How to handle a whiney 10 year old?

Maybe create a chore chart and make her earn TV or other fun things. I sent in my whiny kids to their room. They have to lay on their bed until they’re done whining.

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My 5 year old and 7 year old have been doing this. I take their phones away or no outside time or tv time! I also make them clean up their room and take their own trash away if they want outside time or tv time or go to grandmas or phone time. Every time they argue it’s an extra day of no outside or tv time or phone time

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My 8 year old whines all the time…I try to ignore it but my patience runs out and I find myself yelling at her then she starts tantsruming. I approached it calmly one day and explained to her whining does not help her get her point across and explained how ungrateful and u appreciative she comes across. I elaborated to use her words carefully to get her point across. It seems to have worked for the most part but the tantruming is whole other battle :sob::sob::sob:

Lol just wait until the teenage years.


My son is 6 and he’s starting to do that. I have to tell him I’m gonna take something he likes or no snack if he doesn’t listen


Definitely normal. My 10 year old son is the same. Either he does his chores and homework or he doesn’t get to play games or have his phone :woman_shrugging:

I’m going through this with my 11 year old. Take everything away that she enjoys and until she can help around the house she doesn’t get anything back.


Don’t give in to the whining. It will only show her that it is effective way to communicate her needs and wants.


I worked on mine a few years ago! My daughter is 10 and she tries to revert back every now and again but I’m not about to be annoyed.
I told her if she wants to talk to me she needs to stop all of that because until then, I’m deaf and can’t read lips!
I walk off and she gets herself together and then we have a talk and when she starts up again, i tell her to get it together or ill walk off.

My 9 year old does too. I take him phone and TV, make him go to his room to calm down and when he can do whatever it is without complaining he’ll get his stuff back.

I feel like my 10yr step son is the same way. Between the whining and the attitude… wowza. I think its just the age and beginning of teenage years

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Normal, tune out her whining and have some :wine_glass:yourself.

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I hear you. My son turns everything into an argument when asked to do something and never does it….it’s exhausting

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Flowing because im in the same spot

Put her to sweeping the floor washing dishes , washing windows . If the fails swat her on the but .

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My son does the same he’s 11

Tell her I need you to use your real voice, once you do that we can talk.
Whining or crying indicates there’s a need unmet (not your fault)
She may need some time connecting with you first. Once she feels emotionally happy, chores and other things are easier. She may still not want to, but will be happier.

Do you know why they do this?..because it works!

Tell her that Everytime she whines she will do double duty and mom stick with it until she stops don’t give in.

Totally normal! I give a choice, even if I have to yell. :grin:

Pretty normal. My 11 and 13 year old daughters have a tendency to whine when they have to do something or they get nasty attitudes. The trick is ignoring them. The negative reinforcement of fussing or correcting stalls them. For however long you’re lecturing, they don’t have to do it. Ask and ignore their response; redirect when they get side tracked and wait until after task is complete to discuss the issue with their behavior. It’s annoying but it’s normal.

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What ever room she is whining in, ask her to go into another room. After awhile she will realize it’s no fun, if she can’t annoy you.


Twice as much work if she whines versus if she doesn’t whine

I used to ignore them like a stop street in Pretoria they soon come to thier senses . One thing a kid hates is to be ignored why do you think she’s whining ?

Send her to her room and say when you can stop acting like a 2 year old you can come back out. Ive used this on my children and grandchildren, starting at a young age

I can’t hear you when you are whining, can you repeat that in a normal voice?

Tell her every time she whines you’ll add on more chores for her to do.

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Talk not working. Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Whatever room she’s in close the door if you can’t do that go outside for a bit

Just wait,it gets worse :joy:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to handle a whiney 10 year old?

Let me know what you find out because I have a whiny 14 year old :joy::woozy_face:

Sympathy for you!!! I have a 9yr old that does the same! Huffy, puffy and whiny when she doesn’t want to do something :weary::weary::weary:

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Lol same for my mom my sister turns 13 in a couple of days! Exact same way :woozy_face:

I do the same thing! I’m 39!

