How to handle mom guilt?

So I’m feeling pretty guilty… actually extremely guilty and heres why:
i have an 11 mo daughter who still wakes up all through the night and my SO tells me almost every morning that when she wakes up i get extremely frustrated and curse. Nothing crazy or anything just things like, “Dammit we’re gonna do this again tonight?” or “God forbid I get one decent night sleep”. He assured me that im not actually cursing at her just at the situation and being so tired and being a bitch about it. Sometimes i remember and sometimes i don’t. Even the times im conscious enough i still do it. Its like i become a different person. During the day I’m always great w her and handle frustrations like that very calmly and. rationally. When she wakes up every morning we cuddle and we play and I love on her . Its literally just at night. I feel so bad about it and wondering if anyone’s ever gone through this? Should i see someone about it? Please no bashing. I feel bad enough about this.


What are you feeding her at night? Maybe it’s time for a diet change. I had that when my daughter wasn’t eating enough to make it through the night.


She shouldn’t really be waking that much at night at 11 months. All kids are different but maybe there is something wrong? Maybe you could let her cry a bit so she sleeps. It really messes with your brain and body when you don’t sleep well. I am on my 5th kid and letting them cry a bit to sleep never hurt. I’m sure people will hate me for this comment but honestly it’s not for everyone. My kids did great with it. What does she want when she wakes?


It’s normal girl, who likes waking up at those hours, it doesn’t make you a bad mother


Don’t be so hard on yourself. A lot of us did or do the same thing


Make sure she has a full belly when she goes to bed like toast with cheese whiz/peanut butter or butter and her milk or breastmilk. Start a strict bedtime routine as well and stick to it.

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I do the same thing sometimes and I beat myself up about it all the time. I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’ve been really trying to work on this!

You are sleep deprived Tell who ever it is that feels the need to tell you the things you say to get his ass out of bed once in a while

Don’t all parents feel this way?:grin:


Lady! Stop putting so much pressure on yourself :woman_facepalming:t3: Whether it’s a curse word or some goofy shit that non-cursing moms do… we all do it. You’re NOT mad at your daughter, you’re tired. ITS COMPLETELY NORMAL :woman_facepalming:t3::roll_eyes: Just get that shit out & go about your day. That’s what I do & not a mf soul can tell me a damn thing :woman_shrugging:t3: #SingleMomLife

Girl, same. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

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Been there. I mentioned it to my pediatrician, she laughed and told me “he’s playing you.”
So, I let him fuss one night…I’m not a fan of crying it out, but I had to sleep. To my shock he cried maybe 2 minutes. Same the next night. By the third night he slept.

Fast forward to this morning, he’s 16 months, he woke up at 5am babbling. I thought NOPE and rolled over…with zero fuss he dozed back off to wake up just as chipper at 7am
Never in a zillion years did I think my pediatrician was right. I was just exhausted and pissy enough to try.


You are sleep deprived and this is totally normal. She’ll sleep through the night eventually and until then, take a deep breathe.


Make sure she’s full when you put her down. Consider a diet change. Check with doctor.

Its pure exhaustion u need sleep n more help not critisism xx get more sleep and eat well it really helps im the same without a decent kip xx


She may need something heavier to eat before bed.
Momma, I have a senior in high school… I have said,
“Really J? That’s the argument you wanna give me kid? Damnit child…:person_facepalming:. Stop”
It happens. Plus, you’re exhausted. It’s really ok. :blue_heart:

Kids feel your intentions. If you are constantly angry or disgruntled they will feel that too. Pretending your child doesnt understand is a luxury you want to take in order to feel better about yourself. It seems you are triggered by stress and exhaustion. Find a way to de-stress and get some rest so you aren’t taking your frustrations out on your child.


I’m pretty certain everyone has done it at least once lol. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


Yea I do it too, my son just started sleeping through the night at 9 months, I thought i was going to lose it

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It may be because you would like a little help at night?

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Don’t eat anything with sugar within at least 4 hours of going to bed.

It’s normal mama doesnt make you a bad person or a bad mama were all human my daughter didnt start sleeping through the night till around her first birthday when she started walking I do the same thing does you SO get up with her at all or is it just you if it is just you your frustration might not be from her it might be from just wanting a little help


It’s completely normal! Don’t be to hard on yourself.

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Please don’t feed your kids cheese whiz. Like, ever…
beside that, I do this too. Some people just have a very hard time staying patient when they’re tired. I get so grouchy at night and feel bad about it in the morning. You just have to tell yourself that she’s a precious little soul and doesn’t understand.


