She’s has given her all and battled a battle that no one should have to fight. She’s done her part and she isn’t giving up, she’s just given it all she had and you can’t take that away from her. Support her decisions and you’ll give her more strength than trying to force her to continue fighting. As far as your bonus babies go, get them into counseling right away. No one is prepared for the death of a loved one, but you can ease the blow a little by having them understand what’s coming, don’t wait until after their mother passses to consider getting them counseling. It’s going to be hard, it’s not going to be easy, but you seem very caring and the girls are very lucky to have you in their life and maybe that’s why the mom feels comfortable letting go because she knows her babies are safe. hugs to all of you
Respect her wishes and pray for a peaceful end. Teach her children the same
I wouldn’t try to convince someone to keep suffering. She has been fighting for 3 years and she needs to be able to go without feeling condemned for it
Please tell them , so they can make the most of her good days. You might adopt her kids ( if things are right) so she knows her kids will be taken care of. Basically follow her lead. Help her if she needs it .
As a home hospice caregiver - we KNOW when we can’t anymore. Be supportive. She may change her mind - which is okay and normal. She may not - which is okay and normal. The only thing you can do is encourage those babies to spend time and make memories. Highly recommend watching end game and extremis on Netflix. Not the kids unless they/you feel comfortable. Do not hide what is happening. It is a natural part of life that we all go through.
To be supportive of mom - prepare ready to bake/heat/eat meals, offer to laundry or dishes.
You must support her decision and find all the resources u can to cope and regain the strength for your bonus kids this will be a big load to carry you will need help
Make whatever times left count. So that when she does finally pass your bonus babies can hold onto those. They’re lucky to have you!
Have mom dictate letters for each child for significant events like marriage, first baby, milestone birthdays and a bunch of random ones for sad days. Set up a bucket list things she would want to do with them and things they would want to do with her. Like trying on a wedding dress - or two.
I lost my mother to colon cancer when I was 9. It was the HARDEST time of my life. She fought sooo hard to the very end. As much as would have given anything to have had her even a few more days with me.
At 9 I knew she was tired and couldn’t fight anymore. She always told me that she was fighting for me. I couldn’t watch her suffer anymore. The night she passed l was in her bed with her reading to her and just being there with her. Then my father and I both told her if she was tired that it was ok to go. That we were going to be ok and that we loved her. She passed away early the next morning. Just support her and her kids. Make sure they spend these moments with her. It’s hard but I honestly feel blessed because even though it was difficult to know she was dying and watching it happen I got tell her everything I wanted. I told her how much I loved her and what an amazing mother she was. I got to say goodbye. Being able to say goodbye and having no regrets helped me deal with her death. If she is ready then that is it. It’s nobody else’s choice but hers. Please don’t make her last moments on earth be full of guilt because she is tired of fighting. I’m sure it was a hard decision to make. Support her and make her last moments full of love, support and peace. Let her know her babies will be loved and looked after and that they will be ok. Prayers for you family during this extremely difficult time.
First and foremost, you all need to respect her wishes. It’s about quality of life , not quantity. If she is done, she is done. She fought her battle and lost. She doesn’t want to live out her days in agony anymore. Let her be. She needs to go out with dignity and respect. Please just be there for them and let them know that although you could never replace her that you will always be there for them. Also some grief council would help them as well.
Best to tell them now before anything happens then they may rebel and wonder why nobody told them! And most importantly best supportive and get them in therapy
It is sad yes but maybe talk to your bonus babies and explain that Mommy has fight so hard and she is ready to go to heaven explain it now before it is expected. Maybe ask the Mom to record videos record her voice. Record take pictures as much as YOU can… And let the Mom know that everything is okay. That she can go if she feels to… She has fight a hard battle.
Maybe it’s time to also sign up for some counseling to help prepare and get you all through this tough time.
She can only take so many pain meds till either they stop working or she doesn’t know who she is anymore or both.