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I add another simple chore for every time I hear any unnecessary whining.


I just say I don’t understand whiney. Speak grownup English to ask me something


I have a 10yr boy n 13yr daughter I dont think it gets an easier :rofl::rofl:

It’s a typical girl thing. Last a lifetime. I still whine to my mother at times lol

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I have a almost 1o year old boy and he literally stomped his feet loudly through the kitchen, continued to stomp his feet, huff and puff and whine ALL because I said go brush your teeth last night. Then it got worse when he tried to pass a 20 second brush as actually doing what I asked. I vote normal sadly lol.

I think that’s just how they are I have an 11 year old who does the same

Let me know as soon as you figure it out. Struggling mama with a whiny 15 yr old daughter.

I know plenty of adults who still whine about everything :joy:


But what is this post doing… aha! We’re all guilty of it

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Children Start Learning To Manipulate by age 3. And continue improving thier techniques. And the learn what they live & get away with. So improve all behaviors accordingly

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It’s normal unfortunately. My 11 yr old granddaughter is the same, she is already going through puberty. Ugh

Its their struggle towards independence. Survived both sexes going thru it… just kept telling myself that it was just a phase and that we both will survive it… I loved developmental psych in college and learned about every phase of growth. Hang in there mama

Take things away…. Lol works with mine. “Wait, did you say you didn’t want to use your iPad tomorrow?” Or whatever they like….

Totally normal. Mine cries at everything… she cried about having to put a sweater on one morning… a sweater… :woman_facepalming:

I have a 22 year old and it don’t get better till they move out. She will come to visit and I’ll ask her to help me do something and still does it a little. Good Luck and PRAY along with a few deep breaths might help you. :relieved:

Flip it n do it every single time you talk. It will literally drive her nuts to the point she will stop


Lol. Get use to it. Got till she’s 18​:joy::person_facepalming:

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Counteract whines with positive convo
Then if you have to
State that we are talking in a positive manner or she can go to her room to whine
Find something fun to say around what she is saying and touch her nose while making eye contact gently and show her you are listening you do love her…
they are pre teen
The brain is nowhere finished growing
We’re going to make it!
Hang in there :clap::clap:


Please anyone have ideas I have a 10yr old boy that whines about everything he is asked to do or he don’t get his way!! And the attitude we get if we stand there and make him do it on top of whiney I’m pulling my hair out

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It’s the age …explain she should always go into a situation focused on what good will come from it and leave the negative out there will be a negative aspect to every situation learn to find the fun in it and your day will be end much better… that is hard and will need work but after a while the whining goes and you get your kid back to themselves…I’ve went through this with 2 boys and my girl is going through it also.


Lmao check on us parents with 10 year olds .us parents with 10year olds are not okay. Mine whines like nobody’s business :man_facepalming:t3::man_facepalming:t3:


I’m not alone!!! Yes

Story of my life :sob::sob:. :rofl::rofl:

My son is 17 and still whines as soon as I mention his name.


Normal… even for 10 year old boys :joy::sob:

They do that
I stand my ground and tell her that’s not how you get with you want
Big girl words or good behavior is
And if she wants to cry I let her and then she asks the right way

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O girl I have the same 10 year old girl. She started her monthly and has a bad habit of this in her time of month just ignore it n tell her go do what she is told

It’s normal lmao :rofl: I have a 25 year old and she still whines


A paddle takes care of the whining at my house.


Try taking away her phone or computer!
Sign of rebellion!!

This is my 10 year old son but he also has mental health issues we got told he has dmdd which is disruptive mood disorder so it’s our normal in this house even with his medicine for it he still does this whining stuff worser than his three year old sister

They all do it make chores fun

My rule, if I ask you to do something and you whine about it I will give you another thing to do for as many times as you whine. After having to do a few things they usually stop the whining on the first ask because they know what’s to come. :woman_shrugging:t3:


My 10 year old does the same thing. It drives us all crazy.

