How to help my daughter start shaving?

If she were mine, I would get her an electric shavers. Gentler on her tender skin. I wouldn’t push the shaving yet though.


Why should you choose when she starts to shave? She should be able to make her own decisions on her own body image. Grade 7/8 at age 11-13 is a more common age/time to start. If it’s still super light and if it’s not bothering her, it shouldn’t bother you. That how self esteem goes down is when people push you to do something you’re not ready for or feel the need to change.


I’m 39 and don’t worry about shaving my legs why would a 9 year old need to?!?


Get an electric shaver. I got a real nice one on Amazon and it’s painless. I shave my daughter’s legs for her and sometimes her back too. She inherited myself and her father’s hairy gene unfortunately lol. I personally don’t think your daughter is too young. I wish my mom wouldn’t have let me go so long without shaving my legs. I developed quite earlier than my peers and kids are mean and it would have saved alot of unnecessary hardship. So trust me your daughter will thank you later.


WAIT!!! It’ll come back darker and thicker. Besides. The hair is natural part of our bodies. Little girls don’t need to think have to be a certain way for people to like them. Let them be little girls who don’t worry about this stuff for as loooong as possible. Why make them grow up quicker than they need to?


I started in the third grade because of dark hair and kids teasing. My mom got me an electric shaver. She felt it was a safer start.


I’m a hippie that hangs out with a lot of hippies and hair removal should only be a thing if she wants it to be. I shave when I get an urge to feel smooth skin and otherwise I leave it alone. Femininity shouldn’t be equated to hair removal.


Have a girls day! Do a little spa stuff then have u both hang ur legs in the tub get some shaving cream and show her how to do it safely so she doesn’t cut herself.


Screw all these judgmental moms saying she’s too young. I have black hair and I was around that age when I started shaving. I was so self conscious. If you teach her how to properly shave and she feels comfortable in her own skin- you’re doing what needs to be done.
You’re doing good momma. Forget the negative women who have nothing to do but mom shame.


I didn’t start shaving till I was 12 but my little sister started shaving and her period at 9. Her hormones developed faster than most girls at that age. Stop trying to make this mama feel bad for letting HER daughter shave her legs. You don’t know how her daughter is developing. We used Venus our first time shaving.


I started shaving my legs at 9 because I looked like big foot, I’m a hairy female and all the hair on my body grows thick. Don’t let these people tell you when you should teach your daughter about shaving. Good luck!


She doesn’t need to start shaving her legs ever. Only help her with this when she asks you to herself. Don’t push your societal ideals onto a child, that I really doubt at 9 years old has asked you about this themselves.


Arm pits are the first indicated way to start shaving. Electric razor would be your best bet. Good luck!!!
As far as peoples feelings… Its not about you is it?
She just asked a question. Not your opinion on her post of shaving.
We dont know these people.
Quit being so judgmental


Leave her alone!!! Fs. Biggest mistake I made was put a razor to my legs at a young age.


If you aren’t comfortable with razors use a sugar wax scrub it’s wonderful my 10 year old daughter loves it…


What would she be shaving her legs for? Is she in competing dance or gymnastics that she needs to do this for?


In your post you state “I feel she needs to start shaving” maybe wait until she feels she needs to start shaving. Seems counter intuitive to shame her into shaving her legs at 9 years old…


My daughter is also 9, and I shave her legs for her. She’s still too uncoordinated for me to trust her doing it on her own, but it’s something that needs to be done - the poor kid’s legs are hairier than mine. (And before you all come at me, she asks me to do it for her, I don’t force her.)


What I take from this is that YOU! Feel she needs to shave?!

What about HER! She is 9 years old for god sake! Maybe she doesn’t wanna shave her legs just yet!


Speaking as a father: No 9 year old needs to start shaving her legs. If she brought it up: sure, have that conversation. Otherwise leave it alone.


I cannot even begin to explain how hurtful it would’ve been if my mom told me I needed to start shaving


Magic shave powder, you can get it at Walmart for less than $2. Mix it into a paste and put it in her legs. Let sit for 5 minutes. I have extremely sensitive skin and can’t use products like Nair but this works great. Also, as hair grows back it comes in lighter and thinner and requires “shaving” less often


I started my daughter at 11. I bought her an electric dry shaver to start with


What ever way you choose to help/teach her, please remember to include her in the decision making. ( ie- take her with you to pick out a razor or pick several different types of razors, try shaving creams etc…) I was not involved and the decisions were made for me without any input from me.


