My daughter just had it. Call your pediatrician and get the prescribed lice shampoo. If you can’t then you will need to pick it up from the store but you’ll need to do about 2-3 treatments spread out 2 weeks apart. Do the treatment pick though her hair and get the the nits do this atleast every other night!!! Strip her bed wash in hot water. Bag up any stuffed animals her head may have been around. Go to the store and buy Vamousse daily shampoo (blue and white bottle) have the entire family including her wash there hair in it it when they shower. Also buy lice furniture spray you can get it at cvs or walkgreens with the shampoo. Spray your couches, her bed and is go ahead and spray her siblings bed too. Do not put a sheet or pillow case back on her bed let her sleep in the mattress with a pillow and blanket each morning have her put her pillow and blanket in the dryer on the hottest setting and spray her bed. Also put her coat in the dryer. This all worked for us. I have 50/50 with my ex and it was a nightmare trying to get 2 households on the same page and to follow this especially picking through her hair.
Maybe your missing something they can get into your stuffed animals too
Soak hair down with listerine and cover with a shower cap for an hour and repeat every couple days; did this with my five y.o son whenhe brought em home from his step sister as i didnt wanna expose him to the poisons of lice treatment his age… more comfortable with alcohol from the mouth wash. Did it in my head too but dries it out BAD so def condition well. There is also a repellent shampoo that has diff essential oils in it, including tea tree i believe, we used in between treatments, comes in a green bottle
Coconut oil with about 20 drops of lavender essential oil and about 15 drops of tea tree oil. Let sit on head an hour. Wash out lice comb and repeat daily for about a week. This on top of all the cleaning protocols will work.
After treating her and putting tea tree in shampoo, when you send her to school, use hair spray, gel or mousse. Anything that will make her hair “dirty” they don’t like “dirty” hair!!! If she keeps getting at school,
Someone there is not doing it
Condition tf out of her hair and just keep brushing the lice comb through as the water is running. It takes about a week, do it everyday. Keep going until you stop pulling out lice and nits. It’s exhausting.
Headlice can live in bedding etc for three days. She is possibly getting reinfected at home. Also use a nitty gritty and petroleum jelly in the hair every day for a couple of days. Leave in as long as possible as it smothers the lice and damages the nits. To remove it, put shampoo directly on the hair before washing as normal. We went away overnight to do it to be certain that any lice in our house couldn’t survive
Mayo n cover her hair with a bag . Leave it for 3 hours n wash it out. They sell a spray to protect the hair as well
I would check with the school as well, possible someone sitting beside her has it and is not being treated. I had this problem, you can treat your house, car does no good if someone in close contact keeps giving it back. Most definitely treat everyone in the house as well.
#use a conditioner make her hair slimy with it then comb it with a nit comb . Find out who she plays with and have a quiet word with the parents she must keep picking them up of her freinds
Let scalp and hair soak in green listerine with a shower cap on, rinse that after 90 mins. Then soak and saturate the scalp and hair with white vinegar, rinse out after 90 mins……the lice will be dead and the nits will comb out effortlessly. Found this out after dropping $300 on otc products
I’m lucky my 2 youngest haven’t had yet my oldest out of 3 did my 2 youngest they and myself use coconut shampoos .my oldest it was a nightmare.
Wash her hair less frequently and when you do wash her hair, use the tea tree oil. Contrary to most people believing it’s dirty people who get lice, they prefer clean hair. I had issues with one of my oldest when she was younger. She picked it up like crazy. I stopped washing her hair daily and went to maybe twice a week. Lice don’t like the oils in our hair, so letting the hair get slightly oily helped. Also, contact the school. If she and your house are lice free and she’s coming home from school with it, the school needs to address the issue.
If she’s catching them from school then they are just going to keep coming back if the other child who she’s catching them off isn’t getting treated for them
I have used the electric comb when kids were young, combing out every night for 7 days, and unless her head has open sores, because it would sting, rinse hair with vinegar, dissolves the stuff eggs need to stick, then recomb, if you haven’t used Rid or anything, it’s the way to go, but electric comb was a lifesaver for us
My little cousins used to get lice alot my cousin would cover there head in mayo and the girls would sleep like that over night with plastic on head to protect bedding. Then wash it out the next morning
Also if you haven’t done so, contact school nurse so they check school mates, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, I would say every parent goes through this at least once, make sure you vaccum, laundry in hot water, plastic covers on mattress and pillows helps, spray furniture good luck, I know it’s frustrating
Maybe get the medicated shampoo that a doctor prescribes because lice is really hard to get rid of… As a young teenage girl I had them and it took me several months to get rid of them and a haircut is the only way they stopped coming back so I’m guessing maybe the eggs was clinging to my hair and wouldn’t come off without the haircut
Wash everything in her room, vacuum daily her brushes clean, but tossed ours . Comb her hair even if it takes hours doing sections with a nit combo. Lice do not like dirty hair keep washing to a minimum right now
You can get lice shampoo from her doctor also yea tree oil helps. I put it in all of my kids hair since we got rid of it and they haven’t had it in almost 2 years. I have a lot of kids and this worked best for them.