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Before bed say 4 things your grateful for and switch their mindset to feeling lucky and grateful… it’s worked with mine🤷‍♀️


Spank their butt and displine your kids. Make them listen and mind. You are not the friend. You are the parent!

Whine back when she asks for something see how she likes it :joy:


Lol my 11 year old acts like its the end of the world when I ask her to do anything…anything at all…
I just sing her little annoying songs and make her do it anyway. :rofl:


When Cade was a senior, I couldn’t bring him to a store. Finally when I had enough, I stood in the middle of an aisle (?) and yelled out a cheer the little kids had taught me. It was truly magical.

Give her something to whine about bust her butt I bet it will work I’m not saying beat just a good old fashion butt busting

If mine whine, then they get more tasks to do. It must work because my 10 year old boy never whines. He says, “Yes mam” every time🤷🏽‍♀️.


They do it because you let them! Don’t!


Very normal. I threaten to take the PlayStation or phone away and bam magically my son does what I asked him to do then he’ll come apologize. I think this whiny stage and the mouthing off attitude etc lasts till maybe 17/18 lol well I hope cause it’s hard af right now :joy:

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Try being more patient.


Spoiler alert… They get worse. Enjoy it while it lasts. In 3 years time you will look back and think these were good times. :joy:


Normal… a lot of it is just hormones :upside_down_face:. “If you don’t do what is asked, you don’t get what you want.” :woman_shrugging: At the end of the day, you as a parent only have to give them the basics…roof, lights, water, nutrional food, and clothes. Everything else is luxury. They only need to leave the house for school or doctors. Discipline.


Get used to it. It gets worse as they get older

Wait till she is 14 you will want to cut your throat


My 10 year old almost 11 is the same way really hope she grows out of it soon

Tell her you can’t hear her when she whines, use a normal voice. Then ignore her when she whines.


Not normal. Say “ that’s fine, would you rather me beat your rear end off?” You started too late fixing it. My 4 year old started this last year and he no longer does it. You only have to spank them a couple good times and then they realize that their chores aren’t nearly as bad as a punishment.


I keep adding stuff for her to do until she quits whinning lol. I let her know ahead of time that will happen as well. Explain that we all have to help keep the house clean. Then pay her a small amount or go on a brownie points system that she can earn fun stuff to do. This is the perfect opportunity to teach her to earn her own rewards. She’s a young lady and it’s important for her to learn at a young age so it just becomes an everyday thing and not some huge inconvenience to dread.


Well mine started that at 7 a year ago and still tries it occasionally. She either does it without whining or she does it and gets in trouble for the whining, normally I take away electronics or friends for a couple days but if we have something fun planned then I use that instead. Most of the time a simple reminder of what she’s going to lose makes her stop right in her tracks and do what she’s told

Although its annoying its very normal.

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My almost 12 year old daughter is a big whine butt doctor said pre teens have it hard they r still kids but now hormones r running rapid they r just confused

When you ask her to do something, as long as she’s doing it, ignore the whining. Say “thank your for (doing whatever task), I appreciate your help!” And then walk away to do whatever you have to do. Eventually the whining will stop.


@14 it doesn’t change, they only want to hang out w friends :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I’m in the exact same situation, with a 10yr old as well and I’m at my whitts end with NO IDEA what to do next

Ignore her… if she wants to act like a baby… take her to her room like a baby…and leave her there… when she decides she can communicate and use her big girl words then she can come talk to you…works with mine :woman_shrugging:t3:

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watch some episodes of super nanny


you have to be firm and make them understand you arnt playing and whinning out of normal boundaries and not doing what you ask has consequences…EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:oh my dear mama! It is about to get alot worse! No matter how you punish or try to talk to her .it is gonna get worse!


This is normal. New Rules !!

  1. If she whines assign her another chore
  2. Add more chores
  3. She will learn to stop whining AND you will have a clean house
    Win win

Sounds about right .all of this :laughing:

Tell her you’ll give her something to whine about or tell her to go to her room till she can stop being so whiney

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