How to heal relaly bad diaper rash?

Does anyone’s kids get really bad, sudden diaper rash after excessive pooping? Not diarrhea exactly, but not exactly formed, clumpy poop either… it seems acidic, almost like the poop itself is burning my baby’s butt, causing it to become really red and she screams in pain when I wipe her and it breaks my heart :pleading_face: my daughter has pooped probably 4 times today and from one poop to the next, she had developed a bad diaper rash all of a sudden. And it’s not like I let her sit in a poopy diaper for an extended period of time. It seems like no matter what kind of cream I put on her, it hurts her and idk what to do. This has happened before and her pedi said to use zinc oxide ointment, which I have been doing, but it doesn’t seem to help as much as it usually would with just a regular diaper rash (without the acidic poop). Any suggestions would be appreciated, I just want my baby girl to feel better


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to heal relaly bad diaper rash?

Call your doctor, get a prescription ointment, works same day!

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I have really bad eczema and so does my son.
The red tube of butt paste worked, Vaseline, aquaphor, small amounts. Too much can make it worse. Sounds crazy… but if there extra moisture, cornmeal. Or sometimes just “airing it out” helps too.

Pure coconut oil is fantastic

Brown flour. You cook the flour basically look it up I swear by it. Also for my son it helped when I did a super thick layer of the desitin extra strength with every diaper change even if he didn’t have a rash it’ll keep the poop and pee off the skin

Have your baby eat bananas- it happened to us when we started introducing foods to our baby- just feed toast and bananas for a day or 2. Yes, if zinc doesn’t work, call Dr for rx

My son had this and nothing worked. Doc said it was yeast and prescribed Nystatin and it worked immediately from one diaper change to the next.

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And keep diaper off for a bit

Triple paste saved our lifes… when babies teeth they can drool or poop… this occurred just like you said… put a generous amount on baby this will form a barrier from getting to your babies delicate skin. This was horrible… if possible try to keep baby from sitting/touching the area. I was out of town when this happened to my poor baby… so we had to be on the road… poor thing.

Might be a yeast infection. That happened to my son.

Let her air dry at night. It seems gross but I would put my daughter in her play pen with nothing on to sleep so she could air out. It works!
And during the day I used an anti-fungal cream.

It’s amazing & called Triple Paste *pediatrician recommended
Amazon /some Walmart’s
Will seem expensive-but worth it & will cure ASAP-immediate relief

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Bathe her more frequently when this happens and let her air dry. Let baby’s bottom get as much air as possible, it helps. Then use diaper rash cream and Vaseline. This happens to my baby

Flanders Butt Mud is fantastic for this! If it doesn’t clear it up in a day, you’ll need a prescription for Nystatin.

We used aquaphor on my grandsons. They had the same issues. Use a lot and cover the whole problem area

my pediatrician recommended Vaseline as it’s an oil base which repeals liquid vs the creams that still allow liquid to get through. His but was so bad due to severe acidy diarrhea and the Vaseline helped tremendously

For immediate relief, use luke warm water and oatmeal in the tub. Let her sit in it. The colloidal properties of the oatmeal will stop the acidic burn. It will also promote healing. My pediatrician recommended this when my daughter went through the same thing.

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Lotramin ultra for jock itch. Diaper rash is usually a yeast infection. Never use baby wipes, use a wet wash cloth to clean the baby. I have tried butt paste, triple paste, but lotramin works best. Air it out when you can

I firmly lived by neosporin, A&D ointment,or triple antibiotic ointment and corn starch!Don’t be generous apply the ointment first then cover in corn starch will heal faster.Usually I left the diaper off just tried to confined the child.The. on starch collects the urine or poop so that it does less burning to the child skin from the acid in the urine or poop.And bathe her more often in Luke warm water and let dry completely each time from bath or diaper change.

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When my kids were babies I would let them roll around naked for a little while. Then I would use aqua for. However my oldest had a diaper rash so bad one time no matter what I did it wouldn’t do away. I found out it was eczema and I was making it worse with the creams!!

You have to use it preventatively as well

Oatmeal baths and antifungal cream is what my dr told me to do. And try to let baby lay with out a diaper on to let air get at it.

