How to heat babys bottle?

Microwave water first… then add the formula. Did it with 4 kids and now my grandkids :woman_shrugging:t2:

I put hot water in a pot from the faucet. Put the bottles in (I have twins) then I change their diapers and water is ready within 5 minutes. I don’t heat in microwave or boil water.

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N0 Microwave !!! Anything else but that. You can microwave water in a glass bowl and warm the bottle in that.

I used a pot on the stove

50ml of boiled hot water the rest cool boiled water,

Microwave is fine as long as your buying BPA free bottles!

I used a bottle warm.

They sell bottle warmers

We boil water in a kettle for the days worth. She drinks it room temp

I boiled a pan of water on the stove and set the bottle in for a couple of minutes and then test on my wrist

I use the microwave, just make sure your bottles are BPA free. Water alone in microwave, then add formula.

I never heated my kids bottles. Room temp bottled water to mix.

They make a baby bottle warmer.