Oh that is terrible. Unfortunately nothing you can say will make the situation better. I think at this point all you can do is be there to support the kiddos and give them lots of love. I’m sorry they are going through this no child should have to loose a parent. Prayers to your family
I am so sorry you all are having this struggle. I would say just be open, honest and let your baby know by words and deeds you are there for them.
Hospice is a great resource for assisting with difficult conversations.
Reassure her you’ll be there for the kids.
I lost my sister to cancer. It will be very hard on the children. Be there for them. Teach them it’s ok for them to greave.
They will miss her for the rest of there lives. If you love them Help them threw it.
Cancer pain is the worst pain I ever hard you your husband and her family need to start preparing the children and just pray and be there for her and them
Sadly if she is ready there is nothing you can do or say to change her mind. Just be there, be the comfort the kids will need. If they want to spend more time with her right now let them, they need to be with her. Just be ready for them with open arms!
Just talk to her and talk to the children and be supportive
but please don’t try to guilt her or manipulate her to fighting
my sister died at 29 after fighting for 3 years from cancer and telling them to hold on for her children when trust me she wants to be here for her children more than anything in the world is not needed
unless you have been sick or to watch someone you love deteriorate from cancer you probably would never understand cancer is cruel it’s ugly and it’s horrible just support her and support those children
The kids should be told what’s coming
Pray with kids to give them strength. Ask God to take her without pain.
If she’s ready, she’s ready. I know that’s hard to hear but in my opinion its selfish to make her keep going when she’s ready to go. Think of it as she’s no longer in pain and can be free. Prayers to your family.
Maybe ask her before she gives up to try looking into cannabis for treatment. I’ve known many people in who used it and it helped so much with pain.
Prayers for the family.
My granddaughter lost her mom at 9 and her dad (my son) at 12. It’s tough. Just let them know you will always be there for them. You can’t take her place but you can love them.
Tell her you can’t do this without her. That they need her.
I understand she is tired.
Perfect example of the movie Stepmom…God bless you all
Just be there for them
Watch stepmom it’s on Hulu. It will give you a better perspective. Do the things they do on there. Making memories, special gifts, acts of love and LOTS OF PICTURES/ VIDEO. Also, pray for her and with her. God bless you all and peace be with you.
I always reccomend some type of therapy. Family therapy would be so beneficial. Sending all the prayers and good vibes your way
Let her go. If she’s in that much pain it’s cruel to encourage her to keep fighting.
Just be there for them it would be hard for everyone involved especially the kids and the mum leaving her babies behind just being there helps,
Prayers! I was reading about he stages you go through before death (with something like cancer) and toward the very end they give up and almost make peace with it, a week or 2 before passing they will have a burst of energy and feel almost “better”, and the last week will be mostly sleeping. I would %1000000 go have a talk with her, mom to mom. Let her know that you will always be there for her babies, ask if there are certain things she wants for them in the future and ask if there’s anything you can do for her now. Tell her you will honor all of her wishes and be the best step mom/mom you could ever be. The best thing you can give her now is peace of mind in knowing her babies will be loved and guided. Im so sorry for you and your bonus babies. I would suggest a hard but needed talk to the kids about how the next few weeks and months will go, what it will look like and what they will be dealing with. Discuss with them about the visi and deterioration they will see and definitely get them into counseling- you all would benefit from going. Reach out to Hospice care, they can really support families and help find resources needed. Sending you so much love and light.
If she’s ready, she’s ready… Ask her if she has any wishes she wants you to carry out, and do social you are able and willing. Being there for the kids is the most important thing!
Be there for them and support them any way you can! Be there to listen
If she don’t want to fight anymore then please respect her wishes. Just be there for them and her the best you can. Support her choice to not fight anymore, she’s the one that suffers daily with the pain and if she’s had enough then respect that. You’d want someone to respect yours.
Unfortunately we dont get too decide when someones ready or not. Mentally or physically. I just went through losing my dad a couple of months ago and its one of the hardest paths i think i ever walked. He fought like hell for 5 years, beat it once and it came back with hell fury. His body decided it couldnt take no more. Mentally he couldnt take anymore pain…even though he tried to drag his death out as long as he could for his wifes sake, his body shut down. All you can do now i think is be there. For mom and those babies. Theyre gonna need whatever love & support they can get.
