How to help my daughter start shaving?

I had to start shaving very early …4th grade bc I started very early. I would recommend start with less blades then as she gets experience she can have more.

Depends on her skin sensitivity. If her hair is dark go ahead, if light, maybe use a cream or electric.

Nah…bring her to get waxed. It hurts but hyperpigmentation, strawberry legs, and ingrown hairs are worse. And do you feel she needs to shave or has she asked? If she didn’t ask you or hasn’t complained about the hair, don’t push her to do it :woozy_face:

First of all she is to young she’ll have to shave often if she does. Wait till she is a bit older like a teenager 13 at least. It’s a job in its self. She is to young right now.

Shes only 9 yrs old for Petes sake. She does NOT need to shave already

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She did not ask for judgment on when to shave… she asked for help with a razor. Y’all need to keep your rude comments to yourself. You don’t know the situation. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. I think to start a nice electric razor is good because she won’t cut herself. She can change when she is older and a little more steady with her hands. Good luck

I shaved my daughters legs for her. Age 9.

People saying this is ridiculous are insensitive. You don’t know their story. Quit assuming you know everything. It is rude.


If you do start, make sure it’s a man’s razor like the 5 blade Gillette or something. So much better than girly razors

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I started my daughters on an electric shaver when they felt uncomfortable about their hair growth. For those who say 9 is too young, both my daughters started menstruating at 9 years old.

I started on Bic razors from £ land, and my mother showed me how to use it, make sure she soaps well the parts to be shaved

I didn’t shave till I was 12 yrs old. That was only because my older sister said I should. I wish I hadn’t done it. I had blond hairs on my legs. Now I am 51 yrs old and still have to shave my legs every other day because the hair grew back brown and coarse. If anything she should shave her armpits if she needs too at that age!

My daughter is nearly 11 and approached me about her hairy legs and that people at school (year 6) would comment on them. Even her Nan (dad’s side) mentioned it and made her upset and conscious of them. So we now use Nair sensitive as they were making her feel uncomfortable. I would have never approached her about them but just waited til she asked like she did. I tried to talk her out of it aswell as I thought she was to young but id rather her feel more confident than stop her because I don’t think it’s the right time.

For everyone stating 9 is “too young” I was about that age when I started shaving. My legs were not just peach fuzz… they were H.A.I.R.Y! & some 9 year olds hit puberty faster & some 9 year olds start their periods… I have a 9 year old and her leg hair has become thick and DARK. She has asked me to teach her to shave. I am holding off until she’s in 10 in October… & will help her next summer.
As for y’all saying kids don’t care… yeah, not true. My niece (now 16) had extremely hairy legs and had to start shaving young as well or she would wear pants because girls WOULD comment on them.

A good razor for her would be schick! I used skintimate or venus at that age.
If you don’t want her to use a razor… there is nair.

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I waited until my daughter started having her period and she asked me if I could show her how. I picked a basic 3 blade razor to start her off and shaving cream. To me 9 yrs old is to young to be shaving.

I started mine with an electric shaver for her to get used to what kind of pressure she needs to use before I have her a real razor.

My 8 yr old barely brushes her hair or teeth unless we tell her to, imagine trying to get her to shave her legs :woman_facepalming:t2: I personally would only say for her to start if it was making her self conscious about it. I personally had darker hairs and started at around 11- when I hit puberty. My oldest daughter didn’t start till she was around 14, but she had pale hair.

Right!! Don’t let them grow up before their time.


I let my daughter help me shave my legs and explained how to do it. I bought her a battery operated razor that’s easy for her to handle

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I buy the blue ones at Walmart the plastic safety rasiors.

( Do not buy the Pink ones they are twice the price as the Blue ones, and exactly the same thing!!!

I always shave in shower get shin wet the put alittle soap on the leg .

Shave SLOWLY especially around knees .

( I just read an article on this a month ago about how personal items like rasiors are priced much higher than for men for the SAME items and quality and how that is discriminating to women . )

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Also she never asked when you were allowed to shave she literally just asked which razor would be best🙄

9 is too young. I mean if she has hairy legs, but don’t push it. Let her be a kid for awhile longer. My niece is 9 and she only cares about art and her friends, she doesn’t care about her leg hairs. I didnt start shaving until I was like 14 and I barely do it now.

I would ask her how she feels about it. Has she even said anything about it herself? If not then it probably isn’t bothering her, therefore it shouldn’t bother you. It’s her body, she should be able to decide when she is ready. 9 sounds early for the hair on the armpits and legs to darken/thicken enough to be seen and a bother. Unless she has started puberty, which can happen around then. Not often but it happens. If not though I wouldn’t force it. I don’t have any recommendations as far as razors go, but if you insist and she agrees then maybe have a girls day. Make it fun. I have 2 boys but that’s what I would do if I had a daughter ready to shave.

