I used boiling water from a kettle put it in a jug and put bottle in jug heat baby bottles up… xx
Putting it in a bowl of hot water takes way too long! I used the microwave. For no more than 30 seconds and you just shake it up after so there’s no hotspots
We use hot water in a jug and a bottle warmer if I remember to pre-prepare
I normally used room temp water for bottles, if I didn’t have room temp I’d microwaved it for 30sec max so it was room temp but always check it’s not too hot
The biggest tip I got was to get my kids used to room temp bottles! It meant if I was out and only had room temp water in a bottle I could add formula to it and presto!
For expressed breast milk a jug of hot water is the go!
I boil water every single feed and mix if half with hot water and half cold water that’s also been boiled at one point
I use to heat up my sons bottles with hot water and letting the milk sit til it got warm
But I do it differently now, ten years later lol and it doesn’t take long boil it on max it takes two minutes not even
You could buy a formula/bottle dispenser.
What we did was make the bottle then hold it under hot running water…shake and try on wrist.
Microwave causes hot spots. Always use hot water instead
And when you go on the road bring lots of bottles, boil water and fill up one bottle with hot and one bottle cold and then it’ll be simple for when you go out
All you got to do is add half and half add the powder and shake it and good to go
I used microwave for both kids mine turned out ok
Ask the community mid wives what to do
Ideas change , i used a microwave and all was ok with mine !
At 2 or 3 in the morning you might not want to hang around
The microwave is terrible for everyone and shouldn’t be used regularly. Get a bottle warmer or use room temperature water when using formula.
It’s safer to warm it on top of the stove in a pot of water, but if your baby’s going to go to daycare and require their bottle being warmed, they’re just going to warm it up in the microwave anyway, so…
Baby Brezza Instant Warmer – Instantly Dispense Warm Water at Perfect Baby Bottle Temperature - Traditional Baby Bottle Warmer Replacement - Fast Baby Formula Bottles 24/7 – 3 Temperatures https://a.co/d/4bY8XgT
in a pott of hott watter
I heat water in microwave then put formula into the hot water.
Boil a pot of water befor your about to give them the bottle and warm it up by putting the bottle in the water ( of the heat )
I used the microwave years ago you just have to make sure you shake well so no hot spots and takes a few goes to work out the best time for, just do a few seconds at a time
You boil the water to kill the bacteria in the powdered formula as powdered formula isn’t sterile so you could just opt for premade formula bottles and leave at room temp (unless they’ve been opened) if breastmilk setting it in a bowl of hot water for a few mins will warm it up.
I bought this for my daughter and I absolutely love it! I wish I would have had it with my other children. Its so easy just add nursery water and select the baby bottle icon and it pre sets it 105 and stays warmed up unless you turn it off!
My granddaughter is breast fed but when I keep her and have to feed her the breast milk that’s been stored frozen or fridge I heat a cup or bowl of water up in the microwave then drop the breast milk bag into the water until it’s warm. Fastest and safest way I’ve found with breast milk. My kids were formula fed and I would boil water to warm bottles for my first baby then after that we used bottled water so it was room temp a lot. My kids are all 19 and older now.
I always used the microwave. Just use common sense!
Domt ever use the microwave, back in your mums day they did do this but not anymore as it causes baby burns as it can leave very hot spots in the milk, I usally boil the kettle and use hot water add a little of cold and leave to warm up, but now my boy has got older I just use kettle water without the cold water added warms it up faster
Hot water sit it in for a few minutes shake sit again for a few mins perfect untainted milk. Look up how a microwave works you won’t use one again
Run it under hot water in sink. Or put hot water from faucet in pot and put bottle in po
Microwave kills all the nutrients you are trying to get inside your baby! Def get either a bottle warmer or use the stove top. With a newborn/infant a pot of water should be tended to through out the day as you will constantly be using it. I get mine on lowest seeing and never turned it off unless we left the house we going to Sleep. Then I finally got introduced to the bottle warmer when they came out and my life was very much different. But still felt it was better than the stove
But yes to your question. No You should not use the microwave. Depletes nutrients!