Wait until she is 12 and then start getting her lower legs waxed (hair stays thinner and grows back slower) if that is what SHE wants. Bodily autonomy is extremely important. It is not your choice if she removes her body hair, it is hers.

I hit puberty at 9, my mom handed me a razor and said “you’re hairy, go shave” that was that. I then proceeded to shave LITERALLY MY ENTIRE BODY for years, now I am hairier then a gorilla and extremely self conscious of my body hair. I also regret even starting to shave, wish my mother took the time to have a conversation with me about body hair then I could’ve made my own informed choice of what to do with it.


I like the Intuition razors, they have the “soap” built around the razor and I never cut myself. It is what I get for my daughter who is 10.


I had incredibly dark, thick hair when I was young and was made fun of constantly. I would go home crying everyday in the warmer months. My mom helped me use Nair on my legs until I turned 13, then she let me start shaving.


And everyone needs to respect that some girls mature differently than others. Maybe she has very long coarse leg hair, maybe she’s getting bullied for it. She didn’t ask for advice about the situation she asked for advice on the product. Lets all be a little nicer and a little less judgemental when you have no foresight into a situation that doesn’t pertain to your life anyway. Just be kind❤️


Maybe open dialogue about it if she asks? There are many non razor options too now and be sure to show her how to use whichever product she chooses- as Natalie Marie Medd suggested- it’s how my mom and aunts and sister in law all did it and there were zero issues.
What I think some people are appalled at is the chronological age of your daughter, and the ideas around not tampering with a positive self image by pointing out something such as hair on the body in a way that may make her feel shame for having it…but I didn’t read the post that way- some kids mature early and or have genetics that would cause them to have more hair early, larger breasts early, begin their menses early etc and their needs are different than those maturing later, so I feel the post is appropriate. My niece began menstruating at 10 and also had underarm and leg hair that she felt uncomfortable in tank tops or shorts with so we used a more natural Nair type hair removal product for a year before razors. Every child is different and I hope you find what works for your daughter if the time is right :blush:


I had to have my daughter start shaving at 10. We use the joy razor. She started her cycle and like a month later we decided to allow it. Her leg hairs are dark and was very very long. It took two blades the first time. If she’s ready and keeps asking then ok. I helped the first time. Made sure she knew to go slow so she didn’t cut herself.

Make an appt for a girl’s day and both of you get a waxing. Shaving is irritating to the skin where waxing (may be a bit painful) is better…besides, it’s a great way to exfoliate.

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For all of those shaming — at 9 I had already gotten my period and had B-cup boobs and full on body hair. My mom talked to me about shaving around that time because I was maturing a little faster than those around me and was often teased. Overall I didn’t feel like I grew up too fast or like it was wrong. I was thankful. Quit judging when you have no idea what the actual situation is


I’d say to start with an electric razor first as the safest way, but only if she has expressed interest in it herself. Kids develop at different times. If she had expressed interest better to safely introduce It to her rather than risking her doing it behind your back and possibly hurting herself. Otherwise I’d say don’t worry about doing it at all at this age.

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If she’s expressing the desire/need herself (vs. you telling her)? Do a spa day. Remember it’s all about treating your skin well. Exfoliate gently, something like intuition and don’t forget the moisturizer afterwards!

I started shaving my legs around age 11; but my hair was fine/blonde. My skin is still insanely sensitive so picking my products and taking my time (quick shaved = mega irritation) are key for me.

My daughter is almost 10 and I told her whenever she is ready we can go shopping together. She can pick the “smells & bells” she likes.


Wow people. Stop mom shaming!!! You have no clue how developed this girl is.
Momma, you do what you think is best. Don’t listen to all of these mom shaming know it alls.
You got this mama


Hi, I can only speak of my own experience of being at school. I wore tights everyday, even in the hottest days of summer. I didn’t take my school jumper off cos my hairy arms were the main joke throughout my class. This was all through primary school from the age 4-11. I absolutely detested PE class cos of the hairs on my legs so I can I only surmise what this girl is going through.

My mum allowed me to use hair removal cream and when I got into secondary school, I shaved my legs etc.

As it turns out, I got a diagnosis of PCOS at the age of 16. There are so many things that could be going on but I wish your daughter the best of luck in her journey.