I have 2 daughters, both now in their 20’s, and the rule in our house was that they were allowed to start shaving their legs/underarms when they started high school, which in Australia starts in Yr 7 when they r 12-13 years old ie around the same time puberty happens and they actually HAVE hair to shave!! 9 is too young to start shaving, I feel, as she would only be shaving “bum fluff” ie the fine downy hairs that every one has and do not need to be shaved. Also, I don’t think that, at 9, a child would be co-ordinated and responsible enough to be wielding a sharp razor near their skin without bloodshed!! :roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking: Once a girl starts her period and she is used to the sight of blood, then it’s probably okay to let her start shaving IMO. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would use a Venus. The cheap 2 blade shavers always cut me

No, too young to shave, but if she must, do not let her shave her upper thighs!

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My daughter started in 3rd grade. She refused to wear shorts and then I found out girls were making fun of her…so I agreed to let her. She started with nair and then went to razors.

Gosh, alot of u going nuts about her age… If she’s asked to shave she’s probably already tried it or will try it anyway regardless of a yes or no answer, its what she wants to do.

Please don’t… she’s to young yet and if there’s a “real” hair issue at that age please speak to a doctor… A hormone problem can cause this…

9!! Wtf is wrong with you. 9 year olds shouldn’t shave


My daughter is 9, i wouldn’t let her shave yet not a chance. She’s only just learning to wash her own hair.

My mom naired my legs the first time I think I was ten or eleven but only under the knee

Schick intuition or an electric wet/dry shaver… They aren’t very expensive.

Don’t shave!!! If u shave once u will have to shave for the rest of your life!! My momma told me that and I have smooth legs…

Omg! Stop the madness!!! My 11 yr old doesnt shave and I’m so happy she is confident in who she is.
Unless they got a man to impress, medical reasons, or comfort. DONT MAKE THEM SHAVE

I personally wouldn’t let her start shaving but instead use hair removal cream, I did this with my daughter .

It’s to early I started when I got married only because my sister in law asked me why I’m not doing it

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“ShE’s ToO yOuNG” shut the hell up. That ain’t your kid. My mom started me (at 10 years old) with a Gillette men’s razor. She had me practice the amount of pressure to put with a led pencil. She then shaved her legs with me so I wouldn’t be nervous.

My mom got me an electric razor to start out with and then as I got older I asked for regular razors to use in the shower.

Schick Quattro, 4 blades and they have the safety strips across the blades so it won’t take chunks of her skin off

I was 11 when I started, I wouldn’t rush into I hate shaving as it is and I’m 34.

I mean…if the hair is growing and you all want it shaved…start with maybe electric. Work up to the smoothest razor you can find, Venus etc. Wtf are they putting in those chicken nuggets ?? Kids are growing way too quick.

9 yrs old is much too young to shaving her legs when puberty had not started yet.

The old saying about putting the cart before the horse…wait till puberty starts at 12/13 yrs old then start the shaving lessons. Smh.

I personally think she’s still to young but she’s your little girl, has she asked about it? If she hasn’t personally I wouldn’t make her start I wish I never started so little, if she has then it’s her Body so let her. :heart:

Perhaps her daughter has started puberty early… not everyone develops at the same age. She asked advice not for judgement by people who know nothing of her child.

I had never shave my legs whole life cuz I don’t have any body hairs but I think 9 is very young. And why so young, what is her reason to start shaving for? I’m just curious

I don’t like the “i feel part” it sounds more like the mother wants the daughter to shave. Rather than the daughter wanting it.

I’d leave it till the daughter notices it and asks about what to do about it or the mother will just give her a complex.

If she’s asking, then definitely I would go with a 3 or 4 blade razor, or something like Venus. I think I started around 10 or 11.

the Intuition razor is great one…especially if you have boney knees… also use a nice shaving cream with moisturizer… you are a good mother and you asked for advice on razors not unwanted parenting tips. you and your daughter communicate, that’s is what is important… good luck and help your daughter remember this milestone in her life as pain free as possible.

My parents gave me an electric razor to start less chance of cuts then when she’s older I’d teach her the regular razor

My daughter is 14 and refuses to shave her legs she won’t wear shorts or skirts🙄

My mom never pressured me to start shaving - I decided to when I saw other kids doing it (around 13 years old). I don’t see any point to rush it if your daughter isn’t asking to start…

Wait til she mentions it, shaving is a constant chore.
For a young girl id say hair removal cream over razors.

My advice is give the kid time to grow up first and worry about shaving her legs later on

Woman shouldn’t have to shave anything if they don’t want to! Let her decide for herself in a few years.

9 is really young… I don’t think I started shaving until I was 12-13 years old.

I personally recommend not using disposable razors! I’m not too sure where anon is but a good quality razor with a good shaving gel or cream and a moisturiser will be a great start. You don’t have to get a top of the range razor for your daughter but nothing like a disposable one either as they tend to cause a lot of irritation

My daughter took my razor and shaved her entire body at 7. For the record, I was not home. :joy::joy:. Schick xtreme razors.

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Try some Nair hair removal cream that might be a little gentler on her sensitive skin.

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Silky mits are good that’s what my daughter started with x

I say go with Veet instead…takes 10 minutes and you can explain how to safely shave because it comes with a “scraper” that’s similar size and shape and no razor burn

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My sasquatch of a kid has her fathers legs lol. I started at 9 or 10. I was shaving her legs first then as she watched she learned. Gillette’s venus or bic soleil glide are the best no worries about cutting her legs.