Can he get up with her sometimes?

We’ve all been there. And any parent who says different is full of it. Lol


By 11months I’d be dead not getting rest. The only thing that interrupted mines sleep was teething and being sick. Other than that he slept from 4months on. I’d be cussing too :rofl::clap:t2:

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You’re exhausted. It’s normal to be irritated and frustrated when you aren’t getting sleep. Rather than just tell you these things and make you feel bad, maybe your SO could, idk, help???


Lol. Sounds like you’re not a morning person :person_tipping_hand:

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I have a 3 month old. I do this. I don’t do it at her but just the situation. Don’t feel bad.

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I think every mother does this at least once. I know my son is 18 months and when hes got teeth coming in, or hasn’t had enough to eat before bed he will be up and down all night and I still after the 3rd or 4th night in a row do this myself. It happens, it does make us feel like horrible mothers come morning we regret doing it but we do it. Dont beat yourself up over it, especially if you’re not actually cussing at your little one and more so just cussing because you’re irritated at the situation.

5 kids and 5 rounds of midnight sailor cussing sessions here :rofl::rofl::rofl:. It’s totally normal mama. Give yourself some grace cause months on end of no more than 4 consecutive hrs sleep is not easy. If cussing in the middle of the night is the “worst” thing you’re doing then I’d say you’re doing EXCEPTIONALLY well!!!


I was like this when my son was a newborn but I learned to control it fast and slept when he slept and now he’s 4 months old and sleeps through the night and I get sleep also so it works. You’re just tired get some sleep when your baby sleep momma you’ll feel so much better and not be as angry at night. It’s all sleep deprivation that’s all

Don’t be so hard yourself.As long as you are not screaming at her and taking your sleep deprivation out on her physically you are doing great.Maybe you and your SO could switch on and off, you get up with her one night and he can get up with her the next night.

Please… This is the most normal this. Pretty sure I swore my son once or twice

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Nothing to feel guilty about. We all do it or at least the majority of us do…personally I do it daily but i love my kids more than anything

And if you’re so is awake enough to be judging your language then he’s awake enough to get his a$$up and let you sleep every once in a while :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:


It’s okay. :heart: we all get frustrated when we can’t get any sleep.

Youre not alone. I do the same. Lack of sleep and lack of help at night does that. I feel the guilt as well.

It’s normal. Who doesn’t want to sleep through the night?

Yep I do it too, don’t beat yourself up about it. Its not the baby your mad at, nobody likes to have to get up in the middle of the night and it doesn’t last forever xx oh and tell your so that if it was him having to get up he do the same lol


I say “Oh FFS!!” A lot…not in the presence of my son…but I do that…a lot

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Im the same way but it got better and easier.

It’s definitely the lack of sleep because clearly you love your baby, I did the same thing and we breastfed but eventually I coslept for a bit while nursing and that helped a lot, you’re not a bad mom and shouldn’t feel guilty, just take a deep breath and it’ll be alright.

It’s really not abnormal. Its hard being a mom and ur spouse could absolutely help u so that ur getting some sleep too

I just wanted to see if I could offer some advice. I have 3 boys and all 3 never slept thru. My oldest (5) now does thank you Jesus. I noticed teething is a huge culprit. Besides teething or being sick I found only giving water instead of milk through the night helped my second one finally sleep though! Now his back teeth are coming in and we are back to him drinking milk all through out the night. But the sleep was good while it was going on :joy: don’t feel defeated though! Most kids don’t sleep through for a long time. Only weird peoples kids sleep through at a few months old lolll

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Hahahaha sweetheart that’s absolutely normal and anyone who says it’s not must be absolutely perfect. In fact that’s mild. I never begrudged getting up in the middle of the nights but by god I was exhausted and the minute my head hit the pillow he’d cry again and I’d be all " for fuck sake, what now" perfectly normal given the circumstances xx

Don’t feel bad Mama…

Bugger me, I must be a bad mum then as I’m forever cursing (under my breath) and moaning around the house at my kids not listening, needing 50 toilet breaks , a drink and a partridge in a pear tree at night time :joy: it’s just the perks of parent hood plus we’re not all like Mary poppins and full of laughter and song we’re all winging it day by day xx


Don’t feel guilty. It’s okay.

