools, and wash all bedding, and whatever stuffed animals are near her, as well as any jackets.
I used a hair straightening iron on her hair ever couple of days for about two weeks. And I finally got rid of it. I would comb out what I can and then straighten it
Happened to us when my youngest started school. I was a professional lice picker for years. We used all kind of stuff, but when we started using this, it was a life saver for her and her hair/scalp. Soak hair/scalp with BLUE Lysterine, put hair up in a disposable shower cap wet for 1 hour. After an hour, rinse hair. Next, soak hair/scalp with white vinegar, put wet hair in shower cap for 1 hour. Rinse hair, shampoo & condition. Comb hair with nit comb. Vinegar thins the sticky stuff so they should comb right out. Dry hair throughly with hair dryer. Treat all items with heat- pillows and sheets. It’s horrible when it happens over and over. Later we found out that one girl at school had them and she wasn’t being treated so it was a constant infestation for the kids in that class.
I swear by these products.
There was a clinic in my city for a while, but they closed.
I still have their “School and Play spray” which i use on my children’s jackets and backpacks.
You can order their products from their website. Their stuff is way better than what you can buy in the store. It’s more gentle and actually works the first time.
Good luck!
“Lice Removal Products - Lice Knowing You ® | Professional Head & Hair Lice Products” Lice Removal Products - Lice Knowing You ® | Professional Head & Hair Lice Products
Probably because you may not be getting rid of them. You have to pick through her hair every single day looking for nits and eggs. Until you find no more. You can’t just treat and be done with it
Use a straightener on her hair if she’s a little older. In addition to all the previous comments’ suggestions, the heat will kill any of them ya miss
Rosemary lice hate it
There are some places, depending on where you live, that will do a treatment. It’s pricey and takes a while, but worth it. Better put everything in the dryer to suffocate them. They also don’t like tea tree.
My granddaughter kept getting them too … my daughter went to the school and checked her locker…found lice on the other girl’s coat …no more locker sharing !!
Coconut oil and lemon juice!! Mix and put on hair leave for the day then wash and comb out with lice comb once a day… I also spray vinegar mixed with water on her hair every morning.
She has a girl with her in school that always has lice and my girl never gets them after I learned about the coconut oil and Lemon juice👍
Sounds weird but my mom mixed a little kerosene with shampoo and let it set then washed it out she was 13 at the time and she hasn’t had them since and she is 35 now
I’d inform the school. So they can search all students by the nurse (yes they can do this they did when I was in school cause a few students were getting it they searched everyone’s head.) so the students who have it can get treated. If the child(ren) who have it aren’t getting rid of it you’ll never get it gone. Tell the school.
When my daughter gets it i comb through her hair with a kutu comb then sit her down half n hour everyday and clean. Usually all gone within 5 days. I know it seems much but im
Old school and have never tried products for it.
Does she know not to use anyone else’s combs, brushes or hats? If she’s getting it at school, others must be having the same issues. Does the teacher know? Maybe it’s time for a conversation
I always skip the over the counter treatments and get the prescription from the pediatrician. Natroba is what the pediatrician prescribes. Works great and kills nits. Best of all, no combing afterwards is necessary. Then I just wash all their bedding, stuffies, pillows. Treat their mattresses with the spray from Walmart. And done.
Have you tried combing her hair? Literally all you need is a nit come and go through her hair with it a few times till you find nothing. No need to spend a fortune on chemicals that they’re immune to.
Straighten her hair that’s the only way I could get rid of my daughters we sprayed everything tried everything everything I just said f it I’m going to burn them got all the bugs out and burned the eggs
Get some over the counter live shampoo. Put it in her hair with a plastic bag for 12 hours (kids doctor said this). I would recommend treating EVERYONE even if they don’t have it.
While treating her hair, remove all bedding and wash and dry it. (high temp)
Throw all of her stuffed animals in the dryer (high temp).
Get yourself a spray bottle and put rubbing alcohol in it. Drench the heck out of all the beds, couches, and floors. Once the alcohol is dry, vacuum everything you sprayed with alcohol.
Get some of the NIT remover gel and comb through her hair. Getting every bit of what you can. Comb her hair daily with the lice comb.
Repeat this whole process every two weeks until completely gone.
