How to heal from leaving a relationship?

Cold turkey. Say you want no contact.

First, you gotta dump him.

Well you know the old saying one excuse is as good as another I would say that to just an excuse and he’s having his cake and eating it too

It takes a long time and a ton of tears to get over someone you love. Its time to let him go and move on! The perfect person is out there for you, but won’t find you if your under his shadow. Let it go. I wouldn’t believe a word he says about coming back after a baby, you’ll probably still be the other woman. Until you stop everything with him, you will never heal. You got this girl! Tell him to kick rocks. :heart:

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Why don’t you get back together and have a surrogate have a child for you both if a child is the only reason?

Stop rereading the last chapter of the book, (maybe that’s not the answer), but look at the title of the next chapter in the book and start with the first paragraph. Time to start----new and fresh!! Unless you love him, then your accepting this situation, even though you don’t.

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If it’s over for you though. Block all contact, ignore him and keep busy, really busy and in time he won’t be a thought in your head or pain in your heart.

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There are ways for the two of you to still have children. You don’t just leave a person you love when times aren’t ideal. Why would you be ok with any of this?! You feel better when you know your not accepting any less than you deserve and your in a healthy relationship where your just as important as the importance your giving to your significant other :gift_heart:

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Don’t do to another woman what you wouldn’t want done to you! Regardless of what you feel or the situation :(. You have no attachment other then memories and these new memories you are creating as a mess will not work in the long run. It hurts like hell but keep yourself busy with the blessings you have and you will heal over time. No man is worth this!


Run and break these ties…this is just more heart aches to follow


I know it sucks that he left you because he wants a child. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a child and you can’t really fault him for leaving for that reason. You also can’t fault him for your part in letting him back into your bed after it was over. That’s a two party problem there and he’s going to keep coming back if you keep letting him. If you want to heal, then you need to heal and you need to move on. You can’t keep answering his calls, texts, late night booty requests just because you have feelings for him. He left and he needs to stay gone. Once you’ve mastered removing him from your life you then look for someone that has shared life goals. You need to be done with him.

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Start here >>> “I have been out of my last relationship for about 5 months…”, “He is currently in another relationship…”, “we have still been seeing each other and sleeping together”…, I don’t think it’s fair to her or me with him just using her for a child and then wanting to come back after he gets one I don’t believe I could cope with that"…" breaking my heart"… “I don’t think it’s fair how he left me because I can’t give him a child. And after so many years together, I am lost”… End here <<< You have all your answers in your question. You have all your answers in your mind, heart, soul. Now, do it and stand firm. No backsliding. THIS is YOUR life, how do you want to live it?


Take what dignity u have left & RUN!!!


Just walk away, just walk away
There’s too much wrong for you to stay
Just walk away, Just walk away
Gonna get yourself in trouble, walk away😳


Therapy. But know that you will not heal and in environment that you got sick in, and there is no way to continue communication with him and pursue healing at the same time.


Nope. Let him go. You’re worth more than this

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First off all stop opening your legs to him. Its time to move on.

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O Honey he ain’t coming back. He is gonna string you along as long as he can. Even after he has a child if he ever does. Truthfully I’d tell his girl what he told you then cut off all contact no woman deserves that. He can have a child of his own with out being with another women.


So many other options for him or you both to achieve having a child. He is selfish and a cheater. I hope you deserve better only you can know .
I wonder if hes put any thought into the childs point of view, this sounds like a good way to bring another broken person into this world .

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You can adopt together. If he says no, run and don’t look back.


No no. He’s using you for sex.

Cut him off fr!! No contact…

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Major unspoken rule is not to date for at least a year and take time to heal. Changing your surroundings helps and being strong enough not to go back to that toxic relationship is a road more traveled on than realized. Take a year to heal and find yourself without them. The memories flood in all the time and doubt rolls in like a fog on a daily basis but time heals and fog doesn’t last for very long. Find you. Get use to being ok without them. Dont fall into the self guilt trips and focus on learning you without them. It takes time.