Pray with momma and babes. Be there for all of them. I wish you all the best.
Please respect her wishes and help her in any way you can. Your child will see that. Encourage everyone around and don’t be pushy. Support her and the kids in this process is hard but just keep loving them the way you are. Stay amazing
If she’s been a good mother then she’s not decided this lightly. I suggest you speak to her, let her know you will continue to raise her kids to make her proud, and never let them forget her. Ask her what you can do to help her, ask her if she wants to make videos for her kids to get on their milestone occasions, or just because. For their high school graduation, college graduation, wedding, special birthdays… She has fought a long, and HARD fight. Now is your chance to learn what she imagines for her kids, what she will want her kids to hear and see on special occasions, what she wants and doesn’t want for them. She is your guiding light, and you are her guiding hand. Don’t guilt her into fighting more than she can, you CAN do it without her, it will just suck, and it will hurt. Whether that happens in 3 weeks, or a year it’s going to happen. Make the rest of her time here valuable, learn from her, comfort her, love her. She knows what the deal is, she’s tired in a way few understand. It’s okay that she has to go.
She probably wants to keep going but shes tired shes weak and she probably can’t much longer. There is nothing you can do to make her keep fighting because she has been and shes used almost or all the fight she has/had and just can’t no more. I know its hard for all parties and she probably feels bad enough that she can’t fight anymore. All you can do is have a talk with her see if there is anything specific she wants or needs you to do in her final days and afterwards with the kids what she’d like to see happen. Also maybe get her to write a letter to each kid if she can telling them how much she loves them so they can always have that to go back to when they miss her maybe a recording of her saying she loves them and put inside a stuffed animal for them. So they always can hear her voice telling them she loves them. Its will be rough but support the kids and always be there and make sure they know they can always come to yall and yall will be there. Try therapy/counseling specifically for kids and grief and talk to the pedi it can help them process it and get through it also. Sending prayers
Let her go. No one knows her pain, but her. It should be her decision to fight or not. Be an emotional support for her, your husband, and your bonus kids. Help her pass over with dignity.
Help her do things for her kids in the future, cards for their birthdays, graduation, marriage, 1st baby etc. Help write down recipes that her kids love so they’ll have them when their older. Anything memory wise she wants to share (maybe by video) for the kids like talking about her pregnancy when she was pregnant with each, when they were born, etc
I agree in watching step mom. Be there for the kids. Help them create so many memories to keep with them. Fill the house with her so they have her always.
Let her go. Atleast her babies will be able to say goodbye with no words to regret. God Bless you. Step kids need bonus moms like you.
Only she knows when she’s done….I’m sure it’s hard enough for her to have to say goodbye to her kids…tell her it’s ok to go & that her kids will be ok❤️
What a beautiful amazing bonus mum you are just keep doing what ur doing love them be there for them
Praying for her and the kids and all of you.
All I can say is encourage them to spend as much time as possible with her. Even if its just sitting next to her while she rests. This makes me want to cry. So sorry this is a reality for you all.
You and your husband need to let her know that your kids will be taken care of and that she doesn’t have to worry. That it is ok to stop fighting. She is ready, let her go. As hard as that will be for the children it is what is best for her. No one should have to suffer like that.
Please … let her go in peace . When one is tired of fighting the battle , don’t make them feel bad for going on . Hospice teaches this. Just be there and assure her that you will do everything to comfort and continue to raise her kids . Ask her what she wants you to do for them on special
Dates - prom , wedding etc . Fulfill her wishes and let her go .
My mam didn’t want to
Stop and give up but she was just too tired to fight anymore. Cancer is a horrible painful soul destroying thing.
Try to help her make memories with the children so they always have that x
Maybe Try do a life story book with each child from baby to there age that they are now and continue until they wish to stop. Include pics of Mum, dad, you, animals, toys . anyone of importance to them.