Make sure to educate her about the lice. Do not let her wear her hair down to school. Use braids, buns, or tight ponytails Instruct her to not share hats, brushes, hair ties, headbands, jackets, hoodies, shirts, or even over the head headphones. Make sure she is only giving her friends side hugs and keeping her distance with her hair. Tell her not to be laying down or putting her head on her friends.
If she has a friend come over (or anyone for that matter) check their hair before they come inside.
I know this sounds like a lot, and it is. But it is worth it. My daughter used to get lice ALL THE TIME. I have spent hundreds of dollars on lice shampoo and rubbing alcohol. We havent had lice in years.
My gma use to cover our hair in mayo when my school had issues in elementary. It smells bad but works lol
My boys had them last week I treated them both with tea tree and coconut oil diluted with water and picked the eggs out every day if no one else has the she’s catching them from someone
You’d probably have to treat yours as well, you can be passing it back and forth
Cheap conditioner, put it in, comb through, with nit comb, leave what’s left in the hair. Nits can’t hold on with the conditioner in. Repeat as necessary.
Original listerine, the Amber colored one
I used a flea comb on my daughters hair. Mayo with tea tree oil in shampoo, and on carpet and beds I used flea spray and put a mattress cover on. Muletide borax on carpet for 24 hrs
Is she getting it from a friend? Also make sure you’re doing it at least twice and the appropriate amount of days apart so that if you didn’t get all the eggs and they hatch, they aren’t married enough to reproduce yet, otherwise you have to start all over. Went through this with my sitter who at the time (unbeknownst to me) they had been battling them for over a year. She finally gave in and against her husbands wishes cut her and her daughters hair to shoulder length (since he wouldn’t really help and I volunteered but it took 4+ hours to thoroughly go through just her hair because it was blonde and really long. She has to put all but one stuffed animal, all extra blankets etc in garbage bags after treatment for 6 weeks I believe. And treated everything in the house (making sure not to cross contaminate) each time we did it. She’s finally rid of them.
Have you tried the nit comb? So lots of conditioner and comb through section by section x
Sorry, but if she’s the only one getting it, she’s probably getting it from someone close to her. You won’t be able to get rid of it until she stops hanging out with whomever is giving it to her or that person gets it taken care of as well
Nix if that dont work use mayo and cover her hair with a bag if its still coming back someone at school is giving it to her make sure you take the eggs to other wise she can get them from that too you can also ask your Dr for a treatment if nothing is working
Luke warm water and vinegar. Comb trough while hair floats in the water. You’ll see them floating and sinking, that’s the only thing my mother ever did and it worked every time so will definitely do it in the future when I come across that problem.
This stuff works amazing!
Your doctor can also prescribe prescription strength hair wash. But you have to go by the instructions and comb with lice comb every night. The nits are going to hang on and if you don’t get them all you have to start all over. Combing every night is key.
Use a hair dryer each night, hair spray, hair gel, and tea tree oil all 3 together and it will stop also hair up at all times. I got lice so bad and had to use this daily.
Get a prescription from your pediatrician. I know you mentioned that tea tree oil spray wasn’t working as a preventive but I do know if you add several drops into shampoo & shake it throughly it will help keep them away. There has to be another child she’s around. There must be a reason it’s reaccuring. I’m curious if your child possibly sits next to someone at school who has it. Also YES washing all bedding is key, pillows: everything. Along w even plush toys. I would bag them up & place them in the dryer for an extended period of time.
Easy go to your nearest pharmacy asked them to give you their most efficient lace product remover that should do its job
Used it 3 times separate days it’s very strong
And ofc cut the hair but if it’s a girl lots of patients love and combing them suckers out
Best of luck momma
Fruit smelly shampoo and have her wear her hair up at school
Try a bottle of coke for 5mins on the hair.
Also put all stuff animals in black garbage bags tie closed and leave for 2 Weeks
I have took cooking oil or dawn dish soap . Soak the head with it . Put a plastic bag over let her . Sleep with to kill live cause it can’t breath .
Cetafil cleanser… pediatrician suggested… look online for directions
Yea tree shampoo and conditioner drop tee tree oil last few drops in to last rise combing thro all the time also mix few drops of tea tree oil into some baby oil and put pillows in to freezer for hour n then wash and ad tree oil in to the wash xx
Put hair spray in her hair before school everyday. They hate hair spray.
