How to help my daughter start shaving?

Maybe try hair removal cream mama it stinks but less chance of injury

She could wear tights
shaving would be a no no from me I swear your hair grows faster when you shave or is that a myth

Noā€¦9 is too young and you should be instilling that natural is beautiful and 100% acceptableā€¦the fact that YOU NOT HER are pressing the issue is appalling.

Start with an electric shaver!

This woman is asking about a good razor for her young daughter that is going to be shaving soon. That is all. All other advice is unsolicited and uncalled for! PEOPLE ARE THE WORST! :expressionless::woman_facepalming:t3:

SO. To answer the womanā€™s question. I would get a pretty one! :cherry_blossom: Maybe with some nice smelling shaving cream. Then give it to her and when sheā€™s ready to start using it, she will!

I got my 11 year old a razor and shaving cream set for Christmas this last year and she was mortified. I told her I was sorry, but to tuck it away in the closet and she can use it when sheā€™s ready. Of course it was followed up with an eye rollā€¦ but then one day a few months ago I noticed it in her shower. It was her choice but she knew she had my support. Thatā€™s all they really need :relaxed:


Nine is way to young to be shaving her legs are you kidding me!!!

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Why shave anyway, once you start you never stop. I have never shaved my legs . Maybe I am lucky that I have fair hair.

I donā€™t think you should worry about her shaving. Iā€™d wait till she asks you to teach her. Jeez. Sheā€™s too young and shouldnā€™t be worried about stuff like that.

Iā€™d wait til she wants to personally, but I use estrid, they send new blades every month or so

Iā€™m 28 and donā€™t shave my legs. Why should I? Let her get old enough to choose.


None at the age of nine, suggest waiting couple of yrs

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Start with Nair. Itā€™s hair removal without the sharpness of a razor

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She asked for recommendations on a razor not judgement :roll_eyes: I use a dude razor cause it gets closer and I donā€™t nick my self as much itā€™s like shicks(spelling?) hydro.

My daughter is 13 and only just shaves mher underarmsā€¦ Iā€™m sure the legs are coming soon though.

9 is to young your just gona make her have more hair in the long run and sheā€™s gona hate it as a teen

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Depends on how much hair she has and what color darker sooner all depends on childā€¦

Would you let her be a child, thereā€™s no reason a 9 yr old needs to shave :roll_eyes:

9 is too young!!! Let her be a little girl

I know ppl are entitled to the views but the lady asked about razors not what you all thinkā€¦

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Some girls start their puberty at 9. If the hair on her legs is quite noticable, show her how to do it. Its not a requirement. She can have hairy legs. I lucked out I never really had to worry that much about it thankfully. I can go without shaving and no one would really notice. Native American and Scottish genes. Not much hair on my legs and what I do have is light colored.

Stop! No need!!! What if she doesnā€™t want to shave and youā€™re making think she has to ! Let her figure it out SHE WILL LET YOU KNOW

The only reason for her to start shaving is if she is starting to grow hair under her armpits and they are starting to stink.

Wow! Sheā€™s 9 for Christ sake! Donā€™t do her like that what if sheā€™s lucky to not even have to shave? I feel so baddd for her you pushing that on her wow could you make her feel any more insecure? SHAME on YOU!

Sheā€™s 9ā€¦ she doesnā€™t need to shave her legs. Sheā€™ll let you know when sheā€™s ready.

Is she asking for a shaver or are you making the decision to shave her legs. Leave her alone. Sheā€™s 9.

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Nine is way too young I would wait until sheā€™s a teen unless itā€™s absolutely needed

Why start? I feel so very liberated since Iā€™ve stopped

Have her try nair first , or an electric razor

If she doesnā€™t want to shave and isnā€™t being teased or bullied about her legs or armpits then leave her be about it. Thereā€™s no need unless either a) she wants to, or b) she is being bullied by other people for it.

I got a razor shaped thing with some nair years ago, itā€™s just plastic, but great for teaching girls to realize how to put the right pressure and not take a chunk out of that tender spot on the side of the ankle.

My 10 year old asked so we decided to try Nair instead of a razorā€¦ it has worked for her so far!

We used vegetables with their plastic razor to scrape off. Got her used to the motion and how much pressure to use

Get her a nice electric shaverā€¦i buy the menā€™s that looks like a razor. She canā€™t cut herself and itā€™s rechargeableā€¦blades last 6months.

I started shaving around 10-11 when I hit puberty, I donā€™t think itā€™s a big deal personally but maybe talk to her and see how she feels about it and if the hairs bother her?

Has she asked you about shaving her legs?
Donā€™t make the decision for her. Have a discussion about what is happening to her body and see if she wants to but donā€™t make the decision for her.
She doesnā€™t have to shave her legs.

Does SHE feel like she needs/wants to start shaving?

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I began shaving my legs at 9 as wellā€¦I would recommend a single blade disposal.

I noticed how you said I feel she needs to start shaving. IMO I feel like you should just wait until she comes to you and ask you about it.

