I need some honest, unbiased advice, opinions, ect. Its kind of long though. I need some advice……I have 4 kids total boy - 30, girl - 28, boy - 17 and boy - 13. My 2 older ones are out of the house adulting. So now I have 3 boys left in the household (including hubby). My question is, how do you keep your bath room from smelling like a boys college football locker room?? It seems impossible, and I mean impossible for All 3 to actually hit the water when they’re peeing. I swear their ding a ling turns into a water wiggle when they step up to the toilet. You can see pee on the floor, all over the stool, sometimes on the wall……it’s crazy!!! I’ve tried everything that I’m aware of to help the situation. I’ve put Clorox wipes in there so they can clean it up right after. I’ve tried spray bleach cleaner as well as vinegar and water; I even bought “My pet peed” and saturated the area with it, let it soak and come back to. Scrub it down. NOTHING works. I’m afraid the urine has seeped down into the seams of our solid vinyl plank flooring. Any advice would be appreciated. I love all you mamas
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get the smell of urine out of the bathroom?
I don’t know if it really works but I saw different posts of people using shaving cream!
Vinegar got to deal a pickle smell but will kill the odor
Tell them to sit down instead of standing…
Move and leave them to live in their own filth
Just kidding
I have 2 young boys and have the same problem, so…. Following!
Also try like the good smelling Mr clean or Lysol disinfectant cleaners
Ok so if it’s happening mostly at night I highly recommend that toilet bowl light from Amazon… I got one and my husband loves it and says it helps because he doesn’t like turning on the bright light in the middle of the night…
Spread some baking powder around, it will eliminate smell
Make them clean it. It’s their pee.
My daughter had same problem. Shave cream really works!!
Shaving cream to clean around the base of the toilet and toilet itself. Make them do it.
Get them to clean it their self dirty buggers
Make them sit if they can’t aim
Properly or tell
They can clean it up
I’ve heard shaving cream is supposed to work really well, haven’t tried it myself
I have the same problem 3 boys
Make them start cleaning the bathroom. I bet they will start watching where they pee when they have to scrub it
Pinterest said shaving cream around the toilet floor.
Shaving cream and odorban
I do not and will never understand this. It’s their pee. They know they’re making a mess. If you can clearly see it, so can they. Seems to me like they’re just being lazy because they know mom/wife will clean it for them. Make them clean their own mess.
Make them SIT DOWN. Tell them you’re gonna damn hold their hand and watch them until it stops.
Get rid of all rugs by the toilet.
Bleach & Pinesol daily!
Gonna sound stupid but… Mom of 3 boys and a hubby. Spray shaving cream in the crease between bowel and back of toilet and around the base of toilet leave for 10 min wipe up done
I’d just tell them if their willys aren’t big enough to stand up to pee then they need to sit . I said this to a past roommate whom I had the same issues with. Either he started sitting or started cleaning it up lmao.
I threatened to make mine sit. Along with the threat to follow them to make sure they do! My son learned I was not playing when he hit my foot in the door. That along with them having to thoroughly clean the spaces themselves, has curbed this problem.
About every week I would buy a couple of cans of cheap shaving cream and completely cover the floor and leave it on for about ten to twenty minutes then mop as normal and it always removed the smell.
Baking soda and/or dryer sheets. We had a truck in our garage for almost a year and the cat decided to live in there and I threw some baking soda on the carpet and let it soak in for a couple days and then vacuumed it up and put dryer sheets under the seat so if that can get the smell of disgusting cat pee out I suggest it for any urine smells lol
Ok people, your suggestions are “make them clean it” great for future reference, but she’s asking how to get an already existing odor out. Your make them do it ever isn’t helping or answering her question.
I would say if you have vinyl planks it may have gotten under it. I know mine gets bad but I have tile so it cleans good. Maybe a thick rubber backed rug to keep anymore from soaking in that you can throw in washer
Honestly, nothing helped me until we all had Covid. I went in to their bathroom daily (until we were all through with it) and sprayed Lysol everywhere. I have not had an issue with smell since. If it starts smelling, I’ll spray Lysol again after weekly cleaning. I literally tried EVERYTHING before accidentally finding this out!!
This happened to me a few years ago and it turned out that it was my son’s potty training seat, the kind with paw patrol picture on the cushion and the pee blocker. I realized that’s what was making it stink the entire time so I ordered a new seat off of Amazon that has two seat sizes. After that it’s not nearly as bad. Don’t get me wrong I have 3 boys in my house so my bathroom gets deep cleaned 2-3x a week. Good luck!
Give them diapers since they dont wanna aim right
You need Bridging the Gap this was hot topic today
Make them clean it all the time. Remind them pay attention.
Might also need a new seal on your toilet .
But make them clean it and clean it the right way not half a$$ just to get it done
Men’s foaming shaving cream!
Shaving cream on the floor
Try OdoBan it would great.
I tried shaving cream any toilet is gonna be clean after cleaning that off took stinking forever to get it all wiped off
I used to clean houses & one woman’s bathroom was the same (she had 2 sons). The smell never came out.
We use Odor Ban in the men’s bathroom at work.
Walmart has this stuff “kids and pets”… Works wonders… usually on bottom shelf, white bottle with label of a lab and toddler
Make them clean it a few times bet they hit the bowel!
Umm…a studio apartment for yourself?
