How to have a boy?

I’ve read that the “female sperm” live longer, so if you want better chances of having a girl you would try to conceive days before ovulation. So I guess the opposite would be the way to try for a boy? Try to conceive the day of?


It’s magic :magic_wand: only the males have the way to choose boy or girl and even they don’t know.
I myself have 4 girls :sweat_smile: I decided after the 4th girl I didn’t need a boy :rofl:


Go to a fertility clinic and have them make you one with your stuff and his. Like Chrissy thigen did.

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You have to eat 38 oranges a day. Exactly 38. Then you will have a boy.


Try sleeping with his best friend… lol sorry, but there is nothing you can do, it’s all about the sperm


IVF or IUI with gender select is the ONLY way to determine the sex of the baby you will get pregnant with!!! NOTHING ELSE!!!


Apparently the position can have an impact. Google it, I don’t want to offend with examples :rofl:

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The guy’s sperm determines the gender :woman_shrugging:


You get what you get :joy:


My dad always said “If you want a boy, drive a Cadillac. That way you won’t shake the balls off!”

you can select gender with ivf

I just here for the comments,this just made my night


My daughter had two boys always wanted a girl. They took the chance and got lucky. They got the beautiful baby girl she wanted.

  1. Look up gender swaying. I had 2 boy then my girl idk if that worked or what. And 2.don’t “try” until u feel completely ok with the out come. Me and my husband knew she would b our last. I wasn’t ready until I knew I could accept the outcome. Amd boom she is 19 months now. Never know

Eat spinach lots and lots of spinach

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Just be grateful that the baby healthy. We don’t always get what we want.


Okay so i had 2 girls my husband had 2 girls with previous women. He seriously came across a man that bred bulls. Man said to wait a few months…man can absolutely have no sex. Chances will be higher you conceive a boy when you do have sex. Not sure how true but we got our boy!


I had 4 boys (miscarried one) and it wasn’t from abstaining.:joy:. I wanted to have all sons. I don’t know if that had anything to do with it. To tell you the truth, After I lost the first baby and was told there was something wrong with him, I wanted a healthy baby more than I wanted anything else

Girl no there’s no actual way lol


The ONLY way is by doing a form of IVF and that’s super expensive. The male determines the gender. Always.

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Get ur dr to check ur hormone levels


Stick a finger in his ass right as he’s finishing. Then blow in his face and say “Atta Boy”, thrice.

Look up shettles method

I went to a fertility specialist years ago. I am not sure if he mentioned this rudimentary method or if I read it in a fertility journal at his rooms. As gender is determined by the male (XY), the Male sperm die quicker and travel faster so you should have sex earlier after your period. If your egg is further down the cycle then it generally will be fertilized by female sperm. This may or may not work. Except for gender predetermination in artificial insemination, there is no other full proof way to select gender.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to have a boy?

Get your ovulation day figured out and have intercourse after you ovulate. XY sperm are faster so you want the egg waiting. XX sperm usually live longer and are waiting for the egg to drop.


No way to guarantee unless doing ivf and implanting tested male embryos and even then no guarantee that kid will identify as male…but stats show intercourse like 24/48 hours before ovulation, female orgasm (increases alkaline environment) tend to increase likelihood of a male offspring. That said, there are really no guarantees and if it’s a dealbreaker to have another girl then prob shouldn’t take the chance- we get what we get and don’t get upset.


I did it before ovulation time and avoided doing it after the egg was released the day after

I got my boy after having 3 girls… didn’t do anything lol the males determines the sex anyway so not much you can do


The father determines the sex of the baby, so nothing you do is 100% sure to work… it’s just by chance


It’s just luck of the draw lol

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Theres no way to specifically have a boy unless you pay, and create embryos and implant a boy.

I know eating an apple does it in the sims… or is it for twins? Idk.

Timing and depth allegedly help, plus making sure you climax. It’s not perfect, but the Dr said it should help

Eat strawberries. Works in Sims :stuck_out_tongue:

If you have John Legends money they fixed it so they had a girl and a boy. Personally I wouldn’t do stupid shit to pick your child’s gender . Let things go naturally and see what happens it was meant to be . # 4 daughters

Welllll from the looks of my track record (4 boys which include twins :unamused::joy:) just have sex :joy::joy:

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Scientifically speaking there is absolutely no way to increase your chances of having any gender. There’s old wives’ tales and such (like timing sex, eating certain foods, using certain positions, etc.) that people swear by because when you have a 50/50 chance theres bound to be people who did X and got Y result regardless

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My doctor told me doggystyle position. We did it that way until I found out I was pregnant and we finally had a boy after 2 girls.