Athena razors are the best razors Iā€™ve ever used!

I have a nine year old grandson who is nowhere near that point. Now, Iā€™m getting scared :scream:

An electric razor is safer.

My mom simply started dry shaving to show me. Ya know, one leg in the tub while dressedā€¦was quick n easy. As for razor she gave me one like hers, just a regular blade. A few Knicks n bleeds later I had it down.

stop stop stop, u can probably barely see the hairā€¦why do mothers insist on making their children grow up before it is neccessary

9 years old is too young for a little girl to start shaving

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How about you leave her alone. Sheā€™s 9.

She doesnā€™t NEED to shave. Itā€™s no longer 1960

My kid will be 12 next week & she started last week only bc its required to do colorguard.

You donā€™t get to decide when your daughter wants to shave

Giv it another few yrs, if shes not reached puberty let her be a child. Once started its lifelong job. Shouldnt be advertising sex. Let her develop in her own time and make her own personal choices. Its her body not yours

I wouldnā€™t stop the inevitable maybe get a lady shave to begin with

Any shaver that can be used wet or dry and up and down. This will prevent any cuts or bumps.

Wax; donā€™t shave ; bad habit for life

Theres this stuff at Walmart called magic shaving powder. Mix it with a little water, put it on and wait 10 mins then wipe off. It works wonderfully and no worries about cuts

9 is too young to shave your legs

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What about hair removal cream instead? A little more nicer on her skin than a razor xx

I got my daughter the disposable Venus razors

My daughter is 12 and just started having this year

Venus disposable razors. They donā€™t seem to make my legs as much of a bloody mess as others. hahaha

9 is too young. Once you start there is no turning back.

9 ??? Geeez let her be a kid!!! SMH :woman_facepalming: This is such a stupid question!!! What razor?? Seriously???

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I think thatā€™s too young, I started shaving at 14.

It should be up to the child,bif she wants to shave, okay, but this post sounds like the mom wants the child to shave.

Goodness Mommies why are you in such a hurry to let your daughters grow up?

My advice would beā€¦ Mummy needs to see a psychiatrist to work out her own issues before passing them along to her child ffs!

Her life her rules its not dangerous so back off

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Use hair removal cream

Have you tried and of the hair removing creams!

She will let you know when sheā€™s ready, if not one day you will see she got her own razor no big deal ā€¦

Lol. I remember begging my mum to start shaving. I was in grade 7 so probably 10 or 11

She told me it grows back thicker and darker once I start. So if I want to do it the right way, I should use one of those epilator machines.

Holy hell. I still remember getting half way through one of my legs and couldnā€™t take it anymore. Lol. Needless to say, I wasnā€™t ready and stopped asking for a few more years.

(Just adding, I had to do it myself, my mother did not inflict any pain on me, all self inflicted and lesson learned)

Waxing/sugaring is better than razors.

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Why do that at 9 so she has more years of shaving? U need to back up.

I use Veet hair removal cream, only takes 10 minutes, wipe off all done, no nasty cuts.!!!

Electric shaver at that age is the safest bet.

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No matter what. Prepare for a few nicks. It just canā€™t be avoided. :cry:

For whom should she start shaving?

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You feel? Have you asked her how she feels? My 12 year old doesnā€™t want to shave. Her body he choice.

Try hair removal cream

Not at nine years old

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Not at 9. Sheā€™s to young

Go to a professional and get waxed or laser

Her body, HER decision as to when or if she shaves.

Start shaving @9?? Itā€™s not a parentā€™s job to shave their childrenā€¦ her body her business.

Sheā€™ll regret starting to shave so young. The more you shave the more it grows back

My daughterā€™s nearly 9, shaving hasnā€™t even crossed my mind yet :sweat_smile:

Did someone really write this? You are cancelled from the girls club.

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9? Whats wrong with being a little kid ?

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She wants to or you want her to? 2 different things. 9? Wow. No.

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IE: ā€œMy 9 yr oldā€™s leg hair is long or dark and it embarrasses me because Iā€™m a textbook narcissist.ā€


Is this a joke?? A 9 year old does not need to shave

8 years old! Are you for real?

Sheā€™s 9 ffs.!!! Let her be a child!!! XxX


While 9 might be too young, she might have a good reason yallā€¦ maybe just answer her question

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Why does a 9 year old need to shave?

Sheā€™s not asking for parenting advice sheā€™s asking for razor advicešŸ™„ re read the damn question


Let her be a kid. And then, if she wants, laser epilation.

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Use the womenā€™s electric razor at that age.

She wants advice on a razor, not what YALL think is best for HER DAUGHTER

9 is too young I thinkā€¦plus save her the few years of dealing with it ā€¦lol

Listenā€¦my child has full fledged hair everywhere and sheā€™s 9. We use the Schick razor with the soap around itā€¦ Intuition I thinkā€¦ also donā€™t let people be judgmental bitches Iā€™d rather help my daughter than her be made fun ofā€¦