How to get rid of lice?

Have a dr prescribe lice shampoo. Use it once a week for a few weeks. Get a good METAL nit comb. Comb everyone’s hair out at least twice a week for two to three weeks. Buy a lice spray for carpets,couches, anything upholstered and spray it down. Wash all of your clothes and towels, everything in HOT water and use the dryer to dry everything. It’s a hassle but you can get rid of it if you do it right.

Lice mutate into super lice after so long, they become immune to normal poisons

Just use baby oil. It will smother them and help get it out of the hair easier. Make sure you are cleaning and spraying everything in your house or you’ll never get rid of it

Vinegar and tea tree oil

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Oh yeah and you have to treat all the furniture in the home towels bedding everything there’s a spray that they have that you can spray on everything

Treat the whole family. Wash bedding, clothes, blankets, etc. comb through and gets nuts out, and get new brushes/combs Repeat the treatment in a week.

Use the kit, but several and hot keep retreating exactly how it says on the box.
Wash all bedding and stuffed animals… You’ll have to do it several times

Flat iron and a comb after a treatment, wash all bedding in hot water and spray anything that can’t be washed, and replace all brushes, tea tree oil to help prevent another episode

THIS! I tried everything when my daughter got lice. This worked immediately!

Someone hasn’t watched the office :joy:

Wash everything, towels, sheets, pillows, etc. The medication treatments, and bleaching your hair will kill anything

Coc anut oil and vinigar

We use Vamousse products on hair, the shampoo and the actual mousse to remove bugs and eggs.
And just treat the entire house(carpets, couches, beds, etc) with lysol
All stuffed animals that won’t fit into the dryer go into bags that are taped
All pillows go into dryer on high heat for AT LEAST 20 minutes.
All bedding gets washed in hot water and dried on high heat.

Ask your doctor they have prescription stuff and it works

Give the boys an army cut

Tea tree oil, mayonnaise

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You have to do the hair
plus the following
throw away all brushes
Wash all bedding including pillows and pillowcases in HOT water
Wash all clothes in hot clothes
Put all toys in a garbage bag or wash in hot water
Vacuum the hell outta carpet couches mattresses etc
Get mattress protectors
Have to throw out all hair ties headbands etc and replace them once lice is gone completely

Not sure where you are from but we have a headlice treatment cents in Northeast Ms. it cost me $150 per person but the best money I have ever spent!

No need to cut/shave the hair before trying this…
Apply soap to the whole wet hair
Massage and lather… Wait for some time until all the lice are dead.
Comb through to remove the the dead lice, and wash
Repeat after a week…
Bon courage

Coconut oil and vinegar also wash everything and steam clean the matteresses and couch

Mayo in hair , lice comb, baby oil in hair , dryer all your bedding sheets, comb everyday

Mayonnaise and wash every bedding blanket pillows and clothes near on and around the bed and vacuum the bed…

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I used mayo… and vinegar. Then any fruity shampoo

Even if they don’t wash their hair every night blow it on hot air. Also plastic shower caps after you put the treatment on the hair and let it sit. Also with the girls sit in the shower when combining their hair out. Then just wash the bugs down the drain

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You have to wash absolutely everything; bedding, stuffed animals, any toys that they could be on, clothing, furniture, jackets, backpacks and don’t forget to do your vehicles too.

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Go to your nearest Lice treatment place. Google one for your area. My daughter got them from school and her hair was long and curly. I did thr over the counter products and they all just irritated her scalp. My at the time 9mo old got them too so I rushed to one of those places and they treated them both and gave me a natural treatment bottle along with brush and they went away… just wash everything daily and DRY DRY DRY in the dryer thr heat will kill them.

Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, wet hair with the vinegar and let dry natural, and then add the melted coconut oil and let it sit in your hair for a few hours to over night, and then comb with a nit comb over and over until you see no more, then wash and comb some more. It’s what I use and they’re back in school the next day or two.

Soak the hair in baby oil for about 30 mins. Wash it out with Dawn dish soap then soak the hair in white distilled vinegar for about 20 mins. Rinse it out rewash it with Dawn then wash it like normal. Comb the hair with a fine tooth comb and blow dry. The baby oil kills the lice and the vinegar causes the nits to not stick the the hair. A hair dresser told me about this. My niece has long thick hair and after one time of doing this they were gone.