There definitely qays to increase your chances. Read " HOW TO CHOOSE THE SEX OF YOUR CHILD"
Worked for me! 1 boy 1 girl

Adopt. If you want a for sure sex other wise every baby is a blessing. You might not be able to carry boys.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to have a boy?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to have a boy?

Hunnie that’s up to the good Lord and your husbands random chromosomes pick unless you’ve got booku extra cash to have them select only males and have them that way, which to me is too much like playing God. Adopt a boy if that’s what you want!


That isn’t determined by you anyway. Besides expensive treatments adoption is the only way


There is no way of conceiving naturally in any way to definitely get a boy no matter what gender swaying methods you’re told about. You get what you get that way. Adoption is a good option for a boy. I’ve had my tubes tied after our 2nd girl and I’d love a boy I really would but there’s no guarantee we’d have one even through ivf ( don’t want my tubes untied) and even though she’d be loved we would likely always look at her and wonder why she wasn’t the boy we want which breaks my heart and I can’t do that to a child. I’d love to adopt but my partner isn’t keen xz


There’s nothing you can do. Just hope your egg gets fertilized with a sperm that has Y chromosome


When we were ready for our second baby and as soon as I new I was ovulating we did it that night
My hubby and I had obstained until then so he was 100% sperm ready and yes we welcomed a baby Boy
All the best, go for it


Ok, so idk how true this is but…a friend of mine went to school for sex therapy. He said that male sperm are like sprinters, they swim fast but die out just as fast. Female sperm are like long distance swimmers; they swim slow but last longer. So when he and his wife were trying to conceive, he wanted a boy. So he said he needed to be as deep in there as he could possibly be so that the boy sperm had a chance to get there before dying out. He has two boys.


The second we knew I was ovulating we did it we were told the male sperm is quicker and yes we had a boy. Not sure how true or if it was just luck.


Be grateful you can have any children …some people can’t…and they would be happy be a girl or boy


I was always under the idea that frequent sex makes a boy , less frequent makes a girl . Worked for me


The natural way to have a boy is if this one is a girl to keep trying. Eventually you might get a boy and if you don’t then learn to be grateful for what you have been blessed with.

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Sure! There’s gender selection, but it maybe cost prohibitive. My girlfriend did it so that her last child could be a girl, to be a support system for her middle child, who has some slight limitations. Her husband was a surgeon and well connected. Sigh!


I know the family who wished a boy and 5 times in a row they had girls, then after 7-9 years they’ve got one try more, the girl!
I’ve got 2 girls, when we went for the first ultrasound with ours third babe they found twins! Then number A was a girl! But number B was a boy! Hip hip hurray!

Haha I don’t think there is a way on how to get a boy!
I tried doing things to get a girl… 5 boys later!
You get what you get!
Honestly just be grateful for a healthy child that’s more important than the gender.


Try following the Chinese birth calendar and lining your current age up with getting pregnant in the right month. It may be your only way to try and achieve a baby boy by design.

I have heard that position while being intimate could help… pfft not sure about that.

Increasing diet with things like banana as it contains potassium and boys have higher potassium.

I also read and heard starting things like diets that increase the chance of having a boy and other factors to help, earlier before conception in both partners help this too. And emphasis on both partners.

Good luck.

ADOPT. If you are so certain you want a boy, there is literally no way you’re going to ensure you get pregnant with one but I’m sure there are PLENTY of beautiful baby boys waiting for a home.


On a full moon, go outside naked and dance like no one’s watching around a small camp fire, throw a cup of uncooked rice over yourself then individually pick them up, put them back in the cup, go inside and cook your magic rice then feed it to your husband. He must eat every grain… only then I guarantee you that I have no idea what I’m talking about.


idk why all the ignorant comments, you definitely CAN do things to increase your chances of conceiving a boy. male sperm is faster but also loses stamina faster, while female sperm is slower but has a much better stamina. that being said certain sex positions which can deposit the sperm closer to the cervix can give the males a better chance of making it before the females. nothing gives you a hundred percent certainty but there are ways to help. all you rude, ignorant people saying she should just be grateful need to shut up!