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Wax her legs , don’t shave them . At 9 she is still a little girl , boys aren’t going to be looking at her legs for goodness sake . She should wait till she’s in her teens really … if Then


I started shaving at 9 but at that time we didn’t know I had PCOS now being 32 with three girls I let them come to me and I say if she comes to you then it’s time to start. My 13 year old still doesn’t want to shave anything no arm pits or legs she said if no one likes it they can look the other way because she doesn’t care

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Shaving is not a need. It should be her choice.


I always had a fear of razors so when the time came I used wax then I purchased pre waxed wax strips for my daughter when she wanted/needed to do this she is now 21 and neither of us use razors

I was 8 when Eve dropped her burden down on me :rofl: I started shaving at 13 my mama refused. I wanted to though so I did without her watching me and I tore up my legs! Make sure that’s what she wants! You are her mama no one else!!

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She will do this and any other hygienic duty when she wants leave her alone and let her be a young girl for as long as possible

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My 12 year old has no plans to shave her legs yet… know how I know??.. we talked about it and I gave her the choice. No rush. No push


I distinctly remember shaving when I was 11. I went through puberty early and also got my period. I told my mom I’m hairier than all my friends and I wanted to shave. I’m pretty sure I used your standard razor nothing special

She doesn’t need to first off… there’s plenty of women that choose not to shave. Teach her to love her body as is first… but if she wants to shave, any of the 4 blade+ … you don’t want to start off with some bottom shelf razor.


I waited til my daughter was ready. Then I got her the razors I started with and showed her how to and different methods if one wasn’t working for her. Sometimes she shaves, sometimes she doesn’t. It’s up to her. I know I wasn’t adamant about shaving until I started driving and going out on my own.

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Let her be a child for a few more years. I shaved mine the night before I started college, I was 12

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My oldest daughter started to shaved at 9 she has very dark hair was into sports and it bothered her she also wanted her brows done
My don had a full beard in 7th grade.
My youngest. Shaved her legs at 12

If she has dark hair and my be shy then yes you should bring it up to her

U know your daughter and sorry so many r judging u

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She is just a child. Why would you even think about that. Please leave her be. Please don’t rush your child’s growth. Let her enjoy being a child :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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My mom never shaved, she didn’t have much hair and what little she did have was very light. So I never thought about it, until a girl in my gym class told me I needed to shave (in a loving way) I was already in high school… She pointed it out to me & I went and bought some shavers that day.

I would ask her if she wants to start shaving first. I was 9 or 10 when I started shaving and have always had very dark noticeable hair. I was constantly embarrassed because other girls in class had smooth legs with no hair.

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You don’t ‘feel’ like she needs to shave her legs. You leave it with her, and she will ask you when she is ready (if she ever decides too) :woman_facepalming: I hate the implication shaving is required.

Raise empowered women, who decide on their own body image and make decisions that support how they want to be not how others perceive they should be.


My grandma used nair on me for the first year when I was 9 and then the next year she helped me with a razor when I felt comfortable enough to and she did it for me every time till I was comfortable to do it myself.

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Perplexed: my daughter shaving at 9, no thank god we are no hairy. However: I grew up with a lot of girls with dark think hair and their moms started waxing them at 10. I asked my mom back then 1970’s and she said that’s what moms that think ahead just do. By time they are adult she won’t be hairy.

While 9 may seem young, children mature at different ages. She may be especially hairy due to genetic factors. If she is self-conscious about it, it could create anxiety. Shaving may help her self esteem and give her more confidence. But I would opt for a electric razor, and supervision as she learns to use it.

My mum started waxing my legs at 14 but my sister was way younger at like 11, Every girl is different so no one should be saying anything other than razor recommendations, I can’t help with any of that thou coz iv all but given up on my legs :rofl:

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Just because some of y’all didn’t start growing hair til you were older doesn’t mean this little girl won’t have hair because YOU personally didn’t at 9. If she’s expressing the need or desire to shave, that’s her business. Kids are so cruel and bullying gets SO out of hand these days.
Personally, I’d suggest an electric razor or something with the shaving cream all around it like Venus intuition or other razors of that make. Definitely get your daughter involved in picking one or two out.

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I remember being at primary school and having really fuzzy legs, I felt uncomfortable so if she wants to do it she should able to, but yeah veet or a super cushioned razor would be best!

I remember going to high school and being the only person in my year who hadn’t starting shaving. I was really shy and SO embarrassed in the changing rooms when people were discussing shaving. So for all the people saying she’s too young and you should let the child decide - I wanted to shave years before I did but was too shy to ask. I wish the topic of shaving had been brought up at home by my parents so good for this mum for bringing it up! I would just say talk about it as a choice for the child - the child can always say no but it’s nice to have the option!

