How to handle a whiney 10 year old?

I have a 10 year old daughter that literally whines everytime she has to do something. Is this normal?? I'm just fed up with all the whining all the time. I feel that I've tried everything just about to work with her

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to handle a whiney 10 year old?

Normal mine is 13 and does it ā€¦ I get so aggravated. I take her phone away lol


Start doing it back to her. When you do her laundry, make a meal, buy something she needs and pretty much everything else and maybe she will get the hint


Itā€™s normal my 10yo daughter has so much attitude itā€™s unbelievable my mum told me itā€™s kama :roll_eyes::rofl:


Record them and play it back. Respond positively when they donā€™t do it.


I had hopes my 5 year old would one day grow of of thisā€¦ But you just crushed my hopeā€¦:joy::joy::joy:


Ya it normalā€¦ donā€™t worry they stop at about 25 lol


I think itā€™s a girl thing my daughter is only 4 and wines over everything. My sons dont wine as much

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10 is when I started really making my daughter start chores. Dishes was her chore. She didnā€™t like it, and had to redo them a few times. She had to be reminded, she hated it. Emotions are fine. As long as they are doing what is asked, let them whine. Just donā€™t let them get out of it. I get whiney myself, when I have a bunch of laundry or I forgot milk, and have to go bk. We are trying to raise adults whom can take care of themselves one day. My daughter is now about to be 16, yesterday I get a text from her saying ā€œdonā€™t touch any of those dishes, Iā€™m doing it after my napā€ I had started them bc she just started school again, and I was home. She calls the kitchen ā€œher kitchenā€! Let them whine, gripe, and have that attitude as long as itā€™s not hurting anyone, and as long as their doing what is asked of u. It is annoying, and Iā€™m guilty of getting on to my kids for having attitude, but I really try to bite my tongue. Kids are figuring out their emotions. Iā€™m still figuring out mine lol :joy:


Thatā€™s my 16 year old telling me not to do the dishes lolšŸ˜ Iā€™m so proud of her! Sheā€™s amazing


Puberty is one hell of a ride lol


I have a 24 year old that acts worseā€¦wanna trade?:rofl:

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Take away things she likes, items/experiences and make it clear that behavior will not be tolerated and is not acceptable. When she is easy going and agreeable, use positive reinforcement.


Watch super nanny sheā€™s amazing and u can literally have peace in a home within a day or two of keeping the consistency and gotta keep on keeping on to, u canā€™t stop.

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Mine just had a total melt down last night, I made him go to bed without TV and man oh man, but he was being disrespectful to me and his father. He freaked out, but I just put him to bed and didnā€™t acknowledge the things he was saying and pretty soon he was sound asleep.

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I would tell her to shut the hel up & do what i ask :blush:


I mean welcome to parenting?


Itā€™s pretty normal. I usually whine back at my son and he doesnā€™t like it and will stop for a bit or I make him take a time out and go sit for a min and take a breath.

Yeah itā€™s normal, I have a 15yr old daughter that still whines, sheā€™s even worse when itā€™s her time of the month, she turns into Satan :joy::flushed:


My SON is a whinerā€¦ dear lord like I asked him to run a marathon, when all I asked was empty the dishwasher. And he takes forrrrreeeeevvvverrrr to do it.

10 years old and whining??? And I gotta cook clean wash clothes/dishes pay bills etc
Welp the only answer is to whine with her. I would sit there and cry whine yell and probably end up stomping off! Show her ass who invented whining :tired_face: Davina Lockhart


It gets worse unfortunately

But cases of wine and hide
I have zero useful advice Iā€™m living this with 15 and 13 year olds


Bring old school ass whoopings back. You might hurt their feelings but they will thank you later when they grow up.


Iā€™m an old biddy an still whine about things I need to do, Iā€™d bet everyone does, sheā€™ll get the hang of doing what we donā€™t like to do but it still needs done :heart:

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Mine use to whine so every time she whined I give her more to do and made her aware it was because she whingedā€¦ it wasnā€™t long stopping :joy::joy::joy:


Learn to say no to things they want until they stop. Whining gets you nothing in life except maybe loneliness in old age


I tell mine I canā€™t understand her ā€œwhineseā€ and I try not to respond until she speaks normally


I have a 14 year old & she wouldnā€™t dare whine. I didnā€™t tolerate it when she was 2, wouldnā€™t now!


Whoop that ass when they want to give attitude.


Ahahah this is funny all kids whine in one capacity or another. You tell them to talk to you right or you wont listen. I have 17, 14 ,13 & 10 yr olds. 10 is just the beginning! Good luck

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LOLā€¦normalā€¦tell her like like my mother used to tell me stop your whining before I give you a reason to whine


Every time she whines add a chore. Yes it will make you crazy for a couple of weeks but it will break that habit fast. You may have to follow right behind her. Just make sure she finishes the chores and finishes them correctly. Itā€™s will work if you can stay strong until new behavior is learned.