No one can handle things when we’re sleep deprived,Try having you SO chip in,

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We all mumble and grumble in the middle of the night lol


Don’t beat yourself up over it. A lot of us do it. It’s not towards the baby just the frustration of being a normal person who wants sleep. You obviously love her but it’s just hard to be a mom sometimes. You seem like you’re a great mom. :heart: You’re just tired. Lol. Tell his ass to get up. :rofl::rofl:

Girl you’re just being human! You have the hardest job in the world at the moment. You’re lacking sleep as well as time for yourself. I would be more concerned if you woke up to those screams and cries smiling and singing over the rainbow. Cut yourself some slack and just go with it!!! You’re doing great!!


That’s normal lol. It’s called being tired and wanting sleep lol


Don’t feel bad girlfriend !!! It’s normal!!! As long as you never have the feeling to physically hurt her - it’s okay to become fuStrated. Especially half Asleep

Mine is almost 3 years. Mixed day and night. I work during day and only income in family. When she wakes up for the night I bitch loud and cuss, I’m tired of living on 3 hr sleep a day. That’s normal. It will pass, and you will be happy momma again. :heart: Parenthood is not easy.

Totally normal girl this is my second and especially back when she wasnt sleeping through the night I’d get frustrated, everybody does. Now that she only wakes for a second and I can pop the soother in her mouth I dont even say anything, just roll outta bed and then climb back in once I’m done.

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Tell your s/o that you need some help with the baby and want a full nights sleep because you need it. They can get up and help too. Babies aren’t the easiest to take care of. It’ll get easier with time so don’t take it too hard. One day you’ll miss them being that little :smiling_face:
When I needed some rest and a break my fiancé would take our daughter up to his parents so I could have the house to myself and get a good nap in. He’d make us dinner too (as long as he could use the grill lol)


Any mother who says they’ve never done this is lying lol. This is normal, and unfortunately mom guilt is also normal. You got this momma


Doesn’t make you a bad mom. My question is if your SO notices this, why doesn’t he step up and take over and let you get some sleep?


So Daddy hears her but only Mommy gets up to check on her dad hears you cuss dad doesn’t do anything are you seeing a pattern here is his leg broken how about him getting up now and then let you get some sleep I would point out so you hear me get up you hear her but you just lay there


Does your SO help? Or are you the one getting up with baby every night? I was like this but my frustration was more to my SO than my child. I was mad that he always got to sleep and I got up so I eventually was just like look we’re taking turns idgaf if you’re tired or not :woman_shrugging:t4:


Def right there with you. It’ll get better. The fact that you feel shitty for it makes you a better mom than you think. And good job to your SO for not putting you down and letting you know you’re not directing it at your baby.

Lol just wait until shes older and you find yourself muttering under your breath about how much of a dick shes being.


Just as much hubbies responsibility as it is yours! I can see why you’d be irritable. Parenting is 100/100. Goodluck sweets.


I think it happens to the best of us. With my 1st, he slept all night from 1 month old. Now…this 2nd baby :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: totally differe t…like night and day. He didn’t sleep through until around 7 months. And like you, I would be aggravated all through the night. Like someone else said…just because you’re frustrated doesn’t mean you don’t love her…you’re just tired and it will pass!!! Oh someone else suggested water instead of milk throughout the night…that helped us a lot too.

You have normal human reactions. Moms don’t get rest and that makes us grumpy. Your daughter knows you love her and she will eventually will grow out of it. Hang in there you’re doing great.


Even mom’s of toddlers can still have some post partum depression. I always seem more frustrated at night than i am during the day. Mainly because I’m exhausted by that point and just want to rest. It’s normal to get irritated. Does your spouse help you at all with trying to get her to bed? I’ve also noticed my son seems more calm at night if I give him a bath. They make soothing lotion I’m going to try with him.

Very normal ,just cuddle them extra in the morning and you will all get through it .

You’re normal!! Lack of sleep sucks!

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It’s normal, momma. I think we’d be lying if we say we haven’t all done it at some point. We’re all exhausted. You’re not a bad mom at all. Ask your SO to get up and help you some throughout the night if he’s so concerned!


It’s normal. I do it as does my bf. Our youngest is 3 and he still wakes up a bunch almost every night. You’re exhausted. Can your SO get up with her every other night? You two alternate?

I do this sometimes. It’s not every night, but sometimes when I’m more exhausted than usual. I work retail and my frustration increases when I close one night and have to open the very next morning. Sometimes I’ll grunt and say things like “damn it why won’t you just sleep?” A few minutes later I feel sooooo horrible about myself for getting upset at him. He’s only 5 months old. I’ll hold him and rock back and forth with him just apologizing and feeling like shit about myself. Honestly, I think it’s normal. Being sleep deprived makes anyone act like a bitch. I get it though. It still makes you feel really guilty

It’s rough being a mom of a little. Never seem to get enough sleep. Maybe your so could take baby duty once or twice a week so you could get a good night sleep and not be grumpy from lack of it. Team work​:blush::blush::blush:

So normal. I love my sleep. So I understand.