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I’ve got a 4 year old daughter and this Question did come as a learning curve for my wife and I as well, knowing my genes of having fast hair growth this might of been passed down to her as well…. I do feel that she should communicate with her daughter first and explain to her about hair growth and puberty (that’s if she hasn’t started puberty yet) communication is key regardless of her age and if she’s mature enough she might even have a final decision of allowing it or not…… But on the topic, Schick and Gillette have great female electric razor or battery powered razor will work it’s soft on the skin and does hurt on delicate female skin

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I let my girls start shaving when they started their period. It all depends on the situation though. Every girl is different.

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My mama bought me Nair in the beginning. Didn’t have to worry about accidental cuts. However, SHE needs to be ready. Not you. It’s not your body. Maybe she never wants to shave. That’s okay.

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My daughter is nearly 9, and I am more concerned about teaching her about consent. “My body, my choice”. Why teach children they need to conform to what men perceive as beauty. Hair is on our bodies for natural reasons.

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She asked for advice not hateful comments smh… I’ve found the Schick Fab razor to be great for younger people because you can shave both ways with less nicks

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She doesn’t need to. Body hair is natural. She is a kid. Wait until she asks you about it, it may not even be anything she is worried about then you’ll cause an insecurity that wasn’t there.

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Personally I didn’t start until I was about 12, if she feels happy to start now then that’s fair enough, maybe start her on a basic single use razor?

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My daughter is 8 and has very hairy legs and it bothers her…I just tell her she is too young to start shaving but she is very self conscious. She Is also already asking if she is fat!! I’m trying to teach self love and positive body image.

Y’all need to chill. I started at 12 shaving. Also I love the Harry’s men’s razors. They are a lot more comfortable on sensitive skin! And plus no pink tax and they last a long time! I wish I used them when I was younger but I love them now as an adult

I doubt she needs to be shaving yet… she’s a child. Shaving isn’t the best option anyway!! Nair and veet are much better options for teens and adults. Or painless waxing

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I asked my mum all the time when I was younger to be able to start shaving she thought I was to young and I got bullied for it if she wants to shave them teach her how or she will steal your razor do it herself and cut herself heaps in the process :joy:

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She should shave when she feels the need to shave not when YOU feel she needs to


Check out the shieck razors they have wires over the blades to help minimize cuts and the have them for sensitive skin. Some girls are born with dark hair and get teased at a early age go with what is right for you. You can also try Nair so she is not having to shave at all

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“I feel she needs to start shaving her legs”

Nah. Let her make that choice about her body. Is 9 too young? Depends, each child is different. But I do know the pain of being forced to shave because my mother had a problem with my leg hair. I didn’t know not shaving was an option until I was in my 20s. Don’t do that to your child. Now I am loud and proud with my leg hair because I will not shave to meet someone else’s expectations about my legs and body hair. I will not shave unless I want to ever again. Until she asks, I wouldn’t. Let her know it’s an option WHEN SHE IS READY. Do not force your opinions about leg hair onto a 9 year old. She’s a child. Let her be a child.

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I started at 8-9 because I was picked on about my leg hair …so does it really matter what age she starts ? That is between her and her mom she didn’t ask for parenting advice she asked for razor advice

I wouldn’t be thinking about that for a 9yo, unless its something she has specifically requested. If that is something she does wish to do I would maybe start with a gentle nair type of hair remover instead of a razor, depending on hair thickness and skin sensitivity.

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Uggggh!! All this judgement and narrow-mindedness is so ridiculous! Are some of y’all really that oblivious that adolescents develop at different ages, and have varying skin and hair types?? Get over yourselves and answer the OP’s question or just move on. I started at 10 with an electric shaver, without my mother’s guidance at all. It was painless, easy and caused no worries of nicks or cuts. Good luck Mama :heart:


Just a thought, what about if the child has requested that she feels insecure about the hair on her legs? I know the op sounds like it’s all her (mums) idea but it may not be :woman_shrugging:

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Woo woo do a good sensitive hair removal cream. Maybe that would be better then razors. If you she is going to do it at all.