Mayo all over head an hair put shower cap on for over night

I feel for you it’s every mothers nightmare )))Amen

Hellman’s mayonnaise and wrap the hair in plastic wrap

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From someone with experience with girls with very very long THICK hair… after you use lice shampoo and comb through them with a METAL lice comb, you’ll have to go threw and check each head and pull nits out yourself them once a week saturate their hair with Mayo. Literally mayo. Wrap their head with a plastic bag and leave it on for hours, if they can tolerate it all night even. It smothers the nits and lice without additional chemicals. You’ll have to retreat their hair with lice shampoo a month later but you will also have to continue the mayo treatments weekly. Their hair might smell funny but just double shampoo. Their hair will look beautiful by the way. Keep this up for at least six weeks. Deep clean everything. Wash on high heat what you can and by lice spray for couches and chairs including your car.

A couple yrs ago my son got it from school so naturally I got them too . Took me 3 months to finally get rid of them … and I had to cut my long hair really short !! :cry:

I did a coconut oil hair mask over night with a shower cap on and combed them out in the morning and washed with tea tree oil and Rosemary shampoo! I used to work at a daycare and I did 2 of the lice treatment kits and prescriptions and they didn’t work but this random home remedies worked!

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I know that tea tree oil prevents it but not sure if it gets rid of it I wish you the best of luck

You can also get a prescription from a doctor

Dog shampoo worked when we had em as kids flea shampoo

Tea tree oil and a blow dryer on high it kills the nits befor thay hatch . After that are gone add tea tree oil to your shampoo to keep them away ! Put all pillows, stuffs ext. In dryer . Repeat till gone

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You HAVE to treat them… repeatedly. You also have to wash EVERYTHING in HOT WATER and use the spray for lice. Coloring your hair won’t get rid of them, olive oil, mayonnaise, tea tree wont either. HOWEVER, adding tea tree oil to your regular shampoo will help. Get the Licecomb and be VIGILANT. Every day you have to comb through the hair. Nix Ultra or the Vamoose. Also, use Listerine as a rinse after treatement. Washing EVERYTHING in HOT WATER is key, take stuffed animals and bag them outside for a week or two. Pillows as well need to be bagged or sprayed with the spray. Lice is PERSISTENT and will come back if you do not stay on top on treatments. Good luck.

The reason mayo sometimes works is because of the oils in it being suffocating to the bugs and eggs. Vegetable oil or shortening is probably a better option. Cheap and guaranteed! Grease your heads, put on shower caps, and start stripping all the soft surfaces of your house! Throw pillows, rugs, curtains, stuffed animals, bed skirts… Hot water wash and high dry everything you can, bag and seal anything you cant. Bag everything clean, coming out of the dryer, to prevent reinfestation. Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum!!
Then the process of nit combing everyone begins and trying to wash the grease out! Blue dawn dish soap. Don’t forget to clean and soak combs and brushes in hot water!


Everyone needs to be done with lice shampoo any dolls with hair stuffed animals need to be put in garbage bag for 2 weeks and all bedding needs to be washed bed furniture rugs vacuumed and sprayed with lice spray

Don’t forget to treat your car


It’s time consuming, but after treating with the lice shampoo, I took a lice comb and combed through the hair and pulled out all the the hairs with a nit. It took about an hour to go through my son’s short hair and almost two for my daughter’s hair. I sat them where they could watch tv, set up a bright light and took my time to go through it. I know it takes a long time, but was worth it to me to do that, in addition to the hair treatment and cleaning the bedding.

Shave boys heads that eliminates the boys.


If you can find a professional place to do it, they get everything in ine setting or they give another free treatment. I could never get all the lice from my 3 girls, so we started going to them upon outbreaks. They’re a little pricey but they do take insurance! Good luck, lice are the absolute devil

I know it’s pricey, but a lice clinic will for sure get them all out

Sklice RX shampoo (have to get it from doc) and and wash and dry every bed item in the house. Put any non washable cloth items, like stuffed animals, in trash bags for 2 weeks. Lice won’t survive. Vacuum under furniture, in every crack, mattresses etc.

I have a way to make $10 and you can cash out immediately to cashapp, if interested message me!!

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No need to cut the girls hair… my girls have long hair. What I’ve done is the cleaning like normal and then for their hair I used lice treatment , picked out the nit using the comb but then what I did was used a straightener and sectioned their hair in little sections and had it on the highest setting and starting straightening their hair. After that i put in baby oil gel into their hair so they’re hair was a little greasy and and then kept their hair in braids. It’s worked for me, to me it kills the any left over nits that you couldn’t get with the comb.

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Definitely do stuffed animals and the car. Be consistent with the lice shampoo. Please don’t make the kids feel dirty or bad. I know you are probably not doing that intentionally but if you’re grossed out, they probably know it came from them. Poor things. Been in this situation with kids of family members.


Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil mixed 50% got rid of mine as a kid, burns the eggs


My family battled headlice last year during quarentine… it was living hell :woman_facepalming:t3:
We ended up going to a certified Lice Clinic after almost two months of home treatments and constantly washing bedding. The first treatment at the lice clinic worked! It’s spendy, but sooooo worth it.

We always soak hair in vodka then put a shower cap on itand use a lice comb and comb it out…sounds weird but it works wonders

Tea tree oil blow dryer , I mix with water in a spray bottle, I spray everything

It’s really expensive so you have to do it right the first time wash all jackets all bedding clean all brushes and combs wish hi ou the best getting rid of those

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Natroba is the best thing. Kills nits and live bugs.

My mom use to heat up mayonnaise and put it on our heads with a bag on it and sleep in it. Then wash with coconut oil and condition it

I linked a lice comb and a spray below. That comb is a life saver. You will not get a comb that even compares to it in a kit.

I have tried many, many methods. From shampoo, to more natural alternatives. The spray in the link, is hands down the best stuff I’ve ever used. It’s also the easiest method. Saturate Your hair, let it sit, then comb through. I’ve used this method twice on the same child, a couple years apart. It not only killed live lice, it took care of the eggs too. When I went to follow up a couple weeks later, there was nothing to be found. No dead lice, no nits, nothing. It smells like licorice, but other than that, it’s not bad. It’s also about half the price if purchased from Walmart.

Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits, COLORS MAY VARY

Licefreee Spray - Lice Treatment for Kids and Adults | Easy Use Lice Spray | Kill Head Lice, Nits and Super Lice on Contact with No Harsh Chemicals | Includes Metal Lice Comb | Family Size, 12 fl oz

Mayonnaise or olive oil it’s the cheapest and it works
My little girl got them and gave them to all of us and that’s the easiest way and get tree oil from Walmart and put a little on there hair and it won’t come back

A live kit and a lot of combing!
Wash everything!!

Honestly I have used mayonnaise n vinegar. It works. No chemicals. First drown their head in mayo for 15 mins to smother n kill the bugs. The vinegar in the mayo helps break down the glue around the nit for easier removal. Rinse mayo off and Using a nit comb and a vinegar rinse (in a bowl) all nits/eggs should easily comb out. If there are any sores on head cover with vaseline first so mayo/vinegar does not sting them. This worked for my kidos :+1:

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When my daughter got it I used the lice free spray and left it in her hair over night. U have to wash and vacuum EVERYTHING! Any teddy bears need to be put in trash bags for a while.

Freeze brushes combs headbands ect in a gallon bag. Wash and dry extra long all bedding, vacuum furniture. You have to comb every bug and egg out. They can only live about a day without a host

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wash hair 1 a week in tea tree shampoo …wont have problem

you can grt tea tree oil shampoo and cond. at dollar tree

Treat hair with olive oil, and wash out with dawn dish washing liquid. Wash anything and everything. Especially your fabrics.

I’ve done a combination of tea tree oil, 92 percent alcohol and a conditioner. Let set on the hair for an hour. And then comb with the lice comb.

Purm solution, that’s what my mom did for me

Gonna sons funny but it works pour olive oil on the hair and put a shower cap on overnight they can’t breathe thru the oil then comb them out the next morning

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mix plenty of vinegar with warm water in a big round plastic basin and wet the hair thoroughly with that vinegar water and use a white towel to dry the hair as u will see the lice sits to the towel Ive had headlice at a younger age and that’s how my mother got rid of my head lice without cutting my hair and my hair was long at the time

I used licefree spray (found at walmart comes in either just a spray or a kit) when my kiddo had it and it did wonders! also washing all clothes, bedding and everything else in hot water


We used the electric lice comb you find on Amazon it works really good and otherwise I used lice free gel and picked until they were gone sprayed all of the furniture with lice spray have not had then in years thankfully when my daughter was little she got them all the time.

mix tea tree oil in their shampoo.

The most important thing is the house. Do the treatment then immediately get the hosue done.
Its gona be such a bitch. Bag away everything you cant wash tie tight and set aside for a couple weeks.
Wash everything. Dry on high heat. Vacuum everything… i mean everything!! Mop and damp dust everything.
Do this for at least 72hrs after treating the hair.
I feel for ya i could not imagine!

Ivermectin lotion works great

Mayo slap or on their heads and tie there hair up in a bag for heat .