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Iā€™m a grandma n I see my grandson n my granddaughter acting up I tell them are you hurt or bleeding if not than they get 2 choice either stop whining or I put them both outside pull weeds n do yard work, I told them I have plenty of chores for you to do around the house if you start whinged, work every time


I take everything away with one whine. We donā€™t act like that in my house.

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My son is 10 and does the exact same thing. Like taking the garbage out, heā€™ll come back in and go ā€œugh itā€™s been forever since Iā€™ve gotten to play video games!ā€ And it literally took him 2 minutes :unamused::woozy_face:

If she wines add another chore explain what your going to do first l. At first have then be small chores then after she understands thst ifyou wine your going tonadd more things to do add bigger things.

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My son whines too especially if he doesnā€™t want to do whatever you asked him to do. Heā€™s 11 itā€™s teenage years I guess

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Ignore, do not respond to any whining voice. No looking at her at all. Whining gets her nothing. No attention. No reward.


My 10 year old daughter and 9 year old son is exactly the sameā€¦ I also darenā€™t give her more than one chore someone might call the social on me again :see_no_evil::joy::joy:

My eldest has adhd/asd and whines A LOT. Sheā€™s 5 but you ask her to even pick something up that sheā€™s dropped and itā€™s the end of the world.
I just walk away from her and say ā€œIā€™ll talk to you when youā€™re quietā€ and leave it at that

Give her a big hug!!!

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Same here. My son just turned 11. Whines about everything. :woman_facepalming:t2:

It is normal. Mine is 8. First time I say if you whine again, THIS will happen. If she whines again I follow through :smiling_face: Cures it QUICKLY


My mom used to just ignore it. Eventually I stopped since it wasnā€™t getting me anywhere :person_shrugging:. Itā€™s worked surprisingly well so far on my daughter

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Have you ever watched Nanny911 , well watch it might get you some helpful hints

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Welcome to her becoming a teenager and hormonal lol

Turn off WiFi, if they want to whine add another hour of it being off.


Go to Walmart take her with you have her pick out poster board. Then get colored sharpies. Go home have her get ruler make a chart of what is expected of her on each day of the week. When she does it for at least a week without complaining give some kind of reward like a movie night whatever you think is best something they would like and if it works keep doing if not try something else.

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I timed how long they whined & when they finished chores I added that time & made them do another chore for that amount of time. If they could waste my time whining I wasted theirs cleaning.


As long as she does what is asked try to ignore it. Pick your battles, sheā€™s only 10 thereā€™s plenty coming. Put in headphones smile and ignore.


Literally sounds like my almost 5 year old daughter lol

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Give her something to whine aboutā€¦


My son (9) is a power whinger. Iv learnt to block it out over the years.

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My daughter used to, I then removed everything from her room minus, bed, clothes, and booksā€¦she stopped real quick!

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welcome to hormonal teenage girls lol , donā€™t give up stand your ground they eventually learn who is boss


My 9 year old does. I just ask him why heā€™s singing to me. He soon stops lol.

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Use the whining voice back lol


Bust her ass! Lazy ass kids think all they have to do is whine and theyā€™ll get out of it! Give her something to whine about and swat her ass! Parents are scared to death to discipline anymore and look where itā€™s getting this country! A bunch of brats who feel entitled and cry babies!


My 4 year old daughter started to whine after seeing her friend do it.

She whined.
I ignored her.

Walking thru the airport.
Pre Pandemic.
She lay down whining.
I kept walking.
Never looked back.
She got up and ran to catch up to me saying Iā€™m sorry mommy.

At home.
In the kitchen cooking dinner.
She came, started whining.
I looked at her.
You know like dogs doā€¦turning my head as if I was trying to hear her.

I explained I canā€™t hear you when you whine.
It makes me deaf.

I never gave in.
Took about a week.
She stopped.

Ainā€™t nobody got time for that ridiculousness.


My youngest had this habit, I ignored it, but a friend of mine, whom she held in very high esteem, told her outright it was irritating and to stop. She took it to heart, and with in a couple weeks, she had stopped it. Guess its who the kid will listen toā€¦:heart:

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Legit received a roaring round of applause at a Childrenā€™s Place in Foley, AL a few years back when my son was whining about having to shop for school clothes. Relentless whining that push me to a break point when I loudly replied that it was unfortunately frowned upon for me to send him to school NAKED!
Boyfriend promptly took over and I enjoyed my brief 15 seconds of fame that day. High fives all day, in every store, and on the way to the car.
He still whines occasionally and the word NAKED stops him dead in his tracks.

