How to help bonus kids through their mom's cancer?

Do the same thing in that movie Stepmom with Julia Robert’s where her fiances ex wife has cancer she moves her in an makes her last days with her an her kids the best.

Sometimes we have to respect the wishes of the person who is fighting. It doesn’t mean they are being selfish when they get to that point and they are ready to stop fighting. Death with dignity and respect for their decisions are of the utmost import. Learning to let go and say goodbye are part of life and difficult lessons for both children and adults.

Kids are not stupid. You don’t do anything except listen. No opinions, no comments of your fear put on those kids. I’ve had it 3 times and my daughters step mom was awesome and let me have diginity. You got issues be an adult and keep it to yourself or go get counseling. It’s not your body or disease.

Look into RSO oil and natural herbs, whole foods , juicing maybe she would try it

How sad! Take them to visit her often.

All they need is a women figure to be there not to replace their mum just to have around xx

Have her write letters to them to be given on special days… sweet 16, 18th birthday, wedding day, birth of child(ren), hopefully it never happens but a letter for if they get divorced because I leaned heavily upon my mom during that time… Then let her go. Explain to the children that it’s her time and tell her her children are safe and loved and will be ok and that she doesn’t have to fight anymore. One of the best things you can give a dying person is your blessing to die. It gives them the power to die with peace in their soul instead of worry.

This broke my heart. I’m so sorry for every one of you, this can’t be easy :disappointed:

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Watch the movie Step Mom with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon

You can’t force her to keep fighting and I doubt you can convince her to in any way, anything you come up with she has already thought of. I guarantee she doesn’t want to leave her kids and certainly doesn’t want to hurt them but you can’t shield them from that forever. Make sure they get to see her and spend time with her as much as possible and just be there for them. They’re teenagers so they’ll either need space or support, give them whichever they need at the time and be ready to give them all the love you can when they want it. Ask her if there’s anything specific she wants/needs you to do for her for her kids. Just be there.

You have to accept that she is going, it’s her time. Focus on making these last few months very good ones so no one is left with regrets

I know you want her to keep fighting, and I know your heart is in a good place. But, we don’t get to tell people when and how to deal with their own terminal illness. Cancer is terrible. The pain is unimaginable, the entire life that goes along with it it really hard and awful. We don’t get to tell people in constant physical and emotional pain to keep fighting. The best way you can help is to respect their moms decision that she has every right to make and be there for her and her daughter. Do not waste what little time she has left trying to push her to do something she doesn’t want to…that’s not fair to her, she deserves to be at peace after what she’s going through, she likely already knows the weight of this decision and as a mother myself I can’t imagine how hard that has to be to make a choice that will result in me not seeing my kids grow up. Don’t do this to her.

I’m so thankful you call them bonus kids instead of step kids.

Rick Simpson oil. Phoenix tears

This breaks my heart. My prayers and thoughts are with the entire family.:heart:

If someone could help the original poster to see this (IF IT OKAY WITH THEM) I have a semi large wealth of “cannabis as medicine” knowledge that I’d love to share with them. I worked in a medical only dispensary in NM starting back in 2013. I made suppositories (ideal for colorectal) and I even had a lung cancer patient who had a tumor metastasize to his brain come back and tell me (and provide doctor notes) stating that he hadn’t used any cancer treatments or drugs, and his brain tumor reduced in size my 80% y’all! By using ONLY my suppositories! I donated them 100% free of charge to this man, and asked that in return all I wanted was to help him with any cannabis he wanted/needed and that he tell me if it helped him improve his life for the time he had left and tell me if he improved medically… he’s in remission today y’all! I know this isn’t the case with everyone and I know not everyone agrees with cannabis, so please don’t come here with negative comments because I will not entertain them. I have seen it help with my own eyes and with accurate doctors notes from a cancer doc that did not agree with the patients wishes although he could not stop him. I have seen people who looked to be in their last days completely make a 360 and enjoy life again. I’ve also lost patients who I had grown to love like my own family. It’s not a cure all, but it can help you enjoy time you have left, and it can heal. If the person who is asking for help would like some info to help her baby’s momma at least have some relief, I’d be more than happy to spend as much time as you’d like to get you some good ACCURATE information. You’re an angel for wanting to help your kiddos mom and help your baby go feel better. :heart: If not, I still hope you all find peace and she is able to find some relief so your step child can find solace in knowing she wasn’t in pain.

Just be there for them

Counseling for sure.

