How to handle a whiney 10 year old?

I have always given my boys extra chores if they whine. It stops it pretty quickly.


Kick her in the shin every time she whinesšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Jk but I think itā€™s normal for some kids. I have one that does that as well. I ignore her now. I say I wonā€™t listen to you until you do what I said.
She caves eventually


I have a 10 year old granddaughter and she does not whine, thank God!! You have to start correcting children at a younger age. The older they get, the worse they get! Just wait till she is a teenager!!

So Iā€™m gonna be the other end of the spectrum here. When my kids whine about chores I ask why donā€™t you want to do it and majority of the time itā€™s usually because they are overwhelmed with the task (cleaning their rooms). We find out what specifically is overwhelming, then set up a game plan to tackle it. They get a good job or I am proud of how you did that now letā€™s do the next item. Mind you I have a daughter that has SPD and other ā€œspecialā€ abilities as we call them. Sometimes being whiny is their way of saying something else is going on besides being defiant. They also understand that I was not made a mother to cater to their every waking need. They understand for the most part of responsibility and the repercussions of not following through with them. Like if they are out of clothes because they didnā€™t help with laundry (bring them to me to be washed,laundry basket is full or failed to bring me said basket) thatā€™s on them. They learn that if I want clean underwear I better following direction or I wonā€™t have any.


As long as she does what is required then ignore the whiningā€“leave the room, put in earplugs or music (let her see you do it!)ā€¦ If she sees that whining doesnā€™t get her attention it will stop. If she refuses to do what she is supposed to do then take away privileges and still ignore the response you will get.

itā€™s pretty normal my 5yo does the same lol

When mine went through the whiny phase, I would explain all of the things that needed to be done around the house that day, and how I was doing almost all of them myself, but that I needed some help or everything wouldnā€™t get done. I explained that since they live in the home they need to help take care of the home as well. I showed them that they were doing was a very small portion of what needed to be done and that I was not being unfair. To help them see another perspective I asked if they think it was fair for me to do everything and for them to do nothing. That helped them see that everyone needed to pitch in to take care of the home. Kids are a lot more capable of reasoning than people give them credit for.

Now that theyā€™re older, if I ask them to do a job and they complain, I ask if they would like to switch jobs with me. Sometimes they do and sometimes they just decide to do what I asked them to do because they donā€™t want to do the job Iā€™m working on.

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Kids whine because they donā€™t understand emotionally how to deal with the problem. If you can show her how or explain how it may stop. Ask her why or what the problem is. Why is she having trouble accepting what sheā€™s being asked to do. Youā€™ll be surprised how it will bring your relationship closer. Learn to communicate with her. Life isnā€™t easy. Kids need you to teach them how to problem solve.


I had a whiny 10 year old. Now sheā€™s 12 and everything is just ughā€¦ and eye rolls or no eye contact at all which makes this mamma infuriated

Just ignore it. They whine for attention. You said what you said and thatā€™s it

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She whines then you wine :wine_glass: :smirk:
Nah jk but yea you have to set some boundaries and get that stopped asap bc it will only get worse. As to how to stop that depends on her and how she reacts. You might have to try multiple suggestions to see what is most effective.

Preteen ignore but when mine were young, around 2-7 I toll them my ears were funny and couldnā€™t hear whining lol

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My ten year old boy does the same thing and Iā€™m wondering the same thing hoping he will grow out of it. He gets grounded when he gives attitude and loses privileges.

I donā€™t care if they whine as long as they do what I say. I whine all the time to myself about doing my chores but I do them and it makes me feel better to whine a little. As a child we were not allowed to express any kind of feelings of dislike or we could possibly get hit by my dad. We couldnā€™t even say we didnā€™t want to go somewhere. People always look at me crazy when my teen says sheā€™s not gonna do something or she doesnā€™t want to. I just tell them, she can say what she wants as long as she still does what I say. I hated being so silenced as a kid, my dad used to say ā€œchildren were made to be seen, not heardā€

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Normal but annoying!