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Itā€™s normal girl in my opinion!

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to handle a whiney 10 year old?

Must be something in the airā€¦lol my 17 year old step-son is the same way. I have a hard time with it because my adult children were not like that. My husband and I just try to be patient bit firm, and actually started walking away from him when he wants to be that way. Basically we tell him that we love him but weā€™re not going to have any further conversation with him until he decides to stop acting like hes 3.


I always figured out that when their whiney they just need you more. She probably needs to know that you want to do fun things with her as well as work. Sheā€™s old enough to understand that if you hurry up and get things done then you can do fun things, too. But, you have to follow through with the memory making, relationship building fun things and ask her what she would like to do with you. Even now as adults, I have to find things that we like to do together or we get too busy in our own agendas to make time for fun together.


Wait til she starts menstruationā€¦


I would suggest that maybe you can have a frank, one on one, conversation with her and possibly demonstrate what she sounds like. You can explain to her why you think she whines and how it makes you feel. Explore her goal as to why she whines. You can then also explore how you would prefer that she react. Children understand pretty early on, that the parents hold all the power. She is trying to exert some of her own. You might try giving her more choices and a little less orders. But you may make it clear what are some of her responsibilities as to household chores. Either way, itā€™s always great to have a good conversation relationship with your children. You can each sit down and have a soda together when you talk. Make it a positive time. Conversing with your children is a skill that you wonā€™t regret.


Take a video and threaten to share it with her classmates. Thatā€™ll do it.


Add on more work for whining :wink: itā€™ll stop.


Preteen, it gets worse before it gets better lol


I think we have to look at the example of ourselvesā€¦ Children learn from their examples. I am a whiner and I yelled as a form of discipline. Should I not be surprised when I see my children acting the same way?

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I make the kids punish themselves. Push-ups timed runs around the block and other exercises. Benefits are healthy kids and I get to use the line ā€œIā€™ll give you something to whine aboutā€.


I am in the same situation with my ten yr old granddaughter. My girls werenā€™t like this,so I donā€™t get it myself. I just pray it will end soon. And try and have patience with her.

I joined this group assuming by the title it was about peopleā€™s favorite holidays. I see itā€™s a Dear Abby group to air your gripes. Time to unfollow. Maybe the group should change its name.

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I say I donā€™t understand whining, when you want to talk to me in a normal tone Iā€™ll listen. Then walk away, ā€œIā€™ll listen when youā€™re readyā€.


That is good Tammy. I had three girls and what I did is if one acted up the others got punished. They all learned fast.


Ten years old is old enough to know that whining gets you nowhere. When the whining starts walk away. Tell her you never learned to speak whiny and when she can use her ten year old voice and not her toddler voice youā€™ll be happy to listen. Worked on my girls. I have 3! All adults now.

Start whinning when she asks you for or to do something for her.


How about a no whine rule? Worked with mine back in the day. Mom does not answer whines!

Give her something to whine about. :grin::grin:

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A good spanking and grounding will do!

You start whining when u have to do something lol

Yup. Normal. I have a 21 year old doing same thing.

Game therapyā€¦ play a game and do non threatening communication when able

Every time she whines when she has to do something add another chore. Sheā€™ll learn to stop


Spank her, you better let her know now your the mom cause later on shes going be telling you what to do


Put her in the corner n let her cry whatever she knows how to get your attention dnt baby her

Smack that ass. Tell her once if she whines about u telling her to do it. Tell her she does it without an attitude or she gets a spanking. Works great on my nieceā€™s and nephewā€™s


Youā€™re the parent, sheā€™s the child, take control of the situation. Donā€™t give in because sheā€™s whiney, use your backbone and put her in her place.

ā€œ Iā€™ll give you something to whine about ā€œ

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Tell her to go stay in her room until she can be pleasantā€¦no internet,no TV no toys ā€¦ nothing to entertain her

Smack her bottom!!! Then put her in time out!!!


Kristin Carney check this out, youā€™re not alone lol

Get rid of the whole child :eyes::woman_shrugging:


Try a belt on her ass. Then sheā€™ll have something to cry about. Just use a wide one so you only need to strike once. That eliminates child abuse.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to handle a whiney 10 year old?

My son 6.5 tries that with me and I say ā€œI canā€™t hear people that talk like that. So when you are ready to talk in a normal tone of voice I will speak with youā€ he then has a tantrum and when heā€™s done he comes to calmly to talk to me :crazy_face: it works but itā€™s also annoying at the same time :sunglasses:


I use to send my child to her room and not come out till she has a smile on her face. It took awhile. While in her room
No toys books TV.