The males in your home were very disrespectful to you I raised five boys and one girl and never had that issue yes occasionally when they were small but definitely not as adults or even teenagers shame on them
I second shaving cream
My 3yr old rings the toilet perfectly fine… lol They should be able to!
But bleach, Mr clean green gain cleaning stuff…
Tell them to sit down. To pee. And to clean the room
100% shaving cream it’s the only thing I have found that actually works.
Go back to basics… put a tennis ball in the loo and tell them to hit it when they pee, if they want to act like children then you treat them as such
Make them clean it with enzymatic cleanser especially for urine (from the pet aisle) and tell them to SIT! Standing to urinate is bad for the pelvic floor anyway. I have 3 guys in my house and never have urine on my floors.
Trade them in for three that can hit the water.
Use vinegar. And then line the toilet with puppy pads. Tell them your tired of them missing such a huge target and your gonna start using their pillows to clean around the toilet bowl. That’s disgusting. My two year does better.
This is a judgment free zone. I have 4 boys ages 6 to 19. I give the toliet a good scrubbing and the floors once a week. The boys clean the bathroom as well but not to my standard of clean…lol…make sure you wipe the walls down near the toilet as well with your cleaner of choice.
clean around toilet with peroxide will kill urin smell
Angry orange! It’s great!
I also have the same problem and just read that shaving cream on the floor works
Get new flooring the buy this and tell them that’s where they pee and it’s there responsibility to dump it into the toilet since they can’t aim for shit. Or just tell them to sit the hell down and pee!
Sometimes you have to take the toilet off the base, clean reset and have a long talk with the kids. There is mostly likely pee under the toilet…
Put an old towel down on the floor all the way around the toilet !..
If thay cant hit the pot, squat
Pets stores have a product called by different names but they will know if you ask for urine stop. or urine block it works for cat pee.have a hart to heart talk to the boys and if that doesn’t work make them sit and pee.
Make them clean their own mess and they might start hitting the water… shaving cream not gel but the cream barbasol I think it is kills the smell… bleach lots of bleach
Make them sit down to pee!!! Vwala
Shaving cream and a little mouth wash. Works wonders! We use in the medical field.
White vinegar works best. Any cleaner with ammonia will exacerbate a urine smell so avoid those.
Odorban works wonders. Even when your towel start smelling nasty. This stuff works
vinegar and baking soda in the mop water and sprinkle a little on the floor every once in a while
Girl, you need your own bathroom. 3 men to build it for you right there!!
Bleach and lavender, I use the essential oil of lavender afterwards
Start telling them to clean there mess after they’ve made it
I make my boys sit down to pee. I ask any men friends/guests visiting me to sit to do their business. I state reasons why, because it gets on floors and heaters. It’s gross I say.
I’ve heard multiple times shaving cream on the floor absorbs the smell
Shaving cream works amazing
Stop cleaning it.
Make Them Clean it, Daily - one gets the am shift, one gets afternoon and pm … And you install a key lock on your bathroom Should take a week
Try shaving cream. Supposed to work. Make them clean it up. Their aim will change.
Never heard such nonsense one bath back then 3 sons and husband never had a smelly bathroom daily cleaning including moping.
Tell them to clean it up or chuck them out easy
Throw all 3of them away and start over
I think it is completely disrespectful of them.
I raised 2 boys and I have 5 grandsons.
None of them ever did that.
I would have a talk with them and like others have said have them clean it.
That is completely ridiculous!
Try shaving cream to cream with.
Vinegar & baking soda works wonders
Don’t use bleach on your toilet, it’ll make the smell worse ! Use jig for the stains in your toilet and dish detergent for general bathroom cleaning
Genuine Joe - GJO58331 Deodorizing Commode Mat
28? 17? 13?..they would be cleaning their own damn piss
Make your boys start cleaning the bathroom and if they don’t do it right take away privileges. They will learn real quick they don’t want to clean up urine just as much as you don’t. I do think it probably has got under the floor unfortunately.