This truly hits home for me ,
I am fighting stage 3 cervical cancer it’s very difficult, please just encourage her that her babies need her by daughters are 14 11 and 3
Please please stand beside her through her fight
Her cancer has progressed to the deathly stage unfortunately. If she’s done fighting, she’s done. Just be good to her children.
Let her know that you will love and take care of her children and always remind them how much their Mama loved them and that she will always be watching over them. Maybe ask her to write them a letter or short happy birthday, graduation, wedding, new baby notes.
Perhaps you can get a blanket made of her old t-shirts, pieces of pillow cases she loves, dresses, old blankets, anything like that that will be warm and soft and remind the kids of their mom. That way when they’re sad, or wanting to share a moment with her, they can wrap up in the blanket and feel their momma hugging them. Believe me…it’s a comforting feelingp
If you or the children are religious, then I would say pray and ask for Gods guidance. And encourage the kids to embrace their religion as it can be a comfort when the time arises. And if you are not well you can still pray. I was stage 3 bilateral lung Cancer and given 3 months to live. I turned to God and it helped me deal with the inevitable. Except that was in 2015, God decided it wasn’t my time. I don’t want to sound like a holy roller just that it did give me comfort when I thought all was lost. You all will be in my prayers. ⚘
Be there and make her comfortable and as stress free as possible. Make as many memorys as you can. Take as many pictures of her wirh her kids as you can. Wish I would’ve took more of my mawmaw. She passed almost 2 years ago. Pancreatic cancer. She fought for 6 months. She’s made her decision. All you can do is accept it.
There comes a point in time where it’s quality of life not quantity. And right now her quality of life isn’t great due to being so sick. A person can only keep fighting for so long unfortunately before it’s too exhausted to fight any more. Yes it’s going to be hard for the kids but they are old enough to see how sick she is and how much she is suffering.
Help make her last days the best. I watched my mom lose her battle to the same cancer. It WAS the hardest thing I’ve never wanted to do.
If you can talk to her honestly ask her what she wants from you regarding her kids ask her to write a letter for them for their 18th 21st and 30th birthdays record her reading a book so as they grow they won’t miss out on her voice.
I am a cancer survivor and it didn’t always look like I would make it. When you are personally so sick you make peace with knowing you will die. What hurts the patient is the worry of their families…how they will react how they will get by…how long they may grieve. I had a saying when I was sick…I told my husband one night if I was a dog they would have mercy on me and euthanize me…so I started saying to people ‘there are worse things than death and you can live them!’ Please support her and know that you have to be there to truely understand…it’s probably her time and she is carrying the weight of guilt and fear for you all… let her know it’s ok….I hope this helps and you all have my prayers
I lost my dad to cancer at a young age too. The best things you can do is be present with them, be available and accessible to them, listen if they wanna talk, just be there with them through their pain if they don’t. Allow them to grieve and mourn in their own ways, on their own timelines. You can’t take away or make the pain better, all you can do is support them while they’re feeling what they’re feeling. They may lash out in anger at anyone or everyone. Try your best to offer grace, mercy, and forgiveness if this happens. Please don’t take it personally, it’s just a part of the grieving process. It will be difficult. I’m praying for the whole family.
Help them make memories of their time left with her…to help them through the grief when she is gone. We recently lost our stepfather to cancer, pictures are hard right now but them holding her hand will be priceless.
Just a suggestion but if a close friend of mine or family member were fighting this fight leaving behind children I would ask her to write her children birthday cards for the next 8 years (because they’re 13 now) and seal them shut for you to be able to give them to them on their birthdays up until they turn 21. It will be something they will never forget and cherish forever.
May she Rest In Peace when her time comes
Honey your being selfish shes in pain & tired plz tell her you love her & that its alright to let go…
Instead of preparing for her to live u need now to prepare for her to go, she is done and knows, maybe sit with her make a video of her talking to the kids do this everyday if u can help her pick cards and gifts for years to come bdays holidays, weddings and births, help her to live thru them
Sorry to hear this how heartbreaking for you all
Life story is a great start and also get mum to write letters have a keepsake box for each child with memories ask the mum if she would like a bucket list of what time she has left with her children also I just will add have counselling in place before mum goes as it’s good therapy to cope
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help bonus kids through their mom's cancer?