Something from home is reinfecting her. Check her backpack and where she sits in the car. Keep her hair up, too.
Tgel shampoo. It can be found at Dollar General. Lather up and let sit about 20 minutes. Apply conditioner and comb through with lice comb. Repeat every other day for a week. Put mousse or gel in her hair daily to keep new ones from getting back in her hair
Ok so you are just not getting rid of it its not from school or that she gets it with these products she just still has it mayo on her head with a shower cap for an hour will kill them then you have to comb out all the nits next your house has to be treated when we had lice a few years back I ordered an all natural lice killer spray it came with 3 bottles I can not remember what it is called I got it off Amazon it had peppermint tea tree and a few other things in it so a single louse can live up to 2 weeks she lays her egges toward the middle of her life they hatch in 10 days so it is never ending so that is why it is sooo hard to get rid of them good luck don’t give up
You have to wash blankets, coats, spray couch & chairs, etc
You have to retreat a few times and get rid of the eggs stuck to the hairs. One treatment is not effective
Here is what I done. It took me from Nov to March but all the meds and shit DON’T work. Buy you a good comb off Amazon or whatever and get you a big bottle of conditioner. You have to comb your hair with conditioner in it every night for 2 weeks. It takes two weeks to break the cycle from when an egg is laid and hatched to when it becomes a louse. So you comb every night for 2 weeks. It works… I swear it does. I was miserable and nothing else worked. After that just to be sure I got a flat iron and sectioned my hair into tiny little sections and ran the flat iron thru it from root to tip and just in case there were any I had missed I burned them with the flat iron and I used one with 450° temp. Try this I promise it works.
Heat. Find an old hood or plastic cap hair dryer. Likely she is catching it at school. Tell her to not put other children’s hats or wigs on her head. And if school has a shared pool of costume/dress up bits, let them know they need to be cleaned. My gkid kept getting it from a shared helmet the kids could wear to ride a bike the school had for recess.
Let the school know so they can check the kids and get everybody treated
My daughter was in school and found out she let other people use her brush or comb.
Find a company u can go to and be treated! Maybe someone in the house has it too and gives it
So drs can actually prescribe a medicine to help. Some kids are more prone to it. I would fix her hair in a slicked back bun everyday though so it’s not being slung around qnd make sure she knows not to share hair bows ect. Tea tree oil needs to be in her shampoo qnd they have lice preventative shampoos to. Don’t wash her hair daily (lice prefer clean hair) my mom has a book of tips because my sister was so prone to jt I’ll have to ask her everything
Pick out every nit and bug( it can take hours),treat hair,blow dry hair on high heat every night, and like everyone else is saying you have to treat couches,chairs,beds, wash backpack,coats, bag things up and put away for a month pillows stuffed animals etc.
Don’t forget the car!
I would also add to spray the seats in the car, try straightening her hair every night for awhile but do thin pieces at a time and go slow. There’s a comb you can get from Walmart that zapps them like a bug zapper. There’s also spray I think called fairy tales that you can spray in her hair to help prevent. And doctor prescribed shampoo for resistant lice.
Look up “all about lice” here on fb. I had gotten my daughter’s hair checked n this lady does it for a living. She told me to coat all hair w Cetaphil lotion then blow dry blow dry blow dry til it’s super dry. It like shrink wraps the lice n eggs n u can comb em out. See if u can also find “the terminator” lice comb. Good luck!
I was always told after treatments and house, toys, stuffed animals in black bags or high heat, bedding washed and dryer on high heat, carpet vacuumed real good!! The greasier the hair, the nits can’t stick to dirty hair!! Also keep tied up in ponytail!!
Most people forget you have to wash the seats in your car as well or any car seats. Having four kids I found kindergarten and grade one where the worse for head lice.
The school needs to be informed and keep telling them every time cause that’s where it’s coming from.