You breaking your own heart by keep dealing with him … if he cheating on her with you then what makes you think he won’t cheat on you with her or another woman?


I am so sorry to hear about your story. You need to stop seeing him so you can heal during this difficult time. It will be painful at first but the pain will eventually go away. You need to reach out to friends and family. Prayer also helps. The important thing is that you need to be free to meet your soul mate.

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you will never heal if you keep seeing him & sleeping/having sex with him !!! But as for you staying with him & either adopting or him having a baby with someone else, either way, he is a cheater, End of story

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Keep your life simple.

You are right that what he is doing is wrong and gross. You stop it by stop sleeping with him and stop contact all together. Either he wants to be with you and just you he has to be willing to find other ways to be a parent. Telling you that he wants to impregnate someone else while still sleeping with you is very gross and cruel. I wonder what he’s telling her or not telling her. He’s getting everything and you get nothing. It’s going to be hard but you gotta cut all contact and focus on you. You are still a great human being m. Spend time with friends, prayer if you pray and maybe even try a therapist. You deserve better .

I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 16112 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
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He’s not the one for you. I know that hurt, I’ve been there. But you will find someone who is just for you. You have to stop seeing him. That just adds to your pain. Work on yourself for a while. I’ve always known prayers help alot. I’ll pray for you.


He’s telling u what u want to hear. Don’t degrade yourself. Get counseling for you and move past it.

He is using you. Stop all communication with him

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I would also let the other girl know and see the messages he’s suppose to come back to u he wants a child. He’s ruining your life , unborn child ,and the other girls life. He can be sued for this


You’re breaking your own heart by having this 3 - way relationship . He’s made it very obvious that he’s a selfish , self - serving person . He wants his cake etc . If even she gets pregnant , there’s no guarantee he’ll look after her or the child . You are worth more and deserve more for yourself . Move on and put him out of your life . There is no future with him .

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He is breaking my heart?? Honey you are breaking your own heart by allowing this to go on! Please have some self respect for yourself and let him go! It’s hard but you will heal!! Been there done that!! He is using you! That is not love!!!


U will not heal as long as u keep sleeping with him & hoping he’ll come back to u. If he cared about u at all, he would either a) stay with u & consider adopting a child or legal surrogacy) b) he would be honest about wanting to move on & then cut u free. He’s playing u both & you’re letting him


I wouldn’t believe a word that came out of his mouth!! Go out and meet someone else


Yes you are however a little prayer to GOD in Heaven could put you in the right direction he is not the only man in the world.

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What the heck? Move on like honestly why be sleeping with him knowing he’s currently with someone else and having sex with her as well? That’s just nasty in my opinion. He seems like a douche bag he’s playing both of you no joke. The girl he’s with deserve to know what’s going on you need to women up and move on and also let the other girl know as well. 

Qit sleeping with him tour not getting over him if your under him

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Honey get some therapy. I really don’t see how any of us can help you. I mean you already know that he’s USING you and this other female yet you’re still entertaining him. I don’t think it’s anything that we can tell you. :woman_shrugging:t4: Unfortunately it sounds like you really aren’t ready to leave him alone so you will have to endure a lot of heartache until YOU decide that enough is enough. Until then, please make sure that you’re using protection because you know that he’s sleeping with someone else unprotected.


It will start with no communication with him. It certainly will take time. You have to have value in yourself. You are not in a good position. Let him carry on with his life. Honey if you don’t move on you will always be the other women.


Please, stop all contact. If you continue to have contact, especially physical, you will never be able to move on. A guy who would do this to a woman (impregnate with no intention of even staying with her) is not someone that you are going to be able to count on down the road. He is using both of you to get what he wants with no regard to how it is/will affect either of you. That’s not a good guy, that’s selfish, controlling, and narcissistic. Don’t saddle yourself with him. Somewhere out there is someone who will treat you with the love, care, and respect you deserve. Good luck.

Do the grief work. Either self-help or find a counselor to walk you through the stages of grief.

Make a clean cut and move on with your life. You aren’t going to heal if you keep allowing him in your heart, head, and bed.