Put baby oil mixture in to hair over the weekends and then wash off before school , xxx
Also Dawn dish washing liquid, a little inwith the shampoo even after they are gone. About once a week. To keep them gone.
I work in a hair salon & we sell sets of this before schools start backs. It works well on preventing so once you get rid of em maybe start trying this everyday for her shampoo/conditioner
The last time my oldest brought lice home we had to get professionally treated. NONE of the above home remedies were working. Hours upon hours of treatments combing and crying (lots of crying) from both me and my daughter. We both have super thick coarse hair. Super lice! You can’t kill them with regular OTC treatments. We bagged all stuffed animals and soft toys for two weeks, stripped bedding and washed and dried on hot/high heat. We did it all.
Does your daughter share a locker at school? When I was a kid I had this happen a lot. And found out the girl I shared a locker with had it and her parents refused to treat her. My parents requested that I have a locker to myself and I stopped bringing home lice.
Took my daughter to get treated best 100 bucks spent after spray her hair with peppermint
My daughter used to be the same and nothing worked
My used vinaigrette on my hair many yrs ago and she got a lotion comb it through my hair head was on fire ouch
I heard think conditioner then comb everything out because they can run with the thick residue
Tell absolutely no sharing of hats, barrettes, headbands, ear muffs, scarfs…etc.
Mayonnaise for the win!
Me and my daughter also had to be professionally treated to finally get rid of it. Google it. You’ll want to get treated as well. I didn’t think I had it and turns out I in fact did
May be the friend she’s hanging out with needs a helping hand in getting rid of them…may be parents may not be aware or have no funds for treatment.
My daughter’s teacher had a tub with foam pieces that everyone got in . They were in it.
Try not to wash her hair very often, lice is more attracted to cleaner hair.
Dollar store flea shampoo wash hair 3 days in a row
I went through the same thing years ago when my daughter was in elementary school- nothing seemed to work until someone suggested this: Cover her hair with veg oil and wrap with plastic wrap or something for 30 minutes (it will suffocate all of them) then combed out all the eggs/dead bugs, then wash with Dawn dish soap to get the oil back out
Apple cider vinegar works
Green listerine mouth wash, soak your head as long as possible in a bag, usually twice will do the trick and they fall out and but one or two tree oil drop in the family shampoo to help prevent them wanting to latch and come home.
Are you doing treatment again after pre determined time, stated in directions? Combing out every egg, also… Olive oil soaked hair will help get rid of eggs.
Sprays don’t work, the lice become immune. Best cure is wet hair , loads of conditioner, head over your lap and rake them out with a nit comb. Then do it again a week later incase any missed eggs have hatched.
Lice is attracted to clean hair. My daughter had long hair. Used everything under the sun. Our hairdresser said to wash her hair once a week, because the lice can’t cling to oily hair. From kindergarten to 3rd grade we done that process. She only had it one time. I even took all her stuff animals and washed in hot water, steam cleaned every mattress in our house, bought new pillows, steam Cleaned our furniture, carpets, rugs, curtains. Sounds extreme, but it literally freaked me out!
Got to try to find out who in school she’s getting them from
You sound like your doing everything right, do you think the kids are being reinfected at school ? I would leave olive/ baby oil in their hair. So it’s too slippery for the little suckers to get back in.
Start at the school and friends parents you gotta work together
Once you treat her, put hairspray in her hair before she goes to school. Saved me so much money & hassle by applying it. It doesn’t take much hairspray & never hurt my children’s hair like other products can.
This sounds, and is, gross, but lather her hair with Mayonnaise and let it sit for 20 minutes, then wash it out. It should kill ALL the lice. Worked for me.
Vinegar and a lice comb. You have to wash it with vinegar or even spray it with a spray bottle. It loosens the eggs. If you miss one egg that’ll start a whole nother cycle of lice. Literally strand by strand. Comb and rinse. That’s the only way I got rid of it I spend hundred on over the counter mess and that only killed the live once. So do that
And then vinegar to get the eggs out. Good luck. It sucks😩
Comb comb and comb again. Also get a bug bottle of tea tree oil shampoo and maybe give a little squirt of straight tea tree oil around the ears and nape of neck before school each day. Good luck!
Not bug bottle big bottle. Lol to repel the bugs
Coconut oil. Over night. Tie plastic bag over hair. Comb eggs out wash hair with shampoo. Comb eggs out. Keep combing eggs out every few hours run that comb through the hair. Wash and dry everything that touches head, coats, pillows, etc. Bag all stuff animals to big for washer and dryer. Boil brushes and combs hair clips hair ties etc. Good luck. Lice sucks. I used to get it so bad when I was a kid, no one else in the house, just me. My daughter got it and I tried this and it works real good. Never got it again.
I had the same issue with my middle daughter when she was young unfortunately your not getting everything with those treatments because the lice become immune to it. Call your pediatrician and tell them what you are going through and they will give you a rx for medication. When I used the rx they would always be gone. It’s harsh on the hair but it’s the only thing that worked for my daughter.
Call doctor and get prescription only thing that works
If she is the only one in house getting it then it is definitely coming from school. If she has long hair make sure you braid or keep in tight bun. Explain to her about no sharing of brushes combs or hats. Make sure the school knows so they can check others in class. If her class has a dress up center or stuffed animals the lice can be gotten from there. It sounds like the classroom might need a good disinfecting.
Wash all bedding in hot water and cover head in mayo and plastic wrap for an hour. Once lice are all gone use tea tree oil in shampoo. I’ve never had to use the mayo but a friend of mine did and it worked. If all else fails shave kids head, hair will grow back.
listerine the yellow kind… my sisters had it really bad when they were younger. So you pour listerine on the whole head get Everything soaked, take a plastic bag wrap it around tight around the head secure it! LET it sit for 2 hours when you’re done, have their head tilt over (bugs will be in the bag) than clean the head & get the eggs out… SPRAY water and listerine mix in their hair once a week it’ll keep it away! & wash EVERYTHING
Ask her teacher about any kids that might have it at school. You can use the lice shampoo but vinegar works better. It eats the glue lice use to attach their eggs with and they comb out mor easily. You can also buy the zapping comb that kills them on contact and removes the eggs as well.
I use vinegar and alot of brushing it out with a comb for head lice on my children’s head did it on a friday so I would have the whole weekend to do it it took over 17 hours as my oldest had long hair that was Two adults
Are you remembering to de lice the vechile? I find this is a big prob over looked its no diff then inside the home. Tea tree and cinnamon leaf oil in a spray bottle of water every morn it can also be put in a bowl under the head of the bed to protect them. A chemical treatment shampoo only first if anyone is not shampoo only first there’s no point in the treatment there are lice teams we have one here bag everything for the next month everything hair nets every nite they prob have super lice which is thr hardest to get rid of the only diff is the size of the bug
This product works wonders…plus coconut oil afterwards and combing with this metal lice comb.
Saturate head in conditioner, soak for 30 minutes then comb with lice comb every 5 days for a couple of weeks. Hair is so smooth & lice die as can’t breathe. Repeat to kill any eggs that hatched.
I just use the $2 fruit conditioners so its very cheap to do.
Cover her hair in mayonnaise, then place a plastic bag over it, securing it snuggly. Leave overnight, and wash the next morning. Use nit comb to get the remaining eggs out. Nurse from school told us to do it when my daughter was in school. It’s a lot of work, and used a lot of mayonnaise, but it did work.
Make sure you set down get all the nets out or you wasting your time treating it. My daughter got it and if you don’t get them nets , I set hours and hours getting them out my daughter had hair down to her butt
Simplicety - amazing and I’ll never waste $$$ on other options.
Stuff at the pharmacy then after use Tea tree oil after shampooing or put half in shampoo bottle shake well
Warm up baby oil and soak her head in it. Put a bag over head and wait 30mins and brush.
Treat with store bought stuff and do it every week! Bag up all stuffed animals and pillows (leave bagged up for a month). Wash all bedding every week as well. Wash coats and hats weekly. Basically every week treat everything and everyone! Cut her hair shorter or style tight to her head. And use hairspray in the mornings also blow dry it after bathing. Lice dont like heat and they prefer clean hair. I watched my sister struggle with this for over a year and it was passed several times to my kids. Same story only one of her kids kept it. But with time and hard work she finally got rid of it. Also the heath dept. gave her a comb that zapped the bugs it was kinda neat. Good luck mama it is a tough battle!
I read all the other comments and yes dont forget couch, car or carseats! Get everything your child has on or near her head! They make a spray for bedbugs and lice (it’s a combo spray) I used like 10 cans of that stuff and sprayed everything (except the child lol ) every week for over a month!