Buy a lice treatment and treat everyone in the house some people don’t get itchy heads and don’t even know they have lice. And follow up treatment for everyone in 6-7 days.
Take all clothes, bedding, coats, hats to laundry mat and wash in hot water.
Bag all stuffed toys. -
Take a carport cleaner and wash all beds, furniture, carpets and even wash your vehicles.
Then vacuum every thing and there is a spray for lice you can spray whole house and vehicles.
Once second treatments are done wash all bedding again.
When kids get home from school go threw there hair everyday to catch them before they enter the house. If you notice bathroom right away and treat before they can spread. Yes it’s a hassle but less a hassle then having to clean everything over and over again.
Drs can give you treatment for kids under the age of two.
Biggest mistake people make is thinking tea tree and mayonnaise will keep them away. Also biggest mistake is people think cause they can’t feel them or are itchy they don’t have them. That is not true not everyone gets a itchy head. A lot of people also forget to clean there vehicles.
I have struggled for over 19 years with all of my children having them
Have you contacted her school???
Honestly we used ALOT of baby oil and Vaseline and they slid right off
Mayonnaise! I had it for 2 weeks in kindergarten and mama couldn’t get rid of it so she took me to the health dept and they told her to sleep in mayo over night and wash and wash til hair is clean and I’ve never had anymore issues
Coke cola let dry on head wash out as normal
Home remedy, lather the head with mayo, wrap for night and wash next day, repeat as necessary.
100% mayonnaise in the hair overnight, cover with a plastic bag and secure. Warning, it’s gonna dry the hell out of her hair and it’s gonna feel like crap for awhile. But it WILL kill them off. The dryness of her hair can be dealt with afterwards using conditioning treatments. I had a horrible case of it in middle school with very long, thick, and curly hair. Took 2 people 28 hours straight picking at my head with the lice comb. Mayonnaise is what really ended it for me.
We always washed then put Listerine on hair . Dont wash out
They have a spray also to spray bed furniture etc. Sounds like medicine e works just getting it again at school. Tell school. They need to check every kid.
Wash daily with this!!! Use my hair helpers on the 1st, 5th and 11th day and comb with the terminator nit free comb daily!
Comb through 1 inch sections with conditioner and a lice/nit comb from scalp to end rinsing the comb in a bowl of hot water after each section. Have her wash her hair then apply alcohol based gel in 1 inch sections from scalp to end and blow dry by 1 inch sections. Repeat the entire process and the issue should be resolved entirely. I’m sure you already know what to do with her bedding and clothing to get rid of them there. To ensure she doesn’t get lice again, comb alcohol based gel through her hair a few times a week.
Are you treating ALL the bedding and removing stuffed animals into plastic bags? Pillows hairbrushes everything you could possibly come into contact with
My daughter was the head they laid eggs on
We finally used peppermint oil every other day, and an 2:1 alcohol rinse after we washed her hair. We would comb her hair before school… misting with the alcohol spray, and then work in peppermint oil. She smelled like a candy cane BUT after 1 week of doing this, we never had them again.
We also washed bedding, coats—sprayed bed and furniture… and everyone in house used the alcohol spray and peppermint oil around the edge of their hair.
We had this issue growing up. Soak hair in Mayo and a shower cap for hours.
Idk what magic that did but I’ve never had it since and I’ve been around many with it.
Just remember when you are cleaning her hair or anyone’s. Lice actually love clean hair. Put her hair up and spray with hair spray. You’re going to have to do small sections of hair when combing out. Don’t just go down with the comb. Go up down and side to side. My daughter was the only one getting them and she had hair past her butt. It’s now to her shoulders(not because of lice,its really thick and summer is coming) I don’t know where you are located but in Texas there are people who will come to your house and exterminate them.
Mayo n mouthwash. I left mayo in for about an hour. Combed. Rinsed. Then mouthwash for about 20 min n rinsed
Call your doctor. I’ve had to before and they prescribe malathion. Leave it in over night and wash out. Then do it again in a week or so.
Put tea oil in coconut shampoo and coconut conditioner shake it up that’s what I used on my kids when they were little they use get head bugs all the time but after I use tea oil coconut shampoo and conditioner kids never got head bugs anymore
Any fabric that cannot be washed like pillows stuffed animals etc need to be bagged and put outside for 2 to 3 weeks to kill anything on them. All carpets need to be cleaned and vacuumed. Her hair needs to be treated and combed every night for several days. If you leave a few live eggs they will hatch and you will have to start over. Have the school check everyone in her class. Make sure she is not storing her coat or hats with other kids stuff. Make sure she knows not to wear other people’s hats or use their hair brush or hair accessories. We got it bad when we were kids but it was worse for my little sister than the rest of us.