Let him GO! HE is being selfish. Do not see him, do not talk to him, do NOT sleep with him. Move on. Like any relationship, it just takes time. You will get over him and find someone that will love you whether you can have children or not. Best of luck to you.

Uh…stop sleeping with him and use the ‘block’ button on your phone :roll_eyes:


You are a booty call. You deserve better!


You keep dragging out the inevitable. Yes you are gonna hurt, cry scream etc. But you will get over him. As long as you allow him to keep coming back, a part of you is dying each time. Clean break is the only way. I promise you, better things await after

It is absolutely okay for him to move on because he wants to be a father. What is NOT okay, is stringing you along and cheating on his unsuspecting partner! Willingly participating in his cheating is messed up too!

  1. Stop sleeping with him if he’s with someone else, he’s using both of you. You’ll end up with a broken heart.

  2. move on find someone who is ok with either not having kids or adoption


Leave him now don’t look back

Know your value sweets, he clearly doesn’t treat women well hes having hes cake and eating it. He is using both you girls. Block all contact, number social media even change locks if need be if yous were living together. Concentrate on yourself do some self love take up a new hobby. I’ve found planting seeds/flowers helps with my mental health or maybe colouring. Key is keeping yourself occupied till your over him. You got this girl soon as you make the first step to heal yourself x


One day at a time. Cut off all communication. Do you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:God will find your path​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Where is your pride? You’re just a side piece


It all hinges on the begining of your relationship, if you knew you couldnt have children and didnt disclose- bad on you, if he knew his biological clock was gonna eventually get louder than Big Ben and didnt disclose- bad on him, somehow this huge impass could have been dealt with before depth of feeling occurred,


Positive affirmations, staying busy, getting back in the dating scene. Why waste anymore time, life’s short, waiting on him. Besides, do you really want a man who is capable of such atrocities. Think of how this will effect a poor life that’s not even began yet. He’s cruel, selfish, and is already sucking as a father. Find a real man who will love and protect you.

You’re preventing yourself from healing and moving forward by continuing a relationship of any kind with him.


To him you are and always will be #2. I know this is painful and if you break free and have no contact in 60 days you will feel and think more clear. You need to love your self and practice self care. Really sounds ruff. So sorry but a clean break will give you perspective. You will find that you are stronger and happiness will find you once you let go and move on. Hugs sending love and lite.

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Be done. He’s wrong and you’re wrong for being the other woman. I feel bad for that woman. Also he’s using you both so feel bad for you too


You basically answered your own question. Stop communicating and stop seeing him. Keep your mind occupied.


I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 20153 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. ===>

How stupid are u women???

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I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 18644 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

“I have been put of my last relationship for 5 months BUT we have still been seeing each other and sleeping together” wtf
Y’all both deserve to be single. You know he is in another relationship but your still seeing him

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what a Sad deceiving world we live in. The little child would be the one to suffer the most.:cry::cry:


Stop talking to him and sleeping with him! That’s the only way to move on. What he is doing is wrong, what you are doing is wrong. It is time to cut ties with him. It’ll hurt but then you’ll heal.


Healing from a lost relationship hurts, and it just takes time. I know you’d like an answer that could help you avoid the pain, but it’s just part of the process. Grieve the lost relationship but also focus forward. Make yourself spend time with family and friends no matter how bad you feel. Refocus your thoughts when you start obsessing or overly dwelling on it. Do things that make you feel special and loved. Love yourself and spend time around others who help you feel that way. You will survive and move forward. You can do this. Stay strong and keep in mind there is no telling what the future holds for you!! Keep your head up and only positive self-talk from here on out. You’ve got this!

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Men like him use women. One is never going to be enough. After he gets this girl pregnant he is still going to be with her and you if you don’t break it up. Maybe someone else too. I don’t know how you can still sleep with a man and know he is also sleeping with another woman. That makes you just as guilty of this toxic situation. Don’t respond to him anymore and find someone that will love you. This man doesn’t !


seems as if you already know the answer, now just do it!!!