Normal, but you can discuss tone with herā€¦ so you can then tell her to change her tone.

Normal, she is getting practice in early for those teenage years.

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Itā€™s called an ass whoopin! Try it!

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Completely normal! If mine whine they get in trouble and then whine more :rofl:

My 8.5yr old is whiney

ā€œ Bruh, why do I have to do everything around here when you and dad do nothing ā€œ.

ā€œ Do I have to go to the store? I donā€™t want to be seen in public ā€œ.

ā€œ If I want anything done Iā€™ll have to do it myself ā€œ.

Thereā€™s much more but you get the idea. Fun timesā€¦

My 6, yr old is like this lol I ignore him

Try Mindful Parenting they have good advice!

start takeing privaleges away she dont want to help she gets no money no sleep overs no phone no computer

i did this with my kids it works

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Explain the situation why you donā€™t like it and if theyā€™re going to whine thatā€™s not the way to get what they want, so ignore him after they understand what youā€™re doing ignore them and donā€™t give them what they want until I talk to you

I have a 14-year-old that conveniently disappears when I ask her to do anything :pleading_face:

Normal it is the start of her blooming into a woman

I have the same problem not only whines but has an attitude as well ā€¦ :unamused: :roll_eyes:

Wait till teen years u can feel the eye rolls lmao

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Mine wines and wants to argue about the tiniest details

Thatā€™s normal. Sheā€™s getting close to the teen years. As long as you donā€™t give in and give her what she wants she will stop.

an old fashion backside spanking NOT BEATING spanking May be old school but sometimes old school is what they need


Buckle up buttercup the teen years are the BESTā€¦ kinda gotta just ignore it. Whining is their way of trying to avoid any responsibility. And a mechanism to get under your skin.


Strap up and get ready. Youā€™re in for a hell of a few years.

My 2 granddaughters both moan every now and then, when they carry on I just turn around and tell them to get over there or here and do your job the faster itā€™s done the faster you get to do whatever it is you want to doā€¦I donā€™t let them get away with much, they are 7 yrs n 8 yrs old never to young to learn


Put her in her room or chores

Lol my 7 year old does this and I quickly remind her (as I have done since she was smaller) Mommy doesnā€™t do whining. If you want something you use your words. If I ask you to do something do it I donā€™t need extra from you. And so far itā€™s worked fine. She knows if she whines at me she goes to her room without any electronics or toys till her little tantrum is over and she can use words like a big girl.

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Start whining when she asks you to do something :rofl::rofl::rofl:


So normal. My 10 year old son does it too :expressionless:

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Thatā€™s my 9 year old. Even things she used to enjoy.

Following. Iā€™m constantly asking myself this about my 8, and 11 year olds

tell her every time she whines or complains thatā€™s another fun outing not going to happen. Like if you was going to take her out to lunch or to to a movie or shopping trip. That instead she will be spending that time in her bedroom.

Tell her to get over herself and be quiet and do as shes told, i just give my 8yo the stink eye and tell her to shh and hurry up when she whines about doing something shes been told to doā€¦she usually just gets it done now and is funny cheeky after shes done itā€¦

I told her she can think im as lame as she wants but shes still going to do as shes told regardlessā€¦thats recipe has worked so far in our child raising

Well Iā€™m sorry they trying you.
And need consequences
We use to get spank
Now a days they get rewards

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Tia Mataa Ruakere just picturing your little bums movingā€¦I only had to rattle the cutlery draw and the job got doneā€‹:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Whining can indicate that the child needs or seeks attention. It can then become a habit. My child would ask for things in a whiny voice. I started to consistently reply, ā€œI will answer you when you ask in a normal voice.ā€ Great improvement after a while!