Last week I had my last chemotherapy treatment, been fighting since 2019…had a 17% chance of survival, stage 4…I beat it, but know what she is feeling…you do whatever she asks you to do. Be it letters to give to her children on milestone days, or videos, or a last vacation to make memories those children can forever have. Be sympathetic towards those children’s feelings and attitudes because they are going to be going through a very difficult time. They will either completely act out and be horrible or they will be angels…I know this because my 11 year old did both…encourage them to spend as much time with her as possible. Check in on her, if she’s exhausted take the kids so she can rest. If she messages you, answer her. Tell her that you can never replace her as their mother but you’ll love them and care for them after she leaves…it will put her mind at ease…have each child write a letter to their mother about memories, lessons, and things that they cherish about her, then make them read them to her…become her friend, take pictures of her so those kids can forever have her, frame those pictures and put them in their rooms…ask her what she’d like you to do with them now, like with her, and then continue the same activity after she’s gone. (Fishing, movie nights, crocheting, scrapbook, photography, getting nails done, spa days, anyting)…Be those kid’s safe space, don’t belittle, yell, or be hard on them…let them know you’re there without words…they will forever remember the way you were during this time. Be that person, that wonderfully amazing, nice, sympathetic, person…your husband will probably be going through some feelings too, they have children together, and he once loved her, so be understanding…essentially be an angel, and have patience that would put mother Mary to shame…round the kids up and take them to her house, clean, make food and put in Tupperware for extra meals for her to easily eat, ask her if ya’ll could do anything for her…I bet you get my point now, so I wish you have the will to do very meaningful things…you’re already a good person or you wouldn’t have asked for advice on this subject…
Make sure to include her with you & hubby when you do things with " their" kids. Have her make a video for later on. Just be there to listen , love & support them at EVERY TURN. See if you can do a photo shoot something personal so the kids have pics of her , them & dad and you all together .
As someone who works with Cancer patients. Once someone has reached this point the best thing I can encourage is to let her be. Help her make memories with her kids while she can. Have her write letters or someone write them for her but with her words. Make sure they spend all the quality time possible and help them understand what is about to happen. It is a hard thing to go through and a very hard thing to accept. I would also encourage to find out from her physician if there is hope for her to get better. If there is then she is probably in a really deep depression and needs to be reminded of who she has to fight for.
In a moment like this the only advice i can give is be her friend, be there for her and try make her as comfortable as possible. Basically be her best friend. This could be her last few moments and a friend can make that time more bearable. i been told people can feel when their time is up, maybe that’s why she’s giving up. Try encourage her to participate in anything that includes her kids, make new beautiful memories for them so when the time comes, those memories get them through. I will pray for her.
Maybe get her to agree to leave notes or videos for her kids and to take a photo or two for them to have of her…If she is ready,then it is her decision. Her kids are old enough to be able to take care of their needs without her…so it is just getting everyone to be ok with her passing. They need to spend as much time as possible with her…do some crafts or whatever she wants to do. Maybe even let them help with her arrangements for after so they get that this is going to happen and is reality and they can cope better knowing the time will be soon and can go ahead and start planning for lives without her around. Just be super supportive. Maybe help them plant a menorial garden for her so she can see it before she passes…
The best you can do is to be with them for support, this is her decision. I know that the kids are going to be heart broken, I know from personal experience on what they are going through. I went through it with my mom having two different types of cancer and almost losing her to both at a much younger age. Start having your SC going to therapy to help them go through this, it helped me. It’s never easy for a parent to give up, even when the parent has been fighting with their health and can’t take the pain/suffering anymore. She is choosing her well being over her kids continuing seeing their mother suffering and in pain.