Idk what will get it out but we have 4 sons ages 25,23,23,20 and my husband and I’ve never dealt with that , everyone hits the toilet
I’d stop cleaning it, and make them clean it. I’d post little notes saying things like “pee goes IN the toilet” and such. or even buy one of those toddler training urinals with the little target on it. if that doesn’t work, I’d also be “that” mom and when they have friends over, I’d tell their friends to be careful when using the bathroom because apparently no one knows how to pee in the toilet. sounds harsh but that’s what I would do. they’re not babies. it’s not that hard to point and pee
Shaving cream
Scrubbing Bubbles (blue spray foam that turns white when it’s “clean”)
Make them sit down to pee or remodel with a urial
I’m not sure how to get the smell out but here is a few ideas for something …
tell them that since they don’t know how to aim in the toilet ( including your husband ) … if they are going to live in your house , they are no longer allowed to stand … it’s a new rule that they have to sit to pee only
… designate 1 bathroom just for your husband and 2 boys to use only … Don’t allow them to ruin your bathroom
stop cleaning up after them , make them clean it up and if they don’t then take everything away from them until further notice , including your husband
Give them each a PEE bucket send em outside. Good God they are grown. You expect 2 and 3 yr olds. They are disrespecting you. Imagine what they are doing at other people’s houses.
Have them clean it??? I bet they’ll be making it INTO the toilet asap!
Peroxide, small amount of dawn dish soap, and small amount vinager…
Straight bleach should work, it kills everything, otherwise if you don’t want harsh chemicals use apple cider vinegar.
Have your husbareplace the floors. I guarantee he will make sure everyone takes care of the floor from now on!! Lol
Paint a bull’s eye in the bottom of the toilet bowl, the competitor in them can’t fight the urge to hit the bulls eye every time!
Id put cheerios in the toilet and tell them to " sink them" like you do when potty training a little boy!
Your guys should know better!
Put a cork in toilet bowl so they aim at it and make wipe down toilet after using it
Maybe they all need to be re-potty trained
If they can’t make it into a plate sized hole tell them to sit down to pee lpl
If they can’t aim standing up, tell them to sit when they pee.
Wallflowers and BBW Candles and lots of cleaning with bleach and fabuloso! I have all boys too, so this is what works for me!
Stand there and make them take turns cleaning the pee and make sure you vocally point out how nasty it is to clean someone else waste and how it’s not fair to you to clean up after them cuz they can’t aim. I did this to my boys and it helped a ton. (Mom of 5 boys)
Sit to pee. I use pine sole and seems to smell clean but if it’s in the floor, probably nothing will help except replacing it.
I have seven kids four of them are boys plus my fiancé and the other ones are girls and I have OCD so I scrub the bathroom twice a day because if not it reeks:grimacing:
try a few drops of scented oil in toilet roll as it turns it scents the air
Shaving cream in all the cracks and crevices around the toilet then let it sit about 20 minutes before you wipe it clean. Make sure you get the area where the tank attaches to the bowl and also take the seat off to clean under the hinges. (After having to take the seat off a few times, I bought an easy off toilet seat lol) You can also try PUSH which is an enzyme cleaner. I get it at a cleaning supply store
I know you’re going to think Seriously??! But I promise this works, buy a can of shaving foam and spray it all over the floor around your toilet and smooth it over evenly, let it sit for about 25-30 minutes then mop as you normally do. Voila no more pee smell.
Bleach. And clean it every day.
First of all I’d pop my top, and making them clean THEIR pee off of everything!! But use plain distilled white vinegar, nothing else,(also can do bleach before or after) it will take some time to get basically all day everyday soaked in piss smell out, but it really does work, my 7 year old son does it too, and after he cleans his own pee up I use only vinegar and it seriously helped after the first time I use it, also go to the dollar general and get some of the red fabiloso, dear sweet baby Jesus that stuff smells sssoooo dang good, and if you just pour it straight from the bottle the sent lasts for DAYS (well for me and that’s when I get used to the smell)
Take seat off for a deep clean wash floor with shaving foam that sat for 30 minutes and hot water
Like I told mine! You can’t aim it, sit your ass down! I did it a few times and enough is enough!or go check after they go and give them the spray cleaner and papere towels and make them clean their mess up! They are too old to be doing that!
Peroxide mixed with hot water! It works like a charm. However, they are old enough to know what there doing so you shouldn’t be cleaning up after them, they should be cleaning it up. Start taking privileges away until they can learn to act their age.