Super duper diaper do ointment. If you can find it. or order online. Works great. Bath and air dry first.

Could be a food allergy, causing the extra poop and the reaction. You may want to consider what you have recently added to her diet and remove it for a bit. Then note if it happens again when you add it back in.

I had to consult with wound care for my daughters rashes… we did a combination of stomahesive powder, a no sting barrier spray and a triple barrier cream to help her. She got them so frequently and it helped heal and protect her skin

Our pediatrician recommended this cream its for cancer patients who have raw bottoms and rash it worked wonders immediately


Mom of four here and I swear by panaten you can order it on Amazon and it is the best butt cream ever. I’ve even used it on heat rashes.

Is she teething? Goats milk diaper cream worked pretty good. But for the worst he prescribed
The trick is to put Vaseline on when they do t have a rash and it protects the skin from the poop

Calmoseptin it works in 2 days, TOPS

Warm bath with tiny bit of baby soap. Twice a day. Changes every hour even if it’s just one pee. Let it air dry after a bath. My daughter gets the same thing if she drinks anything that isn’t milk or water. We use the sudo cream the big grey container at Walmart for like 20$ it goes away within a few days.

Could be a yeast or fungal Infection, be careful what you try somethings can make it worse, call your pediatrician

A&D ointment worked wonders on my grandson immediate relief and less than 24 hours it was gone

Could be an allergy to either food (transferred from breastmilk allergen exposure, or solids fed to her), formula she might be intolerant to, or a reaction to her diaper or wipes as well.
Vaseline did wonders for my son. Oatmeal baths could also help alleviate the discomfort and assist the healing process.

corn starch will clear it up


When my kids had a rash that bad her pediatrician recommended making a paste with A&D ointment and liquid antacid. I swear it works

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My son was like that. I used nyastan cream. Its like an antifungal and clears it all up.

Rileys butt cream is what our dr recommends now. When my son was younger 16 years ago I used bagbalm cream and it was amazing! If formula Fed may need a diff formula

Try baby soap and a wash rag instead of wipes. Then I applied this butt paste or a cream for athletes foot, it will burn then add a layer of Vaseline or A&D. That puts a barrier between the butt and the :poop:.

I know it hurts her to wipe her but you have to make sure you gently wipe her clean pat her dry and just absolutely slather on that sudocrem, and keep repeating

Corn starch and washing in the tub after every poo or pee and pat dry no wipes


When I worked at a hospital we put Butt Paste on After every diaper change pee or poop gently was area with warm washcloth. Then pad dry only and apply Butt Paste each time. About a day or two the rash will be gone. And yes it’s called Butt Paste and Walmart and Wallgreens have it

Home remedy. Oatmeal bath. Naturally soothes skin and helps with inflammation, helps with rashes and eczma. A few other things as well.

Crisco and water wipes.

This stuff is amazing… I’ve tried a lot of different ointments and home remedies, and have had the most success with this. Any rash or redness my little one gets is cleared up within 24 hours and a few applications of this. Hope you find something that works for your little one!

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Eucerian cream in the tub only use the original, it stoos pain asap and clears it up overnight. 14 bucks at Walmart. Dont get the aqua one . This one right hear .

Wild carrot baby bum balm is the BEST product Ive ever used for this and more. It clears and relieves it asap. We call it the magic balm

Use washcloths when you wipe her.
Leave her diaper off and leave her bottom uncovered for most of the day, as many chances as you can let her butt air out.
Use baby powder to keep it dry instead of creams that make it moist. Keep her diaper changed very often, I wouldn’t let her pee in the diaper more than once honestly.

My cousin was legit allergic to her own poop when she was a baby, she would break out so so bad and always a bad rash all over down there. No amount of cream ever helped it, just keeping it dry and clean made it clear up a little bit every once in a while.

Mix Aquaphor with Mylanta in a container and glob it on there. Per pediatrician the Aquaphor stops the acidic poop from staying in the butt while the mylanta helps the rash. :black_heart: works wonders

It’s a fungal Infection

Corn starch is very good

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Don’t use wipes on her bottom when it’s red. Use a clean soft washcloth or old tshirt cut into pieces with water to make them wet. The wipes have perfume in it and will set her bottom on fire. Good luck.

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Baking soda and water paste then wash off and use pure cornflour

Bath with corn starch worked for my daughter every single time

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Resenol. It’s expensive but worth it.

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Sounds weird but foot fungus cream.

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Our ped told us to use cetaphil gentle skin cleanser and desitin the purple bottle. She said clean with water and the cleanser while rash is present, make sure you dry completely then put a really thick layer of the desitin and sorry tmi but to make sure you apply it inside their bum a little too bc they aren’t screaming bc of the rash but bc they have little fissures around there buttholes. Worked wonders for our girl. Good luck bc I know how awful the screaming is and you feel so terrible for just having to change their diaper

A&D the blue colored box! Works the best and super fast!

Money butt paste but thing ever

Use bag balm with every diaper change and in a few days it’ll heal, after it’s healed keep using bag balm with every diaper change and no more rashes

Do you breast feed ??? If so self express some into you hand and wipe it on a clean but . Trust me it works my babies have only ever had a rash a couple time and this trick clears it up fast . My bestie laughed when I told her but she tried it also and was surprised.

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I remember my mom putting ad ointment on me. It is over the counter. I would be screaming in pain and it would calm it in 30min.

Make a paste with aquaphor and mylanta! The mylanta is antacid and aquphor will make it waterproof! It will be cleared up significantly within 24hrs! This is all I use for my kids! And a little bit goes a long way.

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Aquaphor! Will be better very quickly.

1 tube zinc oxide (Desitin) · 1 tube A and D Ointment or Aquafor · 1 tube antifungal like lotrimin · 1/4 cup Maalox

Maybe it’s something shes eaten like oranges or tomatoes ect
Have some no nappie time let it air and dry abit even get some sunshine on it, I always use Sudo cream hope it’s better soon

Calmoseptine from Walmart pharmacy. It doesn’t need to be prescribed but they sell it behind the counter. It’s used for adult diaper rash, but it’s amazing!! I haven’t used anything besides that because my girl is allergic to just about every diaper brand except Target brand. Her rashes used to be bad to where she’s get boils and her skin would have burns. It’s $7 for a large tube. Definitely worth it.

My son had really bad diaper rash, I tried everything and this stuff is amazing! It’s a thick cream and really stays on well. It’s by far the best cream I ever tried.

Bath with baking soda and dry really well after and give her some nappies free time

My pediatrician told me to mix the zinc oxide with the diaper rash cream. I used Aveeno. My daughter used to get it so bad her little behind would be bloody. Do not use a diaper wipe, use just water and a clean wash cloth. The apply the mixture.

Take to dr. He should subscribe

My son had one of these poops just the other day.
It happens every so often…

It’s like the area burns red like similar to sunburn an not much will help unless u use this cream from dr.
(It takes a few days to clear with that cream).

Could be something she ate, my son had a infection an was on antibiotics an got put on formula because his not allowed cows milk so it triggers by something.

If it’s acidic from poop

If it’s a yeast infection, get acidophilus caps & empty one into her food & bottles. Feed her plain organic yogurt. Skip acidic @ fermented foods like citrus fruits or juices, grapes, vinegar until she is older. Kyolic garlic caps in her food/bott will boost her immune system. Avoid antibiotics if possible as they destroy all the good immunities and good bacteria in addition to the

At home I used to clean my little one with mild soap and water rather than wet wipes and avveeno nappy cream, was great in a short time xx

I was thinking sounds like yeast infection .

we use a zinc based powder and that helped a lot in our case. and a&d is also something we used. our LO has really, really sensitive skin so the powder worked wonders and I stocked up on loads of it!

Baking soda bath will stop the burning. I’ve only ever use buttpaste

did you introduce new food to her diet?
my youngest went through this & i believe it was acidic.

frequent changes & cool bath helped (let her sit & play/swim). then air dry. cortisone ointment cleared it up.

This happened with my little boy and it was a milk allergy.

calmoseptine-walgreens carries it—the best!