Apple cider vinegar. Put 1/2 bottle of shampoo and 1/2 bottle of ac vinegar. Wash her hair every night with it. It gets rid of them and also she shouldn’t get them again.
Coconut oil worked for us
Than I took mine to lice lifters had them double check my job
Thank god I did I missed the smallest spot that had eggs😳 this was like 5 years ago thou I did vacuum a lot washed the whole house bagged stuffed animals etc
Be very diligent with continuing to comb through and clean the hair. Use sulfur 8 shampoo which you can usually find at Walmart. Essential oils that help repel them - rosemary, peppermint, tea tree, lavender and eucalyptus. I would put some drops in a spray bottle with water and spray everywhere you can including hair
Keep her hair pulled up. That’s what I had to do with my daughter. When she goes to school put it in a ponytail
Talk to the school. Maybe she keeps getting reinfected there. Happened to me daughter. And COMB, COMB, COMB !!!EVERY NIT (EGG) NEEDS TO GO !!!
I couldn’t figrout how to get rid of it on my daughter it wouldn’t go away and then she gave it to me and I tried for a while to get rid of them them said forget this and went to a professional and it was gone first visit went for a follow up a week later and was clean now I comb my daughter hair a few times a week and put tea tree oil in her conditioner I spray hare hair with the repellent spray at night and in the morning when I do her hair for school I spray the repellent and then hair spray after her hair is done.
I have 6 kids and we have this problem from time to time. Usually when one of the kids has a classmate that has it and don’t have parents that takes care of it the right way. My advice is to call the kids teacher/guidance counselor and let them know the situation. They usually know which kid it is and can get them the help they need. I’ve had to do the same thing unfortunately.
- I treat their hair with the over the counter stuff and get out all the eggs and bugs I can find. Usually takes about 3 hours on my girls
- wash/dry all bedding, stuffed animals, pillows, backpacks, and hats on high heat.
- I spray their beds, carpet, and all my furniture with the bedbug/lice spray (don’t forget your car if you have cloth seats!)
4. I also put oil on my kids head at night and wrap it with a plastic bag or plastic wrap, then let them sleep in it. The oil smothers any lice that is still alive and makes it so much easier to get the rest of the eggs out. It does make their hair greasy-ish for a few days but not real bad. I have them wash their hair after I’m done (no conditioner) and repeat that process for 2-3 days depending on how bad it is.
The tea tre oil and other like products only help as a preventative. I always use that stuff at the beginning of school and spring time. It also helps if you keep girls hair in up-dos for school.
I had to shave all our heads. My 2 girls kept coming home with it. (Whole school year) covid broke out, I shaved all our heads
Use listerine the yellow one.
I can’t remember what it’s called but target sells a shampoo that protects against lice. I thought my daughter had it in pre k, thankfully she didn’t but I remember how awful it was when I was a kid. Someone said the shampoo protects against lice. If not use some oil in her hair, coconut oil and keep it tied up best you can to be preventative.
Mayonnaise, it will suffocate the lice. Put all over her hair, wrap with a plastic bag or hair cap. Leave on for an hour or more if possible. And wash all her bedding with hot water.
We had issues at our kids head start class. We’d all treat our kids send them to school and they’d get reinfected. They cleaned all the toys. The carpet etc. After almost a month of these kids being cleaned then reinfected we realized it was one of the teachers who wasn’t treating herself AND getting the boys out of her hair, she’d hug the kids daily and get them reinfected.
Clean the kids car seats. Back packs. Pillows. Couch cushions. Treat your own hair rather or not you have any. Get all the nuts out.
You must treat it 3 weeks in a row
You use treatment every 10 days for 3x I believe
Don’t use conditioner on the kids hair
She may be getting it again from her stuff at home. Everything made of material, needs to be bagged and washed and dried on high. Including any stuffed animals, pillows, clothes, car seats, rugs, brushes, towels, coats, backpacks, hair ties, anything cloth she has touched or been around… also go to a professional and have them treat her. It’s can take a very very long time to comb and get every little nit out of her hair. There may be some getting leftover and all it takes is one little egg to be there
Go to the doctor and get natroba
Keep her hair dirty , or gel it lice can’t get in,
Use olive oil to get them out
Dr can prescribe stuff. Otherwise I found dyeing your hair kills them all. Atleast for me. After dealing with them (I had long hair) I had my friend dye my hair and they were gone.