Watch the movie Stepmom. Have her pick out cards for the milestones she won’t be there for and pick out gifts for the kids for them too. Be supportive of her choice, she’s tired, but you will be the one who has to be strong for those kiddos, take a family photo. Reassure them that she loves them and that she’s their mom but you will always be there for them, now and after. Come together as a family during this, she will be grateful and your bonus kids will appreciate it when they get older. Prayers to all of you.
My heart hurts for all of you. I have no advice other than to be there for those kiddos to the best of your ability, and be there for their mom too! If they see that you care about their mom deeply, they will be more willing to open up to you and lean on you when they need to. I would absolutely make sure you all spend as much time with her as possible. I also agree with Sharrie. That and family videos! Lots of pictures of her and the kids and videos of her and the kids.
You have to watch the movie stepmom with Julia Roberts… it gives amazing perspective and perhaps some ideas on how to move forward from here. Bless those babies and I hope you are all surrounded by the strength you need to get thru.
I also agree… make a video so they will have something
To the best of your ability, explain to your bonus kids how tired and hard this fight is for her and how she has every right to make her decision. Try to make it as positive as possible on the decision the mom is making, and talk to them and help them know you understand their pain and hurt from all this. My heart goes out to you, and them. That is an extremely hard cancer to fight.
I know your life is far from being a movie but step mom is a great movie and may give you some ideas on what may be going through her head. And in no way am I saying to just let her go, but getting her to keep fighting may only make her more tired, give the kids and you unpleasant memories, and her to suffer more. I’d talk to her privately. I’d spend as much time as possible with her so you can pass on the values, beliefs and such to the kids the way she’d want you to. And one thing I wish I would have gotten to do with my mom before she passed is ask her everything! What her favorite memory of each kid is, what silly things they did and when she was most proud of them. Ask her everything you can possibly think of. Bc when she goes all of that will be gone and I promise you one day they’ll want to know.
Can you find a local support group for the family and the kids? We have an amazing non profit in my town that is a blessing for such families.
My best advice to you would be it’s her choice. She’s been fighting for years. She is suffering and she’s tired. It sounds like it’s not getting any better for her. So my advice would be to support her and have those kids spend as much time as possible with her until it is her time. I know it’s not easy to lose a loved on but it’s also not easy to watch a loved one suffer and fade away. There’s really no good choice in a situation like this.
This might sound corny… but have you ever seen step mom? The movie? She took photos and made gifts for the kids with their mom…. Plus the videos, cards and letters mentioned will help. If she can’t write offer to write them for her:heart: you will now be their mom forever… ask her questions on special things she would do or want done on graduation days? Birthday parties? Wedding days??
Please put them into therapy!
It will benefit so much while going through grieving process( eventually she will pass)
Best of luck!
I’ve been battling cancer for the past 3 years. It is hard on your body and it is very exhausting emotionally, mentally, and physically. I too feel like I can’t do anymore and just want to rest. I’m only saying this because I feel her exhaustion. I’ve fought other things during the past 3 years that should of clearly taken my life. Like pulmonary embolism that left with half a left lung, heart problems, pancreas not functioning properly, can’t keep food down, deadly autoimmune disease that has no cure, and covid. I feel like my quality of life at this point isn’t worth it to keep fighting. Just so you can have a different perspective of what we feel. It isn’t easy.
Make sure they get as much time as possible with her, have her write them letters for future birthdays and maybe weddings, if y’all have a good relationship maybe go over there and help her around the house while she watches a movie with the kids. Sadly these will be the last memories they have with her so help make them the best:purple_heart:
Make as many memories as you can with her and the kids. Ask if there is anything she would like to do or see the kids do and make it happen. Take pictures, write letters, video everything. Help mom with letters with things she wants to gift the kids for special occasions, photo shoots… If she has given up, the only way to help them is for them to see you doing everything you can to make memories.
Do as many things as possible to make memories with her. Show the kids support and be there for them.
Usually when someone clocks out from a very long courageous battle with cancer, it isn’t long until they’re suffering is over. She’s fought a hard battle for what sounds like a long time. She’s physically and mentally exhausted.
Many many prayers for all of you.