Shave ,mad get them waxed best thing my 5 girls said I have done for them

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She is to young, but if you think it’s really necessary get electric one

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I am a man so i can say only for shaving beard.more you shave faster and thicker grow back.if its not to big problem that all school make fun of her and she feel bad dont do it

Electric shaver. They have them at Wal-Mart for under $10.00. It’s mostly a personal preference but she’s less likely to cut herself.

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I would 10000000% start with the flawless razor. I really wish I started on it. I’ll shave with a razor about twice a month and the rest is touch ups with the flawless razor. You can get them at walgreens

I had to be 13 when I started. I feel it depends on the maturity of the child. I allowed my daughter at 10 only because in the same of age 10 she grew breast and started her menstrual cycle.

I always used to safety razor for my daughter that way she cut her self.

Electric but that’s early in my opinion. I was like 12 but I had blonde hair. So I could only shave the bottom of my legs

Wait until your daughter asks you what kind of shaver she needs.

I started shaving that young as I don’t like
Body hair, never have …! I used a Wilkinson Sword safety blade… xx

I am never going to encourage my daughter to shave, she’s 12 going on to 13. I will help her when she’s ready but I will not use razors. Waxing will be an option. Shaving will just makes the hair thicker.

My daughter is 11…she shaves her legs and underarms…( has her period since 9 years of age) but due to hormones etc her hair growth is rapid…so she needs to shave.

If your daughter still hasn’t had her period at 9 I wouldn’t make her shave anything…the right time will come when she decides when she is ready…it’s unnecessary pressure and at 9 they are so confused

Maybe we should educate kids on WHY they are doing something performative (aka making women feel bad for capitalist gain). They will probably still do it, but at least they will know Adam Ruins Everything - How Women Were Tricked Into Shaving Their Legs | truTV - YouTube

I was 10 with hairy legs and wanted them shaved they made fun of me cus my hair stuck thru my tights… Venus is what I’d use!!

I waited until I was asked “mom can I shave my legs” they were 11 before they were ready.

Taylor she needs to shave her legs you should to it reflects on me your parent

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“I” feel she needs to shave


“She” feels she needs to shave!

She’s 9!! Seriously?

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No she’s only 9 maybe later 13 or so…why are you rushing it so much? I was thinking is this a joke

These comments are harsh as shit jesus christ. Do you all forget you know whats best for your kid? You can educate without being assholes about it. Some of you were really nice about it but some of you are just plain rude. She came for advice if you dont agree with it keep it to yourself. Remember “if you have nothing nice to say dont say it at all” :shushing_face:

Let her decide when she wants to start shaving is a good place to start. She’s only 9. Why does it matter to YOU when SHE starts shaving her legs?

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Why not wait until she’s ready? It’s her body, not yours.


I didn’t start shaving until I was like 13? Honestly wait as long as you can. Why does she HAVE to shave at 9?

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If you must at that age … go elect n let her do that a few years … no sense in he butchering (nick) up her legs before school or an event because she thinks she needs to shave :woman_facepalming::relaxed:I remember those little white pieces of tissue all over the place on my legs n praying when I pulled them off it wouldn’t bleed so I could finish getting dressed :woman_facepalming::joy: I would be so embarrassed if a friend told me I forgot one :woman_facepalming:

People are so rude. I got teased young for hairy legs and it was the effin worst

I remember asking my mom about shaving at about 11 1/2. We lived in Vegas at the time and I was always in shorts. Other kids were starting to tease me about my hairy legs. I started with a plain woman’s Bic razor and hair conditioner makes the best shaving cream. I don’t think there’s a magic age . just when you both are ready.

You feel she needs to start shaving at 9 woman you ain’t right leave your daughter alone!

Get the electric razor for now I wish I had one when I was younger

Ew what. You think? Does SHE think? Don’t perpetuate misogynistic ideologies onto your 9 year old, christ


9 iso a bit young. Let her want to do it first rather then be forced into it
… Also would take her for sugaring or a epilator.

Venus …show her to lather up with soap or shaving cream and start shaving …goodluck

Thing is it grows back thicker so the longer you can leave it the better she’s only 9

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No one truly needs to shave their legs! Unless she specifically says “I want to learn how to shave my legs”, don’t even worry about it! It’s healthier to leave hair on ur body anyway!

Mom got me a Flicker and told me “use it”.

So, just get her a safe razor that does not easily cut the skin, and tell her “use it” and tell her what areas to use it on. Tell her to use the soap lather to make it easier.

My 10 year old just started and i have her using intuition. The one with the soap around the razor.

At first, I had my granddaughter used Nair. When time was up, she used a razor with no blade to learn how to navigate. This may help

If you guys can wait wait if not honestly get a good mans razor for a nice clean shave. Dont believe the hype of pink stuff sometimes the blades are weak.

Weird mom wanting a 9 year old child to start shaving!

Oh my god no, let her decide when she wants to shave. Don’t perpetuate patriarchal beauty standards, especially in a NINE year old