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Yeahā€¦ itā€™s not gonna get any better

Lol wait till her hormones kick in

Rosalind Arnott my life :laughing:


My 3 boys were same 14,15 and 9year old so I started turning WiFi off (they hated it) :smiley::smiley: I started doing it befor the 6weeks summer holidays and their been so chilled Iā€™m fair shocked my self :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: x


A good smack will fix that :joy:


Slap the Shit oh never mind

I just say ā€œwhat?ā€ over and over until mine says it right, same with the baby talk. Iā€™ve gotta say ā€œtalk normalā€ atleast once a day. :grimacing:

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Itā€™s girls for you my oldest daughter is the same way sheā€™s 10

My girl is 11 sheā€™s exactly the same whine whine whine so I give it back i copy wst she does we end up laughing bout it most of the time big hugs kisses then she tidys up 4me.:rofl::rofl::heart::heart::heart: teenagers

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Whinge moan bloody normal for any kid, how U deal with it is another thing, easy no pocket money till itā€™s done, no wifi plenty of options

Tell her no whining use her words to express what she is feeling be firm and Consistent keep peacefully reminding her and she will get it. She needs your full attention when she is trying to convey her feelings sounds like she maybe having difficulty Expressing herself. Speaking from experience.


Whine back :woman_shrugging:. When she asks for food: whine. She needs clothes washed: whine. Etc. Me, personally, Iā€™d be whooping ass. My kids are 11, 9 and 3. :rofl: Everyone cleans up in my house.

Leave them in the woods miles away from civilization, but leave a tracker on them. Leave them for 2 days then return and if attitude hasnā€™t changed wait 3 more days. Also if you know where to look on the dark web there are child fight clubs you can sign up for. My kid had attitude and after a few matches and a few thousand in winnings in my pocket he learned his lesson. Good place to make some cash


Scott Simington :skull_and_crossbones::rofl::joy:

9yesr old boy here and yup I think itā€™s normal !! Drives me bonkers but

Thatā€™s your problemā€¦ you are trying to ā€œWork with herā€??? :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:. Why on Earth are you trying to work with her??? You arenā€™t her friend, YOU ARE HER PARENT!!! Show her you are the parent, or before you know it she will be running the whole show! And you will be crying wondering where exactly you went wrong!


When I would ground my child or take something away every time they would whine it would either add another time limit or day to their punishment . They eventually learned :laughing:

My 7 and a half year old does this to me and it makes me feel crazy!! I have taken just about everything away and it still happens sometimes!!! Grrrrrr!!!

Mine is eleven and is the same.

Sounds like my 13 year old son. I tell him one time I donā€™t understand baby talk and to use his big boy voice. I then ignore him until he speaks up :woman_shrugging:

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Your fun has just begun. Iā€™d take a screaming newborn over a teen any time. Good luck. It gets tough for a few years with some

My 5 year old boy does the same thing. I will ask him to clean up his toys an he whines about how hard that is an he has to many, when I ask him to try an use the bathroom he whines, eat dinner an ect. An then complains all the time about how life isnā€™t fair he canā€™t play at 1am in the morning when he should be asleep in his bed! :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Iā€™ve got a 13 year old boyā€¦ heā€™s awesomeā€¦BUTā€¦ lol it doesnā€™t get better mamma! Lolā€¦ sending lots of love and patience! :purple_heart:

My son whines alot and heā€™s 12 :woman_facepalming:t4: I donā€™t know what to do lol Iā€™m just assuming itā€™s a phase heā€™s going thru and hoping he grows out of it

Parent you made the child mold it sheā€™s not your boss

She must have gotten it from u because of it post!

Not at 10 years old" if you let her get away with all this time itā€™s gonna be hard to get her to stop, ignore her. Donā€™t even acknowledge sheā€™s doing it, no reaction from you is the biggest reaction

I just tell my kids I canā€™t hear them over their constant whining and to come talk to me when they can use their big kid voice.

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If youā€™re going to whine stay in your room

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Whine back. Like literally everything you say to her, say it in a whiny tone. Sheā€™ll quit.