Microwave and always always always test it first
When I worked t a day care they used a small crockpot and put fresh water in every day then put it in the keep warm setting. Then when baby was ready for. Bottle they put it in the hot water for a few minutes. I used to use a cup. My tap water got pretty hot so I just ran it until it was hot out water in the cup then bottle in the cup for about five minutes. That time was if the bottle came out of the fridge
Yes on a saucepan with water on the hot palates on your stove.Plus we used glass bottles.
Hot water put bottle in few minutes,
I had a warmer takes soo long then I did a microwave I learned what was right for the the bottle - so there was no hot spot. Always tested it and made sure it was just warm not hot. My girl is now almost 3 never got burned
I use microwave, but I shake the bottle after heating and also obviously check temp before giving it to babe.
Bottle warmer!!! The first year’s one is the one I had and I loved it so simple to use and it was cheap
Hot water in bottle and top w cold to get perfect temperature
depends what you’ve got sis, if it’s formula just heat the water in the microwave and then add powder, if it’s breast milk heat it in a cup of hot water or a saucepan of hot water. You can also buy little bottle warmers for pretty cheap saves you the clean up of this mess
No not microwave.bottlr warmer or you can put a lot on the stove and get it to warm temp not hot and do it that way but bottle warmer is best
Getting a prep machine is 100000x easier than most suggested. But you can do it a pot of hot water!
Kettle!!! Boil the water, pour the water, add scoops of milk, put in jug with lid on & run under cold water till cool
Microwave water to get it hot (quicker than using stove) and then stick bottle in the water for a few minutes!
Meter microwave baby bottles, then can get hot spots & burn babies mouth
Boiling jug of water for about 4/5 mins.
Had a bottle warmer with my first born and it always made it too hot even when I set it for the suggested amount of time and eventually we just switched to the microwave. They say not to use it because it can create hot spots in the milk where some of it is very hot and the rest isn’t but I swirl the milk in the bottle a bit before I give it to my baby just in case of that and heat 6-7oz for 50-55 seconds but it all depends on how powerful your microwave is that will determine how long you heat it up for.
Microwave but in short bursts (you work out almost an exact time) but always shake it really well to avoid hot spots then check temp again.
A timer tippee bottle warmer was the absolute best thing we had.
You heat up water in something, then put the bottle in the water.
I do nicely for formula or hot sink water for breast milk
I breastfed so I never used the microwave because microwaving breast milk takes away nutrients. So any time my son actually accepted a bottle it was in a warmer (hot water) not the microwave
They advised against microwaves because you can get really hot spots in the milk. I used to put mine in a jug of hot water .
I used the microwave. They say not to do it because it creates pockets of heat that can burn the baby. I did it for a few seconds until the milk was just barely warm and then shook it and tested it. The shaking takes away the heat pockets and evens the temp put. Never had an issue.
I use the water from the kettle and just put it in the freezer for a min or so
We used microwave. Shake well to check temp
Any of these work magic! It does not mix the formula, just had warm water ready to go!
Microwave gives off hot spots
If it’s formula… I just have my baby room temp. If it’s breast milk stick the bottle in warm water.
A bottle warmer does the trick
If you are formula feeding, put warm water in a thermos and prefill the formula powder needed into the bottles and when the baby is hungry just pour your warm water in and mix and it’s ready. I used to do that during the night feeds when mine was tiny. If you’re using stored breast milk then I recommend the stove method because a microwave doesn’t heat evenly and cause your baby to get hurt.
It also loses more nutritional value in the microwave. We always ran it under super hot water for a couple mins.
Keep half the amount of water you need in a bottle in the fridge. When you need to prepare a bottle top up with hot kettle water
Also they give them room temp at the hospital so mine wouldn’t even drink warm bottles.
I used to just run mine under hot tap water for a few mins
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You can get like baby breeza water warmer. Keeps water warm so it’s bottle ready or a bottle warmer from Walmart. I had avent brand wasnt a fan of that brand.
I never warmed the bottles, just used room temp water . Never had an issue
In a jug of hot water
Def don’t microwave it heats unevenly and can burn your babies mouth. Either a bottle warmer or just sitting it in a cup of hot water for 2 minutes does the trick
Heating in the microwave can cause hot spots and increases the risk of burns.
However, if using powdered formula it is important to boil water and use it to mix with powdered formula. The purpose of the hot water is to kill any bacteria that might be in the powdered formula.