I don’t want to sound glib , but this sounds like the movie Stepmom. They handled it great. One thing… I lost my mother too cancer and we didn’t think it know how much hearing her voice would mean. Help her make a video l for the children it will be their most treasured possession. It she doesn’t want to fight anymore honor her wishes and make what’s left the best it can be.
As much as this is heart breaking this is her choice. You can’t make her keep fighting. All you can do now is take as many videos and photos as you possibly can. Help to support and just be there for her and her babies. Assure her that you have got her back.
I watched my mom go through this and honestly they get tired and u just have to let them be, yeah it sucks but just be there for her that’s all
If she is ready to go then she’s made her decision. You cannot convince her or talk her into keep fighting. Watching my godfather fight, go into remission and then to have it come back again. He decided not to fight anymore. All you can is support her decision and be there for the kids in everyway possible and allow them to feel their feelings!
I seems like she has fought a hard battle. If she is tired and says she’s ready then it’s time for the family(all family) to accept this and spend her time that’s left sharing love,taking pictures or video. It’s time to take advantage of the possible last chance to ask questions or have important heartfelt conversations. I’m sure she loves her children and she’s full aware how hurt they will be so it’s not a decision taken lightly.But now everyone needs to come together not figure out how everyone can convince her to fight more and more. Respect it’s her life and it’s her right to live or die with dignity.
Step up and embrace your husband and his children(your bonus kids)
All you can really do is offer love and support and promise this lady her children will be well loved and that her memory will live on after she’s gone. As moms we are generally more concerned for our children than ourselves even in death.
I know my mom was this way when she was ready to go after battling cancer.
Watching someone slowly die is hard. Forcing them to dragg it out is even harder. Cancer patients are strong untill they just cannt. Respect her choice im sure she is making it with deep deep pain…
My mam had stomach cancer which she beat then she got lung cancer and she said she wasnt going to have the operation because she didnt want to fight it. inbetween cancers her best friend had died of throat cancer.she said she was to tired to fight we sat her down and talked to her about all the things she had fought for and done in her life and the things in her life she had to fight for.we said when she was weak we were there to pick up and give her the help and strength she needed to carry on she needed to carry on fighting.she is in her 80s now but beat both cancers.its extremely hard for the person who has cancer but as long as they know there is something to keep them going and the love and support of friends and family most times there is a happy ending i wish her all the live and hopefully she’ll pull through thinking of hrr and her family x
Respect her wishes, this is her journey and she is in the drivers seat. This is going to be a tough journey for these kids but lucky you are there for them and get to be their soft place to fall. Step into it and hold their hands and be honest with them. Kids are very resilient and see things quite black and white, just be there for everyone. It’s now your honour and privilege to hold their hands through this life journey
make her as comfortable as possible… once they get to this point there really is no return… don’t make her fight if she is tired💔 i’m sure she would for her kids if she had it in her!
so many hugs and prayers to your littles and their mama!
Hospice may be able to help. Try them. And she wants to die with dignity, they will help her with pain control.
I have clients on 75 mg of 3 types of cbd 3 times a day. I add terpenes. I have clients getting better left and right. One is stage 4 pancreatic. She has come off hospice and even went to the beach last weekend. They help for pain and possibly kill the cancer. It isn’t just her- it’s many.
Get her in high dose cbd oil
This is a lesson in mercy, going through something hard so someone else doesn’t have to continue living in suffering. Hugs
I’m sorry I know it’s hard but the best thing you can do is support her so she doesn’t feel guilty about her decision it’s easy to think don’t give up when it isn’t your battle as much as you love her and those baby’s she knows this empathy you feel is why it’s ok to stop fighting because the kids while sad will be ok they have you and the daddy let her find comfort in that I watched my daddy give up and my heart screamed don’t stop fighting but the pain he was in the suffering I was screaming keep fighting for me not for him he’s gone now and I miss him everyday but he’s not in pain he knew when he was ready he told us all goodbye and my heart broke but at the same time I myself found peace because his pain was over best thing you can do is hold those baby’s up and help them understand prayers for you all