As I sit here and read this…I’m also awaiting results from the 7 biopsies they removed from my esophagus early yesterday morning. I’m just now starting my battle, and I don’t know how it will end. We have 5 children, 10 and under. For days now, my mind has wandered to all the different possibilities and outcomes of this situation. I’m gonna fight no matter what, but should that time come, I would want to know that my babies have someone that would love them as much as I do. We can’t make our bodies do more than they can, no matter how much we want to. You are in those children’s lives for a reason, take this chance to show her before it’s too late. Help her make memories for her children and be there for them when the time comes. You won’t be able to take their pain away, but you can help ease it over time. Now is the time to reassure this mama that her babies are in good hands.


So you want her to keep fighting and continue to be miserable just so that others are happy? That’s sad. That’s real sad. Let that lady go in peace! She deserves it.


Praying for her and her family

My sister was stated terminal 4 years ago and is still putting up an amazing fight :sparkling_heart: her daughters teachers helped with a memory box that she still adds to. I also bought a book off Amazon can’t remember what it was called but it’s a story about coping with family illness’s xx

Help them understand quality of life vs life in general. Help them see that each person has a individual life time and it should be measured by more then time , help them remember all the inspirational markers of he life and how precious those are .

Best advice ever given to us over cancer was make her as comfortable as you possibly can ,let the kids know they will be ok that they still have dad and you and that you guys will try your best to help them through this and even tho you all know the out come of what’s going to happen it dont make it any easier but just know when the time comes she loved them and will always love them that it’s never good bye because some day they will see her again , hold them tight and let them cry you hold one why dad holds the other … the best thing that anyone can do is let them tell her along with you and dad that you promise her the kids will be ok and you will do the best you can for them and help keep her memory a live in them and that it’s OK to let go when she is ready … its not going to be easy but it will make things easier on mom

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Assure her you will take care of her babies and it is ok for her let go. :two_hearts:

Have a real conversation about death and how it’s going to be hard and sad but it’s okay to feel those feelings and the most important things now are time and allowing her to experience peace by respecting her wishes.

depending on where you live and what’s available I suggest looking into palliative care options that support both the dying person and the family during and after death. This is a crucial time in all of your lives and it needs to be faced with reality even if it’s hard.

Maybe help her make some videos to give them at certain milestones like birthdays, graduations, weddings, their first apartment or house, their first car, passing driving test, when they have a baby, when they turn 18, 21, etc!

Watch the movie stepmom❤

Do what you can to help her. (Maybe make dinner for all of them a couple times a week, help clean house…Whatever she’d allow) be supportive and show them all as much love as you can. They are all in need right now

I can’t help much but try watching the movie stepmom I thought of it when reading this sending prayers your way

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I don’t think pressuring her to keep fighting is fair to her. She’s living with this disease and a lot of pain from it, and if she has decided to enjoy the rest of her time, however long that may be in peace instead of fighting, let her have that. Support her and be there for the children. Let them express whatever feelings they have freely and without judgment and focus on loving, happy memories. Perhaps there is something special they all would like to do with everyone together.

My grandmother passed from ALS when i was preschool aged, and from what my family has told me, she suffered a lot and was in agonizing pain, i know it’s a hard topic and a lot of people think it’s cruel to let the person suffering decide when they want to go, but all i can say is, if she’s saying she’s exhausted and tired of fighting, I’m afraid that she is telling you she is near the end :disappointed: it’s never easy, but we have to honor what the person suffering wants, my grandmother chose to peacefully go as she did not want to try any more treatments or management of pain, and even though it was hard, my family honored that. I would say find children’s books on death, and find a good grief therapist so they can start therapy with them and manage the emotions that come with having a terminally ill family member, be supportive, let them write notes, letters, document things, scrap books, make video collages, whatever to help keep the memories alive, and be the support she desperately needs right now :black_heart:

I don’t have much advice… I went through similar situation when I was a kid. My mom had colon cancer, I was 6 or 7 and died when I was 14. It’s exhausting. And I wish I would I have spent more time with her. My only advice is to just be there for them. Hug them. Talk to them about their feelings. Try to help them through it. Unfortunately, you can’t make her fight anymore. Assure her that you and their dad will do everything to help them through this. It’s going to be hard. I went through moments of sadness to anger and resentment. I would definitely look into counseling for them too. I didn’t know how to cope with certain things and turned to drugs. I’ve been in recovery for 7 years. And to this day I still have my hard days… and I’m 31 now.
My heart goes out to you and your family and your kids. :heart: stay strong hun

Honestly, seeing this post shows how much you care. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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