There is literally nothing you can do to predetermined the sex of your baby. There are a lot of old wives tales, but the science is well understood. Nothing you eat or drink, no particular sex positions, no moon phase or time of day can alter the chromosomes that determine gender. It’s just the luck of the draw, and you have a 50/50 chance either way.


There are actually recipes for girls and boys. Look on line for the full recipes as to what to eat, etc. Also no orgasm (in the female) for a girl, and orgasm for a boy.


Do not eat acidic foods Make sperm survive better in an alkaline environment

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Get on top! I’m due for boy #3 next month. :joy::rofl: JK

Read. How to Choose the sex of your child.

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Look it up on google! I found something that increases the chance of a girl by 91% by them picking out which sperms look like girls. I forgot what it was called, but I found it looking this type of question up on google because we have 4 boys and 1 girl and I birthed 3 of the boys so I was looking to have 1 more and do this to increase our chance of a girl then her be our last. Good luck!

There is no tricks or anything to make you have a boy. It’s biology. You can’t pick and choose what chromosome the sperm is that fertilizes the egg. It’s amazing to me how many people don’t understand basic biology.

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Adoption is the only way to be sure you get a baby boy!

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Do IVF with PGS testing. It’s the only way to guarantee a boy unless all your embryos end up being girls.

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Yeah good luck with that … we tried every possible position you could think of to have a girl and we still got pregnant with a boy with our 3rd pregnancy… unfortunately the male picks the gender of the baby

Have a google. The deeper the penis go in the more likely for the male sperms to swim to the egg. Since male sperms are slow swimmers compared to female swimmers. So doing doggy style will go in deeper. Also I’ve read somewhere that having an orgasm increases your chances or a male sperm :woman_shrugging:t4: definitely have a read and Amos some homework around how to produce a male bub

Bacon and eggs, eat more bacon and eggs. For the guy

Stay cool… Seriously… Keep yourself in cooler temps… But it’s just an old wives tale but worked for all of us!

Good luck. I have an 8 yr old and 3 yr old girl about to give birth any day to another girl… you dont get want you want so maybe use reverse psychology and convince yourself you want a girl, then maybe you will get your boy lol

Need to talk to your man because his genes determine the sex of the child

The man as you probably know, determines the sex.
My son and wife tried for a girl, got 5 boys.

With IVF they can implant only make sperm if that’s what you want

Try until you get it right?

A baby boy is waiting to be adopted.

Don’t do this! You will dislike this child for not being your dream. Either get pregnant or don’t but don’t hang your future happiness on this random cause.


My husband swears to quit wearing underwear. We have three daughters and he started wearing no undies and we finally got a boy lol

We did Dr. Shettlles and Rovack book got a 10lb Boy

Look up the Chinese birth chart


I’ll say it!! Just my opinion… doggie for boy… you on top for girl
:slightly_smiling_face: I have one of each! :two_hearts:

Plan your baby for the opposite end of the year to your girls

Keep having them until you get your boy. Otherwise. Adopt

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Statistics are if you have two girls it will be another girl.
If you have two boys it will be another boy.

Stand on your head lol

I wouldn’t have a clue. I had 5 boys and I don’t remember doing anything other than the usual baby-making thing :slight_smile:

That’s not a thing…

My brother in law took anti estrogen to ensure they got a boy

Adopt a boy. My friends had 3 boys - all pretty grown up - they wanted a girl and adopted a beautiful 8 year old girl.

You’re kidding right?:roll_eyes:

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Stupid question. No one knows. Enjoy what God gives you

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…and if you get a boy he will probably want to be a girl :rofl:

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You have to be on top

Lol. Honestly no. The male is the decider of this. It’s the luck of the draw. I wanted a girl so very badly but was blessed with four boys instead. It is what it is. :rofl::rofl: I do wish you luck though!! I’d try again one last time if I wasn’t 48. :rofl::rofl:

Gender selection. Gonna cost you about 30-50k though. That’s what my husband and I are going to do to get a boy. We have 3 girls