How to heal from leaving a relationship?

Only time can heal the wounds

turn around, walk away, don’t look back.

you are making a decision as well as he is, it takes two. no empathy

You will get over it ! but stop sleeping with him .

Get another man who knows your problem before you get serious or ask him can we adopt

There is someone else you just need to find him an move on you thank!

You can’t see and sleep with him. You need no contact.


Fact 1: You never ‘left’ your last relationship. 2: While he was with you, he was likely also cheating on you with someone else. 3: It’s NOT fair to her as unlike you, she probably doesn’t know he is sleeping around. 4: It’s not fair on you, as he is not only using her to get a child, he is also using her for sex. 5: IF he has a child with her and then comes back to you, this woman will forever be in your life and it’s likely he may then still have sex with her occasionally and play you both. 6: You are allowing him to break your heart. 7: The only way to get over him IS to stop all communication… you can’t have one without the other, sorry, no miracle cures for you to have both bits of cake. 8: You will never heal if you don’t move on. 9: It’s not fair he left you because you can’t have a child but also you have allowed this shitty person to still control your happiness and get what he wants - both bits of the cake! 10: I can’t believe I am commenting on this post! :slightly_frowning_face: I blame Francine Chappell :rofl::rofl: