How do you heat your babies bottles? My mom said she used to put ours in the microwave but everyone else tells me not to do that…do you really heat it on a pot of water? that seems so long…
We heated both of our kids up in the microwave lol. I’ve heard not to but, we warm our food up in it so what’s the difference?
We always heated it in the microwave
Get one of the plug in counter kettles maybe?
Put a glass of water in the microwave and then pull it out and set the bottle in the water. Check the temp but putting a couple drops on the inside of your wrist
I used a bottle warmer with my oldest (17) and my youngest 2 I just used room temperature water. I would use jugs of water.
You can also microwave a cup of water then set the bottle in that water
A pot of water or use warm water.
I use hot water from tap and then let sit in a large glass of hot water . The temp is perfect and no scalding of baby’s mouth from microwave(. Please don’t use that ). I don’t let it set in glass but a minute . Shake bottle and it’s ready !
Do not use the microwave, definitely on the stove or let the boiled water cool down…
Tried both and the milk or formula tastes weird after being mircowaved
Bottle warmers are awesome
Bottle warmer quick and easy
I used the microwave & a bottle warmer
No need it’s just a waste of time
Get an electric kettle
I didn’t. I just used room temp water bottles to mix with her formula.
I had a bottle warmer that was PERFECT… just set it to how many ounces I was using, then like within 1 min, it was done… it like boiled a little bit of water and heated it that way…
(A family member got it for me as a baby shower gift.)
Used the microwave for all 3 kids they say not to but whatever it’s cuz of the hot pockets it can development I just never made mine super warm
Use a bottle warmer. Or heat water in microwave in a big mug and then just sit the baby bottle in there for a few minutes to warm (same concept as bottle warmer).
I used the microwave
I always just mixed it with room temp bottled water.
They say don’t use the microwave because u can get hot spots where some of the milk isint as hot as other parts of u use a microwave just be shake up the bottle well to make sure there’s no hot spots. I would make my bottles with warm water then I always use to put my baby’s bottle in my bra it made it warm enough for my children’s comfort.
Used microwave… used a bottle warmer one time and I hated it
I have a bottle warmer. Like 20-30 dollars. It’s not just hot spots in the milk but it’s not healthy to heat plastic in a microwave. You should never put plastic in a microwave
My daughter uses a cup of boiled water or when she is boiling the kettle she puts the bottles in the kettle for a few mins she had a bottle warmer but it took so long
Put it in hot water for a few mins
I bought a baby breeza water warmer (not the one that actually makes the bottle) it has a water holding tank u fill and it keeps the water hot all the time so u just press the button and get however much water u need
I put the water in the microwave, than put the formula in it, shake it and go I’ve got it down to a science with our microwave by the ounces on how long it needs to be in for. Always check
of course. But that’s what I do
I never used the microwave.
Microwave will leave cold spots while some spots are too hot. So it’s best to put the bottle in hot water so that it gets heated evenly.
microwave removes all the nutrients and also will get hot spots.
I had a bottle warmer! Seriously the best baby product investment I made!
We just use room temperature water
I boil water and put it in a thermal or sometimes use a bottle warmer
I used room temperature water and never had to heat
Bottle warmer is best investment. Otherwise, boil some water on the stove.
Use warm water or get a bottle warmer
Boil a pot of water on the stove. Then sit the bottle in it.
NO MICROWAVE FOR BB BOTTLES! PLZ ladies…Google that shit!
Set the bag/btl of milk/formula in a cup of hot tap water for 3-4 mins
This is sufficient, tried n true, & simple. Run extra hot tap wtr into cup half way thru warming.
Boiling water from the jug poor into a container to heat the bottle
Use a bottle warmer if you can buy one. But no matter what you use, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check the milk before giving it go baby, to avoid baby’s mouth from being scalded/burnt! If you can’t afford a bottle warmer, I’m sure someone would be willing to donate theirs to you that they don’t use anymore. I don’t have one, or else I would donate it to you.
Heat a pot of water and set bottle in hot water until warm
I never heated my sons formula, he didn’t seem to care for it so we just used room temp bottled water. Using a microwave though will heat the BOTTLE much more than the liquid inside, which is why people tell you not to do it. I would look into bottle warmers
Hot kettle water in a jug or deep bowl or a bottle warmer. Or pot water but after its been taken off stove once boiled pour in to a jug or deep bowl let it sit for five minutes and then place bottle in
Never heated. Always room temp.
I’m gonna be honest I have a bottle warmer and use it at night for night feedings but if I’m downstairs I use our microwave because it’s quicker I just make sure to shake it and test it by putting my baby finger in it
4 kids, did microwave or room temp bottled water.
Breast feed the perfect food.
No no no to the microwave, yes to the pot on the stove , not so it’s boiling but hot so it warms the milk. And as many have a said squirt a bit on the inside of ur wrist to check its not too hot first, or boiling water from a jug, put water in a bowl with the bottle
Can always boil water in the microwave, 1.5 ish minutes in a mug. Put the bottle in for however long until correct temperature. Or a proper bottle warmer. That said, formula, microwave water first, then formula.
Boil jug, microwave or a small pot with enough water to cover at least quarter of bottle. Don’t need to fill it to the top. Some people buy bottle warmers but really, don’t need that fancy stuff and microwave is fine. Just do small increments in between checking bottle
That’s the way I did my daughter’s but if you just get the water hot and put the bottle down in let it set for a few minutes then test by squirting on your wrist
I didn’t fall bottles all the way so when I grabbed them from the refrigerator, I used warm/hot water. I don’t like microwaves for baby bottles but that’s my own thing. Pots of water work too.
Boil a kettle poor into a jug and stand bottle in the
I heated up water in a pot when it got warm enough i sit the bottle in there until the milk was warm
Baby Brezza. Life changing.
I poured boiling water from the jug into a bowl and let the bottle reheat if to hot I let it sit under a running tap of cold water
Under the hot running water in the sink until the bottle is warm.
I would put it in the microwave for like 20ish seconds and shake up then check with my wrist. Never had issues girls are now 10 and 7yrs old. Just make sure to shake so it is same temp throughout the bottle
You can always buy a bottle warmer
In a jug of hot water
I swear by bottle warmers!!
If it’s formula, heat the water in the microwave and then add the formula into the warm water.
So. I didnt even warm it up. I kept the jug of drinking water room temp. Put formula then the water. Shook it up. Boom. Doesnt take forever and its not cold
I get hot water from faucet put it in a big cup put the bottle in the cup for a few
U can use a microwave still just not for a long period of heating time maybe like 10-15 seconds but u shake it then check on ur wrist to make sure it’s not too hot. There are also bottle warmers or u can heat in water on stove but again short time u have to watch it so its not on there too long. I used to run bottles under hot water until it was warmed up then I dried bottles off and shook them checked temp of liquid on my wrist and was good to go
Best practice is to put the bottle in a cup/container of hot water.
I just kept the jug of baby water at room temp and added the formula to it.
Buy the baby breeza from Amazon it has the water warm ready
You can heat formula in the microwave, you have to heat breast milk with boiied water.
Rarely heated up bottles, I just used the nursery water and make bottles on the spots.
Nuke the water then heat bottle in it.
Plants fed with microwaved water, die. I wouldn’t feed anything microwaved to my baby… especially everytime they eat…
I would put a coffee cup of water in the microwave for about a minute and test it on my wrist to see if it was warm if not shake it and put it back in the water
I used to keep my daughters formula in my room on the dresser with a gallon of water. I typically did not warm it up. If I did I would put the water in the microwave. The reason that they tell you not to put it in the microwave is because it heats the outside of the water but not the inside. So it could burn the baby if you do not Stir It Up and check the temperature. But I always just put the water in there and then shook it and then put the formula. Then I would check it on my wrist to make sure it was the right temperature
We have a bottle warmer (got it used, super cheap) but before that we just sat the bottle under the hottest running water in our sink for a few minutes. Lay the bottle on its side and it warms evenly.
I microwave a bowl of water and set the bottle it the middle after I heat the bowl of water… or they sell bottle warmers
Yes because milk has burn points and can seem cool in one spot and be boiling in another and burn a babies mouth. Huge no no. Buy a bottle warmer if you want it to be quicker and more convenient
Microwaving creates hot spots which is why you aren’t supposed to. Hot spots can be mixed by shaking the bottle and stirring it up. I microwave cups of coffee all the time and stirring it mixes it up.
I kept room temp bottles and in the mid winter it was a slightly cold at room temp, did microwave an 8 Oz bottle for 45 seconds.
Cup of hot water from coffee pot
Use nursey water, mix with formula. Shake it. No need to heat it up.
I use a nuk steam bottle warmer
I always used room temp. My 3 kids never liked it warmed up. But when I did try I put in microwave and tested it
Don’t get them used to it being heated. Save yourself some trouble and just use room temp water. That way when you’re out and about and nowhere to heat, they’re used to room temp so just grabbing a bottled
Water would work without making them mad wanting it warm
I didn’t use microwave for breast milk. Did for formula.
Heating your formula battle in the microwave can cause hotspots in the formula and burn your babies mouth.
A cup or a pot of hot water always worked fantastically through all four of my children.
I’m sure there are many different ways out there good luck mama
Warm up a mug of water and put bottle inside mug, just make sure not to heat up the water too too much.
Bottle makers were fantastic .
I use to put my babies bottles in a jug of hot water.
If you’re making formula I use a water dispenser that has hot and cold and just do half and half. But for breast Milk I just run it under hot water in the sink until it’s warm.
I microwave.
2oz: 10 seconds
3oz: 15 seconds
4oz: 20 seconds
And so on. I stir them up and test them before I use it still however.
With my first I’d run it under warm water. My second I only warmed it in the winter
I use microwave always have, shake it up and off U go. Easy peasy
Make sure u shake it if u do
Run your sink hot, fill a cup or bowl and set bottle in for about 7 minutes. Perfect temp. Not too hot not to cold. The nicu nurse taught me that trick
Neither of my babies would drink them warm we tried a few times but they always rejected them. I would just use room temperature water and my kids preferred them that way
Jug of hot water, just to take the chill off. It doesn’t have to be a long time.
Yes they have to either be have to be warmed with the bag or bowl method. Motherhood is not for convenience. Hang in there momma
I just Bob the bottle in a cup of hot water just keep checking the temp until it’s done .