There are lice clinics nationwide that can help or dr can prescribe stronger medication. The lice have built immunity from current over the counter treatments. And be sure to properly wash/bag items clean out vacuum and comb through her hair everyday.
I use to believe whole heartedly that mayonnaise and oil suffocated and killed them. It does not. Lice are able to hibernate without breathing for 24 hours. With that being said the oil makes it so much easier to comb the nits out. I would wash everything, use lice spray on couches and beds, (we also have plastic covers over their mattresses so that always helps), then I would put their decorative pillows and stuffed animals in a trash bag and tie it very good and let that stuff sit in the bag for two weeks to suffocate and kill any nits that have hatched during that time on those items, then I would oil and comb through their hair and pick nits out and any live bugs every three days. It finally got rid of them.
Coconut sauve shampoo! Use as daily
Use a straightner on her hair. It will kill the eggs
Report the issue to the school… something is not being taken care of! Shared hats??
Shared blankets, stuffies?
My mom always used rubbing alcohol in our hair is does burn and stink but it kills them in once use. You let it sit in there hair with a bag or shower cap in for at least an hour. Wash all bedding stuff animals and dry everything vacuum your rugs couch you can even buy those sprays for the couches and bedding to spray on it before you vacuum. As prevention I use this you can also find it usually at Walmart and I believe target as well.
Gold listerine get her hole head wet with it and have her sleep in a shower cap. (Catches the lice as they die) rinse hair out and wash in the morning. This was the most effective treatment I did. Mom of 4 girls all long hair. Hadn’t had any issue with lice again after doing that
White vinegar, soak their hair, comb through it with lice comb repeat every 7 days.
We went through this. It is coming from school! The school says they can’t do anything but send the child home. I found a treatment at Walmart that’s a spray called Lice Away. It’s safe enough to not have to wash out so my girl uses it as a leave in spray every morning and it works to keep them away!! Good luck momma!
Ask the doctor for prescription strength, make sure you tel them that you already tried over the counter. It will kill it all on first dose.
I’m going to give u a weird remedy. Blow dry the hair everyday. The heat kills them.
My youngest daughter kept getting them even though I cleaned, sprayed, washed and scrubbed everything! She wore her long hair up everyday, was told never to share brushes or hair ties…I was in the locker room with her one day and discovered that she had a sports locker below another girl…there are tiny holes in the bottom of the locker and we believe the little buggers were falling down. Once we moved her locker…she never got them again!!
Make sure there are no brushes or Combs loaned to classmates or that she uses one of theirs.
Well without having you get into too much detail about your home life. How old is the daughter that keeps getting infected? Does she have a lot of stuffed animals? You’d be surprised that when people are treating their children for lice and cleaning their rooms and bedding most don’t think about treating any stuffed animals.
Take her to the pediatrician and get a prescription for Spinosad!!! That was literally the ONLY thing that worked for my kids when they got lice! Do not waste your money on store bought products! And most insurance covers it! My kids haven’t had lice since. Also if she’s getting it from school I would send her to school in buns or braids and check her hair EVERY single day when she gets home. Ask the doctor to write you multiple scripts for the spinosad so you have some bottles on hand.
Maybe the health department needs involved
Sounds like you may not be getting all the nits out! Only takes one, then a cycle begins.
Olive oil. Leave it on for an hour. Then wash and rinse.
You pretty much need to go through her hair a few hrs a day! The treatment does not kill the nits
You need a prescription unfortunately
Green dog shampoo has pyrethin in it…and you have to get all the nits out or you are wasting your time…this will take hours depending on the length of her hair. Good luck!!
baby oil wrap hair in towel 30 minutes shampoo; everything in your home has to be washed; pillows in garbage bags 7 days
This is the only thing that got rid of my lice when I had them. I had lice for almost 2 years because I couldn’t get rid of them with the over the counter stuff and I really didn’t wanna shave my head. This was super easy to put in my head cause it has a comb applicator. The lice were dying within 5 minutes of application. I didn’t have to section my hair into tiny sections to comb them out either cause all the lice and nits were coming out with the comb. I’ve been lice free for 4 years because of this stuff.
You can go to a lice specialist. We have one in our area and it was taken care of 1, 2, 3!!! Best money I ever spent!!!
Vaseline and then use Dawn dish soap to wash it out it’s smothers them and it makes it so they can’t hang on