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Get her to do less and talk with her like you :heart:

Dealing with a whiney 9 year old right now who was spoiled her whole life (my step kid) she cries every time she gets in trouble and runs her mouth like crazy. I look at her like you done? Ok now we can figure something out but Iā€™m not putting up with that behavior when Iā€™m in charge of watching you. So sheā€™s getting better. Iā€™m teaching her Dad how I would handle things so he can be more proactive. He sees the problem just stumped on how to address it. I have a 13 year old and we have a good relationship so Iā€™m using the same techniques. Iā€™m understanding I just will not listen to the whining unless itā€™s truly justified.

Same here my 9 year old whinnys to all the time

Kids whine from about 12-18 :woman_shrugging:

Maybe get to the root of the issue would help. Sometimes kids go through stuff they donā€™t talk about,it can be something that u wouldnā€™t think hurts herā€¦no matter how big or small it hurts her. I understand it is super stressful I have a 4 year old so trust me when I say there is days I lose my shit but donā€™t show your kids that it bothers u bc guess what they keep doing it. Simply ask ā€œdo u need time to be by yourself or would u like to talk about what is wrongā€ if she wonā€™t answer walk away and give her space come back and see if she more calm.

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Best attitude adjustment tool everā€¦ā€¦take their privacy away, remove their bedroom door.

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Mine is ten too and when I do ask her to do something she either disappeared into the bathroom or does a half butt job ā€¦ Iā€™m sick of her not helping .

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Seen a show, the nanny says to do to the child what she does to you. When she tries to get your attention, ask for something, tell you to do something that the parent should whine/ throw the fit like she does. Donā€™t give in to what the child asks for and to just ignore all attempt she makes to get what she wants. Show her how she looks without telling her how she looks. After a couple of hours of that treatment she will understand that those actions donā€™t get her what she wants.
Afterwards let her know that her whining wonā€™t get her what she wants, she will have to use her words to ask and she has to do the things you ask for.

Give her some of own medicine. If she ask you for something , whine back

I have the same issue with my 13 yr old whines everytime I ask her to do something says I treat her like a slave she said kids should have a childhood not be a parents slave Iā€™m just getting really sick and tired of her attitude

The most important thing you can do is not give up you always have the option of every moment of whining will be spent on another chore so she wines for 5 minutes then she has to spend 5 minutes doing additional chores whether itā€™s take out the trash or dust the TV she will catch on quickly she will get more done the less she whines

Take stuff away from her, give her an earlier bed time, put your foot downā€¦ my youngest daughter is 11 and has tried whining with meā€¦ didnā€™t work til I took things from her and made her read a book to occupy her time and she knows my foot will go up her ass, I donā€™t play.


Welcome to the preteen stage. Girls are a nightmare and more so these days than 15 years ago. Have you tried rewarding her?


Ha! wait till sheā€™s 13.

Ear plugs! She does it because she knows you donā€™t like it. Stop it by recording her. Whine back at her and refuse to do what she wants when she wants it done. Then, tell her, ā€œMy ears hear polite requests, not whine.ā€

This will sound terrible tell her thatā€™s baby talk and you donā€™t understand it we had to do it with my niece after my son was born she got fed up of being told to talk like a big girl she just stopped outta the blue donā€™t give in or acknowledge the whining

I think itā€™s normal personally. That does not make it acceptable. If I was whiney at that age, Iā€™ll guarantee u mama would give me something worthy to whine about!! Take something she lives away from her for a full day and donā€™t back down!


I told my 7yo step daughter that I canā€™t understand her when she wines and when sheā€™s done and talks in a normal voice I will respond. I wasnā€™t mean about itā€¦I just literally couldnā€™t understand her. She caught on quick and has never whined since.


My ex MIL used to tell the kids whiney kids mean ur tired go to ur room hav a nap and come out with a better attitude if shity attitude then go sit there all day with a book

Sorry no adviceā€¦My 10 year is the same way.