I have potty training kids that miss constantly. I clean our toilet EVERY NIGHT before bed. It has become a part of my cleaning routine, and takes 5 mins. I use Clorox wipes and then dry with a paper towel which removes any wet dust bunnies that are left from the day. Also…they make urine spray. It is pricey but you would do good to spray it everyday. Its about 8+ for 1 bottle. Probably would last about 3-6 weeks tho.
The rule in my house is we all sit down to pee.
IMMEDIATELY have them start taking turns cleaning the bathroom - serously!
Putdown a rug by the toilet and lightly sprinkle baking soda in it -
All 3 of them are old enough to rotate cleaning the bathroom. Maybe if they started cleaning up their own pee, they would make more of an effort not to pee all over the place.
I’m sorry but that is just so nasty, You should of trained your sons how you pee in a Toilet, I have grandsons, nephews and grandpa that doesn’t go on the floor or walls:woozy_face: Good luck u need to Tell them to be Respectful for everyonethat uses that bathroom
Bust their ass that’s just gross
Tell them to pee in the garden. If it gets too cold and their little friend gets frost bite that’s on them
Mama here of soon to be 8 (baby due in 7/2022) boys are 16, 14, 10, 8, 4, and 1 year old (my girl is 9). My kids know the rule: He controls his hose or he sits when he goes. If you happen to dribble, time to clean a little.
I can’t believe you’re asking this question when they are adults??!! Seriously the only time my house smelled like piss was when the kids were toilet training!! This is crazy
I’d be getting them to clean. They’ll soon start to learn to sit.
…who in their right mind puts a vinyl floor in a toilet or bathroom. The only thing worse is carpet…but shaving foam seems to work
Did anyone mention moving? Just you though. Let the boys live in their stinky cave
It’s a great question though, as I am surrounded by nothing but testosterone. Even our cat is male. Lol
Apart from having all of them on permanent toilet cleaning duty, they are way to old to be missing the bowl, disgusting, put a smiley face on a ping pong ball and have them aim for that,
shaving cream works …
Mum of 6 boys. They were all taught to wipe up if they miss. I’d keep a spray bottle of disinfectant by the toilet and they use toilet paper to wipe up. They were all also taught putting the lid down isnt so women don’t whinge. It’s so particles of urine and poop don’t spray all over the room which is proven to happen. Boys are just as capable of cleaning up as girls. .
I heard spraying shaving cream and scrubbing the floor with it takes the smell of urine out
Don’t use bleach it will smell worse. Use vinegar spray to neutralise
Also, I just seen their ages…. Surely mama you have had it to your ears by this age of them peeing on the floor they’re being lazy knowing you’ll clean it
Shaving cream in a can let it sit then clean up
Clean with vinegar after you cleaned up
Shaving cream and then mop
Clean eith their toothbrushes. Then let them know. Gross that at those ages they can not keep it in the toilet, or offer to help clean it.
They’re too old for that, that’s BS. Make them clean it up.
Also, remove the lvp & tile your floor. Lvp are not for moisture areas, they absorb anything & everything they begin to warp & bubble. You absolutely have pee in the cracks.
Ummmmm flip the fk out.
Tell them to sit and pre of your never cleaning it again. Made mine think twice for sure, now it’s not so bad when I go to clean their bathroom. I have 3 teenaged boys and a man child too! Lol
First I would make all of them take turns cleaning the bathroom, then I would tell them to either aim correctly or sit down.
They’re too told for that have them clean the bathroom. Shaving cream, Clorox, vinegar all helps. My son is 6 years old and isn’t even making messes like that. Have them clean. They all fully capable of cleaning the bathroom.
I’m not sure how to get the urine out of the floor you could try letting the bleach soak to the point it seeps down also I have a wax burner in my bathroom to make it smell clean
First i would put a ping pong ball in the bowl they can t help but try and hit it
Next i would get some spray that takes puppy urine smell away only because it works and squirt it not only on the floor but around the outside of the bowl and run down so if any has gone down that way too
You may have to do it a couple of times
You may have to even lift the lino not a nice job
Once you have done rhat if it doesn t take it away completely you can use oust to mop the floor good luck
Cover the floor around the toilet with shaving cream
Clean it up w peroxide