Ask their pediatrician for prescription if Natroba (sp?) My 7 year old went and stayed with a friend a couple years ago. The very 1at time i ever let her stay anywhere. And she came home with it. We liked to have never gotten rid of it. We tried everything. Took her to the dr, he wrote her a prescription and it killed them off. But you have to treat the home as well. Like by placing bedding, pillows, stuffed animals and such that cant be washed in super hot water and dried in plastic bags and tieing them up and sitting them in like the garage for 10-14 days.

Shave all the boys and then focus on the girls


Tea tree oil! Tea tree shampoo and conditioner. Use a blow dryer or straightener on the girls. Bag anything soft like stuffed animals in garbage bags until it’s under control. Treat their bedding/pillows every other day. Comb through their hair everyday then spray their hair with the Tea tree oil after. Boil their brushes everyday and don’t let them share.

Walgreens have an electric lice comb. It works good.

Little bit of peroxide in the shampoo, then saturate the hair in white conditioner, then comb the hair while conditioner is in hair, then wash out with a solution of vinegar, repeat if necessary, I’m from Australia, it definitely works

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Tea tree oil in everything u Use on their hair

Ovid worked really good on my girls! Dr prescribed.

Mayo and a shower cap leave on for as long as possible

Listerine will kill them as well. Pour it on the head then wrap a plastic bag on head.

Rinse hair with vinegar. Let set for a few mins. Rinse. Comb thru slowing with fine tooth comb. Then get the RID lice treatment. Use that at least 2 times on every person’s head.

All linens must be washed. Pillows must be thrown in dryer. All stuffed animals. All blankets; throw pillows. Either throw them in dryer and run or u have to bag them up and let set for 2 weeks. U can buy lice spray at walmart or walgreens. Lysol works too. Spray all furniture; all curtains; all mattresses. I would even go so far as to shampoo carpets.

Saturate everyones head with Mayo with a plastic bag tight to their head leave it for a few hours wash and condition hair and comb thoroughly

RidX is what I’ve always heard of people using.

Mayo n leave for 2 hours with a plastic bag over the hair n it kills them

Best luck I had when my daughter had it is getting the prescription that is essentially just rubbing alcohol and pine oil and leaving it in the hair overnight. Should kill all living lice and most of the eggs. Go to your local health department and see if they can give you the good lice/nit removing combs, this is the “fun” part. You have to get into everyone’s hair and tediously remove all nits and eggs. Sometimes just using 2 fingernails scraping individual hairs works better if you’re up for a long day. Treat with the prescription again in week to catch any new hatchlings you may have missed before they have a chance to lay more eggs.

For boys, honestly it’s sometimes easier just to give them a buzz cut and call it a day. Girls too if they’re into it. After you’re done doing all the picking that you think you can do, see if your local health department does lice checks and take the whole family down to have the nurses there check your work to see if you’ve gotten all the lice and live eggs.

In the mean time wash all jackets, hats, bedding etc and then run in the dryer on the highest heat setting. For items you don’t normally wash like stuffed animals and pillows, just toss in the dryer on high heat for at least 20 minutes. Treat ALL brushes and combs by soaking in alcohol or just toss them and replace.

After you’ve cleared everyone in the house, keep in mind that lice LOVE soft, fine, long, and CLEAN hair best…. It’s easiest to scurry through and attach their eggs to. Girls should limited hair washes to once or twice a week if they are young and kept in a braid whenever they’re likely to come head to head with other children. Tea tree oil added to your shampoo also repels them.

If nothing else fails, pony up the cash for a professional lice clinic.

Vamousse the red and white box then vamousse daily shampoo blue n white bottle along with lice defense spray for furniture and other things u cant wash in washer which is on amazon trust me it works

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Headlice can hold their breath for 8 hours. Very important thing in treatment. Any oil (mayonnaise the cheapest), add tea tree oil to it. Wrap head in plastic wrap for heat and leave on for a little over 8 hours. Use a lice comb and comb, comb, comb. wash and rise hair, preferable a coconut base shampoo. Rinse and the use vinegar as a final rinse to soften hair and also treat for lice. 3 things head lice hate is tea tree, coconut and vinegar.

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(Along with the hair cleaning) Tirelessly washing the bedding everyday as well as vacuuming couches, washing hair brushes, clothes that arent worn this season can be popped in the dryer and put away.

Fair tales shampoo. Target carries it

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The only think I found that works was goingbto a lice clinic

The little electric lice comb thing is amazing!!

This is the absolute only product I’ve found that works as it should. For best results it requires time n patience…alot of patience.

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Nix treatment is the only thing that worked for me and I had to treat twice
I stopped sleeping in bed and stopped using pillows during that time also, if the lice do not have a host they will die.

Lice hate irish spring soap. And. The tea tree shampoo and conditioner at dollar tree.