I agree that boiling a pot of water seems like a lengthy process. I suppose that using an electric kettle might speed things up a little and make for less cleanup.
A water dispenser with a hot option or less expensive version you can boil once in the morning and buy a big thermos that will keep the water warm all day .
A microwave and mix it up so there are no “hot spots” and it’s even temperature.
I bought a bottle warmer, it took like 3 minutes
We have the baby breeza. It mixes the warm water and formula at same time. Life saver
l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19047 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://DollarsBox39.pages.dev/
Yes pot of boiled water
Breastmilk heat in hot tap water. Formula it doesn’t really matter how you heat the water.
I microwave it. Just shake it well afterwards so there’s no hot spots
I have always used room temperature bottled water. Literally had them in every room with a can and extra bottles so saved me the trouble of having to leave the room when the babies were hungry.
Heat the water in the microwave and then set the bottle in it.
I used a cup of hot water from the tap (mine gets hot).
I found boiling water heated it up too hot if I wasn’t paying attention, and then I’d have to run it under cold water lol.
If you use drop in liner bottles, it really speeds it up. Glass and plastic bottles took longer to heat up.
A bottle warmer was helpful at home.
I put a cup in the sink and the bottle in the cup and let it run I fin it faster than a bottle warmer or get the breeza and you dont have to worry
Keurig. How water in a mug that is bigger then the bottle. Or microwave a mug of water and set the bottle in it once done.
I’d heat up water in the microwave or a pot and put the water in some type of container then place the bottle in it.
I used bottle warmers for the first 9 months and then I got tired of waiting so I started using the microwave. Just make sure if you do, you shake the bottle afterwards and then test it on your wrist before you feed baby
I work in an infant room daycare… we leave a croc pot filled with water on for our day everytime we need a bot it sits in the croc pot water for a few minutes. Easy no mess no microwave danager and no need to spend money of specific bottle warmer that will do the same thing as croc pot most people have already
You’re told not to ever microwave a bottle, to put it in a boiling pot of water.
When you have a baby screaming to be fed, that’s not really ideal. You still shouldn’t microwave thought.
With all 4 of my kids, I formula fed. I would keep room temperature bottles of water and mix the formula. It wasn’t warm, but it wasn’t cold. It also eliminated the baby screaming to be fed because everything was readily available to throw together.
Never warmed it up for my daughter. She never had an issue with drinking room temperature bottles.
I never heated them. I used room temp water.
I got an Ozarka water dispenser that does the cold and super hot water. It was the BEST investment I’ve ever made. Boiling water or using a bottle warmer just wasn’t for me. I did see the comment above about leaving a crockpot on with water in it and I wish I would have thought about that because that is a GREAT idea!
Baby Bottle Warmer 2-in-1 Bottle Warmer for Breastmilk or Formula One Button Control Easy to Use with Water Vial https://a.co/d/jcp2E6o
6 kids here aged 18-4.
I had pre made bottles just filled with boiled water, the formula powder in one of those dispenser things… so the bottle was room temp, mix in the powder & then I would sit it in a coffee mug in the sink under running hot water for a few mins to warm it up.
I just used the microwave.
Room temperature or a bottle warmer. Never a microwave
When I used formula I warmed up about 1/2 of the water I needed hot, mixed in the formula, and then added the last part to make sure it was cool enough. If you warm it with the microwave with the formula it can have hot spots. I didn’t attempt to put breast milk in the microwave, but since it wouldn’t have clumps it would likely be okay?
My kids learnt to drink room temp bottles very quickly. They only time i needed to heat milk was defrosting breastmilk and i only brought it to room temp
I bought a small crock pot and would keep it on warm with water in it.
Run the bottle under hot water
when my youngest was little, I’d heat the kettle, then put it in a mug with my bottle.
now that he’s over, the microwave it is.
granted, I know he causes hot spot. just need to be careful and mindful
l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19047 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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Using the microwave loses the nutrients in the formula with my 3 I used a stainless steel cup but the bby bottle in it with hot water or I would boil water turn it off put the pan aside and put the bottles in there to warm
I have 5 kids and I microwaved the bottles no problem. However with my grandkids we used room temp bottled water no need to heat it up.
Formula: Use warm water
Breast: Put in a bowl of warm water
Don’t really need to heat unless it was frozen prior.