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My granddaughter did pits at 10 because she had hair legs I wouldn’t do u til hair on legs bothers her usually about preteen. Unless she is one of the lucky ones with thick dark hair it might be younger like 12 again just my opinion you are her mother and u know wat works best in your situation good luck

I started with a electric razor, which helped me get comfortable with the awkward positions you have to get in without all the nicks and whatnot. I used just a regular razor for my armpits, nothing fancy. What is she comfortable with, and is this something that she asked for, or was it your idea? Asking to gauge how open she is to starting the process.

I find it interesting that so many people have an opinion on whether she should let her daughter shave her legs. She didn’t ask if we thought she was the right age, she asked what type of razor would be best.

If she’s ready any razor will work just be there with her to show her how. I had black hair on my legs in 4th grade and was so self conscious. My mom made me wait until 6th grade it it created so many insecurities for me.

When she is ready she will let you know. Sometimes parents rush let her decide.


Her being nine to me, far to young yet… unless she is being teased about them at school you could try using a cream solution maybe better than a razor , when she gets older Waxing I took my daughters to a beauty Salon

Don’t start shaving and you’ll never need to shave. My friend never did & she only has peach fuzz which you can hardly see.

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What she’s 9.
Ask a man, once you start, it gets worse and more.
Your 9 yr old does not have time to do this crap!
All things to attend too and it is this?
Hope you do not speak of what you think is a concern/ stress in front of your child(ren) pointing out what you think is a flaw.


She’s 9. Not even hit puberty yet, more than likely. Don’t do it. When your daughter feels ready then investigate, not when u as a mother feel ready. She’s a child, let her be one

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100% leave her be for now. Until she feels the need to do it, let her be a child! :slightly_smiling_face:


If she has hairy legs already, I say let her do what she’s comfortable with. If she wants to shave let her. If she’s not that hairy yet, I would encourage her to wait! The sooner she starts, the longer she has to do it.

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Wait till she asks you…I didn’t ask until I was like 12 or 13 when I hit puberty to start shaving.


I started out with the venus razor with 5 blades because it covered a larger area and was easier to learn the strokes with without worrying too much about pressure, the venus embrace i believe its called! Never cut myself once and never missed a spot, they were great for learning but i use dollar shave club now because its cheaper and same quality but the venus handle is definitely more beginner friendly, it has a nice shape for smaller hands to get better control.

When daughter was young, they had a razor called a flicker. Safety razor that worked well. Not sure they still make them though.

I would honestly wait until she’s ready and wants to do it?


I wasn’t allowed to shave until I was 15😅


I don’t think there is enough context behind this question. If we’re going off face value and you’ve decided to broach the subject because you’ve noticed her hair then I think you need to let this one be and wait until she’s ready to make that decision or choice to shave. But if she’s come to you and asked then fair enough. Go for a lady razor so it isn’t too harsh on her skin and to me all shaving foam is the same.

I don’t think my 12 year old granddaughter is yet and shes fine!

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Get them waxed it will slow down hair growth and eventually she won’t have to do it very much.

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Maybe get her an electric shaving tool? I absolutely love mine. It is easy to use and it will not cut or nick the skin as long as she is using it correctly. Read the directions! I have found it is better when i go kinda slow. It obviously does not have as close of a shave that is produced with a regular razor, but the difference is so miniscule that no one notices and i hardly do. Personally i think that a 9 year old doesn’t have to need such a close shave anyway. They are affordable on Amazon or at Walmart.

Wow, I’m just surprised that so many people feel that shaving body hair has to wait until a particular age & associate shaving with growing up too fast. Hair doesn’t wait for the child to turn a certain “appropriate” age to grow anymore than periods wait till we think it’s the perfect time. I can understand being afraid she’d cut herself, but y’all sexualizing shaving! Shaving doesn’t mean she can no longer play with toys or that she’ll be wanting to start dating. My 8yo has armpit hair and asked to shave not because she has a poor body image or she’s ready to start chasing boys. She wants to shave it because it’s looks unusual to her because it’s something new and she just simply doesn’t like it. We shave her armpits when she bathes then she goes on to play with her stuffed animals and Barbies like any other 8yo. It’s really not as huge a deal as y’all making it out to be. I’d rather teach her it’s okay and how to do it correctly than tell her she’d be acting too grown by doing it & having her associate it with grown up things like some people here are suggesting. BTW, Schick Intuition.


Why do you want your kid to shave her legs? What kind of superficial parent that doesn’t deserve to raise a kid would even think about/ want that. Your kid, their choice. If she wants to- cool, if she doesn’t- cool, don’t just make her start doing that. That’s how you make your kids insecure and shallow like yourself

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