How to get the smell of urine out of the bathroom?

Make them sit to pee if they can’t handle standing! Also baking soda let it sit it will show you were any moisture is coming from!


Change the wax ring that seals the toilet, that’ll give you a fresh start. They cost maybe $3 and it’s pretty simple- youtube vids explain it well.


assign them all to cleaning the bathroom on a rotating basis - INCLUDING hubby


My 8 try old does this. So I made him start cleaning the bathroom, he now aims a little better.


Damn I have five boys that’s gross, every time some uses that bathroom Holler out IS IT CLEAN !?! Train your family bro clean after themselves and maybe peep the bathroom more often in between time

Maybe have the small ones use one square if to to dab his private part instead of wiggle it everywhere

All the SHITT you are doing for them needs to STOP! Im sure once they see that you are serious, they will start doing what you ask them to do! And as far as your husband goes, every day show him the kitty katt, then when he whats some cut his ass off! Sometimes You have to Fight fire with fire!

Make them go outside until the can control the “ding a ling” 20 degree weather ought to give an incentive


unless somebody has gotten something Pierced, this is Either a medical condition or a big Dose of don’t give a Shit, Momma needs a Good Dose of “Pissed Off” Cleaning chores, hell raised, Sit while they Pee, Hell Ask their girl friends if they piss on the wall at their houses?

Put a target sign in the toilet bowl. Like the carnival, step right up, hit the target win a prize!

Clean with peroxide!! Take away piss smell

Tell them that if they couldn’t hit the target, and not spray everywhere then they would loose their”standing up” privileges and be required to sit down to pee!

1 part water 1 part vinager… saturate and clean… recommended cleaning again with a more pleasant smelling cleaner afterwards , but the vinager and water will work

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Make them clean it themselves

Vinegar and baking soda