I have 4 boys in my house
Husband 16 15 11
I don’t have the issue. We clean with bleach every second day. If they can’t aim tell them to sit their ass down
Family of 7 2 grown and moved
Can you convince them to hold onto their ding-a-ling while they are peeing? Sometimes it happens early on…
All scented cleaners just mask smell temporarily including bleach. That being said a mixture of vinegar baking soda a few drops of dawn will after repeated use kill the odor. However if it keeps being resaturated by water wiggling ding a lings maybe flushable targets to practice Target shooting
Amazon also offers disposable & deodorized commode mats🤷🏻♀️
- I know baking soda will absorb the smell but won’t stop it if it reoccurring.
Make them pee outside if they can’t be properly house trained
Shaving cream!! Swear!!!
If they are that old and can’t correctly pee in the toilet, there’s a problem, and it isn’t you. That’s absolutely disgusting
Get the hubby to get new floor and everytime the males use the bathroom either stand their and show them wear to aim ( sure that would be embarrassing… they will learn fast). Or stand there with a mop every time they use the bathroom so they can mop the floors clean the toilet… something gotta give
The cheap shaving cream from walmart you have to let it sit there for about an hour
It went under your floorboards you will never get it out if they can’t hit the toilet make them go outside
Fabulosa in the back of toilet
I tried a weird hack , that worked. Put shaving cream on the floor all over . I have tile in my mine & I hate it, but i do that and then let it sit about 20 minutes then scrub with a scrubby brush & rinse… it definitely helps
Enzyme eater cleaner. Maybe in a pet aisle?
If u clean your floors with shaving cream it’s gets the piss smell out it works great
I make the boys clean it! After that my husband hated it because of the pee everywhere (not really everywhere but really). He told the boys to sit and pee and you can wait or go outside! It worked for me!
Tear the flooring out and start over.
Why tf are TEENAGERS not able to aim? Their daddy done failed them. Absolutely ridiculous.
The males should clean their own bathroom
Oh, the life of being a boy momma gotta love it!
Cheap menthol shaving cream. Pulls the ammonia smell from the urine
Have the boys clean that grossness themselves. Then they’ll aim better.
Peroxide is the way to go
I hear shaving cream on the floor and toilet is supposed to take the smell away! Also. If they play call of duty or anything like that, ask them how they can make a headshot at 150 yds away but cant hit this bowl infront of them. because they arent holding it.
First and foremost MAKE THEM CLEAN IT UP. If they’re not getting it into the toilet then they need to clean it up. And since they’ve been missing most likely some of it has probably gone under the baseboards in the bathroom which is why you can’t get the smell out.
Make them clean it…After doing it for a few months or so,they’ll learn
Scrub the floor with shaving cream
Make them pee outside. I did that to my ex husband.
OdorBan we use it in nursing homes
Preschool teacher here… spray shaving cream on the floor and let it sit for a while then wash away
5 boys later, shaving cream
Barbasol shaving cream
Maybe the toilet ring needs to be changed could it be leaking from there?
Believe it or not shaving cream
I read that shaving cream works well.
This is just pathetic to have to even ask. If they can’t do better than that then they need to sit their asses down until they CAN do better. We aren’t talking about toddlers here. There is literally no excuse in it happening in the first place. It’s utterly disrespectful to you for them to do that. I would do literally nothing for any of them until they fixed themselves.
Shaving cream around toilet let sit 8 to 15 minutes. Then clean
Never knew about the shaving cream bit. Definitely need to try for my house!
Well first they would be cleaning the bathroom and peeing outside from now on if they can not or will not hit the toilet… they are plenty old enough… especially your HUSBAND…if they piss outside of the toilet and do not clean it up… that’s a respect issue… and that would be handled promptly.
I like Bath & Bodyworks wallflowers in the stronger scents to cover the smell. My dad had dementia and even though staff kept the place clean, this kept it smelling nice. Strongest of all the bathroom fragrances.
Make them take turns cleaning the bathroom and they’ll stop
OdoBan. $10 a gallon and you can even order it online.
Best stuff EVER
I put a wax warmer in my son’s bathroom. Lemon, dawn dish soap and water may work.
Barbisol shaving cream let it set for a few hours it will change colors spray around base of toilet and other places they hit
I hear men’s shaving cream around the toilet cleans that smell
I use a dog urine deodorizer spray. Works wonders!
Spray Hydrogen peroxide, let sit for 10-15 minutes. Then shaving cream, let sit for 10-15 minutes.
My advice is get them to deep clean the bathroom then they will be more careful !
Get a ultra violet blue light. When the room is dark, take each child into the room and show them the glowing urine. Demand that they clean it with bleach. Take away their electronics, junk food, and allowance until this situation gets resolved.
Chlorine mate that’ll do it . Use a mop and just wipes the walls with it . If it still smells you’ve missed a bit !
Make them pee sitting down when my husband and son got lazy id go check after they went and if they missed I said looks like your peeing like girl
Ummm they are grown make them Clean it!!! Wtf
Shaving cream works wonders
Odor ban and tell them to aim or sit
If it was me… id put new floor in, scrub everything with a hard brush. Clean up in the toilet under the inside rim (mine is always dirty there)
BLEACH!!! Lots and lots of BLEACH!!! Haha
I was told to rub shaving cream all over the floor and toilet and it somehow takes all the urine smell away.
Boy mom here - we struggled hard with this. I finally just bought Clorox wipes and started requiring my boys to wipe down the toilet and floor around it everytime they went to the bathroom! It worked with lots of reminders at first, but at 19 years old they still do it!