You said you can stop communication…it’s easy right…start with that…

Surround yourself with people who do really love you for You because you deserve so much more than what you are accepting


Cut off communication and everything, obviously. Therapy will help you learn how to cope and move on. It’s not fair he left because you couldn’t bear a child and I’m sorry for that. I hope you find someone who accepts all of you just as you are

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Stop sleeping with him
Cut him off
You can’t move on with these attachments


Wow dump that fucker and think of yourself

Find a MAN that doesn’t want children.
& if you really believe that he left you for her bcz you can’t have kids, then you got bigger problems. Just the fact that your still sleeping w/him - your setting yourself up to FAIL!!! stop feeling sorry for yourself & do better, want better, get right in your mind… :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:


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He isnt right for you if left you for a woman that cab have kids. There is using a surrogate or adoption. Supoosed to get through everything together. I’m a surrogate for a couple married 7 years that the woman can’t have kids. Had hysterectomy early due to cancer.

I’m due in June with their little girl. Couples are supposed to stick together through everything…not bail when it gets bad or difficult. Ditch him and find someone who is right for you. He never will be.

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Stop sleeping with him!

You have to stop before you can heel.


Stop sleeping with him - I’m sorry, but this other girl is in no way at fault, what if it was the other way round? Woman who do this knowing the full entirety of the situation are just plain scum, sorry not sorry

Stop feeling sorry for him and saying you can’t give him what he wants, he’s using you and he’s using this other woman.


I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19427 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

He doesn’t love you and he left and is using another girl to have a baby.
He left you cause you can’t have a baby. If he really loved you he would have stuck by you and atleast tried ivf


You need to find yourself worth! You need to realize in a relationship you need respect on both sides!! He does not respect you, any man that would use another woman in the way he is talking about using this lady is not a man!! This other lady would be the mother of his child, he is not caring about being a partner and raising this child in a home with a mother and father with love and responsibility he just is thinking of himself!!!the list is long for the kind of selfish disrespecting selfish all about him kind of guy he is!!! You, you allow him to use you, never lay down and let someone walk on you!!! You need to be honest with yourself, you know more about him than anyone reading this ask yourself the hard questions then walk away and don’t look back!!!


Stop sleeping with him!!!


Why are you lost? The word is…AMSCRAY…if you want to stay for the occasional affection that’s your business, but he most likely will live with the mother of his child…dont you believe you deserve anything in a relationship? Don’t settle for that…


Let yourself grieve and find things to keep you distracted. Reach out to friends instead of him when you’re feeling lonely


Please stop sleeping with him. He is not coming back to you once she has his child. That’s just a lie to keep you sleeping with him. He has no intention of committing to you again.

To heal you have to stop seeing him. No contact. Don’t be his second choice. You deserve better. It takes time but eventually your heart heals


drop him and forget him

Cut him off 100% and then work on you hun. You need to find what makes you happy on your own so that you set the bar for how you want your future and future relationships to be. The hurting will get less over time but you’ve gotta look forward and look to yourself

Ohhh girl! Don’t let him use you any longer. Rip that bandaid off ONCE and cut ties. It will hurt unimaginably but you are losing yourself. Now he has the best of both worlds and you’re beating yourself up feeling “less than”. Nope! Nope! Nope! Never give your power away. Send him away then work on healing. You’ve got this!


Block and delete, move on

He’s never really left if he’s still seeing you. He’s just rubbing it in your face that he’s with someone else too. He’s kept more than his foot in the door.

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Stay away from him, he’s a bad habit, he doesn’t care about you because if he did he would truly accept that you can’t have children and maybe agree if you want children adopt one, give them a lot of love.

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Maybe not having sex with him would help… especially since he is in another relationship. Stop being his door mat. Find someone who wants you… not a baby maker.

No one can do anything to you without your permission. You have not removed yourself so he is going to continue to deal with you both. You can’t blame him. You have to take responsibility because you are allowing him access to ALL of you!

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Smarten up lovely. He’s playing you both.