I still do this now and my boys 6, if he comes in due to an accident, although very rare now, I still get up and mutter under my breath about the situation :joy: it’s just what we do as humans… when I was with my son’s dad when he was a baby and his dad wasn’t getting up I’d be even worse, mybe have a word with your partner about how bad it’s making you feel that your reacting like this and ask if mybe he could chip in, do an every other night style of routine work depending… it’s hard if your the only one doing it all day and then at night too, really freaking hard! Mum’s need rest too it’s as simple as that x

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I explained to my SO that yes you help but I could really use a nights sleep, could you please get up with him… sometimes they don’t even realize how much you get up and no sleep…good luck…
And yes I understand you shouldn’t have to ask…but if it works


Why is your SO not helping you? It’s normal for you to feel that frustrated especially lacking sleep. But your SO is perfectly capable of helping. You are doing good, maybe tell your SO that you need him to put in more effort and help.

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My kid is almost 2 and still doesn’t sleep through the night. Now he just climbs out of his crib and gets in bed with me but it’s still frustrating. I think the sleep deprivation is the hardest part about being a mom. Dont even feel bad at all.

Seems pretty normal to me. If its not than I suck too. Because I did this. I’m a bitch when I dont get my sleep. I didnt mistreat my baby. But its ok to voice your frustrations!

It will get better,in time! Do you have some one to go leave her during day,let you sleep or keep her over night?

I did it with all 3 of mine! Your tired…give yourself a break on this…it will get better. No you dont need to see anyone about this…your being a normal mom. If anyone else sees it as a problem maybe they should get up and let you get some rest

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All moms get a little tourette’s sometimes… it’s a hard job.


You are 100% normal :blush::+1:t3::heart:


100% normal. We are all human. Just because you love your kiddies doesn’t mean you are not allowed to show emotions and let’s face it almost everyone cusses. To me, cussing is just the same as normal words and that’s actually sad :joy:

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Normal. Just gotta start paying attention so that you can consciously choose to act differently. I managed to. My husband also came to me about that

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Me to! I absolutely hate night wakings. Mumble to myself why did I have ANOTHER kid I even have cried about it making a bottle. … but hes so sweet and cute… it will pass♡


My boys are in their late 20s-early 30s and I STILL lose sleep because of them! This phase will pass. You’re not taking it out on anyone. Just surrender to the frustration, breathe, and keep being awesome. Maybe have a grandparent keep baby overnight once a month so you can sleep? I do this on occasion. I think parenting is harder now than when my boys were little.


I’ve done this. Its rough not getting any sleep and then getting up early and going about your busy day and then doing it all again the next night. Completely understandable. Dont beat yourself up. I did find out after talking to my dr that I have some anxiety issues and I’ve gotten on anxiety medication and its helped calm me down a lot. I use to get frustrated about my little ones waking up all hours of the night but I’m not so bad now. It’s hard being a parent sometimes.


Pretty much all of us have been there either saying it out loud or thinking it.


Welcome to Motherhood it’s wonderful :heart:

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I did it with all 4 if mine. Sleep is a basic need, being perpetually sleep deprived for years is HARD.


That is normal my daughter is 4 and still will wake up some nights 3-4 times. We just moved and it’s a big adjustment for her. I’m also pregnant so her waking up through the night when I’m tired and sore and just wan to sleep I get a little irritated. We all go through this it’s normal mama dont put yourself down. Your tired and just want to get some actual sleep.

It’s normal!! My twins didn’t sleep through the night until they were almost 2 and I remember doing it often. Now we’re starting where we come down stairs and climb in bed with me and it’s starting again. It’s just frustration at the situation, it’ll pass.

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Im the same way :woman_shrugging:t2:

Been there…just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you’re not human! No one likes their sleep interrupted.


Honey , believe me I know.You are doing the best you can.A mother’s work is constant. You are exhausted from all of your responsibilities.

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I just wanted to say THANK YOU for reaching out and seeking advice/help! Weve all been there but it’s always nice to know you are NOT alone!


I get that way sometimes. We co sleep and my lo doesn’t let me even lay him beside me at night so I’ll get irritated. I think it’s pretty normal, as long as you know you don’t cuss at her and wouldn’t hurt her.