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Baking soda bath ! No soaps . Nice warm water half cup , air dry bum and REAL cornstarch

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Bag balm (comes in a green square tin) worked really well for my son and it always cleared it up super fast. You can mix it with some zinc oxide cream and it seems to work better that way

My granddaughter did this it was her wipes and diapers…use water wipes only , now Huggies only oatmeal bath will dry it up

Corn starch is the best thing for any diaper rash clears it up quickly… just pure corn starch… I used it on my kids and now on my grandson… It works


Yes! My son had this (he was/is allergic to milk fat). It was awful! It’s like burns with raised spots that look like blisters
Gold Bond baby powder was the only thing that helped. I tried every cream, balm, powder nothing helped. He would drink a milk bottle, poop and start screaming. I’d have to give him Tylenol.
Gold Bond baby powder. I swear by it. Healed ot nearly instantly, definitely less red by the next diaper change.
**Also, I switched him from regular whole milk to skim or 1% but they still need the fat for brain development. Luckily he tolerated cottage cheese, regular cheese and yogurt. Also avocado is a good source of healthy fat.
When my husband would mistakingly buy 2% or whole milk and give it to him, I’d give him Tylenol and use the gold bond but I would also flush his system with a bit of Gatorade/water/juice.
**Talk to your pediatrician
**I just saw you said baby girl and powders are not good for them, I think. I would make a paste with the gold bond and try that

Happened with my daughter. I’d wipe her, take her to the bathroom sink and wash her behind with baby soap. Air dry, and add aquaphor. It healed her right up. I did the same with my son when he had a reaction to scented baby wipes.

Make sure you’re not using scented wipes because that could also burn her rash.

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Mix 1 part canestan to 1 part zinc oxide to 2 parts vaseline. Works like a charm

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When I was a brand new mama, my daughter had a horrible diaper rash. There I was sobbing in the baby aisle at target because I was so overwhelmed with the options. Another veteran mom came up to me and we talked. She said get some max strength Desitin (40% zinc oxide) and ‘frost her butt like a cupcake’ then, add a layer of the pink powder to her diaper and close it up. It works every single time.

I always give my baby a bath get it clean and get some butt paste… Butt paste is excellent and I’ve tried numerous things! Currently feeling through the dance thing with my 2 year old daughter.

My daughter does that with orange juice. Except her pee burns her butt

Aqua for healing cream. Did amazing for my kiddos horrible diaper rash

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Keep the area very clean, and as dry as possible. My husband and I were told to use the lotrimin powder for it when it gets really bad (sounds weird I know, but it works so good!) Literally like the next day my sons rash is under control. Hope that helps!

When my daughter had a bad diaper rash on her butt I put her in the bathtub and let her be in there for a while and it really helped with the pain and with getting rid of it. But don’t actually wash the area you could make it worse. Just let her sit in the water for 15 minutes to half an hour and if you need to use a wash cloth and gently wipe her butt with it. And give her multiple baths throughout the day. And continue to use whatever medicine you’ve been using between baths. And a bath immediately after she poops would be great

Heaps of sudocream…try silver water as well

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All u need is some Argo rash will be gone within couple hoyrs

Bathe in water then apply a coat of Vaseline. The Vaseline will be a barrier and will prevent poop and pee from touching the sore skin. Trust me, this works!

Bath … Leave diaper off & let bum dry … Use corn starch as a diaper area powder …

I use paw paw ointment on both of my kids bums when they had a nappy rash

Try Calmoseptine. If that doesn’t clear it up or it looks raised put on nyaderm or nystatin and then some Calmoseptine on top.

My little just had a bad diaper rash and this worked amazing! He was cleared up within 24 hours of using both.

I found that baby wipes made the problem worse, if you can, just use a cloth and water and leave the area to thoroughly dry then put the zinc cream on. Good luck xx❤️


Both my babies had super sensitive skin. I used to wash/rinse the baby wipes before using them to get rid of the chemicals on them. I would let their bottom air dry. I would apply a thin coat of clotrimazole (this is a fungal ointment) and then I would put a thick layer of Dr Boudreaux butt paste. Hope baby rash gets better